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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
The Q crowd is the worst

Really? Worse than posters dropping obscure, negative commentary then vanishing?

Something about the Q crowd must be fascinating to your subconscious otherwise you'd scroll past.

It is most certainly not worse than the crowd now screaming "My body my choice" who did absolutely ZERO when the govt told them you WILL wear a mask AND get jabs AND be locked damm funny....where was your choice then?

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: interupt42

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
The Q crowd is the worst

...nightmare for the elite and the rich,

Q was the best thing that happened to deepstate. Q kept the people on the sideline with hopium and giving them wins on the pointless little battles, while they worked on winning the WAR. Who cares about the truth coming out or people becoming aware when their is 0 consequences for them and they continue winning?

I think it was the exact opposite. We were always powerless as individuals and any individual efforts to derail the deep state controllers would be counterproductive. Many know about the corruption but it won't be until there is enough awareness to bring about a tipping point in society that individual efforts count collectively. It has been our job to get the info out, nothing more. Not in people's faces such as protests but creating a network of understanding.

That network is growing. Look at covid and the vaccines, people are starting to say no more. People are sharing on twitter that Ghislaine Maxwell has been held for x number of days and no customer names produced yet... not a win but they are questioning en masse. They are not conspiracy theorists or Q believers but they are part of the solution. Getting truth out to them is the plan. They are the masses. The fact those in power are so incompetent and getting away with it is not sitting right with people. Sooner or later they will look more into it and then It's over for the controllers if the masses rise up.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Area of Russian control in Ukraine mapped on US East Coast

Ha, I like that one!


Attack of the social justice gender cult TQ+ faction ideology. An army of pronouns bringing a totalitarian vibe. The optics look Soviet/Maoist/Nazi/Pyongyang -ish...Ingsoc banners. There’s a hard aggressive aesthetic in the design, absent from the original, literally a more pointed message. Masonic intersex.

Rainbow Reich, the antithesis of the original rainbow.

The Rainbow Reich: Transgender Ideology and Totalitarianism, Part I

“Contrary to popular belief about the targeting of migrants, totalitarian regimes begin with and are underscored by the control of women.” Dr Em.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: Kaiju666

Don’t think any or most here think Q is changing anything. Think that may be your thoughts on people here’s thoughts.

What was “trust the plan” all about then? Wasn’t Q supposed to be working for military intelligence that were going to make a load of arrests? Because that was definitely what he had people thinking.
My point is people shouldn’t gravitate to some leader, be that Q or whoever. Being told what to to do, to have faith, isn’t enough. The only way to change this system is for enough people to stop going along with it.

Absolutely. Nothing changes without the people rising up and putting pressure on what needs to be stepped on the neck of. People and positions. And it can never stop. A lot of people need a boot in the rump to get off the couch. Teams need a coach and the right one to win championships etc. etc. I think more people are refusing to bend over and take it at the moment than any other time in my life. Be it Q or Q+++ or whatever or whomever. The only thing that does matter is more people ‘awakening’ and doing something about it. The more difficult part will be maintaining the tenacity and not getting too complacent. Mold is very difficult to get rid of. I personally felt Q was AI when first appeared. …Or spoke non-native English speaker to me for some reason. I was here at the beginning and than real life hit me (kids), so I can’t read much any longer or reply much (not my forte’ anyways heh) And again, I personally don’t sit back and believe anyone is going to save me. The only one going to save me is …Kaiju666.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:15 PM
The deep state the cabal the shadow government were terms unfamiliar to most until q entered our cave and began drawing pictures of things outside our cave on our cave walls, depicting what's outside.
Some of the pictures were either confirmed or disputed by the hunters and trappers on their journey outside the cave.
And some was entertainment for the kids to teach deciphering skills they'll need when their time comes to exit the cave.

Everyone leaves the cave, best to have some ideas what to expect when we do.

We should not be facing fear alone but strengthen one another's resolve outside the cave as well as within.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes
That post has little, if anything, to do with Q.

One-eye symbolism was a thing long before Q. Here is a thread on it from 2012: One-Eye Symbolism in Visa Advertisement

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
If you were honest with yourself about that you have a list now. You KNOW ABSOLUTELY some symbols have true meaning.

No, some symbols have an alternate secret meaning for a group of people. That doesn't mean they always have this alternate meaning.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes
That post has little, if anything, to do with Q.

One-eye symbolism was a thing long before Q. Here is a thread on it from 2012: One-Eye Symbolism in Visa Advertisement

You're right. It goes back thousands of years and is taken from the Eye of Horus. It has nothing to do with Q, but is something that was discovered by some clever anons.

They do that to signal to each other that they're in the adrenochrome market.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:22 PM

The first case of Monkey pox in the U.S. was in Massachusetts on May 18, 2022. Coincidence that Pfizer has their manufacturing plant in Andover, Massachusetts, where the Covid-19 vaccine is produced? Reports were that he caught it in Canada because they said so.

Coincidence...May 9, 2019 preplandemic, Pfizer announced that they would be opening a 175,000 square foot manufacturing facility capable of producing a variety of vaccines and biologics. That is the location where they chose to produce the mRNA vaccines to treat Covid-19. Just in time.

What is Bill Gates up to? Jxck Sweeny twitter account Bill Gates jet tracker has been tracking his private plane travels. Coincidence that he went to Massachusetts on June 17th and landed at a small regional airport close to Pfizer. Tin foil hat time but here we have Gates, Pfizer, Covid-19 mRNA jab manufacturing plant and now Monkey pox all in the same location. Something's up.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation signed a Global Access Commitments Agreement with CureVac, who just happens to have mRNA technology and is involved with Covid-19 vaccines using mRNA technology. In February 2015 CureVac made the commitment to use its' tech for development of mRNA vaccines and drugs in projects funded by the Foundation> related to a REDACTEDlist of target diseases. Nope nothing to see here.

This might link in with a couple of Loop posts. I remember one about a circle with laurel leaves. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Health has a logo of a snake encircled with 2 laurel leaves.
Also there are a number of ku posts with MAP. Not sure if this ties in. Another coincidence?

MAP Guide
BillGates jets
Pfizer announces new manufacturing plant

Massachusettes Department of Health Logo

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: NoAlienBastards
Maybe I missed this but has anyone typed this into Gematria from the ghosts in the machine psywar video?

Yes, I had some fun with that one.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: new_here
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I'm sure this has been explained before, but could you tell me the significance of the Schumann Resonance... like, what to look for when viewing a pic of it? What does it actually imply. Please and thank you!

Aside from the links Rel posted, checkout member 'pianopraze' ATS thread.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:34 PM
HOLYROOD WEEK - The KEYSTONE?, a royal family tweet at 3:53 GMT on 27th:

🔑 Holyrood Week 2022 has begun with the Ceremony of the Keys at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. During the ceremony, The Queen was symbolically offered the keys to the City of Edinburgh by the Lord Provost on the day of her arrival.

Includes 59 second video at the tweet.

Holyrood Week

Each year, The Queen spends a week visiting various regions in Scotland, meeting Scots from all walks of life and hosting thousands at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in recognition of their good work. Known in Scotland as 'Royal Week', and to others as 'Holyrood Week', these visits celebrate Scottish culture, achievement and community.

Holyrood week normally takes place from the end of June to the beginning of July.

The Stone of Scone

The Stone of Scone (/ˈskuːn/; Scottish Gaelic: An Lia Fàil; Scots: Stane o Scuin)—also known as the Stone of Destiny, and often referred to in England as The Coronation Stone—is an oblong block of red sandstone that has been used for centuries in the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland. It is also known as Jacob's Pillow Stone and the Tanist Stone, and as clach-na-cinneamhain in Scottish Gaelic

In 1996, the British Government decided to return the stone to Scotland, when not in use at coronations, and it was transported to Edinburgh Castle, where it is now kept with the Scottish Crown Jewels.

The Royal mile joins Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace: g**gmaps

So, this week the Queen stays at Holyrood Palace, is given the KEY to the City of Edinburgh... and the STONE of Scone is kept a mile away in Edinburgh Castle!

Oh, and there is an American Football team there called the Edinburgh WOLVES!

Xref #3244

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 87b5e7 No.5943295 📁
Mar 28 2019 12:14:43 (EST)

1st and 10 @ the 50.

Offline for some quality Father/Daughter time at the cinema to see the new Top Gun film.
edit on 27-6-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-6-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
It has nothing to do with Q, but is something that was discovered by some clever anons.

Obviously it was "discovered" before there even where anons of the Q type.

They do that to signal to each other that they're in the adrenochrome market.

Not more of this adrenochrome BS?
edit on 27-6-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Actually the first case of monkey pox in the US was back in 2003.
Monkeypox 2003 U.S. Outbreak

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: interupt42

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
The Q crowd is the worst

...nightmare for the elite and the rich,

Oh yeah Q and his followers have been a nightmare for the deepstate, lol.

Deepstate has been losing so badly with Bidens 1Trillion totally legit voters, record profits by the Globalist where the wealth gap has gone into hyper-drive, not one significant arrest , Congress insider trading with no consequences, successfully demonstrating their power in shutting the world down for a flu, Epstein silenced along with numerous others holding evidence against them,Only real whistle blowers being silenced like Assange ,Guccifer ,and seth rich to name a few, evidence disappearing including witnesses, No Epstein list of clients , and currently in the process of accruing more wealth via the great economic train wreck that is coming.

lets not forget that Q kept everyone of his followers on the sideline with weekly faux booms while Biden got those trillion votes and convinced everyone that Trump could do no wrong like expanding the swamp and giving away our biggest weapon against the MSM and deepstate which was net neutrality.

yeah it must be a total nightmare for them, lol

Q was the best thing that happened to deepstate. Q kept the people on the sideline with hopium and giving them wins on the pointless little battles, while they worked on winning the WAR. Who cares about the truth coming out or people becoming aware when their is 0 consequences for them and they continue winning?

Where were you and what were you doing when they shut down the world once covid hit?

Because of the mask memes I was seeing crop out of the whole "Q Thang" I began verifying claims. I started reading mask studies myself, completely flabbergasted by watching the whole medical community go completely against their own research on masks.
I was all like, "Well hell.... what else are they lying about?"
Then, babycakes, I started passing around the mask studies at work simply out of contempt for upper management.

I would've walked right into a concentration camp along with thousands of others had it not been for the memes I kept running across that was casting doubt on what I thought I knew.

If it were not for the whole "Q Thang" people wouldn't have started eying school boards, either.
I'm a millennial, and many of us are parents now, and we all went into our schools (in my area and surrounding counties) last year and told them to # off with masking up our kids.

The media likes to portray millennials as the main problem right now, but that's simply not the case. Every parent my age group banded together for our children, and many of the other parents have no idea they were standing up against masks mostly because the memes and information spreading coming out of the "Q thang" was influencing them without their knowledge.

Suddenly verifying claims became standard procedure.

So, depending on your eyes, I'll confidently bet a large sum had it not been for the people getting the call to spread information via memes Covid and the world at this point would be MUCH MUCH MUCH worse.

You saw them steal the election and you voted, right?
Does voting currently work?
Why encourage violence when you can spread memes?
This is important because they may be thumbing down right now on society but if they go full retard it's not going to turn out well. No one wants it, but I'm pretty sure most parents and half the country are waiting for the "Derp State's" real move.

We can't even let our kids watch Nickelodeon because all the race bull# spewing from it.

I loved the 90s, and black jokes are funny and white jokes are funny and asian jokes are funny and men have dicks. Plan and simple. They really thought they were going to win against the generation that grew up with the internet.
The internet is our turf. Little spit #s done #ed up with all that censorship none sense.

Now go tell all your friends to ditch Google and use Qwant, Yandex, or any thing else instead.

And baby, I missed your luvins.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: Justoneman

Also, why would the Supreme Court pick NOW to release such a polarizing and divisive decision? It would have benefited the Republican cause MUCH MUCH MUCH more to shelve this decision until after mid-terms. Before this decision, a Red Wave was inevitable. Now all this has done is energize the Dem base. Now, I don't know how much this will truly effect things come election time, but leave it to Republicans to step on their own collective dicks and snatch defeat from the easy jaws of victory.

Well then, we should see that there is no left and right in fact because both sides are heavily owned by the DS Cabal. Any bone one side throws to the people who have faith in them is followed by a sabotaged pinprick into the air balloon they just filled. This is just a bump in the road for them to send out a sacrificial lamb to do the work. Romney and Cheney come to mind for me as prime examples treasonous fools who are in imminent danger of being sent to Gitmo. They are the lambs I would guess who will not tell on their betters.

edit on 27-6-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 01:26 PM
Since yesterday's post ended up being the Cliff Notes edition I just wanted to expand some more.

As of June 1, 2022 there have been zero payments made by the Covid-19 Countermeasures Program to people who have been killed/harmed by the Covid jabs..
They are only considering one which was due to anaphylactic shock.

Unreal. The association between giving the jab and the onset of injury is not enough.
The injured person is not required to identify which jab they received on the Request for Benefits Form.

One would think that they would want to know which vaccine is responsible for all of these injuries. Nooo, don't tell us. Hint, hint something connected to mRNA tech.

The Covid Table of injuries is mind blowing. Total filed to date is 8935 cases. Death, blood clots, myocarditis/pericarditis, Bells' Palsy, congestive heart failure, Gullian Barre Syndrome, deep vein thrombosis are the top # of cases. Going out on a limb here but one would think alarm bells would be going off that something is very, very wrong. This is only the tip of the iceberg because how many are not aware that the program exists. Constantly they are being told that the vaccine companies are immune form liability so people are left to feel there is no recourse. Loop narrative.

From the CDC's website "Cases of myocarditis reported to VAERS have occured: After mRNA Covid-19 vaccine [Pfizer/Moderna] especially in male adolescents and young adults. More often after the second dose. Usually within a week of vaccination."
How can they be denying cases when their own information and patient disclosures document the very serious adverse events that are being requested for compensation. In fact Pfizer is advertising on the radio that if someone has sudden heart symptoms they are directed to go to a hospital emergency room immediately. That is not normal. Nothing to do with patient health but rather to avoid liability so they can claim we directed people on what to do.

Following the playbook they probably have only a couple of staff members reviewing the requests but then there is this...
If they approve any, especially heart related, that will create an avalanche of requests. They want to keep this compensation fund/non compensation fund off the radar of the public.

If I recall didn't Loop have a picture of an iceberg? What is being requested is just the tip of the iceberg.

Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program
CDC Myocarditis/Pericarditis Adverse Events

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: NoAlienBastards

"So, depending on your eyes, I'll confidently bet a large sum had it not been for the people getting the call to spread information via memes Covid and the world at this point would be MUCH MUCH MUCH worse."

edit on 27-6-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-6-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

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