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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
Apple just canceled russia.

Immediately closing all stores, offices and warehouses.

No support for existing russian customers.

Removing all russian apps.

Entire russian staff fired.

No online sales to russia.

Any Apple distributor caught selling Apple products in russia will no longer be an Apple distributor anywhere.

Also hinted that Apple may have the ability to prevent any Apple device already inside russia from ever being functional again.

Hey, we might be on to something here... looks like cancel culture might cancel the war!

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: imitator

Works for me.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
Apple just canceled russia.

Immediately closing all stores, offices and warehouses.

No support for existing russian customers.

Removing all russian apps.

Entire russian staff fired.

No online sales to russia.

Any Apple distributor caught selling Apple products in russia will no longer be an Apple distributor anywhere.

Also hinted that Apple may have the ability to prevent any Apple device already inside russia from ever being functional again.

I know I voiced this before, but this is my biggest frustration with all of this. Literally a million Uighurs put away, hundreds of thousands of prisoners of conscience and religious practitioners murdered for organs, tortured beyond means, and Apple (and the like) can't be bothered to do one single solitary thing that would put pressure on the CCP. The virtue signaling hypocrisy on Ukraine is beyond absurd.

Sorry for the vent, but just because "not white people" and "profits" shouldn't get the easy pass.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Russian leadership who have seen their Soviet Union disintegrate then this is brilliant. Ukraine was the jewel in the crown of the Russian empire back then and it looks like they are going to get it back.

Theres a bloody good reason it disintegrated... as a child of the 80's and a teen of the early 90's I remember watching it all very well.

The fact people like Putin and yourself seem to want to go back to a time before the disintegration of the good old USSR is madness... and you know, cant not mention all those now independent parts might not actually want to go back to being just another piece of the amorphous blob the USSR once was.

Its mind boggling there are even people on Putins side in all this, arguing points as crap as reunification by gun point (or hell reunification at all)...

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Oh its a massive win for Russia.

They've become a complete pariah on the world stage.
All those high profile sporting events Putin so loves, all gone.
Ordinary Russian's potless, their life savings turned into nothing over night.
A return to Soviet style austerity with massive queue's at the shops.
A dreary, drab existence and unable to question their leadership for fear of brutal reprisals.

Its a super-duper win of epic proportions.

All to feed Putin's ego.

Forgot about the death etc.

Did you really liken this to the defeat of Hitler?

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Halfswede

Trust me, I'll NEVER forget about ccp.

It's Personal.

Murdered my best friend and his entire extended family personal.

Think I'll ever quit?

Not quite time yet.

Might have been, but someone stole an election for an idiot.

Plans had to be postponed until we deal with our democrat problem.

And now our russia problem.

No worries, just a slight change in the sequence.

Wish we could do better, but we ARE coming for ccp.

Late 2023 at the soonest, more likely mid 2025.

edit on 1-3-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: imitator

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
Apple just canceled russia.

Immediately closing all stores, offices and warehouses.

No support for existing russian customers.

Removing all russian apps.

Entire russian staff fired.

No online sales to russia.

Any Apple distributor caught selling Apple products in russia will no longer be an Apple distributor anywhere.

Also hinted that Apple may have the ability to prevent any Apple device already inside russia from ever being functional again.

Hey, we might be on to something here... looks like cancel culture might cancel the war!

This is actually an incredibly #ing hollow & vapid move from Apple, considering China's own Crimes Against Humanity. And considering who makes Apples overpriced # tobegin with

I guess Concentration Camping the Chinese minorities & dissidents & looking the other way is morally & ethically better than ignoring the shelling of someone else, yeah?

Why TF is everyone always so unwilling to also "cancel" China?

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: imitator

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
Apple just canceled russia.

Immediately closing all stores, offices and warehouses.

No support for existing russian customers.

Removing all russian apps.

Entire russian staff fired.

No online sales to russia.

Any Apple distributor caught selling Apple products in russia will no longer be an Apple distributor anywhere.

Also hinted that Apple may have the ability to prevent any Apple device already inside russia from ever being functional again.

Hey, we might be on to something here... looks like cancel culture might cancel the war!

This is actually an incredibly #ing hollow & vapid move from Apple, considering China's own Crimes Against Humanity. And considering who makes Apples overpriced # tobegin with

I guess Concentration Camping the Chinese minorities & dissidents & looking the other way is morally & ethically better than ignoring the shelling of someone else, yeah?

Why TF is everyone always so unwilling to also "cancel" China?


That is the reason.

Nothing else.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: BigfootNZ

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Russian leadership who have seen their Soviet Union disintegrate then this is brilliant. Ukraine was the jewel in the crown of the Russian empire back then and it looks like they are going to get it back.

Theres a bloody good reason it disintegrated... as a child of the 80's and a teen of the early 90's I remember watching it all very well.

The fact people like Putin and yourself seem to want to go back to a time before the disintegration of the good old USSR is madness... and you know, cant not mention all those now independent parts might not actually want to go back to being just another piece of the amorphous blob the USSR once was.

Its mind boggling there are even people on Putins side in all this, arguing points as crap as reunification by gun point (or hell reunification at all)...

It's the older generation mostly that want the old times back. They were young then, healthy, our brain is programmed to remember the good things mostly. It's a coping mechanism. They forgot about half day queues for bread, or a national alert that one town just got umbrellas in stock. Everybody had a job. Because SSSR needed you to work. Everybody were getting medals for their work. Best brick layer - here's a medal for you, you're making SSSR proud. All the production was taken away though and brought to Russia. People had money, there was nothing to buy. Constantly lulled into submission, not even realizing that your identity is slowly fading away. Forget the fact that half of the people you once knew were taken to Siberian camps after occupation just for being doctors, teachers, journalists, writers or maybe your sicko neighbor wanted your house oh so much so he lied to authorities that you are in the opposition.

Younger people are tought the history because it tends to repeat itself. You can't straighten a crooked tree though.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

If you knock off your slippers FB and give up the "mine" and place yourself into the shoes of the Russian leadership who have seen their Soviet Union disintegrate then this is brilliant. Ukraine was the jewel in the crown of the Russian empire back then and it looks like they are going to get it back. It's a real win win for Russia if he pulls this off. Secured Georgia and Moldova by similar means. Belarus totally in union. Kazachstan recently secured too. It's a brilliant move from their point of view. Legendary really up there with securing the USSR in 1945

The world is lot more connected today. Hardly a win win if the world isolates you on a island. We saw heavy damage after a few days to their economy, money, supplies etc. Not sure the population will be happy over all that too.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Are you really now defending war crimes and unprovoked war on civilians?

What's happened to your moral compass, man?

Nope not at all. It's crazy what's going on in Ukraine. I'm just looking at it from the Russian perspective. This is a massive gamble, all nations on the move have one and in many ways this is Russia's Suez moment.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

They won't give a monkeys about so called damage to "economy, money, supplies."
These things are all temporary.
Germany can't operate without Russian gas, much of EU too.
Economic ties will go back to normal at some point in the future.
Indeed this is the old world, the future is India and China. Putin has developed extremely good economic ties with both.
Russia without Ukraine is a regional power.
Russia with Ukraine and a few other FSU states is once again a super power

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:19 PM
Pakistan has joined the Russian fandom.

Imran Khan Goes to Moscow as Pakistan Romances Russia

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan announced that he struck a deal with Putin to import natural gas, as well as 2 million tons of wheat from his Russian counterpart. Mr Khan said that the pair suggested the pair had “great discussions” on his visit to the Moscow last week, where the leaders signed a bilateral agreement. Pakistan’s Prime Minister said: “We went there because we have to import 2 million tons of wheat from Russia.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: wordforword

Pakistan has joined the Russian fandom.

Imran Khan Goes to Moscow as Pakistan Romances Russia

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan announced that he struck a deal with Putin to import natural gas, as well as 2 million tons of wheat from his Russian counterpart. Mr Khan said that the pair suggested the pair had “great discussions” on his visit to the Moscow last week, where the leaders signed a bilateral agreement. Pakistan’s Prime Minister said: “We went there because we have to import 2 million tons of wheat from Russia.

Time to cancel pakistan then.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: BigfootNZ

The fact people like Putin and yourself seem to want to go back to a time before the disintegration of the good old USSR is madness... and you know, cant not mention all those now independent parts might not actually want to go back to being just another piece of the amorphous blob the USSR once was.

Its mind boggling there are even people on Putins side in all this, arguing points as crap as reunification by gun point (or hell reunification at all)...

Dood............... Numero Uno I don't want to go back to when the USSR existed (would be 1995 as the music was wicked
) and am certainly not taking sides or "on Putin's side."
I am just observing things from Putin's point of view.
edit on 1-3-2022 by ufoorbhunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

This JUST happened in the last hour.

Zelinsky announced it himself on camera.

Said he just fired some ambassadors for preventing folks from coming.

Said the ambassadors will be tried for treason.

Well that clarifies why we were getting dif intel lol

I will let them know for sure

Keep your head down and your ammo close!

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
a reply to: Xtrozero

They won't give a monkeys about so called damage to "economy, money, supplies."
These things are all temporary.
Germany can't operate without Russian gas, much of EU too.
Economic ties will go back to normal at some point in the future.
Indeed this is the old world, the future is India and China. Putin has developed extremely good economic ties with both.
Russia without Ukraine is a regional power.
Russia with Ukraine and a few other FSU states is once again a super power

How do you fit all those delusions inside one skull?

Funny though.

Can you tell how frightened the U.S. and Germany are of your threats.

Shaking in my BS covered boots.

Did you not notice how the U.S. can easily replace russian food & oil permanently?

Or anything else russia used to produce?

You should send us a photo when the ruble reaches wheelbarrow status again, those are always hilarious.

Well, for us anyway.

Russia just got cancelled by the planet.

I. Told. You. So.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: wordforword
There was a big discussion yesterday on Reddit under r/ukpolitics about Truss and the meeting with Russians where she failed big (according to some) by not knowing what land is Russian and what land isn't, and when to keep her mouth shut than rather lash out and trigger nuclear defenses up. However, the post was removed and it signals it being more of a hoax than the truth.

Speaking at a press briefing on Monday, Mr Peskov said: "Statements were made by various representatives at various levels on possible altercations or even collisions and clashes between Nato and Russia.

"We believe that such statements are absolutely unacceptable. I would not call the authors of these statements by name, although it was the British foreign minister."

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:33 PM
Russian forces have captured Staryi Kim village 5KM NW of Mariupol
3 billion USD aid package to be approved by the World Bank towards Ukraine
edit on pmTuesdayTuesday20500000003pm3 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: all2human
Russian forces have captured Staryi Kim village 5KM NW of Mariupol

According to russia.

They've said the same thing about this city several times.

Is it for reelz now?

Nothing found about this ANYWHERE else yet.

edit on 1-3-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

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