"Why are athiests so angry with God?"
(the only individuals god used as scribes, if not a son of man/levite/angel, during the written gospel period, then, it would be a pyramid builder
only.............that language was apart of their covenant.............god let different peoples carry the written law, but only those two groups,
entertained god as a scribe............with an angel only affording the written law, a pyramid builder occassionally functioning as a scribe only)
(god stops talking about the "ites/angels/ like in joshua 12:8", no closer to the new testament then the book of zechariah...............remember
humanities disposition for suicide pleasure, no profit with god or the gospel or its own future, with individuals or testimonies, god called the
euthanasia of mankind in terms of lesser angels or "ites" in relation to that, issue...................because of humanities disposition, and god not
bringing the final judgment..............god hasn't cut those genetic lines off completely, spiritually, from that argument, the language is in the
book of revelation when god calls away his angels, those genetic lines will or humanity, should see the plague, that corresponds with the unified
field by that time)
God issued a command to, take away the "ites" from humanity, to complete their accusation of genocide, of suicide pleasure, and of having
no value, on earth, that also reveals dead flesh at the same time...............but if you have an accusation as an athiest, then, maybe the language
is not written in the gospel's law, let me explain:
King David, (as god), in answering the covenant with man, his angels, and also the pyramid builders...............cut down their forniation with men,
and removed the giants, so they weren't necessarily called kings anymore, but they were more or less called "dukes"..............the new testament was
a marker for the increased dirth charge with humanity its nullifying field as a result of its dead flesh.
Then King David, allowed jeroboam to act out the building of solomon's temple by releasing the pyramid builder's bonds for a season, for a reproof of
The Gospel's Law is Doubled*.................Because mankind is not a spiritual authority, god has to issue the command and carry it out or, anything
any work is meaningless...............in relation to the pyramid builders, the law is doubled, with the "ites" god commanded their removal, and does
eventually carry it out................with the pyramid builders, God only says the "lord jesus was crucified in sodom and in
egypt"................this is a prophecy that has not taken place if that, as of this moment.
When it comes to humanity and its dirth charge, and its filth, being blind and dumb as humanity is, is a benefit for the spiritual division of the
faithful and the unfaithful.............god's displacement of the "ites", and the "pyramid builders", is apart of the final judgment, perhaps that is
true, but right now that is not true. We will have to see this year, otherwise, humanity is deceased in under 40 years, with no value, and to be
blind and dumb is gain, nonetheless.
the book of revelation is valid and true, but the emphasis is not on planet earth, mankind will die sure, but not enough, to satisfy the unified law,
of its dead flesh removal, or etc. so we'll have to see. remember its not profitable for god to deal or introduce a mental illness to the future of
humanity from this judgment or all the generations current and previous, so god will and can cut this off, so we'll have to see how things
(god doesn't entertain a mental illness, and neither would a son of man, that means 1 to 2 billion will most likely die in some accident quickly if
not by the earth's excitation of the field over a few days or less)
edit on 28-2-2022 by tengrves because: (no reason given)