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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 03:19 PM
That's another new Mr Pool account... handle is:

instead of

The latter matches his Twitter account of @IooP_rM311_7211.

On Apr 6th at 5:43pm (twitter) Mr Pool posted:


Translate Tweet

Which seems to imply follow twitter handle only? Could mean something totes different tho...

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 03:53 PM
News almost daily now

Durham: GPS Fusion employees emailed reporters unverified dirt on Trump for negative news stories

Special counsel John Durham revealed that employees of the research firm Fusion GPS sent journalists hundreds of emails with unverified allegations against former President Donald Trump to trigger negative news stories.

In a motion filed late Monday, Mr. Durham said the slew of emails undercuts the assertion by Hillary Clinton campaign officials that Fusion GPS’s research for them should be protected under attorney-client privilege.

The emails revealed by Mr. Durham included Fusion GPS peddling stories to news outlets, including:

A Wall Street story Journal about a Trump advisor meeting with a former KGB official close to Putin;

• A Washington Post story about a Trump campaign advisor investing in Russia; and

• A New York Times and Reuters story about the FBI investigating a secret communications setup between Mr. Trump and Russia’s Alfa Bank---....

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 04:34 PM
scroll down itnt brk

originally posted by: FlyingFox

Forget helipads too 90's how many transporter rooms are there?
Or was i not supposed to mention them?
edit on 2022/4/26 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Durham has been squashing the lies left & right. Are we really surprised the Clinton's weaponized lawyers? It may be time for the US to revisit the role of lawyers in our country.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
News almost daily now

Durham: GPS Fusion employees emailed reporters unverified dirt on Trump for negative news stories

Special counsel John Durham revealed that employees of the research firm Fusion GPS sent journalists hundreds of emails with unverified allegations against former President Donald Trump to trigger negative news stories.

In a motion filed late Monday, Mr. Durham said the slew of emails undercuts the assertion by Hillary Clinton campaign officials that Fusion GPS’s research for them should be protected under attorney-client privilege.

The emails revealed by Mr. Durham included Fusion GPS peddling stories to news outlets, including:

A Wall Street story Journal about a Trump advisor meeting with a former KGB official close to Putin;

• A Washington Post story about a Trump campaign advisor investing in Russia; and

• A New York Times and Reuters story about the FBI investigating a secret communications setup between Mr. Trump and Russia’s Alfa Bank---....

Anons sussed all of this out 4 years ago, despite the paid trolls and shills, albeit not in the granular detail that is now coming out. The umbrella story fits right along the lines of the story mapped out here alone.

Future Proves Past has many meanings.

Sadly for the nearly forsaken normie class, unless NYPravda and WaPravda publish it, it is a Qanon Conspiracy theory put forth by people who are in a cult, who, ironically, 4 years ago detailed everything coming out RE: Sussman+Durham+Fusion+Crowdstrike+Page+++. Helluva cult.

Wait until they get to Seth Rich. Me thinks the DNC/Perkins goons and ghouls have zero idea Durham has all of that too. Code Blue, Crash Cart to Donna's house.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 06:00 PM
The following stories concerns the possible official use, by the Ukraine, of witchcraft and other occult "methods" in its war against Russia:

1) Witches In Ukraine To Perform Three-part Ritual In An Effort To Isolate And Topple Vladimir Putin

2) Witches and satanic rites


Russia Claims U.S. Mercenaries Fighting in Ukraine “Worship the Devil”

Russian news sources have claimed to have uncovered “Satanists from the ‘Forward Observation Group,'” — an alleged U.S. mercenary unit comprised of former military and special operations currently in Ukraine — stating that members of the group “worship the devil in the truest sense of the word.”

These allegations come as recent video from the front lines of the Ukraine conflict shows Russian military forces uncovering what appears to be satanic statues with the face of baphomet, and cult-like paganistic figurines.
While it is no secret many Americans have gone to Ukraine to fight alongside the neo-nazi Azov Battalion, the allegations of satanism bring a new twist to the already convoluted conflict, as Western propaganda efforts intensify — and as shipments of military equipment and billions of U.S. dollars increases by the day.

In this bizarro world, apparently there is some corroboration of the idea that the Ukrainian government, or as is more likely, elements within it, is sponsoring or making use of "occult methods and magic" to attempt to reverse the tide of war fortunes, which as far as I can tell are not running in Zelensky's favor in spite of the attempts of the western media to portray it otherwise. In this case, having clergy from the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church making the claim on Russian national television is pretty good corroboration, and here's why: (1) Russian tv wouldn't run anything without gov't approval, and (2) clergy wouldn't be appearing on tv making such claims without hierarchical approval, and (3) neither the Russian government nor the Russian Church have anything to gain by lying about such a matter. The 3rd article link above even makes the astonishing claim that Ukrainian forces allegedly crucified a man alive, and provides a link to the article & video outlining the claim.

Azov pagan ritual/worship - blood offering to god Perun:

Vid is from 2017.

Trotskyist Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky aka 'Red Napoleon' also worshipped Perun according to French journalist Remy Roure.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 06:33 PM
I made this post HERE titled The Financial Reset Already Occurred

My contention was/is that the so called "financial reset" already occurred, but is being spread out over decades instead of weeks. At the time of the post I surmised that people over 50 would understand, more or less, what I was contending, but people under 40 would have zero clue. Those under 40 did not live through the world where the rules said "X" and then, remarkably, the rules were changed to "Y." Same thing, different rules. I think I was right in that assessment.

So this is from 1999, a mere 11 years after the Economist Crypto Cover, the date I would contend the Digital Reset occurred.

2:00 minutes in, notice how he catches himself... "I think this process is-" and then he changes topics quickly.

How do you herd sheep, I mean Humans?

Notice the dogs have a problem, they cannot LEAD the sheep. In fact, if the dogs want the sheep to GO LEFT, they have to move to the RIGHT of the sheep. The fear within the sheep means the dogs cannot lead them, they must use the FEAR against the sheep, by actually forcing the sheep to move OPPOSITE them.... even when they mean well.

The Human population is the same. I've gone over this endlessly with regard to Freewill, it is both the best and the worst part of being here. We have seen over and over again the way to get HUMANS on earth to do something is through fear, so in essence everything presented is INVERSION like with the dogs, as we are not being led through grace, but herded via fear. The Rona is the prime example, folks were herding just like the sheep through fear, not led with compassion, love, guidance, caring etc. Even the White Hats are stuck using the tools that Earth has.

So, the way in which the controllers have been controlling for eons is to decide what they want, then, steer the Humans into CREATING THAT REALITY through fear/inversion because it is proven to keep enough sheep in the group to manifest the outcome and the outliers will just get run over by the mob or die on their own.

Things like rearranging the ENTIRE PLANETARY MONETARY SYSTEM cannot be made manifest in a few weeks using FEAR as the motivator. It takes years. If were were guided, hell we'd have made it happen in hours. But these ghouls and goons want to remain hidden, so they steer so to avoid being seen. Yes, folks have been "warning" this was going to happen, what they didn't understand is that it already happened, we have been witnessing, living, within the fallout of the rearrangement for the last 50 years to so. Frogs+Boil sort of thing.

The new system is here, we just cannot see it yet. The new system will throw out all everyone believed to be written in Uncle-Milty-Friedman-Keynesian-Adam-Smith Stone in the blink of an eye. 200 years of Economics Education will be rendered trash within a year or two.

I said two weeks ago that this Elon Twitter thing is directly tied to the Reset, Thiel/Musk +++. They are symbols crossing, alerting us that that which was started 100 years ago, and engaged in 1988, is about to be made manifest and Nothing Can Stop It.

All of that said. Q pointed to this. There are "Riddlers" hinting at all of this, as best they can, as they are allowed to, which is new, as in 10k years of Money Magic the pewblick just eat the plate of feces as they are told. Pool hints, as do others, hoping people will listen.

So, we can assume there are some, maybe many, who are working to flip this in our favor. Depending on POV, this will be the hellscape NWO Digital Age, or Financial Liberation.

My personal caveat. The Choice Point actually has me a bit confounded here. Those who chose FEAR, over the course of the 6 month Choice Point, must experience more if it, deeper levels, as that was/is their choice and it must be honored by Source. Those who did not must get their views met, if they can match the vibration, so I struggle with seeing how this change sorts itself out in the immediate future. Maybe the Hybrid State accommodates, I really don't know.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 08:00 PM
I filed THIS yesterday under "I'm leaving twitter if Elon Musk buys it..."

IN THE MONTHS leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, two obscure American startups met to discuss a potential surveillance partnership that would merge theability to track the movements of billions of people via their phones with a constant stream of data purchased directly from Twitter.

Now, keep this in mind these folks are "leaving twitter" NOT because their information is being sold to a myriad of agencies and being used to spy on them, they are leaving because the mind control that is derived from that very data stream told them they must leave in protest. Really effing consider that. Really, as this is TRULY EFFING AMAZING!!!!!!!!

To add to this amazing event, they are talking to no one in particular as if they are talking to God. People 100 years ago would consider this batS#$t crazy on every level. "you are ranting at a dot on a screen to no one in particular, why?"


Libs has 1m followers due to Taylor Lorenz, and it looks like Libs will be staying.

Here's an oddity if you care. Taylor Lorenz is 49 years old, therefor raised in the 70's and 80's. I knew zero girls with the name Taylor during those times. Seemed to get popular in the late 90's and early 2000's to me, evidently true.

Listen to Taylor speak if you can stomach it, she/it is a product of the 2000's and not the 70/80's. Period, as nothing reflected in either the language, the phrasing, the body language or any aspect of it shows 49 years old, with the early years rooted in 70/80's. It is old enough to have college age children, but reflects the age of about 22 or so.

Taylor is a Bot. A creation. A soulless creature. Gematria = Stone Cold Crazy. This is why it is both impervious to criticism and why awake human folks have a angry visceral reaction to it. It is not human.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Here's a giant rub about this. If something happens to Putin, then all he has to do is link that to these reports and BLAMMO, Ukraine is being ran by devil worshippers.

Also wasn't there another military group that did things according to Occult ideals? It started with an "N" if I remember right, and some say that a similar group in in charge of the Ukrainian military currently.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 08:40 PM

Alex Jones about Elon Musk..."I think he's a good guy...hope I get to meet Musk very, very soon, his factory is right down the street from me and Joe Rogan's is right over here."

Welp, that's a wrap folks. I'm sold. Elon is our guy. Case closed.

/sarc off

Bannon on Beijing...

Billie boy playing Roman blacksmith

Giving a TED talk is always a memorable (and nerve-wracking!) experience. I started thinking about what I wanted to say a couple months ago. I decided to focus on what I call the GERM—Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization—team, a new full-time, paid group whose entire job is to prepare for the next outbreak. I talk a lot about GERM in my upcoming book, but this was the first time I was going to speak about GERM publicly at length.

I’m planning to spend a lot of time talking about how we can make COVID the last pandemic in the weeks and months ahead, because I believe this is one of the most important issues facing the world today.
Bill Gates

"GERM" & "Nerve-wracking" - smdh.🙄

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Here's a giant rub about this. If something happens to Putin, then all he has to do is link that to these reports and BLAMMO, Ukraine is being ran by devil worshippers.

Also wasn't there another military group that did things according to Occult ideals? It started with an "N" if I remember right, and some say that a similar group in in charge of the Ukrainian military currently.

@furber has an interesting BDAnon take.

The Russians have the blessing of God and that is not a small thing. Putin has things behind him that can only be imagined. Biden has Harris. Not even close. And Putin has a road map provided by, well you will see."

Does Joe even have Harris anymore, Two Rona Diagnosis and the vending machine tweet suggest maybe not.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Build it.

Jump in it.

404 yourself and do the greatest thing humanity has ever celebrated.

Pretty please, you pansy minion, henchman, meglonanic narcissistic subserviant tw*t.

I really don't care any more.

You're all mad.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 09:40 PM
This is kind of interesting. I don't even want to add this to the TimeStamping Q stuff.

HISTORY of the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar

What I found curious is this.

George Eastman of Eastman Kodak organized a great campaign on behalf of a particular 13-month, 28-day calendar, known as The International Fixed Calendar, a perpetual calendar (same every year) with 13 equal months of exactly 4 weeks (28 days) each, comprising 364 days, and with the final 365th day held not in any week or month, often known as a “Null Day” or “Zero Day,” so that the first day of the year is always the first day of the week, a Sunday.

In the United States alone, over one hundred industries adopted a 13-month, 28-day perpetual calendar. Kodak used one until 1989.It was announced that on January 1, 1933, we would return to 13 months of 28 days each. But the Vatican resisted to it by focusing on a campaign against the “Null Day.”

They argued that a break in the succession of the seven-day week would create chaos and calamity. George Eastman Kodak, one of the most well known 13-month, 28-day calendar proponents of that time, was murdered within the next year after the Vatican stopped the calendar change. This calendar story has been swept under the history carpet.

What happened in 1933? The government took away Money, Gold and Silver, and replaced them with FED Notes.

In other countries like Saudi Arabia, we are NOW witnessing the perpetuation of this ERROR in TIME after the country switched to the Gregorian calendar last Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 on the last day of the year 1437 AH. As a result of this arbitrary measure “civil servants” will lose 11 days of pay:

To add this to my contention on the RESET, while it might seem trivial in a world with so much trans reproductive justice being ignored, these calendar discrepancies might be factoring into the push me pull you aspect of the process. It surely is a problem for us who might be reading the calendars in different ways or those who use INVERSION.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I remember posting on that back here, but didn't know what to make of it.

The Russian Officer is a warrior in Spirit. It has been so in all ages. Today there is a war for the soul of a man, a soldier. Russia and the Russian army are the last "Restrainers" from the onset of the satanic "new world order". Until the Faith becomes the support of the Officer, the Army itself will not be able to become the support of society and the State. “Don’t be nervous, don’t fall into cowardice, don’t rush God… if you are a warrior, then fight!”


posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

"Also wasn't there another military group that did things according to Occult ideals? It started with an "N" if I remember right, and some say that a similar group in in charge of the Ukrainian military currently."

Not a new thing at all. Even the allies dabbled in the occult during WWII. The Ukrainian angle is actually not even a surprise. The biggest surprise should be this, in our modern and scientific world resorting to the use of magic is still a thing. WHY?
edit on 26-4-2022 by hangedman13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13
"Also wasn't there another military group that did things according to Occult ideals? It started with an "N" if I remember right,

The Knights of "Ni"

"We want a path"

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 10:26 PM
New Mr Pool tweet at 3:23:01 UTC, 21:23:01 EST:

2W - 4W __ YADOT

1) People seem to be assuming "W" = weeks... and reading the first half forward, then 2nd half in reverse, to get:

"TODAY __ 2W - 4W"... this is not logical.

2) If we read it fully reversed then we get:

"TODAY __ W4 - W2"

a) W = 23, therefore: W4 = 234 and W2 = 232 (PAIN MIRROR)

b) Compare "TODAY __ 2W - 4W" to "NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!" from post #1415:

__- = vertical MIRROR or FLIP of —-, i.e. it's COMPLETION?

c) Reading #1415 shows us why this is a valid read of Mr Pool:

NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! ID: 43dd2a No.1472440 📁
May 19 2018 17:03:54 (EST)

Anonymous ID: db3003 No.1472035 📁
May 19 2018 16:29:27 (EST)

They thought it was coming yesterday.
They were wrong.
Follow the pen.

Bolded timestamp encodes tweet date of April 27th (UTC) reversed.
Chan ID of 43dd2 contains W4=234 MIRRORED.

2) I still can't load pictures but the one in #1415 is a POTUS45 tweet saying:

If the FBI or DOJ was infiltrating a campaign for the benefit of another campaign, that is a really big deal. Only the release or review of documents that the House Intelligence Committee (also, Senate Judiciary) is asking for can give the conclusive answers. Drain the swamp!

a) Consider DURHAM's filing today re Fusion GPS emails to loads of reporters! As John Durham Official on telegram posted on 26th at 15:16:55:

I have hundreds of e-mails between Fusion GPS and reporters.

These include efforts to frame Sergei Millian and Carter Page.

Look how the timestamp of 15:16:55 follows on from # 1415.

b) Is this the start of the documents the intelligence and judiciary committees were asking for? POTUS45 gave full declass authority to Barr who provided these emails to Durham, who has now brought them to the public?

cranky or anyone else want to review/add to this decode?

In summary, I think Mr Pool just informed us the PAIN is coming NOW?

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 10:38 PM
Magic? Or psychic abilities and the paranormal? There is something you can tap into beyond what you can see, hear, taste, touch, or feel. I’ve been able to predict things on a few occasions. Beyond the likelihood of cognitive bias, and usually only seconds before the events happened. But this ability is impossible to control, and on all but one occasion was completely useless short of being an interesting parlor trick. Although the one time I was able to channel it, the result took me down an otherwise impossible path in my life.

originally posted by: hangedman13
The biggest surprise should be this, in our modern and scientific world resorting to the use of magic is still a thing. WHY?

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
New Mr Pool tweet at 3:23:01 UTC, 21:23:01 EST:

2W - 4W __ YADOT

1) People seem to be assuming "W" = weeks... and reading the first half forward, then 2nd half in reverse, to get:

"TODAY __ 2W - 4W"... this is not logical.

2) If we read it fully reversed then we get:

"TODAY __ W4 - W2"

a) W = 23, therefore: W4 = 234 and W2 = 232 (PAIN MIRROR)

b) Compare "TODAY __ 2W - 4W" to "NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!" from post #1415:

__- = vertical MIRROR or FLIP of —-, i.e. it's COMPLETION?

c) Reading #1415 shows us why this is a valid read of Mr Pool:

NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! ID: 43dd2a No.1472440 📁
May 19 2018 17:03:54 (EST)

Anonymous ID: db3003 No.1472035 📁
May 19 2018 16:29:27 (EST)

They thought it was coming yesterday.
They were wrong.
Follow the pen.

Bolded timestamp encodes tweet date of April 27th (UTC) reversed.
Chan ID of 43dd2 contains W4=234 MIRRORED.

2) I still can't load pictures but the one in #1415 is a POTUS45 tweet saying:

If the FBI or DOJ was infiltrating a campaign for the benefit of another campaign, that is a really big deal. Only the release or review of documents that the House Intelligence Committee (also, Senate Judiciary) is asking for can give the conclusive answers. Drain the swamp!

a) Consider DURHAM's filing today re Fusion GPS emails to loads of reporters! As John Durham Official on telegram posted on 26th at 15:16:55:

I have hundreds of e-mails between Fusion GPS and reporters.

These include efforts to frame Sergei Millian and Carter Page.

Look how the timestamp of 15:16:55 follows on from # 1415.

b) Is this the start of the documents the intelligence and judiciary committees were asking for? POTUS45 gave full declass authority to Barr who provided these emails to Durham, who has now brought them to the public?

cranky or anyone else want to review/add to this decode?

In summary, I think Mr Pool just informed us the PAIN is coming NOW?

"TODAY __ W4 - W2"


Multiple meanings on this me thinks. Why do I say this? Remember this change and the outcry?

Every employer engaged in a trade or business who pays remuneration, including non cash payments of $600 or more for the year (all amounts if any income, social security, or Medicare tax was withheld) for services performed by an employee must file a Form W-2 for each employee (even if the employee is related to the employer) from whom:

Crypto Tax

David Schwartz on Taxes

So this is in mirror, which can often mean completion, or "the opposite" which could be non issue, or issue depending on the topic is my guess.

Could be both, actually, Donald Trump held in contempt in New York attorney general’s investigation

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Caled

On a personal level I can say I both witnessed and invoked magic and/or psychic abilities. My point is, despite historically being derided both phenomenon are researched by the military and used in times of conflict. Spiritual warfare is real, the sources then come into importance. Shamanism, Hermatic, and myriad other disciplines. Who is utilizing what? Also I think the urge to boil it down to God vs the devil is way too simplistic. Some traditions pre-date our current beliefs. Russia and Ukraine are very old world and with myths like Baba Yaga, I find the use of magic in that part of the world to especially scary.

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