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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 2

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posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

It seems you forgot that Zelensky spouted off about building nukes a week before the invasion.

Any quotes or a Source for that?
This was the country with the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal who voluntary gave them up for certain guarantees. Putin has decided to ignore those guarantees and invaded a country that was no threat to Russia. All to satisfy a crazed megalomaniacs desire to rebuild the "Glorious Russian Empire".

Unless it is the "sovereign country" of Cuba basing nukes on their land in which case that is different because of "reasons" and we can threaten to destroy all of humanity with WW3.

This has nothing to do with Cuba!
The whataboutisms are wearing pretty thin.

edit on 22-4-2022 by nolabel because: Just felt like it

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 07:43 PM
The only thing missing with NATO involvement are their ships and aircraft.
Defensive my ass.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: nolabel

" The Minister of Foreign Affairs has been instructed to convene [consultations. If they do not take place again or their results do bring security guarantees for our country, Ukraine will have every right to believe that the Budapest Memorandum does not work, and all 1994 commitments will be called into question," the President of Ukraine said.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: all2human

So Ukraine gave up its most powerful deterrent when the Soviet Union fell? I doubt it would you?

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: nolabel

Any quotes or a Source for that?

Just a quick search to show it happened. There is more out there you can find on your own if that is what you want.

This was the country with the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal who voluntary gave them up for certain guarantees. Putin has decided to ignore those guarantees and invaded a country that was no threat to Russia. All to satisfy a crazed megalomaniacs desire to rebuild the "Glorious Russian Empire".

It was a country where nobody wanted them to have nukes and they didn't want the nukes. Upkeep of nukes are expensive and they were a country just starting out. Russia also gave up Berlin as well as there being other agreements that were not honored by either side.
Furthermore, the people who made those agreements and dealt with the Arsenal have long been out of power and this regime has far different ambitions from that one. So the statement that they gave up nukes once before has zero bearing on the current goals of Ukraine's government.

This has nothing to do with Cuba!
The whataboutisms are wearing pretty thin.

Sure it does, geopolitics don't happen in a vacuum and nations have long memories. Not even you are trying to make it out to be that way. You just want to pick and choose the parts that make your case and deny the others.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 09:07 PM
Oh boy, another shopping mall bites the dust.
edit on 22-4-2022 by generalbattle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 09:14 PM
Lots of ammo captured by rebels. Plenty of NATO 60 mm mortar rounds.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 09:35 PM
Anyway, I see Russia switching over to 155 mm howitzers, phasing out WW1 era 152 mm which is British 6 inch gun at the time. Russia's closest allies Iran and China both use 155 mm, so both of them can send 155 mm rounds to Russia to fight America backed Ukraine which also uses 155 mm rounds sent by America. That way Russia uses 3 types of howitzer rounds: 122 mm light, 155 mm medium, 203 mm heavy.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 09:39 PM
More Russian fascists heading to Ukraine to fight America and Britain backed Ukraine army. Reportedly they will receive fire support from Russian military.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 09:46 PM
Russians paint all 26 letters of the Roman alphabet on their vehicles to prevent Americans and British from banning Roman letters in their country where English is spoken and written in letters of the Roman alphabet.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

How long do you think 100 howitzers can last in Ukraine? A week? A month? It won't be long before America will have to send 10,000 howitzers to Ukraine if America wants this war to continue indefinitely. Howitzers don't last very long with armed drones and 120 km range 300 mm GLONASS guided MRLS and Kh-35U GLONASS guided 260 km range land attack cruise missiles around.
edit on 22-4-2022 by generalbattle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: generalbattle
Russians paint all 26 letters of the Roman alphabet on their vehicles to prevent Americans and British from banning Roman letters in their country where English is spoken and written in letters of the Roman alphabet.

Oh, so you admit they themselves realize there is a serious problem with how they are perceived by the majority of the world?

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:07 PM

originally posted by: generalbattle
Oh boy, another shopping mall bites the dust.

I think this is from 2017 notice in the pictures it's all been damaged and rusting. I think this was just abandoned equipment after the huge fire.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: generalbattle

I think the F and U are written in bigger letters than the rest.

Their sense of humor is pretty good.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: generalbattle
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

How long do you think 100 howitzers can last in Ukraine? A week? A month? It won't be long before America will have to send 10,000 howitzers to Ukraine if America wants this war to continue indefinitely. Howitzers don't last very long with armed drones and 120 km range 300 mm GLONASS guided MRLS and Kh-35U GLONASS guided 260 km range land attack cruise missiles around.

Russian drones don't last very long with stingers in the area, This is why Russia still hasn't gained air superiority. they should have had it in the first week yet the skies are still contested and Ukrainian airforce is still operating. I really don't know or even begin to explain why Russia is screwing this up.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:27 PM
Well it appears Ukraine now has more tanks than the Russians do 6e5d9da3526b491cb4f2008a9e984dde

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Do you honest think Stingers are the panacea to air threats? If that were the case there's no need for Patriot then. Not to spoil your little party but Stinger don't have the ceiling to engage high flying armed drones.

If Americans want to shoot down Russian armed drones they would have to send Patriot to Ukraine.
edit on 22-4-2022 by generalbattle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

T-72 is a death trap. Not even Russians are focused on MBT anymore.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: generalbattle
a reply to: dragonridr

Do you honest think Stingers are the panacea to air threats? If that were the case there's no need for Patriot then. Not to spoil your little party but Stinger don't have the ceiling to engage high flying armed drones.

If Americans want to shoot down Russian armed drones they would have to send Patriot to Ukraine.

the drones russia is using are not high altitude ones though from what it looks like. The US is sending predator drones to ukraine though.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Bulll#.. Zelenskyy didnt discuss going back to nuclear weapons until after Russia invaded.

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