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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

I have not (yet) subscribed to Twitter, but it looks like the platform will be much better (mature/intelligent) if those ladies in the video-clip really do cancel their Twitter accounts. Fingers crossed, most of those types are gone by the time I sign up.

Very astute my colleaQue. I dare say, after ATS went dark, the return seems to be a more friendly, cleaner vibe all around. Better posts, nicer reply energy, and a better overall vibe. I wonder if ATS was the signal, symbolically speaking of course. Things like Twitter and darpaBook work VERY hard to hide their true purpose, it shows up in the vibe, like an internal war. My guess is a switch can be flipped and the horror removed Q-uickly from the twit, darpaBook might be tougher. DoItQ.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 01:00 PM
BREAKING: Elon Musk’s bid to buy Twitter has failed as 81 million veto votes from the board were found overnight....

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 01:02 PM
What to Watch for Today.

Kamala Harris. Joe Biden.

Just imagine that her Dr. is prescribing for her the Pfizer pill Paxlovid. She claims she has no symptoms but she is still being prescribed this anti viral. She has been jabbed twice and boosted twice.
But Paxlovid has only been cleared for use in people who are at risk of developing severe illness. I wonder if she has some undisclosed medical condition that places her at serious risk.

17 hours ago the latimes reported that White House officials expect Biden to catch Covid. Biden throwing caution to the wind is planning to attend the White House Correspondent's Dinner on Saturday, the one Fauci is running from, and then on Sunday is planning to speak at the memorial service for Walter Mondale in Minneapolis.>politics>story>kamal-har...

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: PurpleFox

Gotta love the bee... also this:

Citing Harsh Work Environment, COVID Resigns From Kamala Harris

In other non-satirical news:

French internet cables sabotage – what we know so far

Internet users in multiple French towns and cities reported outages on Wednesday, apparently the result of coordinated attacks on fibre-optic cables. Here's what we know so far.

“This sort of incident at this scale never happens,” one security source told AFP on condition of anonymity. “It’s the first time and we don’t know who it is for the moment.” 

I was at a Carrefour market today and they couldn't accept card payments because of this. So much for the glorious cashless society... I always pay cash unless there really is no other option exactly because it is ridiculously easy to take down the cashless system and/or exclude people from it based on their compliance.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Interesting. That kind of connectivity is about as high tech as public infrastructure gets and very much a symbol of urban life.

It strikes me as the kind of thing disgruntled people in rural France might do to protest a perceived corruption of the power of urban areas and their influence on elections.


posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 01:37 PM
I seem to be on a roll this week for some reason. I'll have to head down to the horse racing track... do they still exist? I haven't been to one in 25 years.

Again we find a connection to I'm leaving twitter post.

I've said this before. This amount of "data" is too much for these minions to use, otherwise Ukraine never happens, and DJT is not framed with the pee tape but something real. They have limits, generally it is the brain and no soul. All are compartmentalized aspects serving the greater "demon" if you will, not the end of means.

Facebook has no idea how to manage user data, leaked doc shows

According to the tech website Engadget, privacy engineers on Facebook’s Ad and Business Product team wrote a report last year with the intention of having the company’s leadership read it.

It outlined how Facebook could deal with an increasing number of data usage regulations, such as new privacy laws in India, South Africa, and elsewhere.

The authors of the report described a platform that was frequently unaware of the personal data of its estimated 1.9 billion users, citing an internal report leaked to Motherboard.

frequently unaware of the personal data of its estimated 1.9 billion users

“We do not have an adequate level of control and explainability over how our systems use data, and thus we can’t confidently make controlled policy changes or external commitments such as ‘we will not use X data for Y purpose,'”

They have limits, generally it is the brain and no soul.

None of this data is for them to "use" in the first place, the minions are starting to figure things out it would seem. I remember the first sales pitch for the mark of the beast was endless "news, sports, weather.... stock quotes" in the palm of your hand. Things people literally do not need in the palm of their hand. The darpaBook sales pitch was "share pictures, receipes and keep in touch..." with the backside to those who paid for the data... "user data to specifically target customers..." which, in my experience has resulted in me getting an add for a pair of shoes I just bought 24 hours earlier.

The sales pitch always hides the true intention. User Data Collected > Paid for by foolish advertisers funneled through ad agencies > data funneled up in realtime to seeing-eye-overlords > leading to manipulation of the population.

The structure is breaking down on the user end, as folks are bonkers and the data is just bonkers. At the processing end, too many cooks in the kitchen, minions at the breaking point, data is totally corrupted (careful Clif, they're on to you...) and the system is free fall as it cannot be sustained in a new vibrational space.

Grab some weenies. Historically companies have about a 20yr window before a crash or a major overhaul. The leveraged buyout distorted all of this, as well as things like the overlords forcing X to buy Y for some reason. These darpaCompanies have hit the wall as "businesses" so the minions who support it will begin to crash. Watch for moral to collapse at these places as the canary in the coal mine.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Could also be a tit for tat thing between France and Russia re Ukraine or a third party wanting it to be interpreted in that way.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 01:57 PM

Wow, sigh...
edit on 27-4-2022 by XtheMadnessNow because: jack

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 02:48 PM
HRC tweets about her Eulogy at the National Cathedral to Madeleine Albright:

[url=]link[/url ]

A few observations:

1) Looks like an actress wearing a prosthetic mask. Check how the neck folds with movement and how young the hand looks in comparison,

2) Albright was famous for messaging through the broaches she wore - so it's interesting that HRC is wearing a large gold brooch of a winged ANGEL blowing a TRUMPET and holding a wand! Could someone upload a screenshot plz?). She's also wearing a gold CHAIN bracelet.

3) At the 23 second mark there is a shot of the front row, similar to at Poppy Bush's funeral:
a) Biden, Renegade, Big Mike, Bill Clinton - first 3 all wearing black masks). Bill Clinton wearing 2 almost overlapping lapel badges - One is Ukraine flag! Noteworthy that POTUS45 is not there,
b) The coffin does NOT have a flag on it, instead a cream "vestments" cloth with a red cross which is inlaid with either Knights' Templar or Knights of Malta red crosses... could be symbolising her allegiance to England and the Knights of Malta?

4) Albright leaves 3 daughters; Ann, ALICE and Katy,

5) "It'''s been said that I urged my husband to nominate her as our first female Secretary of State. Unlike much that's said, this story is true!"

6) Stories about HRC, Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright on "Madame Secretary",

7) "She could leg press 400 pounds!" - reference to controlling "400 pound gorilla"?

8) Re Biden and Russia/Ukraine and Facism... "Time and Courage are of the essence!", "This must be a season of action!", "STAND UP to dictators and demagogues! From the battlefields of Ukraine to the Halls of our own Capitol"",

9) The Order of Service she read from had a BLACK CROSS on front cover.

edit on 27-4-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, Kamala's covid diagnosis allowed her to be absent from the Madeleine Albright memorial service!

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:15 PM
Humans As Current-cy.

I'm of two minds on this. At the outset it made since that the collapse falls on Joe, everything has to fall on Team Joe. That said, it appears that Team Joe is about to go down in cuffs, so does a total collapse help remove them for the crimes Durham has revealed in filings (where are the calls for impeachment?) or does a Reset make it easier?

Herding the sheep means left to go right. The above valuation drops, plus inflation, plus interest rates, plus shortages, plus chaos from no trans reproductive justice is a lot already. Do we Reset and remove Team Joe et al, or do we crash and remove? Someone suggested we moved past the CasinoCrypto Crash, which, if I'm honest I'm fine with. This Team Joe horror is 2.5 years old already.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: hangedman13
"Also wasn't there another military group that did things according to Occult ideals? It started with an "N" if I remember right,

The Knights of "Ni"

"We want a path"

That was a good one🤣 it’s been a long time since Ive watched any Python movies. I think I’ll do that this evening. Maybe even try to get my youngest son to watch it with me since our sense of humor is similar.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
HRC tweets about her Eulogy at the National Cathedral to Madeleine Albright:

[url=]link[/url ]

A few observations:

1) Looks like an actress wearing a prosthetic mask. Check how the neck folds with movement and how young the hand looks in comparison,

2) Albright was famous for messaging through the broaches she wore - so it's interesting that HRC is wearing a large gold brooch of a winged ANGEL blowing a TRUMPET and holding a wand! Could someone upload a screenshot plz?). She's also wearing a gold CHAIN bracelet.

3) At the 23 second mark there is a shot of the front row, similar to at Poppy Bush's funeral:
a) Biden, Renegade, Big Mike, Bill Clinton - first 3 all wearing black masks). Bill Clinton wearing 2 almost overlapping lapel badges - One is Ukraine flag! Noteworthy that POTUS45 is not there,
b) The coffin does NOT have a flag on it, instead a cream "vestments" cloth with a red cross which is inlaid with either Knights' Templar or Knights of Malta red crosses... could be symbolising her allegiance to England and the Knights of Malta?

4) Albright leaves 3 daughters; Ann, ALICE and Katy,

5) "It'''s been said that I urged my husband to nominate her as our first female Secretary of State. Unlike much that's said, this story is true!"

6) Stories about HRC, Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright on "Madame Secretary",

7) "She could leg press 400 pounds!" - reference to controlling "400 pound gorilla"?

8) Re Biden and Russia/Ukraine and Facism... "Time and Courage are of the essence!", "This must be a season of action!", "STAND UP to dictators and demagogues! From the battlefields of Ukraine to the Halls of our own Capitol"",

9) The Order of Service she read from had a BLACK CROSS on front cover.

I'll leave this one right here and see myself out.

Funeral = Temporal Marker.

Note the date stamp: 5-13

She was born the Ides.

Days between death and funeral.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Not sure if you’ve made the correction yet but IlDonaldoTrumpo real account is @ILoveTrumpo

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:03 PM

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex
I was at a Carrefour market today and they couldn't accept card payments because of this. So much for the glorious cashless society... I always pay cash unless there really is no other option exactly because it is ridiculously easy to take down the cashless system and/or exclude people from it based on their compliance.

I would like to think that shops will accept cash for as long as they are allowed, especially if loss of profit comes from failing digital transactions.

Here in France they are still digging up the land to place new conduits underground for fibre installations and I believe it is a bad and very fragile system.

One big tree root or ground shift could cause so much damage to a whole area in the years to come. The older ADSL systems CAN work fine and if there is a problem with the line it can be SEEN.

My ADSL speed and efficiency is better than I ever imagined it could get. No need for fibre here.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: carewemust

I've been following events just a bit. Is the REEE becoming deafening yet?


Liberal nutjobs loved Jack Dorsey when he owned Twitter. Now that he endorses Elon Musk (, they might be turning against Dorsey, which would be typical/normal behavior.

edit on 4/27/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: brewtiger

It's hard to comment on your posts because you pack so much info into each one. Regarding a small aspect you touched on, it's interesting how the Media/Democrats believed the Government Election watchdog when he said the 2020 Election was the most secure ever, considering how they (MSM/Dems) were complaining about this unit being suspiciously "gutted" prior to the election.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:29 PM

JUST IN: Congresswoman Maxine Waters says she has tested positive for COVID:"I am grateful to be fully vaccinated and to have received two booster shots."

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 05:01 PM

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