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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Is such travel even part of her job? I know congress members go on 'junkets', but her travel overseas always has foreign policy implications. I don't recall that position having such travel in years past.


(post by SMOKINGGUN2012 removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I agree is extremely odd her making all these trips......They know 100% for sure how much power they are losing around the world......PANIC IN DC.........

Ponder this.....will the great reset/switch to QFS expose all the illegal money laundering/child trafficking?????

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Is such travel even part of her job? I know congress members go on 'junkets', but her travel overseas always has foreign policy implications. I don't recall that position having such travel in years past.


Yeah, that was my first thoughts as well Cav. ? Newt Gingrich took a similar trip in the 90’s so it’s happened in the past, but they didn’t have zoom calls back then, that we know of ?

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel
Xi doesn't want to talk to her rotten ole azz! I'm not sure she's in touch with reality on how un-important she is to leaders
of other countries especially China and Russia.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 11:50 AM

From the 100k foot POV.

I've mentioned here many times how we live in a polarity reality. Up gives us Down, Left give us Right. They do not exist without each other, but are wholly dependent on each other giving contrast for the other to exist. Without Republicans (as the enemy) the Democrats (a saviors) do not exist. Not all realities are Polarity Based, in fact, very few are.

Right now there is more effort to divide by creating arbitrary polarities than ever before. Divided by skin color, vax status, political affiliation, reparations supporter, brands chosen, job held etc. The WEF version of the world is a hellscape of division using polarity points leading to imprisonment through endless division.

Let me say this again, for clarity. The Imprisonment does not come from eating bugs and loving it, is comes from DIVISION, divided from Unity. How it looks is not the point, it is division that is the core imprisoning mechanism.

At the moment we have economic problems of every single kind, all over the world as well as all sorts of what I would call antiUnity reflections.


We live live in a polarity reality!!!

This means for the WEF hellscape the opposite must be right here, in equal measure. Up and Down exist at the neutral point in equal measure. When one stands in a room, the Up and Down are the same, neither is dominant or in control. If one moves Down, Up is still there as it was before, serving as contrast and reference point. So even in the WEF hellscape there is Unity, it is right there, by design it has to be, in equal measure, otherwise the hellscape cannot be defined.

What is the WEF eat bugs, own nothing and love it, without the opposite of freedom to choose, liberation, unity etc... to define it? Go ahead, define WEF alone. I'll wait.

If the world is collapsing economically, then there must be a reality polarity point hat reflects the opposite, to create contrast. That has to be so, it is how everything works here, it is never not the case. The difference, the WEF goons spend trillions of our energy units trying to convince there is only one reality, theirs. The Unity reality, by definition, just is, and does not need to be defined, as such it does not advertise but in fact guides through it's presence.

Go ahead, define the Unity reality without the WEF eat bugs reality for contrast. I'll wait.

The choice is each his own to see and feel either. The neutral point shows each in equal measure. If one cannot see or feel both it may be because they are fear+4xjabbed+monkeypox+troll+shill+abortion is great,,, addicted and those folks, IMO, cannot see the contrast at this point. They've gone to far into one polarity to actually see the reference point, it would take too much work to get to the neutral spot at this point. Yes, it is possible to spew hate, live in fear, etc. for so long that only one polarity point can be seen no matter what is presented and no amount of "what about..." will ever get them out of the division prison. None.

So, as things move forward, those who have been doing the work, will see the two emerge and will benefit by shifting focus just slightly to that Unity side. If the WEF efforts are this loud, this insane, it means the Unity side is that formidable, that available and enough people are vibrating it that the WEF vision must be louder to compete.

We can see the PANIC as the freakout because the tsunami of Unity is at the shore, and the WEF goons, ghouls and minions must attempt to push away from it deeper into the abyss, as the are committed to the division aspect regardless. We just have to be open to the Unity, on an individual basis, and there it will be. Will it be days, weeks, months? Up to each is his own. That said, at this point the WEF hellscape should be doing nothing but providing contrast for those committed to the evolving state.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 12:34 PM
The $$$$ and technology behind Moderna may be involved in a biofuel revolution.

The Rocket’s Glare: Impossible Foods, Moderna, Phillips are three strands of a single, driving braid of opportunity (August 31, 2020)

Dan I.C. Wang co-founded PerSeptive biosystems with Noubar Afeyan. Afeyan went on to be the co-founder and current largest shareholder of Moderna.

Genetically modified organisms, and bio-fuels and nanotechnology.

Degradation of cellulosic biomass and its subsequent utilization for the production of chemical feedstocks. Progress report, March 1-August 31, 1980.

Applied Biosystems And on & on it goes.

Perkin-Elmer/Tropix Inc

Next-Gen 3 : Sequencing, Modeling and Advanced Biofuels [46 pg PDF]

Anyone remember this story:

Craig Venter Has Algae Biofuel in Synthetic Genomics’ Pipeline

“Over the next 20 years, synthetic genomics is going to become the standard for making anything,” Venter said in a 2007 article in NewScientist magazine. He says it will become possible to add different characteristics, to or take them away, from almost everything. In the future, Venter says one DNA-based species (human) will be able to sit down at a computer to create another.

Dr. Venter created this first synthetic lifeform and announced May 21, 2010.

He also mentions the role this synthetic DNA will play in the upcoming vaccines, but the real kicker is the capacity for DNA to store data. Killing two birds with one stone, abundant energy and abundant data storage...using DNA of which Bill Gates is heavily invested.

Synthetic DNA for data storage (March 18, 2022)

A strand of DNA is similar to a long chain, where each link in the DNA chain is called a nucleotide. The specific sequence of nucleotides can then be used to encode bits of data. Each bit is either a one or a zero.

As Olgica Milenkovic explains, “with the four naturally occurring nucleotides, A, T, C, G, you can store two bits per nucleotide, (0 0) for A, (0 1) for T, (1 0) for G, and (1 1) for C.” So a string of DNA reading "AGCTA" translates to the data sequence "0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0".

But if eight types of nucleotides are used, 50% more information - three bits - can be stored per nucleotide (0 0 0), (0 0 1), (0 1 0), (0 1 1), (1 0 0), (1 0 1), (1 1 0), and (1 1 1). This means the same amount of data can be stored in a shorter string DNA.
Remind you of a specific movie??

They're getting closer to transforming us into the ultra battery.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: Menesses

originally posted by: crankyoldman

THIS. This right here. This is the proof that we are at war with our own government, or that government is at war with us. These agencies MUST be investigated/fumigated/DISMANTLED for they are a clear and present dangers to our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

I realized this a lot sooner than you it seems. My aha moment was when one of those hippy types who was a professor in the 80's brought us, in our Mass Com class for an elective choice we could make, an actual Library of Congress copy of the Zapruder film showing the JKF assassination. We watched it in slow motion like our football team. Frame by frame the bullet exits the grassy knoll area and we see it slam into the front of JFK's head. The lies that followed from our Government were obvious.

Further, I learn later it was Bush who was there and lies about his whereabouts that day. Time Life pics show him at the Book Depository smiling as he leaned against a wall smoking a cigarette. I also learn about future Watergate conspirator H R Halderman's arrest that day while he was there as an officially secret CIA agent dressed as a Hobo on the train bridge. He claims on his death bed that he was there dressed as a hobo, that JFK made a deal with the Soviets the CIA despised to go jointly to the Moon, and JFK had to go. That was supposedly when Q began. We have learned.

edit on 31-7-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 02:00 PM

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 02:07 PM

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 02:13 PM
Next up Monkeypox by Bavarian Nordic.
JYNNEOS= GENIUS in what is a name game.

Once again from the Wall Street Journal this one sentence "Although researchers expect protection against smallpox to extend to monkeypox, there is no clinical trial data to demonstrate that Jynnos is effective at preventing monkypox in humans." This contradicts the statement from the FDA that clinical and non clinical evidence that the immune response provided protection specifically for monkeypox.

Just not a good look for the FDA> Of 1.4 million doses Bavarian Nordic sent 300,000 doses to the U.S. but the remainder had been made in a manufacturing facility that had not been approved by the FDA. What to do? Send it to other countries. Since then the FDA has approved the manufacturing facility.
Weirdness Alert> Bavarian Nordic in their original application January 2018 did not seek approval for it to be used for monkeypox. They requested approval only for smallpox.
"During the review of this submission, inquiries were made from external stakeholders asking whether the available data for MVA-BN would support an indication for the prevention of monkeypox to make available an effective countermeasure for this disease."< Gates/Fauci?
FDA response- Let's go. Approved September 2019.
More weirdness.
b[4]. Sooo much redacted. They even went as far as redacting the number of mice in the jab effectiveness clinical trials. How big was this mouse study???
Just so many.
In the Group 1 subjects there was an imbalance in the "take rate". Seems that there were some that after the jab had lower antibodies than before the jab.
Bavarian Nordic had no explanation.
FDA response? Nothing to see here.
Feeling so reassured about missing data or clinical trials. Zip on pediatrics, pregnancy outcomes, cases involving organ impairment, interactions with other vaccines.
Unbelievably it gets better. The FDA decided to just by pass the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Review Committee.< Very important. By doing so they flew under the public radar.
Once again concerns swirling around the manufacturing and differences in lot quality.
Oddly a non inferiority study was not conducted for HIV infected people, those suffering from Alzheimer's and those who had already received the original smallpox vaccine. This is a study that 'tests whether the new treatment is not worse than an active treatment it is being compared to."
From page 24> There are concerns about the effectiveness of Jynneos in HIV, AD subjects or whether a single dose is effective in the population who have already had a smallpox vaccine. Fun fact: the monkeypox jab is a two pack. Just an add on but we have had lots of concerns about immune deficiency in the jabbed population, so how will this affect them?

Like the name says Genius right?

Summary Basis for Regulatory Action Template
Paywall The Only Monkeypox Vaccine Maker

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: CrazyFox
There are those red roses again!

The symbolism of roses is multi-faceted. Romance perhaps being the most obvious. Sometimes context can offer a clue, but not so much in the post you reference.

There was a time in the threads when we discussed the aspect of flowering / deflowering with respect to roses. There was even said to be a link to adrenochrome back when there was talk about the supply being possibly tainted and several celebrities posted sad pictures of themselves with roses.

There is definitely an aspect of blood involved even in the mainstream. These images came up with just a simple search for “covered in roses.” I was looking for the last picture.


posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Hmmm is Trump implying Nancy has bugged her husbands bed and he’s cheating ? Was Paul alone when he got his DUI ? Why does she need to be away from home at this moment ? LOL, a crazy, scorned woman playing chicken with China, how delightful !

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
Good Morning All…..😊

While looking around this morning about Why Pelosi is going to Asia ( Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Japan ), not Taiwan apparently, the best explanation I found was that her and several other lawmaker’s were going to discuss Trade, the Covid 19 pandemic, Climate change, Securities and “ demographic governance “.

So what gives here ? Why would it be necessary to take a trip at All to discuss these things,given today’s technology ? Obviously it’s a complete waste of time and money, not to mention the “carbon footprint” and causing unnecessary Tension with China. All I can come up with is Nancy and her entourage want a tax payer sponsored V-Kay or whatever business they plan on conducting is clandestine and requires “off the record” meetings ?

I had meant to include that aspect of current events in my 'maybe we ARE watching a movie' post from a few pages back, the fact that the cabal seems to be itching to get us into a major war if they can arrange it. Seems to me that this may be happening because, if they have lost control of the geopolitical situation, they might as well burn it all down, from their perspective.

Not just this Nancy China stuff, but the numerous attempts to escalate the situation with Russia and Ukraine.

There could be other motivations for these tactics as well though. I remember during 2016, HRC seemed to be laying the groundwork for escalation with Russia during her campaign. War, or escalation at the least, seemed assured with an HRC win. Perhaps this is a part of the overall globalist strategy then, and not an act of desperation. These people are pretty ruthless and do not place much value on human life, so I wouldn't put it past them.

What you suggest about secret meetings and such makes sense too though.We know that a large portion of the clandestine activities that these monsters are involved in takes place in the region, so that could also be a reason for her to go there. That, or any number of other reasons of which we are unaware.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 03:51 PM
Perkin Elmer is one of the premiere companies for Universities and Laboratories. They are generally too expensive and sensitive to be placed in the field even though we use environmental shelters. We use physically hardier equipment or experimental with respect to the new hand held ones. Caution those are pathetic right now. The only ones remotely worth it are the PM monitors you can buy cheaply. They are still off by a measurable amount from certified analyzers.

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
The $$$$ and technology behind Moderna may be involved in a biofuel revolution.

The Rocket’s Glare: Impossible Foods, Moderna, Phillips are three strands of a single, driving braid of opportunity (August 31, 2020)

Dan I.C. Wang co-founded PerSeptive biosystems with Noubar Afeyan. Afeyan went on to be the co-founder and current largest shareholder of Moderna.

Genetically modified organisms, and bio-fuels and nanotechnology.

Degradation of cellulosic biomass and its subsequent utilization for the production of chemical feedstocks. Progress report, March 1-August 31, 1980.


edit on Sun Jul 31 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: Trim Those Quotes

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Monkeypox Vaccine Demand Soars, and Just One Small Danish Company Makes It (WSJ paywall bypass)

Illuminati vax potion? Sure, I'll take 3 jabs.🙄


JYNNEOS is a live vaccine produced from the strain Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic (MVA-BN), an attenuated, non-replicating orthopoxvirus.

Monkeypox is racist! @WHO calls on "Experts" for “urgent name change.”

Urgent need for a non-discriminatory and non-stigmatizing nomenclature for monkeypox virus

Blah, bottom of the urgency post has...

Suggestions for new name

Simian Pox /Simpox
HOPS - Human Orthopox Syndrome (for the clinical entity)

Bavarian Nordic

Now go read "Alliance for Biosecurity" Wiki page.

Zug stood out to me because ‘The intelligence coup of the century’ and Trotskyist history.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 03:58 PM
Red roses I believe are for secrets. A secret admirer doesn't send the yellow one!

Somewhere I have seen a question online about what symbol represents a secret, and that the answer was red roses represent a secret message presumably of love.

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: CrazyFox
There are those red roses again!

The symbolism of roses is multi-faceted. Romance perhaps being the most obvious. Sometimes context can offer a clue, but not so much in the post you reference.

There was a time in the threads when we discussed the aspect of flowering / deflowering with respect to roses. There was even said to be a link to adrenochrome back when there was talk about the supply being possibly tainted and several celebrities posted sad pictures of themselves with roses.

There is definitely an aspect of blood involved even in the mainstream. These images came up with just a simple search for “covered in roses.” I was looking for the last picture.


edit on 31-7-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

edit on Sun Jul 31 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: Trim Those Quotes

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
a reply to: RookQueen

Hmmm is Trump implying Nancy has bugged her husbands bed and he’s cheating ? Was Paul alone when he got his DUI ? Why does she need to be away from home at this moment ? LOL, a crazy, scorned woman playing chicken with China, how delightful !

Wait... What? Wasn't that Nancy P in the one security video from Epstein Island, or was that Merkel?

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Perkin-Elmer has an ultra deep history beyond belief if you really dig. So many connections past & present players.

Newspapers (subscription only)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
a reply to: RookQueen

Hmmm is Trump implying Nancy has bugged her husbands bed and he’s cheating ? Was Paul alone when he got his DUI ? Why does she need to be away from home at this moment ? LOL, a crazy, scorned woman playing chicken with China, how delightful !

Wait... What? Wasn't that Nancy P in the one security video from Epstein Island, or was that Merkel?

Who knows, some thought HRC too ? What I was referring to was the posts by DJT rookqueen posted above, what odd things to say about Nancy ? “Lonely”, “Crazy as a bedbug”, “cheatin’ husband”……?

Anyways, it’s unlikely Nancy is going to start WW111, if clandestine operations is her agenda, we’re watching closely now. Might have to do with her husbands dealings with the micro-chip stocks ? IDK, lol, makes my brain hurt !

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