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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on May, 15 2022 @ 11:45 AM
We have a Bill Gates Weirdness Alert.

I have watched sooo many videos, Ted Talks and interviews with Bill Gates and this is a First.

Anderson Cooper on CNN did an interview on May 5th with Bill and they discussed his overwhelming concern over conspiracy theories.

We are a simple group of people who just like to click on the fun links looking for simple answers.

Donning my conspiracy hat...Why is Bill not wearing his glasses???

Every single interview, article, image has him in glasses. Something's up. Maybe Covid related? Maybe something else?
Anyway he is making the enemedia rounds using the exact same talking points. Conspiracy theories = PANIC. Lol.
Now for the latest Ted Talk about his new book 'How to Prevent The Next Plandemic'.
This just feeds into the conspiracy theories that he wants to shut down. At the 3.17 mark- Did we now that there are *8.9 million fire hydrants in the U.S. as of preplandemic 2018.

At the 7.10 mark he states that 98% of lives could have been saved if Covid could have been stopped in the first 100 days. If only we had been testing community spread at the beginning.>videos>helath>202/05/14>bill Bill Gates tells Anderson Cooper what surprised him about Covid.>talks>bill_gates_we_can_make...>insurance>visualize>verisk...Verisk records 8.9 million fire hydrants in the United States.

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 12:19 PM
Continuing with Bill Gates Ted Talk he has a serious concern over the current way that the WHO operates. They have not conducted DRILLS. With his GERM team operational under the direct control of the WHO his plan is that these drills will be conducted at a moments notice on unsuspecting countries. Sounds like fun. There won't even be a disease and then they can experiment on all kinds of new technology.

What new tech is Bill pushing and how will he profit?

Preplandemic November 2019 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded LumiraDx $8 million. Fun fact October, 2020 the foundation awarded $17 million to them. Nothing to see here.
Lumira "manufactures and commercializes an innovative diagnostic Platform....and currently has 30+ tests covering infectious diseases, diabetes, cardio diseases and Covid tests."
He wants his new toy to be used by the GERM team. No conflict of interest here.

Just wrapping my mind around this but we will have an unelected official with dictator powers. Dr. Tedros, head of the WHO, should feel quite comfortable in this role as he has shown us with Ethiopia. Still lots of talk swirling around that.

Meanwhile Gates is real, real worried that people are daring to question their Drs. and scientists. They are going free range and doing their own research.>2020/10>inv003438 LumiraDx UK Limited- Bill& Melinda Gates Foundation committed Grant $17 million>2019/11>inv003067 $8 million.>company>lumiradx

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 12:48 PM
Since Bill Gates is one of the largest funders of the WHO he must not be happy that his choice of 'dictator in charge' of the WHO is under threat.
Dr. Tedros is the sole nominee for the position but looking through the list of countries supporting his nomination there is a notable absence. His own country of Ethiopia is very much opposed to his nomination because of his role in the Tigray conflict where many lost their lives.

Unbelievable as in not, the Executive Board Chair of the WHO, Patrick Amoth, rejected the Ethiopian representatives request to present evidence and the need to investigate Tedros' involvement in the Tigray conflict. Ethiopia was silenced.

Since so much information is censored but it makes one wonder if Ethiopia has taken this issue up with the World Criminal Court? Hopefully that is one place that they can present the evidence that they have.>world>Africa>Who-sets-aside... WHO Board halts Ehiopia's anti-Tedros Speech-Reuters>about>governance>election Nomination 2022-WHO/World Health Organization>countries

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 01:04 PM
OK, I'm freaking out! Help!
I'm sat here on my laptop. I can hear this very faint noise. I put my ear to my laptop in case it's the fan or something.
Not my's coming from my glass of water!! Seriously if I could record it and play it here I would! The water did have ice, but that's melted ages ago. It's a crystal glass. I am serious when I tell you the glass/water is making a sort of radio frequency hiss like when you are trying to fine tune into a station!
I think I need to go lie down!!!


posted on May, 15 2022 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
OK, I'm freaking out! Help!
I'm sat here on my laptop. I can hear this very faint noise. I put my ear to my laptop in case it's the fan or something.
Not my's coming from my glass of water!! Seriously if I could record it and play it here I would! The water did have ice, but that's melted ages ago. It's a crystal glass. I am serious when I tell you the glass/water is making a sort of radio frequency hiss like when you are trying to fine tune into a station!
I think I need to go lie down!!!


Is it still making the noise when you hold it or isolate it from the surface it is on? Resonant frequency problem?

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 01:12 PM

edit on 15-5-2022 by Irikash because: Pteridine beat me to it.

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 01:48 PM
Some interesting Q-clock markers:

1) Today, we are at the ZERO min position, at the start of the 29th spiral layer around the clock!

2) We will be at the 17 min position, on June 1st, (06/01/22 sums to 11),

3) 3 days later, at the 20 min position, on June 4th, it will be the 1700th day on the Q-clock!
(06/04/22 sums to 14 - think Durham)

4) Between (2) and (3), on Jun 2nd & Jun 3rd, are the 2 UK Bank Holidays marking the Queen's Platinum Jubilee,

5) There are comms suggesting that May 31st will be a key day of events (See Phil Godlewski among others);
a) If the Queen were to "die" on May 31st then we are told there will be a news blackout for 3 days, through to Saturday Jun 4th, followed by 10 days of mourning/EBS blackout?
b) This would imply that the public will not be told of the Queen's death until they have finished celebrating her Platinum Jubilee on the Friday?
c) Would this mean the 10 days blackout ends on the Ides of June?

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: pteridine
Yes, I even picked it up and held it to both my ears!
When I did that, it 'muffled' other noises, like when you hold a shell to your ear.
Really weird!

PS a little less water in the glass now and it has stopped!!!

PPS.... whatever it was... I've drunk it .... and yes, it was just water!

edit on pm52America/ChicagoSunday2022-05-15T14:02:14-05:0002America/Chicago05000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

Also has everyone else noticed how many Outer Space and Alien themed stories have been in the news lately?

With the right ELF equipment one can fly a helicopter (or USAP aircraft) over an entire neighborhood, and all would awake with tales of alien visitation/abduction. Take nothing for granted.

Low level conflicts also akin to crowd control.

Wild “woo” speculation or something stranger than fiction going on.

“Who cares if it’s real?”...said to Keanu Reeves after he explained the Matrix to a few teenagers unfamiliar with the film.

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Top it up and see if it starts again?

Is there a draught in the room? Remember how, as kids, we would blow across the top of a glass of water and get a musical note? I wonder if this is happening by chance from a draught.

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: pteridine
Yes, I even picked it up and held it to both my ears!
When I did that, it 'muffled' other noises, like when you hold a shell to your ear.
Really weird!

PS a little less water in the glass now and it has stopped!!!

PPS.... whatever it was... I've drunk it .... and yes, it was just water!

Add water to glass to return it to the original level and see if the tone returns.

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: pteridine
Yes, I even picked it up and held it to both my ears!
When I did that, it 'muffled' other noises, like when you hold a shell to your ear.
Really weird!

PS a little less water in the glass now and it has stopped!!!

PPS.... whatever it was... I've drunk it .... and yes, it was just water!

Add water to glass to return it to the original level and see if the tone returns.

And to follow up on Rel's comments, move it around the room after replacing it in the original area...

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 02:17 PM

KU V22.58 150522 to 4953 incl DECODE tools

1) Usual Twitter accounts updated to May14th with a further 2,568 tweets,
2) Rolled through to decode pages, Q-clock etc.
edit on 15-5-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 02:56 PM
AND they're linking the Saudis to the anthrax attacks.🧐

Florida Bulldog (Watchdog news)

This 👆 is what you get when you "enable Putin."

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
It's quite a wide necked glass, we used to blow across bottle tops, never done it with a glass.
No draughts either.
Quite the thing. I'll see if it happens again, but not tonight.

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: pteridine
I've just had a thought.... could it be I was being 'observed' via my laptop in some strange way?
You know, the crystal glass is acting like one of those listening device detectors?


posted on May, 15 2022 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: Guyfriday

“Who cares if it’s real?”...said to Keanu Reeves after he explained the Matrix to a few teenagers unfamiliar with the film.
much edited

It’s like mind control is going mainstream and being normalized.

What is the ‘dissociative pout,’
"Their eyes are glazed over, looking disinterested and nowhere in particular — yet their lips are full, pouty and conventionally feminine."

There is a great, safe picture of former hardcore adult actress Chloe Cherry holding a white rabbit and looking dissociated. She's gone mainstream on the TV show Euphoria. The show itself has social conditioning implications:

"“When things got really uncomfortable, Jules would just imagine that she wasn’t really herself and this wasn’t really her life. She was just a character in a book or a movie or a show. That none of it was real, and, if it was, how did it matter? It’s not like her body really belonged to her in the first place”.

There’s Something Terribly Wrong With “Euphoria”

And another article:

The Smartest Women I Know Are All Dissociating

Yup, all the cool kids are doing it. The real world can be pretty crappy, so why not just tune out.

When they develop a virtual world that “feels” better than the real world, people will just dissolve into it. There will be no resistance.

Isn’t that what the Metaverse is supposed to be?

It is interesting that I think the first article popped up on my homepage because the algorithm had noted that I was reading elsewhere about dissociation. Sometimes it seems almost helpful. That's how it hooks you. So helpful... Spoon fed. A world just for you. Seductive and corruptive. So much easier than the desert of the real. It mirrors you until you almost feel like you're getting lost in yourself, but you're just getting lost.

edit on 5/15/2022 by cimmerius because: Tweak

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
So first yes, I'm replying back to myself, but here's why:
New information has come out, and Biden had either messed it up or is once again messaging.

Of the 13 people shot, 11 were Black and two were white, Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said.

What Biden said.
From: abcnews

"A lone gunman, armed with weapons of war and hate-filled soul, shot and killed 10 innocent people in cold blood at a grocery store on Saturday afternoon," the president told the crowd outside of the Capitol.

All 10 victims who died in the attack are Black, law enforcement officials said. One of the wounded victims was Black while the two others were white, they said.

So the news at the scene say 13 people and make a point of saying that 11 were black, and Biden echoing that by saying that all 10 of the people shot were black and one of the wounded was black also.

Then we get this new info on the shooter, and I think this is the messaging part.
From the Buffalo link above:

The accused shooter, who turns 19 next month, has a minimal online presence under that name.

Remember this from a few days ago.

In a 2-1 split ruling on Wednesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in Jones v. Bonta, finding that the state’s law banning persons under 21 years of age from purchasing centerfire semi-automatic weapons was “a severe burden” on core Second Amendment rights. Per the ruling, persons in the state over the age of 18 will now be able to purchase semi-automatic rifles after obtaining a license.


Notice how no mention of what kind of rifle was used. Not an AR, AK, black ninja rifle, or anything other than "high-powered".


So, is this an attack on the 2A? Nope I' don't think it is at all, in fact I think that this shooting all the way accross the country is about attacking the courts. Nacy Pelosi was reported as saying as much.

The supreme court is “dangerous to families and to freedoms in our country”, Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday, as justices prepare to finalize a draft ruling stripping almost have a century of abortion rights in the US.

The House speaker railed against conservative judges appointed by former president Donald Trump in an interview Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, in which she urged Democrats to keep their “eye on the ball” to protect other freedoms she sees under threat.

While the article and her speech were topiced around Abortion, it's fairly clear that she was attacking the Judicial System as a whole. Her use of certain terms such as,

This is a place where freedom and the kitchen table, issues of America’s families, come together.
leads me to think that more panic attacks on the public are going to happening sooner rather than never.

Another part of her speech that makes no sense if this was only about Abortion, and not something else was this quote.

“The genius of our founders was to have a constitution that enabled freedom to expand. This is the first time the court has taken back a freedom that was defined by precedent and respect for privacy.”

Abortion wasn't something that was outlined in the US Constitution, nor was it a topic openly discussed at the time. This overturning of RvW doesn't really do much except make the whole issue a State issue. This being said I do believe that when Pelosi is saying that this decision is hurting "our" freedoms, she's talk specifically about her and her power elite friends rather then talking about "We the People".

This shooting seems to be a message to the public that the courts cannot be trusted with our (We the People) rights and it must only be given to those Power Elites to decide for us. Given how the issue of racial violence is being shoved over the issue of just violence in general in this Buffalo case, I think we're going to be seeing more of this type of event that can be used by these little power elite politicians to try and bad mouth the courts.

Isn't that how they do it now, Discredit the group then when that group makes valid they can point to the faked issue and claim NAH NAH NAH.

So now that this happened, does anyone know if the SCOTUS has or will have made a overturning decision on the 2020 elections? There was talk of it, but then once again... SILENCE
edit on 15-5-2022 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

Great response to XTMN's post.
Now we can't even give good advice to the next generation it seems, totally different mindscape. We are the first generation to be given a choice of information (mainstream history?), not gonna be pretty I guess.

Questioning where we are, is the start. Getting more censored, at source, seemingly.

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 08:09 PM
The McAfee Afterlife event appears to be a live stream found on

Membership required evidently. Be good to get reports from anyone on it.

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