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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on May, 16 2022 @ 03:06 PM
another perspective

on my phone at the laundry.

2000 mules context

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 03:15 PM
A2s had three round burst. I would never, ever, ever, use an M16A2 in three round burst. That darn thing always jammed on me in three round burst. Double feeds. Once a triple feed with a bolt override. Those things were absolutely terrible on three round burst.

It may actually be a Bushmaster XM-15 A2 clone (that the Buffalo Shooter used). Semi-auto only. I have no idea why you would buy one. There are much better deals. Must be the combination of the longer barrel and fixed stock to meet state requirements.

This is probably the mag he used. You remove a rivet that converts the magazine from 10 to 30 rounds.

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: tallcool1

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Caled

The weapon in the article was the one I searched for. If it was a M-16 A2 then that would have meant that he got his hands on an ex-military weapon. Even if a person says "an M-16 clone" the XM-15 is basically in appearances a M-16 clone.

As for the bolt thing, I didn't know that.

That sounds like he got a real weapon for sure. That would mean it had "rock and roll" and safe as the two choices our DI told us. We are told to keep it on safe in the fort but put it on Rock and Roll in the battlefield and "disco their ass to death".

Even a .22 caliber sized round like that can kill a bunch of folks on auto. The prediction that they would have attacks and include a Church is sadly easy to predict since there is this one playbook the leftist read from to "bring this place down" as they think they want.

I suppose my memory might be wrong, but I was in the Army from late 1983 to late 1986. At the time in boot camp we were using the Army version of the Colt AR-15 - the M16A1. I'm fairly sure that there were 3 settings on the weapon, safe, fire (semi-automatic) and fully automatic. When set on "fire" you could shoot as fast as you could pull the trigger (semi-automatic), and when set on automatic, you only had to hold the trigger and you could shoot the whole clip in a matter of seconds. IIRC when I was getting out in 1986, the Army was switching to the M16A2 - which among other improvements replaced the fully automatic setting of the M16A1 with a 3 round burst setting to keep from wasting too much ammo like you did with the full automatic setting on the M16A1's. I was in a completely non-combat MOS, so I only got to shoot when it was time to re-qualify, but this is what I remember regarding the M16 variants.

Sorry - the point I forgot to make is, if the shooter was using a "modified" M16A2, I guess the modification could be that he made it fully automatic? Although I was under the impression that you can't make the M16A2 fully automatic, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

OK, i should have been more clear, my fault because I know about there being three settings. We were told we only need two of them! That was the point. We only had two settings as far as the DI was concerned.

Safe for the fort and Auto for the battlefield. Basic Training was 1980 for me I think and M16A1 was what I carried too.

ETA on your last point.

I didn't have the "A2" but it has to be a full automatic or our soldiers could be outgunned.

edit on 5/16/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
So the satanic church/church of satan has a heirarchy
The hierarchy is broken down to 5 degrees, with the 5th degree being the highest
The 5th degree in the satanic church is called “MAGA/MAGUS” members of the 5th degree may also be known as “doctor”

Another interesting one: “Krav Maga” a form of self defense and physical training, first developed by the Israeli army in the 1940s, based on the use of reflexive responses to threatening situations

Now with the Trump MAGA, this kinda creeps me out as we say.

Sstraaaange! Strange strange.....

1st I have ever heard or read a thing about this Maga/Magus Satanic levels. I thought it was Top Demon, Lucifer, then lesser demons and finally the minions. Like Plumbing poop runs downhill.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

I call it O'dark humor...

But, yea agree some of it is downright creepy cultish.

Imagine the Unimaginable

Short piece by Victor Davis Hanson that sums up the sordid state of the nation.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:10 PM
Maybe the Alan Parson's version of "Time" is reserved for later JoM?

Consider that the Album was called "The Turn of a Friendly Card"!

Consider how that may link into the Queen of Diamonds playing cards tweets... and Trump Card!

It would be a pretty big reveal in the "Movie" if it was actually Queen Elizabeth who flipped!

The phrase "Turning in her grave" might also become appropriate.
edit on 16-5-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Either the Queen or I wonder if the flipper is Harry. He's been out of the lime-light, also been here in North America so if he did flip no one would really know (well I bet MI 5 would know but that's another story). It could also remove everyone from his brother, father, and the Queen so that he could take the throne. A peaceful coup if you will.

The side benefit to him would be by exposing this mess to the public it would clear the way for him to start his Kingship as a "Trustworthy and Beloved" King without having to do squat for it.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Remember General Flynn and his little Sevenfold Rays prayer. It’s was word for word a prayer by Theosophists Helena Blavatsky. (See Edit)

The Link of Theosophy to Occultism and Espionage

Aleister Crowley was the most famous example of the murky connection between secret societies, occultism, and espionage, but by no means was he the only one. Several Theosophists colluded with intelligence agencies, and, in many cases, Crowley comes into the picture as well. Let’s learn more about Theosophy and how it’s connected to occultism and espionage.

Blavatsky’s mahatmas were basically identical to Aleister Crowley’s secret chiefs. They even belonged to the same Great White Lodge, which—in Blavatsky’s version—functioned as an inner government of the world. And they were opposed by the same evil Black Lodge

Theosophy was to be a stepping stone to a brotherhood of humanity; a new world order based on enlightened spiritual principles. But there wasn’t anything democratic about it. The masters ruled, and everyone else obeyed.

Trump, Maga King, Ascended Master, Saint Germain?

The Saint Germain Deception

Edit: it wasn’t Elizabeth Clare Prophet not Helena Blavatsky. Prophet is also influenced by theosophy. I over jumped the connection to Blavatsky.
edit on 16-5-2022 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:13 PM
Weird find of the day: Western Goals issued a report on the Weather Underground in 1982. Foreword by Roy Cohn, afterword by W. Mark Felt (Associate director FBI).

Skipping a few paragraphs...

Last page of the report:

Outlaws of Amerika: The Weather Underground Organization (1982)

Western Goals Foundation was a private domestic intelligence agency active in the USA. It was founded in 1979 by the legendary Army Ranger Major General John K. Singlaub, the publisher and British spy John H. Rees, and Congressman Larry McDonald. It went defunct in 1986 when the Tower Commission (Sen R-TX John Tower) revealed it had been part of Oliver North's Iran–Contra funding network.

John Tower (short guy in the middle), Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board under George HW Bush, who mysteriously died in a plane crash 214 days before Robert Maxwell's suicide-murder in 1991. Read his Post-Senate career with Robert Maxwell.

Lee Harvey Oswald 1961 Autograph Letter Signed to Senator Tower

August 2018: Lt Gen Mike Flynn receives the "Singlaub Award" from the Eagle Forum. Singlaub died on January 29, 2022, age 100.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:21 PM
Wow. Even with all the images, this thread used less than 5 pages from Friday midnight, to present. A record slow weekend for the Q-thread! The Calm before....


posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:26 PM
There was conversation about the Mickey Mouse watch hands for a while.
Interesting article just posted by zerohedge. Referring to why clocks are advertised in the 10:10 position

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: Justoneman

Remember General Flynn and his little Sevenfold Rays prayer. It’s was word for word a prayer by Theosophists Helena Blavatsky.

Actually, that was Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

The stated mission of The Summit Lighthouse is to "publish and apply the teachings of the ascended masters as taught by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet." Ascended Masters are believed to be individuals who have lived in physical bodies, acquired the wisdom and mastery needed to become Immortal and free of the cycles of "re-embodiment" and karma, and have attained their "Ascension."

Those who achieve it can expect to receive the full initiations received by Jesus Christ. This bonding prepares the initiate for permanent union with God, the I AM Presence, in the ritual of the ascension.

The term "I AM" is a reference to the ancient Sanskrit mantra "So Ham", meaning "I Am that I Am."

Wow, what a trip.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:54 PM

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:15 PM

Loud now.

Deming looked at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), an isolated military compound in Alaska that uses radio waves to study outer space and for testing advanced communication techniques – and a favorite focus of conspiracy theorists, who have accused the facility of acts ranging from mind control to weather control. He studied the possibility of otoacoustic emissions, which are naturally occurring sounds caused by the vibration of hair cells in the ear.

Something else

The second hypothesis is that the Hum is the grand accumulation of low-frequency sound and human-generated infrasound (sounds with audio frequencies below roughly 20 Hz and which can be felt more than they can be heard). This includes everything from highway noise to all manner of industrial activity.

Very loud to me currently.nuther

website documents and maps the self-reported data from people around the world who can hear The Hum, and also provides a serious and disciplined forum for scientific investigations and commentary. This is a volunteer, non-profit effort. Fund raising barely covers the costs of web hosting and basic equipment.

edit on 2022/5/16 by CrazyFox because:

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Stephen King consumed so much coc aine in the 80’s the CIA had drug shipments flying from Colombia direct to the Air National Guard Base outside Bangor, Maine once a week.
I heard both are fire...and I will now exit.

The original Firestarter stared Drew Barrymore, which, IIRC, JE offered or did buy her virginity. I think it was JE, my brain is mush after that blood moon mess of an evening.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

The logo for operation warp speed is a coronavirus molecule representing the corona gate and Saturns cube.
The Abraham Accord Coin has Saturn at the tip of the sword
In 2019 at a parade in Italy there was a giant float/statute/living image of trump. It featured him holding a flaming sword which said “Dani Vostri” which means “your duties”
The hilt of the sword contained the all seeing eye in a triangle with the saturnian 8 pointed star with a crescent moon lower
Trump = 88. 88 relates to the twin towers (twin pillars for sun and moon) when the towers fell trump proclaimed his building was now the tallest and that he watched them fall from his tower.
The number 8 represents infinity or hourglass. 88 represents space and time. In one year the sun and the moon take 2 figure 8s in the sky (88) an eclipse occurs when the sun and moon are in the same place in their analemmas
The movie back to the future says they need to reach speed 88 to time travel. The creators said the movie antagonist “Biff” is based off Donald Trump.
In the movie the number 119 is encoded (mirrors 911). Trump had a Serta commercial that has 119 encoded in a sheep.
When trump was 33 he talked about buying the Twin Towers.

He created space force. They are dubbed the “guardians”
The “guardians” are connected with battling the holy covenant
He was placed at “the tip of the spear” in a photo op at the NY Military academy
Occultist Marina Abramovic (I wonder if she’s related to the Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich?) stated that trump was “the magician who will wake us all up”
He has spoken the “snake poem” at multiple rallies
The movie “The Devils Advocate” was filmed on the 66th floor penthouse of Trumps (his building is 58 floors, yet he insists his floor is the 66th) his penthouse is essentially a shrine to green mythology. Mainly Apollo.
Elizabeth Christ Trump was Donald’s grandma. The matriarch of the family. She died 6/6/66. She died 666 days before the release of “2001 a space odyssey”
Jared Kushner purchased 666 Rockefeller.
Jesus mothers name was Mary. His Aunts name was Elizabeth
Donald’s mothers name was Mary. His aunts name was Elizabeth. Their family name originally was Drumpf. Don Drumpf = 666. Donald John Trump in Hebrew = 666. He has referred to himself as the chosen one and the king of Israel and the second coming of God….all on the same day.
Trump tower has an inverted pyramid with 6 trees on each side (6x6x6)
The Manhattan Trump Tower entrance and the Kaaba of Mecca both represent a Saturnian cube in black with gold
He regularly sits with his hands in an inverted pyramid.

The TV series based on Jack Parsons life titled “Strange Angel” pilot episode aired 6/14/2018 (trumps birthday) the opening scene is shot directly at a blood moon. Trump was born on a blood moon
Trump tower is 721-725 5th avenue. This Mirror Daniel 7:21-25 which speaks of the “little horn” of Daniel. Which is the false messiah

The term “darkness to light” is rooted in freemasonry.
Trump said America became a corporation and ending this corporation would be starting a new American Republic. This is liken to the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

God, Genesis, gematria all start with the letter G.
Simple = 74. English = 74. Gematria = 74.
Jesus, messiah, gospel, parables, cross, all equal 74
Jewish = 74. G-D….G = 7 D = 4.
The leader of Islam…Muhammad = 74. Lucifer = 74.

There was a statute of Albert Pike in DC that was toppled during the george Floyd protests. Trump ordered it put back up. The statute of Albert Pike was torn down on Juneteenth. June 19th 2020. The 171st day of a leap year. Albert Pike = 171. Albert Pike was a confederate war general. Freemasons = 155. The statute was torn down on the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth.
Masonic = 74. Occult = 74 London = 74. Freemasonry began in London in the year 1717
Independence Day is 7/4
7 is the holy number. The 4th book of the Bible is “NUMBERS”
The second, third, and 5th presidents all died on a 7/4. Adams and Jefferson on 7/4/1826. Then 1826 days later on 7/4/1831 Monroe died.
Killing = 74
The band slipknot has a song titled “gematria, the killing name” (interesting lyrics)
The Gregorian calendar pays tribute to Ceasar on the Ides of March (March 15th, the 74th day of the year)

Naya Rivera was an actress, starting as playing Hillary Winston in the show “the royal family” she posted a photo of herself in a Jim Morrison t-shirt precisely 74 weeks before her death.
Jim Morrison was found dead in a bathtub (bathtub = 74) Naya drowned (drown = 74)

Out of 50 states, only one sums to 74. Oregon. The “33rd” state, also. The abbreviation OR = 33. George Washington had 74 generals. 33 of them were Freemasons. Jesus was put on the cross on 33.
Herman Cain, died 33 weeks from his 74th birthday.
Remember the “great American eclipse” in 2017 entered the US in Oregon (33rd state) and exited over the 33rd parallel.
I mentioned in a prior post that 1211 days after the 2017 eclipse and 1211 days before the 2024 eclipse is December 14 2020. The date of the first coronavirus vaccine. That was ALSO the day the electoral college certified Biden as the victor.

Using reverse gematria the word free = 74. Same with the word Roman (all roads lead to Rome)

Donald in Celtic means World ruler. Melania in Greek means dark.

Jesus was born on 9/11 - the feast of trumpets. (The symbol of the last trump)
9 in Roman numerals is IX. 11 is XI. Together they form the corona saturn gate and the Star of David.

All the numerology, symbolism, events……all seem tied to occult beliefs, satanic sacrifices, and masonry.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:37 PM
I mentioned back at this pool post it mean Korean Won, Yesterday I posted I was half right. Now it seems more right.


South Korea announces ’emergency examination’ on Crypto; Details

South Korean financial authorities are allegedly conducting an emergency examination of digital assets in order to expedite the implementation of the “Digital Asset Basic Act”, the country’s planned cryptocurrency regulation.

The impending “Digital Asset Basic Act” in South Korea is set to be passed in 2023 and implemented in 2024. Officials told local media that the Terra-LUNA fiasco would likely hasten the implementation of virtual currency rules in South Korea.

Last week I mentioned Problem > Reaction > Solution with regard to they Crypto Hybrid system which has already been instituted, we're in the stage where the pewblick is asked to manifest, as the Solution is already ready.... in two very differing versions. Which will folks choose? Stay Tuned...

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Either the Queen or I wonder if the flipper is Harry. He's been out of the lime-light, also been here in North America so if he did flip no one would really know (well I bet MI 5 would know but that's another story). It could also remove everyone from his brother, father, and the Queen so that he could take the throne. A peaceful coup if you will.

The side benefit to him would be by exposing this mess to the public it would clear the way for him to start his Kingship as a "Trustworthy and Beloved" King without having to do squat for it.

Agreed. If you invert everything that the MSM has said on this issue, then he could end up with the throne and since there are questions regarding his parentage, the throne may revert to the blessed blood line once more.

I am patiently waiting for him to clean house with Excalibur cleaving the arseholes in twain.


posted on May, 16 2022 @ 10:33 PM
Society talks about religion. And aliens.
What if the events are the same with different terminology.
Think about the show the walking dead. They literally live with zombies. But don’t know the word “zombie”

What if we simply don’t know what “it” is. Yet our “puppet masters” do, and that’s their angle to attempt to maintain power
edit on 16-5-2022 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 10:51 PM
I haven’t heard the hum for several days. I’m also not feeling 100%. Allergies maybe.

Does anyone know if the US has a plane…maybe B26 with two big props, white (I think) with a big red nose cone. I was watching one change directions overhead today. Definitely looked out of place.

Edit: Exactly as I hit post I started hearing the hum again.

originally posted by: CrazyFox

Loud now.

Deming looked at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), an isolated military compound in Alaska that uses radio waves to study outer space and for testing advanced communication techniques – and a favorite focus of conspiracy theorists, who have accused the facility of acts ranging from mind control to weather control. He studied the possibility of otoacoustic emissions, which are naturally occurring sounds caused by the vibration of hair cells in the ear.

Something else

The second hypothesis is that the Hum is the grand accumulation of low-frequency sound and human-generated infrasound (sounds with audio frequencies below roughly 20 Hz and which can be felt more than they can be heard). This includes everything from highway noise to all manner of industrial activity.

Very loud to me currently.nuther

website documents and maps the self-reported data from people around the world who can hear The Hum, and also provides a serious and disciplined forum for scientific investigations and commentary. This is a volunteer, non-profit effort. Fund raising barely covers the costs of web hosting and basic equipment.

edit on 5/16/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

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