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Report Reveals Sharp Rise In Transgender Young People In The US

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posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Doesn't it depend on which numbers you look at?
From the Bloomberg article:

Specifically, 1.4% of teens between the ages of 13 and 17, and 1.3% of young people aged 18 to 24 identify as transgender or nonbinary, compared to 0.6% people overall. 

That's a really small percentage.

All things considered, these trends may actually be a good thing. These people will never reproduce and in the Zero Economic Growth economic model being pursued and implemented by the real people in charge, the WEF, sharply declining birth rates are the path to achieving their goals.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: Annee

I am not advocating anything.

I'm saying Transgender is real. Just like being gay -- it's how you're born -- your brain tells you who you are.

I agree in a very small percentage of cases, but that isn't what we are seeing today. Its not like all these people are now coming out of the closet for being Trans, especially kids who have no clue to what they are for about the first 8 years of their life, and then they slowly grow into it.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: Annee

Define transition for a 5 year old.

Having a 5 yearold pushed into adult situations, and then before they hit puberty they are put on hormone blockers to the cheers of all the adults around them to be totally messed up the rest of their lives once they are old enough to figure it out for themselves. Well that's my definition...

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Annee

Seriously? You wonder why?

A lot of athletes still stay in the closet just for being gay.

Annee this isn't the 70s no more...The 80s have come and gone too...

Transgenderism isn't biological as sexuality is normally. It can be a social fad and that is what we are seeing in parts of the country. In some parts it is the in thing to do for some who maybe want to be popular. If it was not social driven we would see a more even spread, but we don't.

I agree with you sometimes. I like you cuz you're very direct. You leave out the nonsense.

But, in the case of transgenderism -- you're wrong. It is not a choice or a fad anymore then being homosexual.

Gender Dysphoria is real. Just as real as homosexuality. The brain tells you who you are.

Do you know the biological reasons for same sex attraction? NO - ya don't. Neither does science. But the brain and physiology do come together to create them -- both.

How do we know homosexuals were "born that way" -- because they tell us they were.

Same goes for transgenders.

Ben Barres is still my favorite. A transgender scientist. There are others.

The Autobiography of a Transgender Scientist:

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Or maybe people are right when they say it is a result of some sort of indoctrination.

I accept that some people are genuinely transgender - that's their choice as adults - but what we see today is at least partially due to a constant torrent of LGBTQ+ propaganda.
Hell, every single gay person I know or have spoken to thinks things have gone way too far.

Some kids will always flock to the latest, 'coolest' the moment transgenderism etc are the latest fads.
There are obvious dangers to this....I wonder if some of them are aware of the far reaching implications?

I bear no ill will to anyone, certainly not based on a persons sexuality of gender, and I certainly have no desire to see anyone come to any harm....but this simply has to stop.

We are fortunate here in the UK that things haven't got as out of hand as they seem to have in The States....yet.

My 11 year old Grandson lives with me and I take an active interest in his education, as I'm sure most parents etc do.
I can assure you that the minute I see any of this indoctrination creeping into his education I will do everything within my power to stop it.
Yes, children should be taught to be respectful of other people's choices.
Yes. children should be encouraged to express themselves and to be who and what they are free from any outside peer pressure.
But what I'm reading and hearing about - I admit none of this is based on first hand knowledge or experience - is way, way over the top and highly inappropriate.

edit on 13/6/22 by Freeborn because: grammar

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Or maybe people are right when they say it is a result of some sort of indoctrination.

I accept that some people are genuinely transgender - that's their choice as adults - but what we see today is at least partially due to a constant torrent of LGBTQ+ propaganda.
Hell, every single gay person I know or have spoken to thinks things have gone way too far.

Gay's had to practically be forced to support transgenders. Those in the LGBTQ+ community had to learn to work together -- they were not naturally supportive of each other.

About 30 years ago I worked at a company where I was the minority being straight. At that time the gays I worked with -- in no way -- supported transgenders. OMG the professional type gays I worked with were quite the elitists. They were men who wore business suits -- and did not want to be associated with "lesser feminine" gays. They had quite a ranking system.

Even Michelangelo Signorile had to do an on air apology for his original attitude.

So, us straight people thinking the LGBTQ+ community was/is one tight knit group -- would be wrong.

It's a process for everyone to accept the fringe groups when they begin to join the mainstream of society.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: Annee

Do you know the biological reasons for same sex attraction? NO - ya don't. Neither does science. But the brain and physiology do come together to create them -- both.

How do we know homosexuals were "born that way" -- because they tell us they were.

Same goes for transgenders.

My point is a very small percentage is Trans, the rest are seeing it as a fad, thing to do...The difference is if you think you are gay or straight and then one day figure out you are the other way instead you did not physically alter your body before hand. There is no oops I made a mistake here with trans. You need to love who you are, love your body no matter how it is. You go down the path of physically switching and you pretty much ended anything remotely sexual in nature just for a fake look. And to push that mindset on kids as an OK thing for them to do is even worst.

edit on 13-6-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: Annee

Gay's had to practically be forced to support transgenders. Those in the LGBTQ+ community had to learn to work together -- they were not naturally supportive of each other.

Well many lesbians are looked down on in the alphabet community because they openly have said they would not have a relationship with a transwoman.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Annee

Do you know the biological reasons for same sex attraction? NO - ya don't. Neither does science. But the brain and physiology do come together to create them -- both.

How do we know homosexuals were "born that way" -- because they tell us they were.

Same goes for transgenders.

My point is a very small percentage is Trans, the rest are seeing it as a fad, thing to do...The difference is if you think you are gay or straight and then one day figure out you are the other way instead you did not physically alter your body before hand. There is no oops I made a mistake here with trans. You need to love who you are, love your body no matter how it is. You go down the path of physically switching and you pretty much ended anything remotely sexual in nature just for a fake look. And to push that mindset on kids as an OK thing for them to do is even worst.

Thanks for acknowledging that trans is legitimate.

I don't know about fad - some I suppose.

But, I do think sexuality is far more fluid then our uptight, religious society would choose to recognize.

Chaz Bono is a good example (there are others). "She" originally thought she was a lesbian. Eventually, "he" figured out he was trans.

I'd say it's a difficult process to figure out who/what you are when you don't fit the norm. I can see people experimenting until the "fit" is right.

Fortunately, I have not had to do that. I did have one small incident with a woman -- and it just felt wrong. That's the only way I can describe it -- it just felt wrong. So, I do empathize with those who are searching.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Annee

Gay's had to practically be forced to support transgenders. Those in the LGBTQ+ community had to learn to work together -- they were not naturally supportive of each other.

Well many lesbians are looked down on in the alphabet community because they openly have said they would not have a relationship with a transwoman.

I can tell you the "water cooler convos" where I worked were far more interesting then most

What's been said in the past -- may have evolved.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 12:18 PM
This is what was historically and medically accurate

Transvestite - A person who like to 'dress or act' as another gender but still feels they are the gender assigned at birth
Transsexual - A person who is transitioning from one gender to another. This is a physical change. Most times this will come from gender dysphoria.
Transgender - A person who identifies as a different sex. This is not physical.

Of course kids and teens are going to choose what will not make them feel like an outsider. 30 years ago a nerd was laughed at and now it is socially accepted. Same thing with being gay. 30 years ago you stayed in the closet and had a 'roommate' and now it is socially accepted.

Kids need to learn Math, Science and History in school not how they should identify.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs

Kids need to learn Math, Science and History in school not how they should identify.

I don't agree.

I'm on 'like" my third generation of raising kids.

Self Esteem is #1 -- it comes before anything else.

Academics can be learned at any time in your life.

I'd say most people learn something because it, in some way, applies to a career choice.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 12:41 PM
Back when I was in high school, the school, and state use to give out really stupid questioners.

We would fill out the questioners with equally stupid answers.

I wonder if this study means anything but a bunch of high school students having fun with a questioner.

One question they once ask was anything wrong with the PE locker rooms.

About 26% answered that they were not co-ed.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Minors can not give consent to a sexual act.

good. let's start with that. Why can't a 5 year old consent to sex? Once you answer that quietly to yourself, think of why you feel that same 5 year old is OK changing his/her identity to the opposite sex. And as a child, that incudes changing name, dressing like the other sex, and believing you are that sex, just waiting for puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery.

Gender dysphoria is real. it's a real diagnosable mental disorder.

Good news is, the gene pool will get it's much needed chlorine by these folks not reproducing with their own DNA. This whole being a toaster because you fee like a toaster garbage will just be the punchline to a joke in 40 years. Hopefully I'll be long gone by then. Ya'll are nuts.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Annee
Minors can not give consent to a sexual act.

good. let's start with that. Why can't a 5 year old consent to sex?

Gender and sex are not the same thing.

Stop interjecting nonsense that comes from your own psyche and fears.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: Annee

Learning about Transgenderism is not Academic for 6 year olds. Nor a 14 year old. This is something that should be discussed at home or with a counselor and not included in a lesson plan.

Do they have classes to tell kids not to make fun of fat kids?
Do they have classes to tell kids not to make fun of deaf kids?
Do they have classes to tell kids not to make fun of kids in wheelchairs?
Do they have classes to tell kids not to make fun of blind kids?
Do they have classes to tell kids not to make fun of ugly kids?

No. Because it is not something that should be taught in school but re-enforced to raise decent members of society because their parents are there for that.

Self Esteem is #1 but not when you tell one group they are ok and make everyone else accept it even if their parents or religion says no it is not right. That is called indoctrination. Little kids should be learning about things that will affect them and help their minds grow. Learning some women have dicks does not apply here.

Also, when i hear people say gender and sex are not the same thing there is a strong disconnect from reality. You cannot just make up labels and tell people they have to accept it. There is no fear or ignorance either. That is what they are teaching in schools. Fear what your parents say and just do what you want. Look where that has gotten us.

edit on Junpm30pmf0000002022-06-13T14:40:04-05:000204 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: Annee

Learning about Transgenderism is not Academic for 6 year olds. Nor a 14 year old. This is something that should be discussed at home or with a counselor and not included in a lesson plan.

Do they have classes to tell kids not to make fun of fat kids?
Do they have classes to tell kids not to make fun of deaf kids?
Do they have classes to tell kids not to make fun of kids in wheelchairs?
Do they have classes to tell kids not to make fun of blind kids?
Do they have classes to tell kids not to make fun of ugly kids?

No. Because it is not something that should be taught in school but re-enforced to raise decent members of society because their parents are there for that.

Self Esteem is #1 but not when you tell one group they are ok and make everyone else accept it even if their parents or religion says no it is not right. That is called indoctrination. Little kids should be learning about things that will affect them and help their minds grow. Learning some women have dicks does not apply here.

Also, when i hear people say gender and sex are not the same thing there is a strong disconnect from reality. You cannot just make up labels and tell people they have to accept it. There is no fear or ignorance either. That is what they are teaching in schools. Fear what your parents say and just do what you want. Look where that has gotten us.

Fringe people have been forced there by "proper society". Who decides what is proper? Who decides what is moral?

People with disabilities or mental illness used to be hidden behind doors -- away from society.

My mom was a polio victim in the 51/52 epidemic. The disability act was not signed until 1990. About 40 years after the polio epidemic.

I can tell you stories of discrimination because someone is different -- proper society does not want them in their group.

Children who are born with Gender Dysphoria need their heroes too. They should not be hidden in the fringes behind a door.

So, you have a transgender doing Story Time -- who injects sex into that? Who makes it about sex?


Let's move on to decent family. If ONLY children could pick their parents.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Annee

Fringe people have been forced there by "proper society". Who decides what is proper? Who decides what is moral? It starts with parents. As they get older relatives or maybe the church. Then they may have a favorite teacher or coach.A child finds themselves and the world in High School maybe and then college. I have had single moms of kids I have coached multiple times ask me to talk to their child because they look up to me. Respect me. Will listen. Children are impressionable and discussions with them should not be all.

So, you have a transgender doing Story Time -- who injects sex into that? Who makes it about sex? Why not have a sex offender do it? You answer your own question because it is not 'STORY TIME' it is 'TRANSGENDER STORY TIME'. Why add the transgender since they are and want to be like all people right?

edit on Junpm30pmf0000002022-06-13T15:31:05-05:000305 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Annee

Seriously? You wonder why?

A lot of athletes still stay in the closet just for being gay.

Annee this isn't the 70s no more...The 80s have come and gone too...

Transgenderism isn't biological as sexuality is normally. It can be a social fad and that is what we are seeing in parts of the country. In some parts it is the in thing to do for some who maybe want to be popular. If it was not social driven we would see a more even spread, but we don't.

Hammer hitting the nail..right on the head.

Love this, from Bill, according to current "trends"..and lets not us, who live in reality, get, that this IS a "trend" we will all be gay by 2050 something

edit on 13-6-2022 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 03:49 PM
This is a good video look at Drag For Kids.

I mean, if I told people I took my 8 year old to the strip bar for Happy Hour I am sure I would have DCF knocking on my door.

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