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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: NightFlight
a reply to: crankyoldman

I can't help but laugh...

I've read that both the Russian and Chinese military, and possibly more, have the book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu as assigned reading and study.

On the other hand I've heard recently that the assigned reading for the US military are two books, "Heather Has Two Mommies" and "Dexter Has Two Dads".
I digress...

My cousin who is now a First Lieutenant USMC most definitely read The Art of War, because I issued it to him.

You are a very good man and uncle, Flying Fox!

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I see the MedBed as a hospital/facility only device run by the Government. The original piece I read about it said first visit was an exam and DNA sampling. Three weeks later, the patient arrives and is placed in a MedBed after being swabbed down with a gel of some sort. Then the device is operated for 15 minutes to an hour fixing the body.
The problem will be with corruption of the operators taking bribes to push people to the front of the line. This may be somewhat alleviated by having strict protocols in place and widely published. There will be people who die waiting for their turn and irate relatives wanting to sue. Hypochondriacs will be voracious and most susceptible to frauds. Carefully crafted laws should minimize this. National health systems outlast patients all the time.

As to the soul trajectory, I find Michael Newton's books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls interesting.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 09:03 AM
Headline: QAnon Cheers Republican Attacks on SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Jackson.



"QAnon" logical thinking education is indeed powerful and growing, as Q predicted.

I guess we should thank Nancy Pelosi for declaring Q's "Think for Yourself" instruction, a threat to oppressors.

edit on 3/25/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad
Thank you for that post.
A calming and measured post over the whole covid debacle.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 09:56 AM
While we have been distracted Billy Gates is unrolling his next pet project on us. Enter the Mark Of the Beast...

If the vaccines were not enough now comes Chaotic Moon Company who have developed a wearable tattoo that will replace smart phones and will have the capability of monitoring health.

It is sooo ugly and frightening. The You Tube is worth watching but if short of time go to the 10.07 marker which shows a mother placing this on her daughter. The visual is worth it.

Checking into this Chaotic Moon they have a tie to Obama [why not] through an acquisition of Dollar App. They developed his iphone presidential app.

In what else can go wrong...
They also acquired Symbiot which provides information security to the U.S. government and the military.

And just to give this operation a lift $$$ Chaotic Moon has been acquired by Accenture which is in the Fortune 500.

Talk about tracking, monitoring in real time through a handy tattoo at the direction of Gates and launched by Accenture.>watch Bill Gates & Chaotic Moon Studios New Electronic Tattoos>wiki>Chaotic_Moon_Studios

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: NR03T5rchY
a reply to: Justoneman

Bitcoin transactions use a distributed consensus algorithm with proof-of-work. This requires solving a difficult math problem (finding a number that when added to the data block results in the hash of that block being smaller than some threshold). A bunch of computers compete with each other to solve this problem. The first one that gets the answer gets to commit the block and gets the payout for doing so.

I doubt that photo is accurate, but the energy cost is pretty close.

Ok on a small side note, I do wonder if we are talking about creating Bitcoin out of thin air more or less?

I can handle the searching for those type of bitcoins sources causes electricity to be spent, but transferring existing ones is a millisecond event on the servers time sharing. If my PC is time shared while I am on it is no harm no foul for the most part. If I am dedicating a PC to it I can see that argument for those. Who is doing that and where are they really acquiring the actual coin or fragment of one anyway?

It is worth reading Satoshi's original white paper on bitcoin if you are deeply interested in the space.

Bitcoin uses the proof-of-work distributed consensus algorithm to protect against double-spending without requiring a central authority to clear transactions. There is a network of privately run nodes that process the transactions. Today, the motive to run these nodes comes from collecting transaction fees and new bitcoins (mining). Because there is a maximum number of possible bitcoins (21 million), once the maximum is reached, nodes will only collect transaction fees. At that point it is anyone's guess how high the fees will need to be to motivate nodes to participate.

Proof-of-work provides two benefits: it controls the rate at which bitcoins can be produced, thereby controlling inflation, and most importantly, it prevents nodes from altering transaction history. Without this hard math problem, it would be trivial (as you say) to simply record a transaction. This means a node could erase previous transactions or replace them with new ones. Proof-of-work would require someone to control over 50% of the computing power in the network in order to alter the past transactions. This is an important safeguard against cheating in a distributed system.

This, unfortunately, means that any transaction recording, whether it is creating new bitcoins or not, requires the same computing cost. This also limits the transaction throughput of the network, making it hard to scale to commercial volumes.

Some other crypto coins use different consensus algorithms. The most popular of these is proof-of-stake. This algorithm would require nodes to control more than 50% of the crypto in the network in order to rewrite transaction history. This has its own tradeoffs, but is able to reduce energy costs tremendously.

Finally, even for proof-of-work networks, there are additional protocols (often called layer2) that batch transactions off chain before committing them. This process improves throughput and reduces cost, but increases latency (transactions take longer to be committed).

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Headline: QAnon Cheers Republican Attacks on SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Jackson.



"QAnon" logical thinking education is indeed powerful and growing, as Q predicted.

I guess we should thank Nancy Pelosi for declaring Q's "Think for Yourself" instruction, a threat to oppressors.

Ketanji Jackson just so happened to be the judge in the comet ping pong/pizzagate trial.

Side note: glad the site is back live! I almost lost hope on refreshing my tab. Would definitely love to be on the infamous Dashen PM list for the black site

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: PeteMitchell
Good Luck.
Dash and the gang are very selective with the PM's.
I requested one a year or so ago.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 11:11 AM
So many falling for the traps Being set

A topic being discussed by both sides in the Supreme Court confirmation hearings:

edit on 25-3-2022 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad
You just confirmed something that I have been following and your narrative fits to a T. When the plandemic was first rolled out there was a pastor of a mega church that defied authorities and continued to hold worship services. That had to be stopped. The #1 thing they wanted to achieve was to not only lock everything down but to remove God from our lives and introduce fear

They had to make an example of him and suddenly he caught Covid and died, so effectively frightening everyone. But it wasn't just about the parishoners but it was to send a very clear message to other religious leaders that they must follow the orders and to amplify and become ardent communicators of fear and supporting fans of the vaccine agenda.

But there were other pastors of mega churches that continued to defy and they too have been made examples of. Just a simple search will pull up the war crimes against those with a strong positive presence, and it is on-going.

They also needed to do the same with Drs., the front line in the battle to enforce the Covid narrative and enforce the jabs.

I agree 100% with your thoughts that indeed they made an example of him to instill fear.

Thank you for confirming some of my thoughts about the disappearance of Drs. It is a combination of awakening, profit and fear of lawsuits.

This then dovetails into Gates agenda of the wearable tattos that will provide on-going health monitoring that no doubt will link to AI.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 11:20 AM
I hope I am just seeing things but doesn't Jack look familiar as in Hunter familiar??? Maybe we need another face analysis with the real Hunter face not the new improved version.

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Self explanatory.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
From an OSINT 2:52 on 23rd:

BIG:🚨 The Russian govt announces an arrest warrant against the billionaire Georges Soros, the main promoter of the war in Ukraine.

👉China Officially declares George Soros a global ter0rist.

Bitchute on it.

Reinforced by a Q The Storm Rider post

China Officially Calls Soros ‘GLOBAL TERRORIST’ and ‘SON of SATAN’!!!

Is Satan really a "thing" in China? I thought they were mostly Buddhist.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 11:41 AM

Hunters Become the Hunted.
How do you introduce evidence legally?
How do you 'awaken' the 'induced coma' Public [FAKE NEWS Control]?

Epstein's Islands of Little St. James and the Great St. James have just been put up for sale.


Selling price is Text$125.
I don't know who would want to buy them especially with the history but it should be interesting, if we ever find out. Maybe there is some fear that someone may want to dig up some dirt and see what is left of the tunnels and what evidence might crop up.>us-news>mar>jeffrey...

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

PM for you and Pete

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 12:01 PM
dAwan = Awan hired by Debbie Wasserman Schultz?
Uspied = U.S. spied

We have heard crickets about Awan. Just imagine where this is headed. Awan Spied on the U.S.. He had access to all those computers and What if it has been sold to say Russia or China?

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Official McAfee on telegram on March 23rd at 20:54:29

Everything I write to you.
Has a meaning.
Uspide - dAwn.
Are you prepared?

1) Uspide - dAwn

UA >> AU = Australia?
spide >> SPIED?
dwn = DOWN? Or Alexander DoWNer?
dAwn = DAWN

2) Start of Lines = EHEU1A
EH = Eric Holder?
EU = Europe
1A = Constitution clause 1A?

3) 17 = AG

edit on 25-3-2022 by Thoughtful1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Fowlerstoad
You just confirmed something that I have been following and your narrative fits to a T. When the plandemic was first rolled out there was a pastor of a mega church that defied authorities and continued to hold worship services. That had to be stopped. The #1 thing they wanted to achieve was to not only lock everything down but to remove God from our lives and introduce fear

They had to make an example of him and suddenly he caught Covid and died, so effectively frightening everyone. But it wasn't just about the parishoners but it was to send a very clear message to other religious leaders that they must follow the orders and to amplify and become ardent communicators of fear and supporting fans of the vaccine agenda.

But there were other pastors of mega churches that continued to defy and they too have been made examples of. Just a simple search will pull up the war crimes against those with a strong positive presence, and it is on-going.

They also needed to do the same with Drs., the front line in the battle to enforce the Covid narrative and enforce the jabs.

I agree 100% with your thoughts that indeed they made an example of him to instill fear.

Thank you for confirming some of my thoughts about the disappearance of Drs. It is a combination of awakening, profit and fear of lawsuits.

This then dovetails into Gates agenda of the wearable tattos that will provide on-going health monitoring that no doubt will link to AI.

It has reached the point where I am uneasy about going to the doctor. I don't go often but I have to have Thyroid meds and my husband has Type2 Diabetes. Most don't seem to care anymore. We do have one Med Clinic where the Dr is independent, doesn't take insurance but they have a small plan you can pay each month and it takes care of your visits and lab work. It was where we went when several in the family caught the virus. They threw the kitchen sink at us, Ivermectin, steroids, Monolucal antibodies shots, zinc, VitD, a nebulizer with
Budesondie, etc, also checked on us at least twice a week.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 12:25 PM
Continued >
How might this "OPEN THE DOOR"
to [WEINER]/ [HUMA]/ [HRC]?
Logical thinking.

HUMA>Muslim Brotherhood?
Matters of NAT SECURITY.

AWAN is Bigger than you can imagine.

IT Scandel AWAN
Paki Leak.


posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: pheonix358

The International Police Association is based in Switzerland ... no surprise there ... and they don't like sharing their financial reports ... or at least ... I can't find any.

Lots of names to look up.


You had my curiosity, now you have my attention. I've never posted on this Org that I can recall. I'm looking into it, will post back later.


Another Adam Curtis moment...GiTMO and that McDonald flag at half staff is the real kicker. Another par for the course in this crazy world.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: GAPeach3
I am in the same boat as you. Fortunately I don't take or need any medication so I have been able to steer clear of all of them personally. The harrassement was unreal over the" get the jab campaign". In the end I resorted to just unplugging the home line. They would have to come and get me, that is if they could find me. Lol.
Fortunately I had never given them my cell number. Just luck I guess.

But other family members did get really ill with Covid and really, really needed help. I ended up taking them to Urgent Care where there was a Dr. not sold on the jab. He was appalled to hear that the jab was being forced despite known serious allergies.

Some of these Drs. will need to do some self reflection and I do fear where this will take them. It is not easy to face that dark mirror and realize that you were manipulated to do something that in normal circumstances you would not do.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: brewtiger
So many falling for the traps Being set

A topic being discussed by both sides in the Supreme Court confirmation hearings:

That guy's PSA makes me a little nervous, given what I just described back on Page 97...

edit on 25-3-2022 by Malevolous because: (no reason given)

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