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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Polish air defense missiles are a threat to russia?

Or the fact that some countries aspire to join a defensive alliance meant to defend against a russian invasion, a threat to russia?

Sounds pretty absurd.

Thanks for all the jibberish, but it doesn't contain any actual threat to russia.

So why do the US foreign policy experts believe it is a threat to Russia? Or are they stupid?

“Air defence” those platforms can launch tomahawk missiles.

Oh and they’re not Polish, they’re american hosted in Poland. Nice try to misrepresent the facts, Not on my watch.
edit on 25-3-2022 by ISeekTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

You seem to be going on quite a bit about Poland at the moment.
But you still haven't answered; Why do you think Poland asked to be a member of NATO and why do you think they wanted those missiles?

I can guarantee you, it wasn't to provoke Russia it was an attempt to protect themselves from Russia because they've been there in the not-too distant past. They've suffered as a result of Russian expansionism before and they don't want to again.

And again; are you saying Poland hasn't got a Right to determine its own foreign policy and has to be bullied and intimidated by its stronger and bigger neighbour?

These are REAL fears of people all over Eastern Europe.
And it seems you are incapable of understanding and acknowledging that.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: ISeekTruth101

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Polish air defense missiles are a threat to russia?

Or the fact that some countries aspire to join a defensive alliance meant to defend against a russian invasion, a threat to russia?

Sounds pretty absurd.

Thanks for all the jibberish, but it doesn't contain any actual threat to russia.

So why do the US foreign policy experts believe it is a threat to Russia? Or are they stupid?

“Air defence” those platforms can launch tomahawk missiles.

Oh and they’re not Polish, they’re american hosted in Poland. Nice try to misrepresent the facts, Not on my watch.

They agree that RUSSIA will see it as a threat, not that it actually is some kind of threat.

They know putin's a madman hell bent on rebuilding the ussr.

Huge difference.

Is anyone here aware of any ACTUAL threats to russia prior to russia invading Ukraine?

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: ISeekTruth101

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Polish air defense missiles are a threat to russia?

Or the fact that some countries aspire to join a defensive alliance meant to defend against a russian invasion, a threat to russia?

Sounds pretty absurd.

Thanks for all the jibberish, but it doesn't contain any actual threat to russia.

So why do the US foreign policy experts believe it is a threat to Russia? Or are they stupid?

“Air defence” those platforms can launch tomahawk missiles.

Oh and they’re not Polish, they’re american hosted in Poland. Nice try to misrepresent the facts, Not on my watch.

Do you have any evidence that Americans snuck Tomahawks into Poland?

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

You seem to be going on quite a bit about Poland at the moment.
But you still haven't answered; Why do you think Poland asked to be a member of NATO and why do you think they wanted those missiles?

I can guarantee you, it wasn't to provoke Russia it was an attempt to protect themselves from Russia because they've been there in the not-too distant past. They've suffered as a result of Russian expansionism before and they don't want to again.

And again; are you saying Poland hasn't got a Right to determine its own foreign policy and has to be bullied and intimidated by its stronger and bigger neighbour?

These are REAL fears of people all over Eastern Europe.
And it seems you are incapable of understanding and acknowledging that.

Why haven’t you responded to any of the Statements I have shared by US foreign policy experts on the matter of NATO expansion and Russia’s security concerns??

Who said Poland asked for the missiles? Where did you get that from?

US said it was deploying those missiles to Poland, they both signed an agreement directly between them for Poland to host those missiles to contain Iran as a perceived threat and other missile threats emanating from that region in particular.

I’ve already stated the reason for the missile deployment as claimed by USA several times. So I cannot fathom how you then turned around and said Poland asked for it?

Maybe I am going on about Poland because it is an extremely important point that is critical to how the conflict with Ukraine started. It is a KEY concern of Putin who has discussed the Polish hosted missiles at length with Western journalists.

It is very similar situation to the cuban missile crisis which was a dangerous moment in history.
I’m shocked at how you play down the deployment of Missiles near russia’s border when so many foreign policy expert have voiced their own concerns on it as well as reputable journalists who specialise in international affairs and foreign policy.

Regardless if you don’t think its an issue, Russia does. And that’s whats driving this conflict. And being ignorant on the matter is not going to solve this conflict. Telling Russia to get over it, is not going to help.’
edit on 25-3-2022 by ISeekTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:07 PM
Here is Putin's (along with other deranged Russians) viewpoint on Ukraine.

Russia without Ukraine is a country. Russia with Ukraine is an Empire.

Russia is, and will remain, a country.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u

originally posted by: ISeekTruth101

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Polish air defense missiles are a threat to russia?

Or the fact that some countries aspire to join a defensive alliance meant to defend against a russian invasion, a threat to russia?

Sounds pretty absurd.

Thanks for all the jibberish, but it doesn't contain any actual threat to russia.

So why do the US foreign policy experts believe it is a threat to Russia? Or are they stupid?

“Air defence” those platforms can launch tomahawk missiles.

Oh and they’re not Polish, they’re american hosted in Poland. Nice try to misrepresent the facts, Not on my watch.

Do you have any evidence that Americans snuck Tomahawks into Poland?

Does it make a difference? If they can be launched, Russia isnt going to wait around.

And again regardless if they have or haven’t snuck tomahawk missiles into Poland, Russia have voiced their disapprovsl of the deployment so if its provoking Russia and US foreign policy experts said it would provoke russia before they got deployed... USA aint working too hard on diplomacy and keeping the peace are they?

In addition to the tomahawk missile threat, SM-3 block IIA missiles have been deployed.

o Poland for use by the Aegis Ashore system are the SM-3 block IIA.

In 2020 The United States conducted a test of an SM-3 Block IIA interceptor against an ICBM-class target.

So tell me, in and around Poland which nation has ICBMs?

Use all your brain power. To save you time, it isn’t Iran.

And Iran won’t be developing ICBMs this decade or anytime soon. That much is guaranteed. They are decades behind on that technology front.

But still the Polish hosted missiles are for Iran huh? Yeah Russian TOTALLY buys that BS. That’s not threatening at all.

Putin should really ally with a Mexico and deploy “defensive” missiles right on the border. Level the playing field. And then claim it’s to protect against the UK

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: ISeekTruth101

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u

originally posted by: ISeekTruth101

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Polish air defense missiles are a threat to russia?

Or the fact that some countries aspire to join a defensive alliance meant to defend against a russian invasion, a threat to russia?

Sounds pretty absurd.

Thanks for all the jibberish, but it doesn't contain any actual threat to russia.

So why do the US foreign policy experts believe it is a threat to Russia? Or are they stupid?

“Air defence” those platforms can launch tomahawk missiles.

Oh and they’re not Polish, they’re american hosted in Poland. Nice try to misrepresent the facts, Not on my watch.

Do you have any evidence that Americans snuck Tomahawks into Poland?

I said they can be launched. Do you have any evidence they haven’t? Do russia have any assurance or they just take Us word for it.

And again regardless if they have or haven’t snuck tomahawk missiles into Poland, Russia have voiced their disapprovsl of the deployment so if its provoking Russia and US foreign policy experts said it would provoke russia before they got deployed... USA aint working too hard on diplomacy and keeping the peace are they?

In addition to the tomahawk missile threat, SM-3 block IIA missiles have been deployed to Poland for use by the Aegis Ashore system.

In 2020 The United States conducted a test of an SM-3 Block IIA interceptor against an ICBM-class target.

So tell me, in and around Poland which nation has ICBMs?

Use all your brain power. To save you time, it isn’t Iran.

And Iran won’t be developing ICBMs this decade or anytime soon. That much is guaranteed. They are decades behind on that technology front.

But still the Polish hosted missiles are for Iran huh? Yeah Russian TOTALLY buys that BS. That’s not threatening at all.

Putin should really ally with a Mexico and deploy “defensive” missiles right on the border. Level the playing field. And then claim it’s to protect against the UK

edit on 25-3-2022 by ISeekTruth101 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2022 by ISeekTruth101 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2022 by ISeekTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Putin should have thought about that before he violated the INF treaty.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Air defense missles.

To defend against Iranian balistic missiles.

Tomahawks can't reach Iran from Poland.

edit on 25-3-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Putin should have thought about that before he violated the INF treaty.

America should have thought about staying in the ABM treaty whose withdrawal predates any INf treaty drama.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Air defense missles.

To defend against Iranian balistic missiles.

Tomahawks can't reach Iran from Poland.

And Iran missiles can reach where mister expert?

What are the areas the polish deployment is meant to protect?

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: ISeekTruth101

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Air defense missles.

To defend against Iranian balistic missiles.

Tomahawks can't reach Iran from Poland.

And Iran missiles can reach where mister expert?

What are the areas the polish deployment is meant to protect?

They don’t have ICBMs
edit on 25-3-2022 by ISeekTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:15 PM

The source in the SBU reports that the daughter of the mayor of Kupyansk is offered
to the Russians as an "exchange fund".
Now this issue is on Zelensky's desk, if the President approves, then the girl will be a
"conditional hostage”, whom they will try to exchange for Ukrainian activists,
politicians, etc., who were detained by the Russians.
The fault of this girl is that her father, the first of the mayors of the cities, conditionally
"surrendered the city", and did not continue the fight.
The country has long been at war without rules. Ukrainian government using any
method to achieve our goals. The girl was detained only so that other mayors and
heads of villages would be afraid for their relatives if they want to save their city from
destruction by handing it over to the Russians.

Link to the video below with subtitles.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

US ground launched cruise missiles were retired from service in 1991 to... wait for it... comply with the INF treaty the US AND Russia ratified and signed (1988).

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

So putin just completely fabricated the Tomahawks in Poland story.

Nice of you to finally admit it.

Is this the mysterious 'threat to russia' that you keep referring to, that Americans might someday sneak Tomahawks into Poland for the purposes of attacking russia?

Are you unaware that Tomahawks can be air launched in bulk from a b52, and single launched from thousands of other American planes?

Or that only a fool would build a cruise missle launcher with range of the intended enemy's cruise missiles?

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

US ground launched cruise missiles were retired from service in 1991 to... wait for it... comply with the INF treaty the US AND Russia ratified and signed (1988).

And when did Russia violate the INF treaty as you state?

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

So putin just completely fabricated the Tomahawks in Poland story.

Nice of you to finally admit it.

Is this the mysterious 'threat to russia' that you keep referring to, that Americans might someday sneak Tomahawks into Poland for the purposes of attacking russia?

Are you unaware that Tomahawks can be air launched in bulk from a b52, and single launched from thousands of other American planes?

Or that only a fool would build a cruise missle launcher with range of the intended enemy's cruise missiles?

The United States has conducted a test launch of a cruise missile from a land-based MK-41 test launcher which is the launcher used in poland by the Aegis Ashore system.

So to conclude,

US threat 1 - deploying SM-3 IIA missiles to Poland 75 miles from Russia and testing them against ICBM targets.
Which poses a threat to the ONLY ICBM capable nation in and around Poland.
US threat 2 - Aegis Ashore launchers on poland have been tested with cruise missiles and can be used to launch offensive missiles such as the tomahawk.

Thats not keeping the peace, as the the US would have a complete meltdown if Russia returned the favour.

Mysterious threat? I’ve shared statements by three high ranking US foreign policy experts who have clearly and unequivocally asserted that the threat is very much real and reckless behaviour by NATO

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

and this is what Putin said in 2002 when the US withdrew from the treaty -

Putin responded with the statement, that this decision would present no threat to the national security of the Russian Federation.

That is because the NMD was NOT directed at Russia but 3rd party actors - North Korea, China, etc... The US should not have its hand tied when the threat is not coming from Russia.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 10:31 PM
Pentagon Drops Truth Bombs to Stave Off War With Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, hailed as a virtual superhero in Western media, has vacillated between openness to negotiating a peace settlement with Russia and calling for NATO, again on Friday, to “close the skies” above Ukraine. To save his country he appears willing to risk endangering the entire world.

Meanwhile, Western corporate media, depending almost exclusively on Ukrainian sources, report that Russia is losing the war, with its military offensive “stalled,” and in frustration has deliberately targeted civilians and flattened cities.

Biden has bought into this part of the story, calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal.” He has also said that Russia is planning a “false flag” chemical attack to pin on Ukraine.

But on Tuesday, the Pentagon took the bold step of leaking two stories to reporters that contradict those tales. “Russia’s conduct in the brutal war tells a different story than the widely accepted view that Vladimir Putin is intent on demolishing Ukraine and inflicting maximum civilian damage—and it reveals the Russian leader’s strategic balancing act,” reported Newsweek in an article entitled, “Putin’s Bombers Could Devastate Ukraine But He’s Holding Back. Here’s Why.”

The piece quotes an unnamed analyst at the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) saying, “The heart of Kyiv has barely been touched. And almost all of the long-range strikes have been aimed at military targets.”

edit on 25/3/22 by Navieko because: (no reason given)

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