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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Depending which traditional deck of cards you have, but I've yet to see a deck where the queen of clubs holds a red flower.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
The red rose of Lancaster is also the symbol of the Tudor dynasty.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel
Was the white rose the Planchets?

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: angelchemuel
Was the white rose the Planchets?

House of York.
edit on 1AMJulCDTAMCDT by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
Plantagenets, House of York as IAMTAT said.
The Plantagenets were the 'longest serving' royal 'House' in the UK if memory serves some 300 years.
It ended when Henry VII (Lancaster, first Tudor and father to infamous Henry VIII) beat Richard of York at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 thus bringing to an end the House of York/Plantagenets and the start of the Tudor dynasty, and what a dynasty it was!
PS Richard of York allegedly killed the Princes in the Tower. His own brothers heir and spare.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Depending which traditional deck of cards you have, but I've yet to see a deck where the queen of clubs holds a red flower.

Good observation, though playing cards is definitely not my domain.

Red Rose of Lancaster

Who are the people (leaders) that are descendants of Edward I of England?


posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 11:45 AM
#1008 clip
Trust the plan.

Susan Desmond-Hellman M.D. was nominated to the Pfizer board on April 2, 2020 and is still on the board.

On December 17, 2013 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced she was to be the next CEO of the Foundation. She left that role preplandemic January 2020. However she remains as a senior advisor and board member of the Gates Medical Research Institute.

There is also a Facebook connection. She was on that board and left October 30, 2019. Preplandemic. Coincidence?

#4245 clip

What could go wrong?
Biden appointed her to the President's Council on Science and Technology September 22, 2021. So Biden has an advisor who is Pfizer/ Gates/ Facebook/Global Health 2030 Innovative Task Force connected. Conflict of interest? Biden now has to "trust" the science.

Just wild speculation but she appears to be a well placed and watered plant.
What if others 'placed' connect to....[future]. 4 dots and she has 4 strong plant connections! Possibly a future proves past?

This is probably why suddenly Pfizer darling Paxlovid is the treatment of choice. Makes one wonder what advice Pfizer has for Biden for the fall.

President Biden Announces Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Susan Desmond-Hellman Elected to Pfizer Board

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 12:06 PM
Saw a clip of Gutfield on his teeeveee program outing the fake Joe from the clips the other day. Called it here two years ago, now it has gone mainstream even (IIRC first post I made her was HRC Clone). Then again, that example was egregious by any standard.

Also noted way back when Baby Talk Birx was removed, and Fauxci.

This Baby Talk Birx fails to do the baby talk right among other obvious changes. CLIP

This is the Mea Culpa folks, there isn't going to be much more than this. As I said last spring, this would be revealed early summer, and there will be more hits here and there, but this is all there is going to be. There is no requirement that Joe mumble through a larger scale admission, not that anyone would believe him anyway.

Through the course of something that occurred the other day I observed something quite stunning to me.

The planet at this moment is reflecting countless bureaucratic systems all overlapping. Every culture, every religion, every agenda, every government, every alien intervention that has ever existed has its bureaucratic system running at the same time as all of the others. Most are contradictory, most are carried out by folks who have zero idea what they are doing or why --- and mostly don't care.

This a remarkable thing to see, as it all pours out onto the Earth plane in one glorious smorgasbord of hellish rules, do's, don't's, can't's, won't's and so on. Quite literally everything you do, is in conflict with another system. X says doing 123 is a-okay, and Y says it is straight to jail for you. One says "do this and get that," while one further up the food chain says, "Oh no, you cannot do that that way, you have to do it the other way."

Amazing. The collapse is fascinating.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 12:17 PM
Why did Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna delete his twitt account on February 8, 2022?
Some on Reddit were speculating that this action was due to potential upcoming litigation involving claims and the huge issues around the Insurance industry due to Covid deaths and long term disability.

Flying under the radar...Arbutus Biopharma has sued Moderna for patent infringement over the mRNA delivery system of the Covid-19 jab and so far the courts are on the side of Arbutus.

Very curious> Why did Moderna start to challenge this preemptively in 2018? Preplandemic coincidence?

Timely reminder that these Covid jabs are the only commercially viable product sold by Moderna.
Meanwhile Stephane Bancel immediately started to sell stock when the jab received EUA and has continued to sell so he knew that eventually some serious issues were on the horizon. Appears to trying to get out of Dodge with as much loot as he can.
Speaking of loot...

Golden Parachute:
2019 he had a golden parachute of $9.4 million.
2022? $926 million.

Moderna Board Approves Golden Parachutte For Stephan Bancel
Reddit link
Moderna Loses Bid to Invalidate Vaccine Delivery Patents

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 12:58 PM
A damned fine synopsis here if I ever read a good one before!

originally posted by: Roxstar

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Roxstar
Q also said Future proves Past.
To me that means what Q is talking about hasn't happened yet, but will in the future.

Yeah, that is the type of rationalization people have been using in regards to Q for years.

To me, phrases like that were a way for Q to get people to buy their shtick.

To me it means some things haven't happened yet.
Q also mentioned that in order for the plan to work without starting a massive world war, a good majority of the public needs to be awakened and exposed to the corruption and evil that is going on in the world, not just America. All of our countries are infected.
Since Biden has been president, a lot of people have awoken and are starting to see what's going on in their respective countries. Also, these phsyco idiots leading our countries expose themselves more and more each day with their insane, hypocritical banter and policies. They prove to us everyday, they are literally trying to destroy us, and they don't hide it anymore. They're going full steam ahead with their agenda. Same one Hillary would've had if she won. At some point, we will reach the boiling point.
Then the plan "if there is one" can be implemented with full support of the people.
It had to be done this way, eventhough it's painful for us to watch.


posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 01:12 PM
Way back a few threads ago we had this discussion on compiled successes. It seems to me Rel has compiled Q proofs as a starting place. Someone who can, could review those and make a summary of things in a time frame like a year, or if too many proofs by months.

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Have you read them all together as a body of work?

Interesting point. It would be useful to have the "work" compiled and commented upon by someone noting when events match Q comments (and when they appear not to do so). A lot of research would be necessary, not a task for the light-hearted.

Another thing is, to paraphrase a politician, is "we don't know what we don't know". The Q drops could be a mixture; some meant for specific recipients, some meant as public advisories, and others as larp'ery for purposes of entertainment or disinformation. Q drops could have easily been an operations codes-like system for delivering guidance to intel operatives, much like the numbers stations were.


edit on 29-7-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT
Thank you! See if I have all of this correct or not. Edward IV was a York that married Elizabeth Woodville who was a Tudor.
Margret Beaufort was also a Tudor and the mother of Henry VII who married The first Queen Elizabeth's daughter also name Elizabeth to unite the families......yay or nay?

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 01:42 PM

"Digital information lasts forever - or five years, whichever comes first." ― Jeff Rothenberg (RAND Corp., 1997)

In 2015, aliens called "Mimics" arrive in Germany via an asteroid and swiftly conquer most of continental Europe. By 2020, the United Defense Force (UDF), a global military alliance established to combat the alien threat.”

Edge of Tomorrow

Everything just feels a bit like Groundhog Day to me. We keep going in circles because we don't defeat the invaders. The time travel aspect in this story is very intriguing. The real life Groundhog day factor is how long it takes people to push back.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
A damned fine synopsis here if I ever read a good one before!

originally posted by: Roxstar

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Roxstar
Q also said Future proves Past.
To me that means what Q is talking about hasn't happened yet, but will in the future.

Yeah, that is the type of rationalization people have been using in regards to Q for years.

To me, phrases like that were a way for Q to get people to buy their shtick.

To me it means some things haven't happened yet.
Q also mentioned that in order for the plan to work without starting a massive world war, a good majority of the public needs to be awakened and exposed to the corruption and evil that is going on in the world, not just America. All of our countries are infected.
Since Biden has been president, a lot of people have awoken and are starting to see what's going on in their respective countries. Also, these phsyco idiots leading our countries expose themselves more and more each day with their insane, hypocritical banter and policies. They prove to us everyday, they are literally trying to destroy us, and they don't hide it anymore. They're going full steam ahead with their agenda. Same one Hillary would've had if she won. At some point, we will reach the boiling point.
Then the plan "if there is one" can be implemented with full support of the people.
It had to be done this way, eventhough it's painful for us to watch.


Thanks Brother!
I think some people forget this. They get to busy and consumed with decoding, arguing who's right and wrong, whether Q is real or not, etc. It doesn't really matter if Q is real or not. The message and information contained in the posts have helped the digital soldiers wake up their fellow citizens worldwide. That is imo the whole point of the Q op.
Some citizens are taking matters into their own hands and chasing their leaders right out of the country. See Sri Lanka for an example of that. Not too mention all the convoys and protests happening everywhere rejecting the WEF and their ilk.
The awakening that has occurred is happening faster and faster each day. It started out slow back in 2017, then in 2018/2019 the msm started attacking us trying to discredit, maime, censor, and have thrown just about every weapon they have at us, and continue to do so. We've survived that onslaught so far, and it made us stronger and more determined.
Then they launched C19, and went full retard. Unbelievably, we made it through that too. And in the process more and more people awakened up to the insanity. They've started asking more questions, doing more research and are starting to realize they have been conned and lied to. Especially about the forced vaccinations. Many that did take the 1 or 2 first jabs, are not going to get the 3rd and 4th. And many have regrets.
Our movement grows stronger and stronger by the day. It'll be interesting to see how the next two years unfolds.


posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 04:06 PM
NYTimes (June 27, 2020) reference to Beam Therapeutics in article: "A ‘Cure for Heart Disease’? A Single Shot Succeeds in Monkeys; A novel gene-editing experiment seems to have permanently reduced LDL and triglyceride levels in monkeys."

Dr. Kathiresan said that to his knowledge, his study is the first to use the pencil-and-eraser type gene editing in primates for a very common disease. Verve licensed the technology, called base editing, from Beam Therapeutics.

Discovered via a tweet from "Sek Karthiresan MD" and he has a wiki page.

Why do they all seem to come out of Keystone state & Massachusetts.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

The planet at this moment is reflecting countless bureaucratic systems all overlapping. Every culture, every religion, every agenda, every government, every alien intervention that has ever existed has its bureaucratic system running at the same time as all of the others. Most are contradictory, most are carried out by folks who have zero idea what they are doing or why --- and mostly don't care.

This a remarkable thing to see, as it all pours out onto the Earth plane in one glorious smorgasbord of hellish rules, do's, don't's, can't's, won't's and so on. Quite literally everything you do, is in conflict with another system. X says doing 123 is a-okay, and Y says it is straight to jail for you. One says "do this and get that," while one further up the food chain says, "Oh no, you cannot do that that way, you have to do it the other way."

Amazing. The collapse is fascinating.

Inspires the following:

Life is a projection test. The ultimate test. No objective rules. Mankind has to make of it what we can.

To elaborate, modern scientism tends to undermine everything that has no objective basis, but there is no objective basis for behavior beyond “by their fruits they shall be known.”

Religion, morals, laws, values, honor, tradition, culture; all these things are without objective basis, but that doesn’t mean they have no value.

Peace exists in isolated populations of like-minded people agreeing on these things.

But cultures coming in contact with each other introduces people to others different from themselves. This usually leads to conflict.

Psychology, anthropology, and comparative religion have decided this cultural relativity, these significant differences where one set of beliefs can not be objectively proven better than another, must be considered equally valid.

According to them, God is dead, everything is permitted. Sexuality, gender, morality, all behavior is just a personal choice without scientific standard, reduced to something no more significant than a primitive taboo or superstition.

But we still have to choose something. Which brings us back to life as a projection test where different people will choose different things.

How can there be consensus?
How can differences co-exist?
How can we define good and evil where science cannot?

A common religion might help. Religion is about faith, choice of “best” without objective verification.

One could even say the one-world government idea is theoretically a workable solution. One religion with universal values. One government. Maybe eventually one inclusive culture. Minimize differences.

But the people currently pushing this appear to be evil. The risk is of a new conformity based on power and control. We would become like insects, bees, ants, with rigid duties and no freedom. Hive minded. The Queen rules unchallenged.

Instead, we must somehow all become focused on simply being good, by choice, by predilection, by faith. Founded just on belief because God does not speak to us clearly. Yet we are punished by consequences for poor choices.

Mankind has to spiritually grow up. We are no longer children led about by our father. It’s time to accept responsibility, take what we have learned and go out on our own to make our way.

In a sense, Aleister Crowley, of all people, seemed to have summed up this conundrum with his own twisted spin. (Don’t judge me, I am NOT a fan)

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”
In other words, we are on our own. We have to make our own choices.

But most importantly, he added, “Love is the law. Love under will.”

We must consciously choose love by an uncoerced act of will. It is the only valid guiding principle.

(I realize this opinion is not without flaws, but I believe there is food for thought here).

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: IAMTAT
Thank you! See if I have all of this correct or not. Edward IV was a York that married Elizabeth Woodville who was a Tudor.
Margret Beaufort was also a Tudor and the mother of Henry VII who married The first Queen Elizabeth's daughter also name Elizabeth to unite the families......yay or nay?

I think you've got it right.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Have you read them all together as a body of work?

Interesting point. It would be useful to have the "work" compiled and commented upon by someone noting when events match Q comments (and when they appear not to do so). A lot of research would be necessary, not a task for the light-hearted.

Another thing is, to paraphrase a politician, is "we don't know what we don't know". The Q drops could be a mixture; some meant for specific recipients, some meant as public advisories, and others as larp'ery for purposes of entertainment or disinformation. Q drops could have easily been an operations codes-like system for delivering guidance to intel operatives, much like the numbers stations were.


originally posted by: Justoneman
Way back a few threads ago we had this discussion on compiled successes. It seems to me Rel has compiled Q proofs as a starting place. Someone who can, could review those and make a summary of things in a time frame like a year, or if too many proofs by months.

Interesting thoughts guys. What I meant though is that just taking 17ster's posts at face value, taking the words written at face value, and dismissing any code talking that may be going on within the posts, there is still a lot of information being communicated.

Add to that all of the information linked in the posts, and there is an even larger body of information presented to any interested reader, no decoding required. It painted a pretty clear picture to me, and I would guess that it would paint a similar picture to anyone else who did the reading.

Thinking about what to write for this post got me to wondering about date correlations though. Has anyone tried correlating the dates on which Q posted with the publishing of expository evidence? Perhaps the posts made on each particular date even had keywords as to what to search for. I don't know, just a thought.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius

In a sense, Aleister Crowley, of all people, seemed to have summed up this conundrum with his own twisted spin. (Don’t judge me, I am NOT a fan)

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”
In other words, we are on our own. We have to make our own choices.

From: (Warning this link is to a PDF)
The linked paper is from: International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 13: 359^371, 2000
Copyright # 2000 Taylor & Francis

In Confessions, Crowley recounts his continuing efforts to serve the British cause in the United States. He offered to "find out exactly what the Germans were doing in America," and through the confidence he enjoyed of a "man high in the German Secret Service,’’ to go to Germany itself. These offers, he argues, fell largely on deaf ears. As a result, he was
forced to play "a lone hand’’ and infiltrated the German network in New York on his own initiative. His introduction to Viereck he attributes to a chance encounter with a stranger on a bus. While not in the least Irish, and thoroughly English in manner and appearance, Crowley could claim a plausibly Irish surname plus some past association with poet William Butler Yeats (via the occult Golden Dawn group). According to the Beast’s later explanation, this was enough to convince the gullible Viereck that he was the leader of a secret committee for the liberation of Ireland.

We should ask ourselves who started the Great War and really why? We might wish to refocus our attention back on Switzerland for who benefited from all the wars that have taken place since the 1815 the Congress of Vienna.

I know that you only posted Crowley's name as an example, but it's also a nice reminder how long people have been plotting against the world.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 09:30 PM

edit on 29-7-2022 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

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