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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Summer, Joe's going to be very hot in the diaper area. The Gun thing won't last, about to be Inverted, next up abortion and it will be Inverted on him quickly. Outrage at every. single. thing. will have diminishing returns very quickly among the awake it will Invert to change, among the asleep it will serve to create despondency.

I'd say the gun thing has already been inverted. Most people are pissed that the cops just stood around picking their @sses while children were being shot. I bet you gun sales will soar, because people will figure that if they can't count on the police to protect them, then they'll need to be equipped to protect themselves.

And the abortion thing has already been played out. It wasn't nearly as big a deal as the Dems thought it was.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I know you watch Phil and he stated on his last live that he was hearing things that Uvalde was much bigger than what was going on at surface level and was very disturbing. The thing I cannot wrap my head around is with this shooting and some of the others that they are not letting parents see their kids and are requiring DNA evidence to match them up. Just with that I am very suspicious. If I were a parent and that happened to my kid I would tear down that building to see my kid for one last time.

Now that you mention it, the DNA testing thing is really weird. It would only be needed if the bodies were unidentifiable (think 9/11 victims)... unless... they're concerned that some of these children are trafficking victims, and their "parents" aren't actually related to them.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 11:50 AM
This conversation with Klaus Schwab and Albert Bourla at WEF is just so weird.

Exactly what is KS saying? "You have made a major many of us became resistant to survivors so thankyou on behalf of everybody." .55 mark
Not finished with the survivors at the 2.15 mark "if we are not getting rid of survivors" and then he addresses the audience and says "if anybody who felt this was too much or...I just can't share...that we had many internal discussions."

Makes me wonder which 'survivors' he is referring to, the vaccine survivors, Covid survivors or just all of us who have survived and are not too happy with them at the moment.
The two of them mull over whether the plandemic should be prolonged or maybe just introduce a new one. Anyway it is quite clear that Pfizer is supposed to be the New World Order global vaccine provider who is to be supported by organizations such as Doctors Without Borders.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 11:55 AM

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 11:58 AM

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

I've heard they did this at some of the other shootings and I can't find any reason for it. Even if the bodies were badly damaged I think most parents would still want to see their kids one last time. One thought I had is it was just an act because the kids were never really killed and if you never saw them and the casket is closed you have no idea what is in there or cremated if that was the choice that was made.

If the story that I saw pans out that some of the kids rescued in the operation turn out to be Uvalde kids would that open some eyes maybe? The difficult thing is since you are dealing with minors would they be willing to show photos etc to back up the claims? Lets just say this story is true how does that affect any previous shootings and to pull something like that off who would need to be involved?

Like Rel said the military plane above the scene adds more mystery as it could work either way from a bad guy or good guy point if in fact nefarious activities were involved.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 12:06 PM
That's all very odd. Do you suppose, with other options for children to sacrifice being cut off, this is some kind of way for someone to get their "fix?"

It's been a weird day for me so far. I'm laying outside and feel something on my leg, and there is a lizard sitting there looking at me. Startled the heck out of me.

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

I've heard they did this at some of the other shootings and I can't find any reason for it. Even if the bodies were badly damaged I think most parents would still want to see their kids one last time. One thought I had is it was just an act because the kids were never really killed and if you never saw them and the casket is closed you have no idea what is in there or cremated if that was the choice that was made.

If the story that I saw pans out that some of the kids rescued in the operation turn out to be Uvalde kids would that open some eyes maybe? The difficult thing is since you are dealing with minors would they be willing to show photos etc to back up the claims? Lets just say this story is true how does that affect any previous shootings and to pull something like that off who would need to be involved?

Like Rel said the military plane above the scene adds more mystery as it could work either way from a bad guy or good guy point if in fact nefarious activities were involved.

edit on 6/3/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 12:23 PM
If True
. Not the clip I was looking for but definitely an example of fpp.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 12:27 PM
I was just singing "Something in the Way" in my head as I was coming back to this thread.

originally posted by: CrazyFox
. Not the clip I was looking for but definitely an example of fpp.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Caled

Maybe they are more desperate but these have been going on for awhile. Its the perfect situation for them to not only get more "product" but also push their narratives. Then if the video is true about the border agents kids being targeted it certainly fits into their playbook as well in regards to eliminating or intimidate their opposition.

Look at how many potential areas of interest it was for them:

1 Border Security (can't defend the border without agents)

2 Gun Control narrative

3 Child trafficking

4 Build more negativity against the police.

I just hope this story doesn't get buried

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 12:52 PM
Gregg Phillips

says the AG and the people of Arizona won a huge victory because the ballot dealer "talked".
He says dozens of people have been brought in and interviewed and expects more allegations to come

edit on 3-6-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

From this vid conversation, starting @ 8:15:
Bourla: the the biggest product of GAVI the one that according to GAVI and Bill Gates have saved more lives, it is the pneumococcal vaccine that we are providing.
Klaus: zee, let's zee if the founder was uh Bill Gates, but it was originated here actually GAVI was born here.
Bourla: He always says that when he speaks, he says that was here in Davos.
Klaus: Yeah it's a Davos charity for me say so and we have many children.
Bourla: Hmm, hahahaha.

I think Klaus is referring to his WEF initiates as 'children' that have spawned off partnerships/companies out of Davos, like Bill Gates.

Starting @ 24:33
Bourla: ...but with a vaccine that we knew that there is a very fanatic group of anti-vaxxers that will go after us no matter what, they will claim that the sun didn't go up because people were vaccinated and that created issues with the crop, so I'm sueing you and one thing it is to sue you in the U.S. another thing is to show you in a country where the legal system is not up to that standards or Switzerland right so I think that's behind us. Everything went okay and now I think we can move on.

Klaus: I think we were both targets of the anti-vaccine movements and conspiracy people claiming that I had tripled, I wonder what it is triple Covid. Where I was I think he got hundreds of thousands of clicks and so on. I know you were also target.

Bourla: I read one day but was arrested by FBI

Klaus: Yeah same happened to me

Bourla: and there are pictures pictures of me and FBI officers, I don't know how, yeah I never said the surprising thing it is that the same publication I found out because it had published the previous one that was arrested, that was the Pope by FBI [Klaus laughing] so, ridiculous.

Klaus: yeah so we are a good company

Bourla: at least I was in good company yeah.

Klaus: but um that was such a success of mRNA technology how confident can we be or how hopeful can we be successful technology helps also in many other diseases cancer particularly malaria i think was mentioned in the media can you lift the curtain about what's happening in Sicily.

Bourla: "yes i think we will see a lot of advancements with mRNA and the good thing after the success of Covid is that right now we have a substantial wave of companies biotechs and big pharma that are working on mRNA a lot and they are working on multiple applications of mRNA so I think the first the the first things that I'm hopeful to see it is other vaccines other than Covid, a flu vaccine with mRNA a single vaccine..."

"...other vaccines with mrna the second wave i think that we could see it is cancer. There is a lot of research that are happening for many years..."

" the vaccine is training to attack the virus and kill it is to to kill your cancer cells then we are going to the third horizon which the technology will be used for gene editing..."

Welcome to the brave new world of 'medicine'.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:02 PM
I said this exact thing at least a year ago. I still contend the unannounced death triggered the lockdowns in the colonies, to try and game the system until the announcement.

Australia set to DITCH the monarchy when the Queen dies and turn Australia into a republic: 'Do we want King Charles?'

Mr Albanese as previously spoken of Australia becoming a republic and has said the change was 'inevitable', but he did not mention his thoughts on the issue during his six-week election campaign.

Mr Thistlethwaite said during a series of interviews on Thursday that the death of the Queen would signal an appropriate time to move towards a republic.

'Do we want King Charles or are we mature enough or independent enough to look to appoint one of our own as our head of state,' he told Sky News.

There is a bunch of stuff posted in here about the Australian Debt, their role in the election interference, and more. This is bigger underneath, as the Monarchy Trusts containing Humans (as current(cy) will collapse and become void, as well as treaties, debts will be a problem, and much more.

The minions below have no idea how any of this works, at all. I watched some video yesterday for a few minutes of some nice enough Academe folks, pontificating on financial reset stuff. They fully failed to grasp that all the world of "economics" such as it is, is orchestrated from the unseen. From their POV everything is just random bankers being lazy, failing to see trends, late to the game etc., but they fail to understand that none of this is random and is deeply rooted in certain kinds of "non freewill violating" systems.

So, the Trusts that hold the property of the Human bodies and their output are the most valuable thing on earth, and the Monarchy has a bunch, and no Monarchy, even for one. single. second. means the Trusts collapse. This is one reason why her death has to be managed carefully. She holds the Humans in bondage, through her place within the Trusts, we have a window to flee, when her death is announced.

I said this stuff since second one in this thread, because it matters to the Informed Consent folks now more than ever.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:07 PM
👀 It seems to say:

your dna is ours!

we created it.
we can destroy it!


posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:18 PM
What are the odds?
The NIH and the Institute of Virology both became super interested in Monkey Pox coincidently while we were distracted with Covid.

The NIH provided funding of $9,824,009 for a treatment research project September 20, 2020. They just can't help themselves.

Meanwhile Wuhan has developed technology where they do not have to have an original viral sample of Monkey Pox but can produce it synthetically.< Fun times ahead with a new toy in the tool kit.

Magically it is appearing here, there and everywhere. Seems people are not buying into this so what else can disrupt the midterm elections?

Current reports state that it is spreading through the gay community so maybe this links to...

#252 clip
Diseases created by families in power [pop control + pharma] billions kb
Think AIDS
Future topic.

I was just wondering if the kb could mean Klaus [Schwab] and [Albert] Bourla.

Youtube by Dr. John Campbell>watch NIH, Wuhan were working on monkeypox

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:20 PM
The current Los Angeles Mayor, who has been woke for about a decade, has zero accomplishments in his time, quite literally zero and is so bad that the Senate didn't have enough vote to send him to India as a diplomat. The Muskinator account seems to tease. Seriously, if you folks are teasing...

Caruso has one, literally, one platform: The so called homeless. Guy down the street, built his own mobile home, it burned down, he stole more stuff and rebuilt. All is amusing enough, but he as an AIR CONDITIONER built into it and it is parked under a sign that says no mobile home parking - 2 years. The entire country sent all their drug addicts and mental cases to Los Angeles on a one way bus, you're welcome.

This was exceedingly loud to me last night.

IIRC Pool has two UBI posts.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Caled

Had a small one climb up on my shoe while on an island. He took 10 and I just watched. Made for a nice photo.


posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

Duncan there is more around this 'gene' thing.
Albert Bourla at the WEF briefly discussed the third wave of mRNA technology development at the end of the conversation with Herr Schwab.

The plan is to use injectables for gene editing. Can you imagine a baby born and maybe doesn't have the 'desired' genes or flavor of the month physical characteristic and presto the jab solution. What could go wrong?

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: duncanhidao
👀 It seems to say:

your dna is ours!

we created it.
we can destroy it!


Interesting. A number of ways to read it. From her (DNA) out, as in death to the light. Or "she creates" DNA/light. But since that clearly isn't her, I think the death is more likely, as it goes from "pink" or blood color to white.

There is a Q drop with the burning tree. Date match?

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:51 PM
Is this part of the plan? It's all in the timing...

Here we are in the midst of a huge storm of gun controversy and what is coming up?

Wear Orange Day
which, shock and awe, starts tomorrow June 3 and runs until June 5th.
Obama is quite excited about it and reminds everyone about the reason; Haydiya Pendelton who just happened to be 17 when he was shot and killed in Obama's hometown of Chicago.
It's all about Gun Violence Prevention.
The Obama Foundation@Obama Foundation #wear orange day

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