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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I'm sure you have seen their commercial. I've wondered why it gets on my nerves, I thought it was just another woke advertisment. Just realized a few minutes ago that it is by this organization. Now I really dislike it. I'm all for legal migration if done the proper way but flooding us with masses of people that are not vetted is insane.

"Walk a mile in my shoes"

edit on 21-4-2022 by GAPeach3 because: To add information.

edit on 21-4-2022 by GAPeach3 because: Correction

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Joe's paltry 23m "follower" fakery is a thing, to reduce that to 2m by removing bots exposes the strange secondary world of "follower" cash, and the darpafakery rooted in perceived majority and moral superiority through rigged metrics.

It also appears to me that exposing this will have a smashing impact on the BorgVerse.


One example...

39% of all internet traffic is from bad bots

Secret MEK troll factory in Albania uses modern slaves

From our old friend back in Part 13.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Hey Rel, I know you take on a lot for these threads, and I'm so grateful for it. Out of curiousity, do you keep track and/or do any decoding on this twitter account(seems to tie in with the McCafeeAfterlife Telegram account). Seems they have some rather interesting tidbits, as well as many posts that seem to line up with Q. Their message is also rather positive in nature, which is refreshing. I've tried looking through and figuring out some of it myself, but don't quite have the attention to detail or "intelligence" to take on such a task.

Anyways, hope you are having an awesome weekend. Wishing you and yours many blessing.

edit on 21-4-2022 by Irikash because: spelling

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

There are no good bots.

All bots are there to sway your thinking towards someone else's plan.

Bots need to be banned.


posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 11:10 PM
Unfortunately not angelchemuel; I had to divert to Pershore for family stuff instead.

Look forward to your update!

Ps I'm been taking a breather over the last 24hrs/next 24hrs but just caught this anti-climax article:

Queen birthday horror as monarch's driver forced to slam on brakes in terrifying near miss

On Thursday morning, the monarch’s vehicle was spotted pulling out of the estate onto a country road just as a white Nissan Juke was travelling along the road at 30mph.

Her driver had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the car.

Some commemts on this:
1) The Queen's well trained drivers should not have to "slam" on the brakes for a car travelling at 30mph. So the stories is being built up to beyond what it is,
2) The other car was a White Nissan Juke:
a) Juke = Duke = Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh? White because he's a ghost/deceased? Queen en route to join dead husband?
b) White Duke = White Knight? Queen avoiding the White Knight?
edit on 21-4-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: Irikash

Hey Irikash, brewtiger already does an excellent job of bringing the I AM/Shane Browning tweets to the board and I archive what brewtiger posts as part of the thread. It seems unnecessary to utilise my bandwidth on something already covered by someone else? I agree that the account gives some good thought provoking positive messaging.

To save space (and apologies if already covered):

Comms from Dan Scavino in a 12 second video tweet. at 22:35:36 EST on 21st:

Lots to unpack here:
1) Video shows:
a) White Swan coming into land, on water,
b) It "Walks on Water" as it lands,
c) There is an electricity pylon behind it's flight path, on the golf course,
d) There are 2 bunkers in front of the pylon,
e) 4 white and 1 black sheep (or golfers?) in background,
f) It is a perfect White Swan - immaculately groomed!
g) A duck (mallard) moves out of it's path and then follows the swan - is this a hat-tip to dashen? "Humbly walks the duck but it's eyes are turned to heaven!",
h) The Swan causes lots of RIPPLES as it lands, spreading out to cover the whole lake,
i) Once landed there are 2 White Swans and 3 ducks on the lake = 23 = PAIN,
j) The video is 12 seconds and Friday, 04/22/22 sums to 12!
k) I took a snapshot at the 4 second mark and the mirror in the water helps form an X shape = XRP? (ATS giving me sec problems trying to load the pic),
l) Duck symbolism:

Egyptian lore tells of hearing a Duck as a marvelous omen for prosperity, luck, and hope.

If Duck has a mantra, it’s “Be ready! Be prepared.

Xref 14 posts with BE READY and 8 posts with BE PREPARED

m) Swan symbolism:

If a swan appears in your dream, it could signify fertility, healing, purity, transition, and so on.

If you dreamt of a swan in a lake or a river, it is a good sign. This dream is symbolic of good fortune and new opportunities.

Dreaming of a swan surrounded by ducks warns you not to underestimate anyone in life.

Such a dream is a sign that someone you had underestimated will surprise you very soon by doing extremely well at the job you didn’t think suitable for.

Zeus transforms himself into a swan and comes to Leda, asking for protection from a cruel eagle pursuing him.

2) Interpretation #1
a) If a Black Swan event causes death of the old financial system then a White Swan Event causes birth of the new financial system? The swan was literally "coming into berth"!
b) The electricity pylon symbolises power,
c) The ripples symbolise XRP/Ripple - so I think this is about a win in the SEC case - which enables the ISO20022 stablecoin requirement oif the QFS and sends XRP share price upwards?
d) What might the 4 white/1black sheep represent? Durham #14?
e) Conclusion = look for news on the SEC/Ripple case Friday 04/22/22.

3) Interpretation #2
a) In the UK the Queen owns all swans, so this may reference her helicopter flight crashing in water?

edit on 22-4-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-4-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 12:24 AM
Worth noting.

In February, Shearer’s Food Processing Plant in Hermiston, Oregon burned down, leaving two employees injured. Just a few days ago on April 13, the Taylor Farms Food Processing Plant in Salinas, California burned with plumes of smoke visible for miles away and prompted evacuations. On April 19, the Headquarters of Azure Standard Food Processing Plant in Dufur, Oregon also burned, leaving one building a total loss. People are beginning to wonder what’s going on.

Monkey Minute...

edit on 22-4-2022 by FlyingFox because: 18 total

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

PM for you.

I think some citizens, especially in cities are going to be getting rations from the military before this is over.

However, taking down a few of these will not make a huge difference so why do it?

Unless to panic the masses using the MSM in their Treasonous role.


posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

From a 2012 posting about this:

originally posted by: Guyfriday
What's worse is that joke....kidding.

Imagine a society where lower classes are eating human DNA based food. That alone would be enough to hinder any up-rising. Think about it TPTB could handout generous amounts of nutrient free foods to large crowds of discontent populace. The people eat this food thinking that they are feeding on the normal food stuff they always get. Riots put down with no loss of resources to TPTB. Later with the people are weakened from the lack of nutrients, they step in and stomp on those responsible for the up-rising.

The Human DNA+Yeast Jello, could become a ration of choice due to the ease of production. Don't have food after that disaster? Don't worry eat this (don't think that will ever happen here in the US. Think about handed out MREs after a disaster strikes. Better yet don't think about it)

Who would have the least access to nutritional foods? The lower classes that live in large cities. The same people most likely to organize and revolt against a system that forces them into servitude.



edit on 22-4-2022 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

There are no good bots.

There is one....

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

During the second half of 2016 Barack Obama thought Russian BOTS were GOOD BOTS.


MSM was MIA.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Enjoy your reverie and give your brain a 'rest'

The car incident, reminded me of the one where Philip pulled out in front of another 4x4 a few years ago which resulted in him only driving on the Estate itself.

Just an early morning thought on Ukranian 'matters'.
What if Zelensky is a 'useful idiot' to the Russians? I found it curious that he won 71% of the vote, just 10% behind Biden's 'magic' 81%. I wonder how they fixed that majority? Did they have their version of Dominion? Apparently they don't. HOWEVER, I found this article, leading up to the zelensky win of interest.
Then there's this law signed by Zelensky in 2020...

But then I found this from 11 hours ago on Sky news.... which might have something to do with Aschurch as I know that's where 'tankies' are trained.

11h ago
Ukrainian troops are being trained on armoured vehicle use in Britain - PM
Ukrainian troops are in the UK being trained on how to use the armoured vehicles Britain is supplying to repel Vladimir Putin's forces.

More than 20 soldiers arrived last week for training on the 120 vehicles being supplied to Volodymyr Zelenskyy's resistance, an official confirmed.

As well as being trained on the Mastiff, Wolfhound and Husky armoured vehicles, the Ukrainians will be shown how to use the Samaritan ambulance, and Sultan and Samson armoured reconnaissance vehicles.

Boris Johnson confirmed for the first time that Ukrainian forces were in the UK while in India, where he will press for a loosening of ties with Russia.

"I can say that we're currently training Ukrainians in Poland in the use of the anti-aircraft defences and actually in this country (the UK) in the use of the armoured vehicles," he said.

Further Ukrainian forces are expected to be making their way to the UK for training in the future.

The PM's press secretary said "a couple of dozen" Ukrainians were currently in the UK.

Scrol down

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

"Samaritan ambulance, and Sultan and Samson armoured reconnaissance vehicles."

Interesting nameSSS!

Them evil snakes get everywhere and there's symbolism in all of the above beyond just a strong sounding name maybe.

Sidenote...have there been any announcements for widespread fortifying of bridges and roads in the UK?

Biden was talking about it a while ago for the US.

Biden Touts Infrastructure law....

Can't roll tanks on weak bridges and roads when under Foreign Invasion or Marshall Law.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

Queen birthday horror as monarch's driver forced to slam on brakes in terrifying near miss

On Thursday morning, the monarch’s vehicle was spotted pulling out of the estate onto a country road just as a white Nissan Juke was travelling along the road at 30mph.

Her driver had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the car.

Some commemts on this:
1) The Queen's well trained drivers should not have to "slam" on the brakes for a car travelling at 30mph. So the stories is being built up to beyond what it is,
2) The other car was a White Nissan Juke:
a) Juke = Duke = Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh? White because he's a ghost/deceased? Queen en route to join dead husband?
b) White Duke = White Knight? Queen avoiding the White Knight?

1. (in sport) make a sham move to mislead an opponent

Example: "Howard juked left, sending three defenders leaning as he went toward the center of the field"

get out of the way of
2. turn or bend quickly, typically to avoid someone or something

Source: Startpage search

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 09:02 AM

I think they announce the death of the queen Sunday and that sets off everything to begin........

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

It just worked for me, and without a safety warning this time. Thanks though.

edit on 22-4-2022 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:02 AM
Rel I just had a thought about the Easter connection. Today, April 22nd is the Orthodox Good Friday. That makes Sunday April 24th Easter.

Moving forward I checked into the rest of the days in April. May mean something?

April 23rd is St. George's Day [White Flag with a red cross].> Surrender.
Shakespeare connection> Talk like Shakespeare Day.> Links to the people behind the Plandemic.
World Book Day.> Source material.

April 24th is World Malaria Day > Ivermectin link.
National DNA Day.> MRNA jabs link.

April 26th is Richter Scale Day.. It is going to be seismic.

April 27th is National Tell a Story Day.
April 28th is National Super Hero Day.
April 29th is Be Honest Day.
April 30th is National Rebuilding Day.***>what-is-today

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
Considering Sunday is Easter you might be right. Easter also has the Easter bunny so I imagine there will be all kinds of Easter eggs to collect.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:32 AM
I had no idea April 24, 2022, was Eastern Orthodox Easter. Kind of makes me re-think dates for other things.

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Rel I just had a thought about the Easter connection. Today, April 22nd is the Orthodox Good Friday. That makes Sunday April 24th Easter.

Moving forward I checked into the rest of the days in April. May mean something?

April 23rd is St. George's Day [White Flag with a red cross].> Surrender.
Shakespeare connection> Talk like Shakespeare Day.> Links to the people behind the Plandemic.
World Book Day.> Source material.

April 24th is World Malaria Day > Ivermectin link.
National DNA Day.> MRNA jabs link.

April 26th is Richter Scale Day.. It is going to be seismic.

April 27th is National Tell a Story Day.
April 28th is National Super Hero Day.
April 29th is Be Honest Day.
April 30th is National Rebuilding Day.***>what-is-today

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 10:56 AM
A Quick look at April 24 Numbers 4/24


424 Inverted 242 = 666
424+242 =666

Mr pool mirror.
113 + 311= 424

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