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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 2

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posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

"Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Nikolyuk, who yesterday ordered to blow up the Proletarsky bridge across the Seversky Donets in order to prevent the units defending in the industrial zone of Severodonetsk from leaving."

Is this the words of the general? Both sides have blown up bridges to stop the advancement of the other side not to trap their soldiers to fight to the death. Is that what you believe is happening with Ukraine, just curious. It seems the moral issue is actually with the Russians.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 10:29 AM
Possible Ukrainian helicopter and or shelling of a military base 50km inside Russia-

Residents of a Russian town near the Ukraine border reported witnessing a helicopter attack on a military base on Tuesday, days after Moscow accused Ukrainian forces of crossing the border.
An explosion was reported in Klintsy, a town in Bryansk Oblast, Russia, some 50 kilometers from the Ukraine border, at around 8 a.m. local time Tuesday, according to local media reports.
A local Telegram channel, Podslushano Klintsy (Overheard in Klintsy), said eyewitnesses reported seeing a helicopter circling above a military unit. The helicopter reportedly fired two shots before flying off.
"A shell hit part of a military base and part of an apartment complex," the channel said.

Pics and video here: 47223&xi=311343bb-7c27-4147-939a-0eba399cee6c&ai=10914343

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

[ Video ]
DPR reports that the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a missile attack on Donetsk, Makiivka and Yasinovataya from positions in Avdiivka
In the direction of residential areas, the militants fired 40 BM-21 Grad MLRS rockets.

Additionally, (presumably Ukrops) hit russian city of Klintsy (50KM from border) with presumably MLRS. Russian sources reported earlier that there are “victims” after an explosion occurred in the city. It’s unclear whether injured or killed.

The video shows Russian airforce Mi-28N over the city of Klintsy after the explosion

[ Album Videos ]
Ukrainian military shelled the Bryansk region

The Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled the village of Zaimishche, located in the urban district of Klintsy, Bryansk region. Four civilians were wounded.

The information about the shelling was confirmed by the governor of the Bryansk region Alexander Bogomaz.

Apparently a Tochka-U missile was used.

Conflicting info on what type of missile was used.

edit on 14-6-2022 by Grimpachi because: simple edit

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
a reply to: Grimpachi

"Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Nikolyuk, who yesterday ordered to blow up the Proletarsky bridge across the Seversky Donets in order to prevent the units defending in the industrial zone of Severodonetsk from leaving."

Is this the words of the general? Both sides have blown up bridges to stop the advancement of the other side not to trap their soldiers to fight to the death. Is that what you believe is happening with Ukraine, just curious. It seems the moral issue is actually with the Russians.

There is a video of them firing on their own people who were surrendering.

Ukraine passed a law authorizing the shooting of deserters.

It is also not the first time they have blown a bridge trapping their own people.

They are sending completely untrained conscripts to the front.

Believe what you want

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Those Russians being careful not to target civilians:

BBC News - Ukraine war: Evidence shows widespread use of cluster munitions in Kharkiv

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
BBC News - Ukraine war: Evidence shows widespread use of cluster munitions in Kharkiv

Sadly, the Russians used cluster munitions in Syria and Chechnya. In both places, the civilian loss of life was very high. Russians have little care for civilians or collateral damage. Just look at the destruction of Mariupol and a dozen other places.
Russia gets away with this because they have a controlled press and no transparency of their actions, alongside a military that is living in the past.

The war crimes file is getting quite full. Luckily, there is effort into collecting evidence of these crimes.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Sources, please?

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi

Believe what you want

Well we already know you do. BTW do you know in America during war you can shoot deserters?
edit on 14-6-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 02:44 PM
Seems people are under the false impression that Ukraine doesn't use cluster munitions. Even when they were used today on Donetsk.

In fact, that is the only thing that has been reported being used in Tochka-Us that have been fired on Donetsk over the past 8 years.

Go to the 1:00 mark

They even use cluster incendiaries on civilian districts.

In the past 24 hrs, 5 civilians were killed in Donetsk by cluster munitions fired by Ukraine.

Donetsk has been shelled with more cluster munitions than any place in Ukraine.

Also, the French who signed on to ban cluster munitions is now supplying Ukraine with OGR F1 as a "fragmentation-fuzzy" projectile which is a cluster munition.

It is hard to tell if those making it an issue now are just blissfully unaware or if they are feigning outrage.

This may come as a shock to those people as well but Ukraine is also using antipersonnel mines. If they were placed that is one thing because when this is done someone may at least know where they are but that isn't the type I am talking about.

Ukrainian Nazis are actively dropping "petals". These are very insidious anti-personnel mines, which are delivered from the air with the help of " Uragan" rocket launchers.

They don't harm Russian military equipment in any way, but if a person steps on them, then at best he will lose his foot, and at worst life.
They are barely noticeable in the grass and require very little pressure force of 5-25 kg.
The Kyiv regime once again proves its criminal nature: only from the Izyum district of the Kharkov region and the republics of Donbass there have already been reports about three children whose feet were torn off.
Despite the fact that the production of petals has long been discontinued, these mines are still in abundance in the Ukrainian warehouses.

In years to come, there will be casualties from these things on hapless wanderers.

I doubt I will see the same condemnation for Ukraine using cluster munitions as they had for Russia.

FYI, neither Russia, Ukraine nor the US have banned cluster munitions. For the US it has been stated they are an integral part of the defense strategy.


France handed over proximity fuses for CAESAR self-propelled guns to Ukraine.

Coming soon to Donetsk civilian centers I am sure.

edit on 14-6-2022 by Grimpachi because: grammar

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

I'm guessing that you didn't bother to read the article I linked to about Russia using cluster munitions in Kharkiv?

No, it's all one way traffic with your posting. And your propaganda sources.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Seems like Russia has quite a few refuseniks:

BBC News - The Russian soldiers refusing to fight in Ukraine

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:23 PM
Result of today's cluster munition attack on Donetsk.

Nine-year-old Maxim is in the hospital with a concussion, multiple shrapnel wounds. One of the fragments hit the boy in the chest. The boy's mother is now in another hospital. She was hit with shrapnel in the face.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:26 PM
great news...IF true, of course.

Take this news with a grain of salt, but what they're saying is that following an unsuccessful operation (pun), #Putin is in a coma. He's allegedly in intensive care, showing all the signs of inhibition of brainstem reflexes, and his body does not respond to pain.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Any evidence as to which side did that? Not seeing any?

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: WeDemBoyz

Watch this space, I guess?

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:34 PM

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

You can not replace what the Russians have done in 3 months that is 100x worst than anything you are pushing that has happen in the last 8 years.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 04:25 PM
6/14/2022 update

[ Album ]
The advancing Russian 20th Army has entered the settlement of Dolina, next to Krasnopolye, after earlier moving into Bogorodnichnoye, all en route to Slavyangrad.

Severodonetsk Update: Azot 1.0 / Azovstal 2.0

1—According to the LNR Ministry of Internal Affairs, there is up to 2,500 Ukrainian military personnel in the territory of the Azot plant in Severodonetsk, of which up to 20-25% are foreign mercenaries.

2—The supply and reinforcement route of the Ukrainian fighters and foreign mercenaries was disrupted due to the destruction of the bridges to Lisichansk over the Seversky Donets river and the ability of the Allied artillery to exercise firing control over the approaches to Severodonetsk from Lisichansk.

3—The Ukrainian side has requested the organization of a humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of civilians (women, children, and the elderly) kept by the Ukrainian fighters at the Azot chemical plant to the territory controlled by Kiev in the city of Lisichansk.

4—At the same time, the bridge to Lisichansk was blown up by the Ukrainians. Therefore, from 08:00 (Moscow time) to 20:00 (Moscow time) on June 15, 2022, the Russian Armed Forces opened a humanitarian corridor in a northerly direction (to the city of Svatovo, Lugansk People's Republic).

5—The safe evacuation of all, without exception, civilians and their movement as part of humanitarian convoys to temporary accommodation centers was guaranteed.

6—The proposal of the Ukrainian side to organize a humanitarian corridor to the territory controlled by Kiev in Lisichansk was rejected due to the destruction by the Ukrainian forces of the bridges across the Seversky Donets and the evident intention of Ukraine to use the corridors to try to withdraw the surviving units from the encirclement.

[ Photo ]
After a breakthrough to the north of Novoluganskoye and the Uglegorskaya TPS, the Allied forces took control of Semigorye and Vershina, officially consecrating the newest cauldron containing Ukrainian troops.

@Rybar SitRep: The situation in the Kharkov region as of 22:00 on June 14, 2022

1—In the north of the region, regular clashes continued in the area between the settlements of Rubezhnoye and Verkhniy Saltov. Russian troops continue fighting for the area in order to prevent the crossing of the Ukrainian Armed Forces across the shallow Seversky Donets. [GB: According to other reliable reports, Russian forces are advancing in this area, with the re-liberation of Stary Saltov already in sight, and the Ukrainian troops fighting at the limits of their capacity just to maintain the line of the front.]

2—Fighting for Tsupovka continued to the west. The village has been without communication for more than a week.

3—Artillery duels continue across the entire line of the front near Kharkov. The Russian Armed Forces attacked the positions of the Ukrainian troops in Kharkov, Zolochev [GB: In the latter, massive explosions were reported after 10 Russian strikes hit an area of concentration of equipment and newly-brought-in Ukrainian reserves], Dementyevka, Russkaya Lozova, Peremoga, Shestakovo, Pitomnik, Prudyanka, Slatino and Dergachi. In return, Ukrainian artillery shelled Veseloye and Liptsy.

4—South of Balakleya, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are gathering manpower and armored vehicles for another offensive attempt. Along the long-suffering Rubicon of the Chepel—Protopopovka—Petrovsky line following the Seversky Donets river [GB: Where countless Ukrainian attempts (none successful) to organize a pontoon bridge have been foiled by the Russian forces, with significant Ukrainian personnel and equipment reserves decimated], the Ukrainian command continues to try to organize a crossing of the Seversky Donets river, with the self-evident and to emerge to the rear of the Izyum group advancing on Slavyansk. In response, the Russian armed forces systematically fire at the positions of Ukrainian formations in this area.

[GB: Ukrainian actions at Chepel are self-aware attempts to define insanity.]

[ Photo ]
Vrubovka is taken. Gorskoye-Zolotoye cauldron shut. Second cauldron today.

In the course of just one day since opening an information exchange with respect to Ukrainian servicemen missing in action, Anatoly Sharii received 1200 inquiries from relatives and loved ones of the missing soldier.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 04:30 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Yeah it was Russia that blew up the bridge.

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