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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on May, 18 2022 @ 02:55 PM

The Yankee and Cowboy War (1976) By Carl Oglesby

Yankees, Cowboys, and Elephants, Part 1

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 04:58 PM
Caled's "not so random" rabbit hole for today. I heard something that raised an eyebrow, which led me to this:

"William Bradford Bishop Jr. (born August 1, 1936) is a former United States Foreign Service officer who has been a fugitive from justice since allegedly killing his wife, mother, and three sons in 1976.[1][2][3] On April 10, 2014, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) placed him on the list of its Ten Most Wanted Fugitives."

Nothing to significant right? Until you get near the bottom:

"Authorities revealed in 2010 that before the murders, Bishop had been corresponding with federal prison inmate Albert Kenneth Bankston in the United States Penitentiary in Marion, Illinois,[25] though it is unknown why or how."

Ok, now we are getting somewhere. But where?

"When five cattle were found mysteriously dead on a Oregon ranch last summer, the authorities found themselves baffled. The animals, prowling around in a remote part of country, had been mutilated and drained of blood. Body parts like tongues and genitals were completely removed. A sheriff’s deputy, Dan Jenkins, dismissed the usual suspects of wolves and other natural predators. None of the cattle were shot, ruling out human intervention."

"Some pinned the blame on aliens, an idea that has remained popular to this day. Others suggested secret government experiments, because clearly leaving horrifically maimed cow carcasses in the wild wouldn’t draw anyone’s suspicions. A third school of thought, begging for a “grounded” solution, pointed to a Satanic cult. The humble theoretician behind this postulation was Albert Kenneth Bankston, an authority on bank robbing who was serving time for his field in a Kansas federal penitentiary. In 1974, Bankston began writing letters to Ross Doyen, a state senator interested in the mutilations."

"According to Bankston, the culprits leaving behind thousands of dead, mutilated livestock were the members of a dark cult called the Sons of Satan. The cultists drained the cattle’s blood via hypodermic needles, and cut off their genitals to use in fertility rituals. In addition to their cattle mutilating, the cult kept themselves busy with drug-dealing, murder, and other unsavory hobbies. Doyen, bewildered and enlightened, passed the information off to paranormal researcher Jerome Clark, who also started up a correspondence with Bankston."

"The bits and pieces from Bankston painted the image of a wealthy, ambitious cult that wasn’t content with just terrorizing farm animals. Bankston claimed that the Satanists were made up of bikers, criminals, and millionaire stockbrokers, and their plans included stealing a nuclear missile and assassinating journalists and politicians. In an age when a crazed folk singer and his followers attempted to set off a race war only five or six years earlier, Bankston’s story was treated seriously by the authorities. Donald Flickinger, an investigator from the U.S. Treasury Department, was tasked with checking into the former bank robber’s allegations."

"The public belief in the Satanic cult theory died down as well, with pop culture associating the mutilations with little green men instead. It seems, going into the 1980s, the Satanists shifted gears, spending their time hanging out at daycares, kidnapping children, and killing giraffes."

More reading:
edit on 5/18/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

What the US Intel agencies don't want people to know is they are CONSTANTLY spying on each other.

They infiltrate or B&E each other more often than you can beleib.

They plant people into other agencies to learn their training and secrets and report back to their handler in another agency.

chAir Force spamming Eddit seems about right tho.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Caled

Can't bring children and Satan worshipping without mentioning this.

The investigators drove her to Leavenworth Street in San Francisco. The girl was asked to identify any of the houses that she had been to before. While walking past 2430 Leavenworth, the girl identified the house as the one where she met “Mikey” and “Shamby.” It was the Aquinos’ house.

A search warrant was served on the Aquino home on Aug. 14. In attendance were agents from the FBI and the San Francisco Police. Because the abuse allegedly occurred on city property, it was to be a city case.

Among the items seized were video tapes, cassette tapes, notebooks with names and addresses, two photo albums one paper plate and two plastic gloves from the kitchen garbage, four plastic cases of negatives and 29 photos of costumes and masks. With his widow’s peak and arching eyebrows, Lt Col. Michael Aquino looks more like a pudgy Dracula than a high ranking Army officer with top security clearance. He is the founder and high priest of a satanic church, the Temple of Set. His wife, Lilith, a gaunt woman with long, dark hair, is a priestess in the temple’s Order of the Vampyre. The couple refer to the search as a “raid” and have branded the investigation a witch hunt.

“The Army has known about my religion for the last 18 years and has no problem,” Aquino told me in a telephone interview late last year. “Not one single person in the US. Army, with the exception of the chaplain, would have the remotest notion that I would be involved in anything like this.”

and just to dismay any naysayers.

A group of parents contends as many as 37 children may have been sexually abused at an Army day-care center, and officials say at least two children have been infected with a sexually-transmitted disease.

Presidio spokesman Bob Mahoney said Monday that more than 60 children have been seen at the Army’s Letterman Hospital in recent months after their parents reported they have been be victims of sexual abuse at the center, which cares for 250 children daily.

Notice how often Aquino's name pops up in these events of governmental misdeeds.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 05:59 PM
The 5th circuit court just levied a huge ruling, destroying the SECs ability to enforce securities law.
This effectively strikes down the entire administrative state.
Agency enforcement power is unconstitutional.
Implicating that no federal agency has constitutional power to enforce their regulations unless congress passes those regulation into law.
Basically, and correct me if I’m wrong but every health code violation, epa violation, cdc violation, etc would be entitled to a full jury trial vs an administrative ruling.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything
a reply to: crankyoldman

I haven't heard that about JE, but about Steven S. the director. Nasty, nasty rumors about him and the blonde girl from Poltergeist....

Heather O'Rourke. She died very young -- only 12 years old -- from what was supposedly an intestinal blockage. Given what we know now, I doubt that's what really happened.

Supposedly, that "intestinal blockage" was a result of what they did to her. All hellywood rumors, of course. But intestinal rupture more like it.

The thought of the torturous nature that would imply is beyond the pale. My heart hurts thinking this has been happening to people and these children. There will be a special place in hell for these sick evil people I am sure, but the victims had to die to get relief from their suffering.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 07:06 PM
Ministry of Truth is out, she's the victim. Too funny. Team Joe is a dumpster fire within a dumpster fire.

Q 1000X Watergate

Patterns, what was watergate, ostensibly, for the pewblick? Remember, who allegedly broke into the dems to "hack" before the election, which was directly tied to russia russia russia +++? Thumb drive, russia not russia.

They are just patterns, and they repeat, because they are within our collective, so in order to transcend we have to use the pattern to break the pattern. Folks will allow the DNC to be hacked/broken into in 2016 because it happened before, and folks will accept a trial on it as it relates to russia russia russia, only this time instead of dooming DJT(Nixon) it will exonerate, thereby breaking the pattern.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 07:34 PM

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: SideEyeEverything
I normally don't either or do not realize that's what I am hearing. I turned off everything I the house unp!hugged all the outlets I could find. Then I figured let's go take a listen outside.

It was louder.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 08:30 PM
I heard it during the power outage when there was no power for miles. It’s definitely not electrical.

I need some time when nobody is around. Want to find a crystal wine glass and add some water and see what happens when I can hear the hum.

originally posted by: CrazyFox
a reply to: SideEyeEverything
I normally don't either or do not realize that's what I am hearing. I turned off everything I the house unp!hugged all the outlets I could find. Then I figured let's go take a listen outside.

It was louder.

edit on 5/18/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
a reply to: dashen

This pic is a group of guys who are saying it was a great day to die for their country. Or as Gen George Patton would say, make that other SOB die for his country. I will stay with Start Trek's Commander Spock's phrase where he wishes all to "live long and prosper". After all God has "plans to prosper you"! Those guys are not feeling that vibe to live long I see. They are daring fate.

edit on 18-5-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 09:08 PM
In ref to the Psyop trailer
Ghost in the Machine

What I find funnyamazes-me is how a 1933 Betty Boop cartoon can be used to createWeaponize an aura of mystery/intrique

Probably just me

Snow White (7 Dwarfs)

Stay Grounded

edit on 5182022 by MetalThunder because: TIME is what you make of IT

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Cranky these posts by Pool using images years in advance of them being published in significant articles that link to his messaging is the one thing that really keeps pulling me back to project looking glass.

Wasn't it Laura Eisenhower who first disclosed it's existence and that she was recruited to be in their secret Mars program because they saw her in the future, but because she has such an aversion to control and a spirit for free will she completely shunned them and went into the metaphysical practices instead?

edit on 5/18/2022 by Menesses because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 10:24 PM

edit on 18-5-2022 by XtheMadnessNow because: Nina be gone

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: therainmaker

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

I bet Elon Musk could fire 80% of Twitter's workforce, and none of the Twitter subscribers would notice any difference in their daily Twitter experience.

Same with the bloated Federal Government. Keep the people who are not furloughed during shutdowns, and fire the rest.

I just had a long reply typed to this, then somehow lost it all. Damn.

Quickly now...

On your first point, one of my closest friends owns a company that’s contracted by some of the tech giants along the lines of whom you named. I’m being very careful with my words here. He himself is a recognized prodigal genius in his field and likely the only person with his skillset that these companies ever utilize. They seem to trust him immensely and he has witnessed many things that an outsider who is less valuable to them probably would not have seen.

And according to him, that number of useless fluff workers is closer to 99.5 percent.

Myself, I’m recently-retired from the federal government. I’d say your 80 percent guess is correct. I met some useless federal humans at offices all over the world, and I was perplexed at how they were hired, let alone still employed. The only rational— yet not ethical— explanation I could think of was that politicians’ relatives couldn’t land a job elsewhere and were given the roles as favors.

I’ll never forget being left alone for the first time at a certain gigantic DoJ administrative building. I was led to a huge room with archived paper files (this was decades ago) to search for what I needed. I was told that I should go to the “super-elite” internal secretary office if I needed anything. I was told the smartest and most resourceful people were there, but to be extra polite if I needed anything because they were always so busy.

I found myself working with my files just outside of that office. I spent about two days at the project tables directly outside of it. The women inside never knew I was there.

I heard zero productive activity of any kind. What I did hear were endless hours of talk about fictional soap operas mixed in with who’s having an affair with whom within the building, graphic sexual stories, and more. Those were allegedly the best of the best of “competent” secretaries, paid with US taxpayers’ money.

Thank-you for taking the time to respond a second time after an apparent ATS hiccup whacked your initial reply.

I also worked at an I.T. Help Desk with the state of Illinois for a couple of years. Two depressing years. How people can be satisfied getting paid for being so useless is mind-numbing. Like Twitter, there were 600 of us whose primary job revolved around a "server" in a little cool, semi-sterile room. Keeping it running and the people who interacted with it, doing their job.

President Trump had great ideas for trimming government, but the media, government executives, and stakeholders who made their living from government, scared Trump into silence. I hate that he had so little assistance from within his own party. I fear it won't be much different in 2024, unless a whole lot of "career people" at the top of certain agencies are purged beforehand.

I often find myself thinking the only way to replace our cruel and selfish system of U.S. government personnel, is to do so by force. Then I recall what Q always said about "Trust the Plan". I wish he had told us how to know if "the plan" didn't work, or had blown-up before it could be activated. Thousands of Patriots die every month, waiting for "the plan" to come to fruition.

I was amazed when President Trump said 80% to 85% of the Federal

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 10:30 PM
Chores are racist

Bi-Racial Son Sees Mother's Chore Requests as Racial Oppression

Health is racist

Obesity Rooted in Racism


posted on May, 18 2022 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog
To complicate matters, there are definitely 2 Hunter Biden laptops. Maybe a third. He was addicted to them. Rudy Giuliani had a clone of the hard-drive from laptop the FBI took from the computer repair shop.

What bugs me is how/why the FBI didn't arrest the shop owner for cloning the drive, and Rudy Giuliani for exposing e-mails on the hard-drive, and giving a copy of his clone to Steve Bannon, who put the entire thing online on an off-shore (which authorities took offline about 60 days ago).

You'd think the FBI would be absolutely delighted to arrest the Shop Owner, Giuliani, and Steve Bannon. Particularly now that the contents of the hard-drive are confirmed as legitimate by the news media liberals respect.

You're spot on when you say, "something isn't right".

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I see there's apparently a new limit to how long a post can be. I was typing away and when I hit "reply", it looks like about 2 paragraphs were omitted from this post.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 10:43 PM
These people are legit demented.

Talk About Racist

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 10:46 PM

Poorly Conceived Ministry of truth Put on Pause

In a statement on Wednesday, the Department said that “the Board has been grossly and intentionally mischaracterized: It was never about censorship or policing speech in any manner. It was designed to ensure we fulfill our mission to protect the homeland, while protecting core constitutional rights.”

Infamous again...

New York Attorney General Launches Probe of Twitch, 4chan, 8chan, Discord, Other Social Media Companies After Buffalo Attack.

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