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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Well, it's nearing the end of Good Friday for some, and closing to the end for others. So any ideas as to want was suppose to have started today and has any of it been publicly known yet?

It was tested April 14 at 8.05 mountain time. [April=4 4+13=17]
The Final Hour.

It was tested at 8.17 mountain time.

I had a long day and had fallen asleep. Just about gave me a heart attack. Glad I had paper and pen at hand to record times and message.
Easter April 17th is tomorrow. Happy Easter everyone!

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Caled
I am joining you with the weirdness. We should set up a Weirdness Alert. LOL.
Mine involves my dog. The most terrified dog in the world. She stays right at my feet 24/7.

She started to bark uncontrollably at bedtime. I thought well she may need another potty trip. I let her outside. She raced outside in the dark and started jumping up and down and circling around one spot. There was nothing there.
I called her in and she came but then demanded to go back out. She headed over to another spot and did the same thing.

This happened a few times. I enlisted Resident Lurker Jr. to help. Same thing again, but just at a different spot. This never happens, as in never. She didn't even wait for the light to be turned on.
She is so brave she runs away from smaller dogs.
Weird, weird, weird.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:19 PM
This happens in my house every night. Staring at something in the dark and barking. I laugh and tell them to stop barking at the demons. Or I suppose they could be Vril, but I don't think the dogs really care if it is a demon, Vril, or aliens. I've been hearing a lot of weird noises too. Like while I was posting this morning, my coffee cup "pinged" like something small and hard hit it. It was just sitting there on a coaster.

I did have an interesting dream last night too. I dreamt there was some kind of liquid that would allow you to breath underwater, then based on the discovery people realized it increased the possibility of life on Europa, they went there, and there was both humanoid life in the water and giant humans. It was a pretty bizarre dream.

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Caled
I am joining you with the weirdness. We should set up a Weirdness Alert. LOL.
Mine involves my dog. The most terrified dog in the world. She stays right at my feet 24/7.

She started to bark uncontrollably at bedtime. I thought well she may need another potty trip. I let her outside. She raced outside in the dark and started jumping up and down and circling around one spot. There was nothing there.
I called her in and she came but then demanded to go back out. She headed over to another spot and did the same thing.

This happened a few times. I enlisted Resident Lurker Jr. to help. Same thing again, but just at a different spot. This never happens, as in never. She didn't even wait for the light to be turned on.
She is so brave she runs away from smaller dogs.
Weird, weird, weird.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
Smokey what do you thing about this?

N.C.S. V V. I.C.

I made the spaces to highlight that it is not W but V's in these lines. Could V. V. be President Trump?
He did mention in the clip 'We have it all."

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Caled
...... Like while I was posting this morning, my coffee cup "pinged" like something small and hard hit it. It was just sitting there on a coaster.

Don't drink the coffee.

Could have been one of them invisibles spiking you by dropping something in there.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
John Durham has granted Christopher Steele immunity so he can find out if Steele was working on behalf of the Clinton Campaign. I believe TechnoFog has the details on Twitter but I can't link because Twitter now wants me to have an account to share stuff from their platform.

Alternative is his website.

CIA Bombshell: The Sussmann data was "user created"

The motion exceeded expectations, discussing CIA conclusions that Sussmann was providing implausible data to federal authorities, providing CIA notes regarding their meeting with Sussmann, and confirmation that they essentially spied on President-Elect Trump.

The motion can be found here. It was filed as part of the government’s efforts to convince the court that the evidence it seeks to admit in Sussmann’s trial is relevant and admissible. Let’s go through the most important parts.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
Smokey what do you thing about this?

N.C.S. V V. I.C.

I made the spaces to highlight that it is not W but V's in these lines. Could V. V. be President Trump?
He did mention in the clip 'We have it all."

I 100% believe this is all a long very well planned sting.....
Not only were they caught but when told we have the goods to prove it NONE of these ass clowns in the states will prosecute which means they are all FUBAR also....ROFLMAO....

Not sure if that is V V or represents a W.....

One thing is for sure....this all seems to be building towards something explosive in the very near future....

Hopefully it happens for real this time.....

Just remember.....if it looks like WWIII....think is NOT.....many sites planned for destruction if the takeover happens....
edit on 16-4-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Caled
Interesting. You just highlighted Vril and my post about V just was "disappeared". We must be over target.

So much weirdness. I sometimes get up really, really early in the morning when it is quiet and I can think. Planning on turning on the electric kettle and then suddenly it starts up on its' own. Nothing will surprise me at this point.

For yesterday's weirdness I went for some shoe therapy. A woman came up to me and said "Did you know my neighbor just sold her house for $1.7 million and she bought another one for just guess-$1.7 million."

What? I do not know her at all. Never met before.
Well I am not one to let an opportunity go to waste.
Lol. My post is back. V for Vendetta too.

"What do you know about therapeutics?"
Lots and lots of therapy in the shoe department. We discussed different therapeutics. She is passing the info along. Seems her BFF is head of a huge hospital system in the east. Ha. Mission accomplished.

I bought some really, really cool shoes and had some excellent therapy from the shoe sales expert. One stop shop.

edit on 16-4-2022 by Thoughtful1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:58 PM
What am I looking at?


LOL. UFOs everywhere.

Shaanxi KJ-500

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 01:00 PM
Pharma Wars Continued.

I have been really thinking on this. How did Seniors manage to navigate the virtual telemedicine world? In our community there are many very senior residents and we still publish and deliver monthly newsletters because wait for it...they do not have and do not know how to use computers.
Here they were left in isolation and expected to buy a laptop which costs $$$, with a chip shortage, learn how to set it up, install security and establish an e-mail account. Then they were expected to master audio and video technology to do Telemedicine remotely. I am trying to envision this. Many of them are suffering from various stages of Alzheimer's which trying to retain old skills is a challenge.

This is a real strain on reality but then this had nothing to do with them. After all it was a Plandemic. I am going to check on this and no doubt the number will be there.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 01:39 PM

Sunk Russian Flagship May Have Carried Nuclear Warheads: Report

On Thursday, the Moskva, Russia’s Black Sea flagship, sank after an explosion, raising fears that the ship may have harbored nuclear warheads, a so-called “broken-arrow” incident. Ukraine claimed it had struck the ship with two Neptune cruise missiles fired by a coastal battery; Russia claims an ammunition fire contributed to the sinking.

“Mykhailo Samus, director of a Lviv-based military think-tank; Andriy Klymenko, editor of Black Sea News; and Ukrainian newspaper Defence Express all warned today that the Moskva was designed to carry warheads which could be fitting into the nose of its supersonic P-1000 missiles – designed to take out American aircraft carriers,” The Daily Mail reported.

From a supposed piece of the "True Cross" to nukes.🤔

Where's Howard Hughes, when you need him...

Glomar Explorer - the CIA and Howard Hughes' Attempt to Raise a Sunken Russian Submarine

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 01:44 PM
link>newsroom>medicare-telemedic... Just knew it. Press release March 17, 2020.

The rogue agency HHS- Office for Civil Rights waived the penalties for HIPPA violations because seniors would be using FACETIME or SKYPE. Seriously?

Let's throw Trump under the bus. We did this under President Trump' leadership with the Whitehouse Task Force starring Fauci and gang. So what else did they do?

Holding my nose...
1. HHS will not conduct audits that the patient had a prior relationship with a Dr. Just a couple of questions but if audit is not a 'thing' now how does one know that the virtual telemedicine calls were even made. Never mind that claims could come pouring in from some rogue medical professionals with no relationship to the patient and they would be paid. Sounds like a plan.
2. OMG... Virtual physical therapy is going to be paid? Watch the Water but sooo many seniors do water therapy. What are they supposed to do? Swim on carpeting and that counts as therapy.
3. Virtual visits are paid at the same rate as in person. Struggling here but the quality is less but the payment is the same.
4. HHS could have waived the billing portion for the client on Medicare but didn't. The decision was left to the physicians discretion. They are sooo incompetent.
5. The client is supposed to initiate the virtual 'experience' and I am just really trying here but they, those with no computer skills, are supposed to upload images and recorded audio and when necessary submit them to the physician.
6. Ha...Ha...Ha... secure test messaging. No wonder they waived HIPPA.
HOUSTON We Have A Problem...
"How do we get people who don't know about the service, do not have access to a computer, don't have the skill sets to use virtual technology, audio and video to start using this?'
Just for fun because this has nothing to do with a Plandemic, CMS made several changes to improve access to virtual care in 2019.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
It is V V. If you look at the other W's they are W's. Distinctly different. That's why I think it may be a name. Another idea just popped in my mind. V for Victory.
Good point that they were told point blank that we had it all and they held the belief that they could just get away with everything. Trump's team couldn't just present the evidence so they felt secure that "I know you know but so what"?
Imagine having so much confidence that they didn't even feel that they should even bother to prosecute.
I guess to be fair they have been able to carry on like this with impunity. Never held accountable.

I feel that Emergency Alert and the Final Hour/Rewind means we are at the end game. This is going to be epic!

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Around 6 weeks ago i was on Playstation playing with my little brother online and out of the blue says "i bought my first kettle today".

I was like "WTF, i went and bought a new one this morning as well". I've had the same kettle going on 20 years and for some reason when i woke up that day the first thing i thought was, i need a new kettle.

So he sends me a whatsapp of his kettle and it's the same one as me, as in the very same kettle. Turns out we bought it on the same day, from the same store and within 10 minutes of each other.

To be clear, we're not the type of brothers who discuss kettle purchases.

Found it a strange coincidence considering it's the first one i've bought in his lifetime and the first he's ever bought.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: crankyoldman


Is it my imagination that we all seem to be dealing with W and V V. < There is a Break.

Be the autist we know you are.
It's about the BREAK.
Godspeed, Patriots.

Just a coincidence I'm sure.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: cimmerius
I went through quite a few different shipping lines and checked the names of their ships. Most were like you say very expected like Neptune or a famous person but these specific named ships really stood out. Not every day that one names a ship LAUNCHER.
Maresk Shipping Containers just happens to have 17 large ships, and as of 2022 Maresk owns/charters 738 vessels which represents 17 % of the market. It happened to be founded in 1970. Just sooo many. I play Evil SudoKU so I am sure this is all in my imagination.

Time to bring back the Jen circle back maneuver...
President Trump's flight was targeted by a missile launch. Could that have come from the Launcher ship? I am afraid to ask what date. Do you know?

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Grenade we sure have lots of weirdness going on. I am embracing it because why not? There must be a reason.

I went for a fitting the other day. Not as fun as Playstation. Driving along it didn't escape my notice that the name of the main road has been changed to a ku version. Lol. Really? Everything is a number now.
Anyway I am just so done with all the security. Just to get into the store where my dress was being held I had to be visually identified and then the doors were unlocked. Just traumatizing. Lol.
Anyway the owner cracked open the champagne. It has been hard on them being terrified of the customers and now the criminals.
Of course we had a group therapy session sitting on some really nice comfy chairs. I had my cell phone on the table and we just watched my conversation being live texted to who knows. I am sure whoever is at the other end is really struggling to understand what we are talking about. I'm not sure I understand what we are talking about.
Nope nothing going on here.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

Is it just me, or does it seem that everyone involved with this "Staging" looks Chinese?

Also if this was from that shooting, then what was all the smoke from?

So was the smoke the real threat, or did this story cover something else up in the media by it happening?

See folks this is a small "False Flag Event" that everyone says doesn't happen.


And just because it involves Chinese video edited pictures, and it's funny:

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
What am I looking at?


I guess that explains how my "Alien Abduction" and rear door violation ended up on a Chinese porn site.

edit on 16-4-2022 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 03:23 PM
Happy Easter, Some Bunny Loves You ! LOL, and not the evil white rabbit that seeks to keep us down in holes ! Rainbow weather here in Cali, soft rain & Sunshine, hoping to see a rainbow when finishing up my deliveries ! Maybe one last fire while cooking tonight for Easter Brunch ?

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

How about 1TB as an appetizer?

Still waiting.....................................................................................................

I don't know why, but many people keep referring to the 18th of April as being a significant day of Revelation.

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