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What a terrible day - 21 dead most are children

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posted on May, 29 2022 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

Mexico's problems are for Mexico to fix, just as US specific problems are for the US to fix and UK issues for us to fix.

Just because Mexico has its problems doesn't mean to say the US shouldn't start trying to do something about its obvious problem with mass school shootings.

If American people are happy for their murder rates to be comparable to places like Kenya, Cuba etc then that's up to you.....I know I wouldn't be.

It seems to me that there's an awful amount of deflection going on and a refusal to admit that there is a problem.
Its just a non-stop merry-go round of partisan politics and whataboutisms that do nothing but preserve the status quo.

I've seen Reagan, the Bush's, Clinton, Obama, Trump and now the hopelessly incompetent Biden come and go and not one of them seems to be willing to even attempt to address core issues and actually do something about this.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Gun education, improved security at schools, automatic magnetic locking systems on doors and gates, training for teachers, armed guard at every school, better enforcement of existing gun laws. All measures i can get behind.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

They're brainwashed into believing hive mentality, group think, ideological BS. It's all for the greater good, blah blah blah. Right as there's a globalist power grab in the states, on the cusp of societal breakdown and ever increasing authoritarian governments and people think it's a good idea to give up their only real defence.
edit on 29/5/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: Grenade

The thing is if you are hardening the schools, then they are not schools any longer, but reminiscent of a prison.

Plus they will also have to harden any other sort of soft target as well as the schools.

So that's supermarkets, cinemas, sporting events, and absolutely everywhere else one of these mad crazy AR-15-wielding maniacs choose to run amuck that will need to be secured and defended.

I'm sure you can see the issue, coz that's not life nor living, but control of the most draconian sorts in spades.

Plus who is going to pay for all these improvements and armed guards?

Just take the guns off the bam sticks and kids, and implement the laws already in emplace to retard ownership of such weaponry.

Ban assault rifles and AR-15 type thingamabob from public ownership, or at least implement safety checks and they won't have so many school shootings or mass shootings, after all, it stands to rhyme and reason.
edit on 29-5-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

So. Please explain how placing strict gun laws in place like Mexico will get the USA off track to having a higher homicide rate like Mexico and not have a mass grave problem like Mexico.

Say what now?

What's Mexico got to do with the price of Chicken in America? LoL

If i was you i would worry about your own mess as opposed to 3rd world Mexico's predicament aka something you have the power actually do something about as opposed to the horrendous situation in other nations.

If you wish to compare your supposed land of the free and home of the brave, and what's supposed to be one of the pinnacles of Western civilisation, to Mexico be my guest.

Not exactly in the same league all the same unless you wish to be.

Canada would at least be a closer comparison and example but they don't have the mass shootings or school shootings to contend with in any sort of similar frequency nor manner as the USA.
edit on 29-5-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Back to politics and abortion again.

Anything but the guns eh?

Don't look there, look over here. LoL

Are guns sentient?...
Can guns aim and shoot themselves?...

Criminals kill with intent, guns don't have intent... Just as knifes, clubs, and other white weapons don't have intent and plenty of people are murdered with knives and other objects all over the world...

You don't even understand how to make a logical argument. You argue just for the sake of argument and even when proven wrong you continue arguing ignoring every piece of evidence that debunks your claims...

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Grenade

Gun education,....

Gun - bullet.
Gun shoots bullet.

Dead body - this is what happens.

The people using the guns to kill schoolchildren know full well what guns do.....that's why they use them to kill the poor kids.

....improved security at schools, automatic magnetic locking systems on doors and gates, training for teachers, armed guard at every school,....

Hardly an environment conducive to learning.
School isn't a pleasant experience for many kids at it is, I don't think making it resemble a high security prison will make it any better.

Granted it may reduce the number of school shootings, but it certainly wouldn't address core issues.

And how many people would be attracted to a career in teaching if a requirement is to carry a gun and be able to shoot people?

And where do they stop with these measures?
Secured entrances to shopping malls, sporting events, bars etc?
Armed guards everywhere?
Literally everyone carrying guns?

Would you want to live in a society like that?
I know I don't.

.... better enforcement of existing gun laws.

I agree with you 100% on that....its obvious that some places/people enforce and regulate existing legislation more than others.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

The fact is you cannot kill people with knives, clubs or other sorts of weapons in the same to similar cattagory in the same to similar manner guns and pulling triggers achieve.

It takes time you see and conviction that most people can't stomach neverminded actually achieve to kill groups of people with knives.

I understand people with guns kill other people and America has 40% of the guns on the planet in circulation.

Its not me that fails to understand plain logic, that being that more guns equal more dead people.

As is evidenced by the frequency such horrendous acts of depravity like these mass murders and school shootings happen in your nation., and your nation alone.

The writing is on the wall along with the blood and brains of those innocent weans, if you choose not to read it, you're beyond help really.
edit on 29-5-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Societies in which law abiding citizens have no way to defend themselves are left at the mercy of criminals and corrupt dictatorial regimes...

Banning guns is not going to stop criminals. Do you understand the concept of what a criminal is? How would making MORE LAWS stop any criminal from buying guns in the black market?...

CRIMINALS BREAK LAWS...but in your mind more laws than the 20,000 state and Federal gun control laws, and I am not counting county and city gun control laws which do surpass well over 20,000, would stop gun crimes and gun homicides/mass murders?

Robert M. Dobbs, former Retired at Sheriffs Department (1956-1963)
Answered Feb 9, 2022 · Author has 1.4K answers and 2M answer views

Just how many gun laws are there on the books already in the United States, including local, state, and federal? This guy says 20,000. Is that at least in the ballpark?

No it isn’t in the ball park. With Federal, State, City, and county gun control laws on the books in the US 20,000 would not even come close. And none of them do a thing to reduce crime.

Just how many gun laws are there on the books already in the United States, including local, state, and federal? This guy says 20,000. Is that at least in the ballpark?

China, Russia, and several other countries have a black market for guns in every major city in the U.S. because of CRIMINALS/GANGS... Sometimes, once in a while law enforcement/border patrol gets lucky and they catch and stop containers full of black market firearms which normally end up at the hands of criminals. But how many such containers full of firearms avoid law enforcement check ups and end up in the streets?... Are you going to ban ships from China, Russia, or other countries that export black market guns to the U.S.?... Are you going to ban ports?...

edit on 29-5-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

If i was you i would worry about your own mess as opposed to 3rd world Mexico's predicament aka something you have the power actually do something about as opposed to the horrendous situation in other nations.

Found out your not using third world in the right context by the way. And nether was I.

The term “Third World” was invented during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact.

It has nothing to do with economic development, mortality rates, and all the other things that people think a third world country is. So although technically Mexico is by definition a 3rd world country, it is most certainly none of those other things.

Mexico has a thriving economy, an incredibly developed infrastructure, and low infant mortality rates compared to most of the world.

Let me explain why Mexico isn’t what most people think a 3rd world country is.




If i was you i would worry about your own mess

I have repeatedly addressed the “mess”

And the USA is becoming more like a third world country ( in your context) do to its corruption, politicization of justice systems, it’s corrupt and broken justice and mental health system. The election of Soros backed DA’s, the USA movement to defund the police, and easy bail money movement. Abolishing the 2nd amendment to make people reliant on a corrupt system of government for protection is another step closer to making the USA into a third world country. (Third world country in the context banana republic where the justice system is a political tool and nothing based on justice through rule of law)

What's Mexico got to do with the price of Chicken in America?

Mexico has gun laws and restrictions similar to the UK, is that false?

You want the USA to have gun laws more restrictive like Mexico. Is that false?

Mexico not being an island nation like the UK has more in common with the USA. Is that false.

Is it false large mass graves are being discovered in Mexico from large number of people slaughtered?

In this context, answer: how will the USA adopting more restrictive gun laws like Mexico not lead to much larger number of people in the USA murdered each each year ( Mexico 40,000 vs USA 20,000), keep the USA from reaching murder rates per capita similar to Mexico (Mexico 29 per 100,000 vs USA 5 per 100,000) and prevent mass graves that are piling up and being discovered in Mexico.

edit on 29-5-2022 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

We dont have guns here in the UK in the same numbers as you do in America and yet the sky has not fallen and the laws of the land remain upheld and intact.

Anarchy does not prevail, and the government is not conducting firing squads against the wall, why is that now?

It not because we all have big kitchen knives i can assure you.

edit on 29-5-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

Like i have suggested before neutronflux Mexico's mess is their own bag of spanners to contend with just like America is your own.

There is no comparison really.

America is the only first-world nation with the sort of gun problems and mass murder to contend with that happen with such frequency.

Try and stick to the problem at hand, procrastination and deflection serve no other purpose than to muddy the water and detract from the real concerns.

But that suits your purpose dont it?

Claiming its not the guns, and that its another issue to blame, makes little sense when you have all the guns and crazies and kids are using them to commit mass murder.

Simple as that really.
edit on 29-5-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

What are you talking about now?

More deflection.
I've never advocated a carte blanche ban on gun ownership.
Take the time to read all my posts in this thread and other related one's.

....but in your mind more laws....

You're just making things up to fit in with your preconceptions, you have obviously paid no attention to what I've wrote.
Wilful ignorance?

Do you understand the concept of what a criminal is?

This did make me laugh.....

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Like i have suggested before neutronflux Mexico's mess is their own bag of spanners to contend with just like America is your own.

Why would more restrictive guns laws like Mexico reduce the homicide rate in the USA when the USA has similar corruption problems like Mexico

There is no comparison really.

Yeah, there is. With drugs and human trafficking a problem in the USA. Drug cartels working both sides of the border. Add in the broken and metal health system and the political weaponizing of the US justice system and defund the police movement.

America is the only first-world nation with the sort of gun problems and mass murder to contend with that happen with such frequency.

Again. True definition of third word.

Mexico Is NOT a 3rd World Country!

The term “Third World” was invented during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact.

It has nothing to do with economic development, mortality rates, and all the other things that people think a third world country is. So although technically Mexico is by definition a 3rd world country, it is most certainly none of those other things.

Mexico has a thriving economy, an incredibly developed infrastructure, and low infant mortality rates compared to most of the world.

Let me explain why Mexico isn’t what most people think a 3rd world country is.


Try and stick to the problem at hand, procrastination and deflection serve no other purpose than to muddy the water and detract from the real concerns



Mexico has gun laws and restrictions similar to the UK, is that false?

You want the USA to have gun laws more restrictive like Mexico. Is that false?

Mexico not being an island nation like the UK has more in common with the USA. Is that false.

Is it false large mass graves are being discovered in Mexico from large number of people slaughtered?

In this context, answer: how will the USA adopting more restrictive gun laws like Mexico not lead to much larger number of people in the USA murdered each each year ( Mexico 40,000 vs USA 20,000), keep the USA from reaching murder rates per capita similar to Mexico (Mexico 29 per 100,000 vs USA 5 per 100,000) and prevent mass graves that are piling up and being discovered in Mexico.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

Some parts of Mexico are worse than any third-world nation there is not much doubt there given what can transpire.

I don't know about Mexico's gun laws all the same because they are not relevant.

We don't have guns here in the UK and thus we don't have the same sorts of problems with mass murder and school shootings that you do in the USA.

And our nations actually are comparable.

With the same sorts of creature comforts and social dilemmas to contend with.

We are not perfect by any manner nor means.

Plenty of bad horrendous acts of depravity happen over here, but they seldom involve the use of AR-15, why do you imagine that is?

edit on 29-5-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: andy06shake


Gun crime rises in UK in last year with more than 9,700 cases reported

It comes after Sky News learned the number of firearms seized by the National Crime Agency has quadrupled in the last three years.

By Isobel Frodsham, news reporter
Friday 14 February 2020 14:19, UK

Gun crime has increased by 4% in one year with more than 9,700 crimes involving firearms taking place in the UK.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics reveal that in the year ending March 2019 a total of 9,787 crimes involving guns took place.
Over the past five years, offences involving a firearm have also increased by 27%.

According to the stats, by March 2019 a total of 33 people died as result of gun crime - three more than the previous year.

Gun crime rises in UK in last year with more than 9,700 cases reported

Your country had about 67.1 million people in 2020. The U.S. had well over 329 million in 2020. That's not counting the millions of illegals. How many illegals could be working for the Mexican and Latin American drug cartels is anyone's guess. in Mexico drug cartels control everything, including their communist President, and politicians. Those politicians and other Mexicans who attempt to run for office to get rid of the drug cartels and violence in Mexico get executed. Ironically in many cases the police officers that are supposed to escort political candidates "disappear" when those candidates are murdered...

Does the UK share a border with a country run by Mexican drug cartels and Latin American drug cartels?... NO... Then there is human trafficking, the trafficking of black market firearms including from south of the border which cannot be controlled by law enforcement more so when DEMOCRAT LEADERS oppose such police measures and in fact HELP the drug cartels...

edit on 29-5-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

We don't have guns here in the UK and thus we don't have the same sorts of problems with mass murder and school shootings that you do in the USA.


Mexico’s Strict Gun Laws
Mexico’s gun laws are similar to those in countries like the United Kingdom that do not allow possession of certain lethal firearms


In this context, answer: how will the USA adopting more restrictive gun laws like Mexico not lead to much larger number of people in the USA murdered each each year ( Mexico 40,000 vs USA 20,000), keep the USA from reaching murder rates per capita similar to Mexico (Mexico 29 per 100,000 vs USA 5 per 100,000) and prevent mass graves that are piling up and being discovered in Mexico.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse


When they get anywhere near the level things like this happen in the USA or they happen with the same sorts of frequency that they do in your beloved nation give me a call.

Like i said mate we have not had any mass school shooting since Dunblane and our ban on guns for the most part.

Does the UK share a border with a country run by drug cartels and Latin American drug cartels?... NO...

So your reasoning for possessing 40% of the guns on the planet is Mexico???

You canny make this crap up. LoL

edit on 29-5-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

In this context, answer: how will the USA adopting more restrictive gun laws like Mexico not lead to much larger number of people in the USA murdered each each year

Same way as it does in the UK springs to mind.

If you don't have those sorts of weapons in the hands of crazies and kids they cannot kill one another in the same to the similar manner they are with the likes of the AR-15.

Its not even that hard to understand.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Same way as it does in the UK springs to mind.




Mexico has gun laws and restrictions similar to the UK, is that false?

You want the USA to have gun laws more restrictive like Mexico. Is that false?

Mexico not being an island nation like the UK has more in common with the USA. Is that false.

Is it false large mass graves are being discovered in Mexico from large number of people slaughtered?

In this context, answer: how will the USA adopting more restrictive gun laws like Mexico not lead to much larger number of people in the USA murdered each each year ( Mexico 40,000 vs USA 20,000), keep the USA from reaching murder rates per capita similar to Mexico (Mexico 29 per 100,000 vs USA 5 per 100,000) and prevent mass graves that are piling up and being discovered in Mexico.

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