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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

As above, so below
As within, so without
Time to heal

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: nerbot

I haven't watched the video yet, but here in UK we are waking up to the news there is a possible chemical attack that has happened in Mariupol.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: Irikash

Didn't Joseph Smith destroy gold. Did he know about this video.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 03:12 AM

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

how to enforce rules humans don't want to enforce on others. one will walk scott free

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: Terpene



Welcome to Dallas


posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: nerbot

I do hope Stew Peters is ok! His intro looks like CGI with a "Max Headroom" feel.

Are you judging a book by it's cover without turning a page?

The interview.... did you get as far as watching it, or are you too busy tossing things around your own headroom to think outside the box?

You sound obtrusive at best.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 09:15 AM
Looks like they have had multiple shootings on Brooklyn Subway. Ongoing reports on FoxNews.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Irikash

Today is 412
and we have 365 day calendar.

Get out your calculators

Check out this Tetris style pattern






Equals 777 =21x37

Just some number play to start your day

One more break down
412=7 365=14 14=7+7

Three sevens one way or another.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 09:30 AM
Ok, I was in a real MASH BN. I understand the PTSD and have several anecdotes of a similar vein.

That DOD story is about the actual Civilians working at DOD is the point. Civilians with likely knowledge of things that they might report would they still be alive is where I was going with it.

Sure some of the DOD were soldiers, not doubting that for a second. We/I have reason to believe something is afoot with people who could expose crimes coincidently dying of suicides and other untimely deaths. That is the message, and we can get back to our thread here seeking to prove or disprove such matters.

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012

originally posted by: Justoneman
Veterans? I think they are talking citizens who are DOD.

THAT makes this odd. If it were vets they would say it was the Gulf War vets or whichever. THIS was DOD.

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Am I reading this right? Basically and epidemic of suicide for the DOD employees. Time to cue up that list of Clinton connected "suicides". How much coincidence will it take before the flood gates of truth break the dam?

Had a chance to witness a criminal event by the elite while at the DOD on duty? Then you have to kill yourself or else you will wish you had. As long as you are dead is all that matters to the narrative.

I would imagine this happens on the heels of every prolonged war. Last I heard it was 22 vets per day that were committing suicide. This has been going on for years at this point. If you do the math, that's a whole lot of vets killing themselves. I figure they find it hard to live with the things they have done. Especially those who eventually come to the realization that all of those wars were waged over lies bent towards making our leaders rich. We have killed millions of people since 9-11. It's a heavy burden to carry.

I can tell you from personal experience...
I only served a few years in the Army but ended up at Ft McPherson Ga as a computer operator....yes I was on the internet talking to NORAD in 1990...
It was and still is forces command for mostly officers not many enlisted so in my short time there I had to pull funeral detail....

Of the 4 funerals I was part of 1 was very rough on the family.....retired and could not handle the adjustment to civilian life after 6 months ate his gun....this happens to that structured of a life for so long.....

Also have a cousin who retired 2 years ago 100% disability after 7 tours of has PTSD....I have heard stories...lost limbs severe PTSD...etc....the only surprise is the lack of care from everyone...or respect from our young people who have no idea......very sad.....

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 10:37 AM
Watch the Water event, Evergreen, Keystone event:

b]Ever Forward, owned by EVERGREEN SHIPPING COMPANY, container ship has been grounded in Chesapeake Bay since March 13th and it seems that they are going to need the help of the moon to sort things out. The salvage company is Donjon Smit.

Heaven knows what is hidden in those containers. Gematria for Donjonsmit has some interest connections; clinton, Trump cards, royal queen, White house.
Neverthelessnews station has been posting a video of the salvage efforts and according to the Wall Street Journal it has been viewed 40,000 times.

Just did a ku search on 40,000:
#128 [clip]
What is a keystone?
Everything stated is relevant.
Future provides past.
Map provides picture.
Picture provides 40,000 ft v
40,000 ft v. is classified.

Attention on deck.

Could the keystone be Evergreen Shipping Company? Is it just me but why all the odd names. Last year it was Ever Given now it is Ever Forward both owned by Evergreen which is HRC ss name and the news channel is Nevertheless.>ever-forward-east-coast-ports-ex...>articles>grounded-cargo-ship-coast-ma...>calculator

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 11:02 AM
UPS has started using 100 "eQuads" - four-wheeled e-cargo bikes across seven European cities.

Company says they'll be coming to the USA as well.


Xiden Infrastructure: "We got this!"

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 11:04 AM

Fire trucks head to the Azovstal steel mill in the south of Mariupol, Ukraine... but there is no fire. The trucks will be used to pump water into the plant, to flush out or drown the three thousand Nazis of the Azov Regiment holed up in the vast dungeons under the plant. Each fire truck will pump about 35,000 gallons per hour into the underground complex through the above-ground air ducts until all Nazi troops drown or come out into the open.

The Azovstal steel complex is an important infrastructure for Ukraine and the region. It is thought that damaging it with anti-bunker bombs to get to the Nazi AZOV regiment, the Biolab workers and the (alleged) NATO officers hiding from Russian troops there, is too high a price to pay. A Russian official who asked to remain anonymous declares "The Nazis have no value, as humans or anything. The steel mill, on the other hand, is quite valuable and important."

Although the bombing of the plant has been ruled out for now, the certainty is that it can survive if flooded with water.

Using the nearby Kal'mius River north of the plant and the nearby Sea of Azov south of the plant, multiple fire trucks can each pump about 35,000 gallons of water PER HOUR into the ventilation shafts, to fill the vast underground tunnels with water.

edit on 12-4-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 11:10 AM
PAXLOVID oral Covid treatment.

Why would Pfizer imprint on the Ritonavir tablet on one side "A" and on the other side "NK'? Probably my wild imagination that phonetically speaking that reads A Nuke.

Pfizer with their wicked sense of humor has the telephone number to report adverse effects as 1-866-635-8339. The tablets are distributed by Pfizer Labs, New York, NY. 10117

What a surprise that in the clinical trial for this drug the reporting of adverse effects was voluntary and there are only 17 sections of the patient counseling information.

It may just be me but the only change is dosing involves people suffering from HIV but shouldn't there be different dose strength between someone who weighs 88 pounds and say someone who weighs 200 pounds? But then I am not a doctor just like Kentanji Brown Jackson struggles with being a woman.

What is Albert Bourla's net worth as of December 17/21 just $37.1 million. Just saying.>press-announcements>coronavi... Refer to Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers:

Gematria for Ritonavir has some fun connections.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: duncanhidao
Glad you are popping in giving us more info. We seem to be having an awful lot of Water comms suddenly and now Evergreen as well. I was checking around and it seems that there are other container ships stuck around the world. Could their locations be of significance and not just what in in the shipping containers?

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
The Woke companies are all in. The local grocery store is installing some as we speak. Weird part is that no one in the surrounding area that it services can even afford to own one. Lots of head scratching going on.
So now they are taking up valuable parking spaces and the employees are fuming since that was their area.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 11:21 AM
New York Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin has been arrested in a federal corruption investigation. The U.S. Attorney’s office said Benjamin was arrested Tuesday on charges of bribery, honest services wire fraud and falsification of records.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 11:29 AM
Big Pharma Wars update.

Resident Lurker here.
T1 is recovering from the "dangerous" toe injury.
For the cause I took her for a spin to the local college campus where the mobile mass jab center was operating to 'monitor' what is happening. Rather shocking to find that it is gone.

She seems to believe that this is significant but I am afraid I am not quite in the loop. Okay she is laughing now and playing the Youtube "These Boots Are Made For Walking."

I seriously have to go to work now but I have a question for all the thinkers here. They left behind a large bright green generator just sitting there in the middle of the parking lot. Seems an odd thing to leave behind.

Trust me I am never bored here.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 11:38 AM
Just a little update for the entertainment section.

The situation with the unbalanced daughter took a surprising twist. The certain celebrity and I exchanged a few words after my jail experience.

OMG his response? He rented out advertising space at the nearby bus shelter and has a huge poster of his face saying he has reformed and is turning over a new leaf.

I have to see that every time I drive and I can't deface public property. Said crazy daughter asked me if he was trying to win her back. Seriously???
I can not make this s** up. And other people complain that things are weird. Ha. They don't know what weird is.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 11:56 AM
Thinking forward to NESARA/GESARA...

As highlighted by Whiplash347, once NESARA/GESARA is announced, worldwide elections have to be held within 120 days.

All Kings, Queens, Royals, Govts, Judges, Police & Lawyers MUST STANDOWN WORLDWIDE. The Corrupt ones Arrested by Military.

There will be up to a 120 Day Transition of GLOBAL MARTIAL LAW where we have BLOCKCHAIN ELECTIONS to elect 1 Group of people for the people, 10% the size of what they are currently.
No longer 2 Parties ie Dems/Reps & Libs/Lab.
If in the future they go against the people the military will remove them.
Will be transitioning to 1776 Common Law for ALL on PLANET EARTH.

1) So, a few questions to think about, in relation to these elections:

As I understand it:
a) The blockchain elections happen through the Quantum Internet,

b) To access the Quantum Internet we will all be given "Q phones" but how long will it take to hand them out to 7.8 billion people?

c) How do people stand for these elections?

d) How do they make themselves known in an environment with no MSM, where the "We are the News" people are trying to get used to "Q phones" and a new internet system?

e) Government sizes will be 10% of current - so for NATIONAL government:
US = 435+100+POTUS+VP = 537 >> 10% = 54 people
UK = 650 MPs >> 10% = 65 people

f) How do you assess "newcomers", since 95% of existing politicians will not be standing (arrests, executions, resignations)?

g) It appears that those elected will potentially be in position for life! I.e. they govern until they do wrong, when they''ll be removed by the military and someone else elected.

h) If governments are 10% the size, then each individual elected will have 10 times the power? They'll also need to be a lot more competent and capable to govern much more than current politicians?

g) We then need to follow the same analysis for; STATE governments, CITIES, REGIONAL governments (UK councils and assemblies), etc.

2) This seems a very dangerous exercise to get right - and vote the right people in, in just 120 days, in such changing times?

3) I think this is what will happen:

a) Interim governments will be put in place for the 120 days; overseen by the military,

b) Rumours are that a list of people have already been primed to stand for election - and these may well form part of the transitional governments?

c) Through the 120 days transition we will be able to assess these individuals before electing the ongoing governments.

d) However, this means we would only be able to choose from the pool of people already primed (and vetted by the military) ? Wouldn't there need to be a way for anyone to stand in the elections? Would that require an ongoing military vetting process? Would a minimum level of competency be required to stand for election?

Bear in mind that this will all be happening whilst ordinary people's worlds are being shattered with ongoing revelations and changes (e.g. new Bible with 777 books). Many people won't even have the mental bandwidth to think straight about who is the safest to elect!

I'm assuming there is a plan in place for the people to be "of sound mind" when electing these new governments! That may include deliberately delaying some revelations until AFTER these elections have been held?

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