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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Caught up on replying to your PMs, MT!

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: loveguy

Thanks loveguy!

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Thanks MT
I don't remember ever seeing that. I'll have to check it out later - it looks very interesting.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: hangedman13

Fun point. If a person is exposed to seeing a Shadow Person once, they are able to see them more readily. During one of my weirder investigations, I took the time to tech a person how to see a Shadow Person that was lurking around their neighborhood. Not only did that person report back that they could see that Shadow from time to time, but they also said that they had witnessed a Shadow Person Hitchhiker on the highway. In another instance a person had told me that their wife kept seeing a Shadow Person and wanted me to find out why he started seeing one too. I had to explain that his wife told him what to look for and "click" he started seeing it.

Remember when Trump met with Obama and came out of the Oval Office looking worried. I wonder if Obama told Trump how to see these Shadow People and Trump knew at that time who/what was really pulling strings.

a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I was able to get stories that went back as far back as pre-Alexander the Greats attempted storming of India. In one story Ptolemy had reported that a group of shadowy looking soldiers attacked the advance party. Many men were killed but none of the shadowy soldiers could be found before or after the fight. Ptolemy was so worried about these shadowy soldiers that when he took over Egypt, he had his men go through each town hunting them down.

There was another story where a ruling Gupta had replaced his priest with shadows, and they would tell him what to do. He was noted for having a rather cruel reign as the Gupta Leader. There was a distinct difference between the baboons and these shadows so I'm not sure why historians would say that the shadows were really baboons, and that this Gupta was crazy.

Anyways yeah weird how often these Shadow People pop up in history.

Maybe there is more to my nonsense than even I want to accept.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 05:49 PM
I wonder if these things have anything to do with each other?

The Nation

While the covert program, run by paramilitaries working for the CIA’s Ground Branch — now officially known as Ground Department — was established by the Obama administration after Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea in 2014, and expanded under the Trump administration, the Biden administration has further augmented it, said a former senior intelligence official in touch with colleagues in government.

“If the Russians invade, those [graduates of the CIA programs] are going to be your militia, your insurgent leaders,” said the former senior intelligence official. “We’ve been training these guys now for eight years. They’re really good fighters. That’s where the agency’s program could have a serious impact.”

If the Russians launch a new invasion, “there’s going to be people who make their life miserable,” said the former senior intelligence official. The CIA-trained paramilitaries “will organize the resistance” using the specialized training they’ve received.

“All that stuff that happened to us in Afghanistan,” said the former senior intelligence official, “they can expect to see that in spades with these guys.”
CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades (Jan 13, 2022)

So, like the School of Americas, only for Ukraine, likely from same location.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 06:00 PM
What does a shadow person look like?

By the way, if Harry Reid was involved in the book “Initiated” then his word has no credibllity with me. That book was drivel.

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: hangedman13

Fun point. If a person is exposed to seeing a Shadow Person once, they are able to see them more readily. During one of my weirder investigations, I took the time to tech a person how to see a Shadow Person that was lurking around their neighborhood. Not only did that person report back that they could see that Shadow from time to time, but they also said that they had witnessed a Shadow Person Hitchhiker on the highway. In another instance a person had told me that their wife kept seeing a Shadow Person and wanted me to find out why he started seeing one too. I had to explain that his wife told him what to look for and "click" he started seeing it.

edit on 1/14/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 06:25 PM


posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: Caled
What does a shadow person look like?

Don't think shadow like what you would see on the ground, but it's better to think shaded area. So, if you were searching a room, you would need to look for a rough human shaped area that is a tone or two darker than the rest of the area.

Weirdly after you see the shaded shape, then it becomes easier for your brain to pick out the image of it.

One of the reason people claim to see a full-on Shadow of a Person is that they normally see them in a darkened room, where it's harder for them to hid in. They need both light and dark differentials in order to hide effectively. In a fully lit room, there would still be shadows to use, but in a room that fully dark, there is no light to use so their shapes pop out more.

I was thinking about this a bit more, and I think that unless Aoi or -Q- says that I'm heading in the wrong direction I'll keep this idea fresh in my head. Better safe than sorry.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
Those rounds are definitely distinctly different. For one, the "blank round" will never ever have a projectile in the end. The "dummy round" will not have any powder or a blast cap.

That they could pretend there is confusion so they can get off is what this is about. Plain and simple.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: Justoneman
That's true. They do have a depopulation agenda, they've mentioned it repeatedly. I should have said that I don't think depopulation is their only agenda. I think they've got two (probably more) --- depopulation and mutation. I believe we've already been mutated. Their goal is to continually reengineer us into the product of their design...infecting us, afflicting us, debilitating us to keep us diseased, weak, incapacitated and enslaved. I would say their new goal is to create an advanced race of augmented humans, droids, chimeras & other hybrids along with an army of super soldiers and everything can be controlled remotely.

ETA three agendas including digitization

Yes, I see that goal too. Clearly the transgender situation being promoted is a clue that supports this concept. So, I am remembering this "as in the days of Noah, so shall it be". What all was going on during Noah's day before building that ark was similar to the things I see being researched today.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:33 PM
That’s interesting. I saw (in my peripheral vision) a shadow move in the corner by my desk the other day and I instinctively tried to grab it (since it was in reaching distance). It kind of danced…or flickered…about 3 feet of the floor. Obviously it was gone as fast as it appeared and I grabbed nothing. I felt bad afterwards because I really had no way of knowing if it was friend or foe, if it was even there at all.

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: Caled
What does a shadow person look like?

Don't think shadow like what you would see on the ground, but it's better to think shaded area. So, if you were searching a room, you would need to look for a rough human shaped area that is a tone or two darker than the rest of the area.

Weirdly after you see the shaded shape, then it becomes easier for your brain to pick out the image of it.

One of the reason people claim to see a full-on Shadow of a Person is that they normally see them in a darkened room, where it's harder for them to hid in. They need both light and dark differentials in order to hide effectively. In a fully lit room, there would still be shadows to use, but in a room that fully dark, there is no light to use so their shapes pop out more.

I was thinking about this a bit more, and I think that unless Aoi or -Q- says that I'm heading in the wrong direction I'll keep this idea fresh in my head. Better safe than sorry.

edit on 1/14/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:35 PM


The purpose of this study is to consider the various Day Counts as to why one could suggest, 2022 could be the Year the Church Age Ends and subsequently the Rapture event. As a Disclaimer, one is only presenting the Timeline and Rationale for why it would appear to be so. Although the ‘End-Date’ does lead to a Specific Date, July 23, 2022 (723), one cannot 100% absolutely state that on this Date, the Rapture Day will finally be realized. One is only simply using the same Pre-Suppositions, of any given Year, that Pentecost is the highest Rapture Zone to be Watching for.

Meaning of Numbers 55
The Timeline notes that the 74th Year Anniversary of Israel’s Independence occurs on May 14, 2022. A Total Blood Moon Eclipse occurs 2 Days later on May 16, 2022 in Scorpio. Note that other proximate Eclipses have occurred in Scorpio within 2021-22. It signifies that the Enemy of YHVH’s People, both Earthly and Spiritually has been ‘readied for a ’Strike’. Then on June 2, 2022, as noted corresponds to Ascension Day. Astonishingly, June 2 is the 153rd Day of the Year and exactly the ‘Fish’ Count caught in the Disciple’s Net that did not break, etc. And the 55th Year Anniversary of the 6-Day War occurs on June 6, 2022. On June 5, 2022, it is the 49th Day Count or Shavuot based on one’s Calculus. This date also corresponds to the Rabbinical Count.

Many thus attribute this Jupiter-Saturn conjunction as an omen of a great world change to happen in terms of a coming ‘New World Order’ that will see a change in the current power structures of the world. As to the coming Mark of the Beast that will proceed from the Beasts, there is also a need to change the current economic order as a new paradigm break will necessitate a digital currency. In prior studies, such currency may very well play into the anticipated death and rebirth magic ritual of the mythical Phoenix that is the present World Order, the USA. The thesis is predicated on the USA Coin Act of 1792 that stipulates then 33 cycles of 7 years each that ends in 2022, excluding end year. How so? The last worldwide economic collapse occurred in 2008 in the USA. It so happened that it was the year Pluto entered Capricorn and has been waiting for Jupiter and Saturn to ‘set it free’. Now it will begin with the Grand Conjunction as the Old Phoenix of the USA is fixed to be slaughtered in order for the new Phoenix to rise.

The Fate of Empires
Sir John Glubb said: the fall of an empire will happen when entertainers are worshipped.
Average lifespan: 250 yrs
USA is currently at 245 yrs
Pluto Return cycle is ~247 yrs. We're on the precipice.
The United States of America has a very profound Planetary Return incoming in 2022- the return of Pluto the Lord of the Underworld and God of Death and Rebirth.

"The heroes of declining nations are always the same—the athlete, the singer or the actor. The word ‘celebrity’ today is used to designate a comedian or a football player, not a statesman, a general, or a literary genius."
- Sir John Glubb, The Fate of Empires

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:49 PM
Narrative collapse.

But but but what does Team Joe have? Well...

330m x 4free =



This is an INCREDIBLE concise description of Divide and Conquer through BorgVerse emotional manipulation, in real time. Read it as if you are a CCP general admiring the success of your work. This was intended, and many of us saw this coming.

I work in Big Tech. A name you would know and have probably used before.

Wanted to give a rundown of what it's like from the inside right now.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: Caled
That’s interesting. I saw (in my peripheral vision) a shadow move in the corner by my desk the other day and I instinctively tried to grab it (since it was in reaching distance). It kind of danced…or flickered…about 3 feet of the floor. Obviously it was gone as fast as it appeared and I grabbed nothing. I felt bad afterwards because I really had no way of knowing if it was friend or foe, if it was even there at all.

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: Caled
What does a shadow person look like?

Don't think shadow like what you would see on the ground, but it's better to think shaded area. So, if you were searching a room, you would need to look for a rough human shaped area that is a tone or two darker than the rest of the area.

Weirdly after you see the shaded shape, then it becomes easier for your brain to pick out the image of it.

One of the reason people claim to see a full-on Shadow of a Person is that they normally see them in a darkened room, where it's harder for them to hid in. They need both light and dark differentials in order to hide effectively. In a fully lit room, there would still be shadows to use, but in a room that fully dark, there is no light to use so their shapes pop out more.

I was thinking about this a bit more, and I think that unless Aoi or -Q- says that I'm heading in the wrong direction I'll keep this idea fresh in my head. Better safe than sorry.

I would expand the thinking here a bit. What is mostly, not always, being observed here are glimpses (bleed through) of the lower non physical realms. It is a complex mess of discarnate beings, exclusive existing beings, lost beings, fractured soul aspects, and a helluva lot of mental trash created by humans - thought forms and such. That's really an oversimplification.

Yes, there are "shadow" people but they don't see themselves as shadows at all.

My point is, in expanding the thinking, it helps to see that we have extremely limited sensory systems now, crappy eyesight (some birds can see ultra violet but we can't) horrifyingly bad sense of smell and touch, and our hearing is worse then a dog - we had other senses but they were bread out of us. In short, we deny the existence of other realms because our lousy senses cannot perceive them. As such, perception of things non physical is confusing when it happens. There are a near infinite number of realms, we just can't "perceive" them.

Worse, when folks DO perceive more then the accepted 3d, they are berated for being conspiracy theorists and asked "pic or it didn't happen." Truth: You are never more asleep when you are awake, and never more awake when you are asleep. The dream world is closer to "reality" then our separation space = Inversion.

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:08 PM
I was wondering if anyone here had Put "Watch the Water" with this video of Trump and Pence

removing their water bottles off the table at a FEMA meeting?

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:12 PM
Arizona going hot...

edit on 14-1-2022 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

They are not shadows, they use a camouflaging technique they only make them look like shadows in certain lighting conditions. This has nothing to do with upper or lower dimensional anything, these Shadow People live here with us on this plane of existence. If I am right, then it's important to know that these Shadow People only want us to think that they are from some other dimension.

Think more along the lines of a David Copperfield doing magic tricks in public not for entertainment, but instead to try and get people to believe that he is holy. That's what I think these Shadow People might be doing. Don't think they can't be hurt by us, because if that was true then they wouldn't be trying to research us and hide from us.

Again; " I think that unless Aoi or -Q- says that I'm heading in the wrong direction I'll keep this idea fresh in my head."

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:27 PM
link cation-homes/

A federal grand jury indicted Baltimore state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby on Thursday after she lied about her financial status to purchase two properties in Florida.

The progressive official, whose reported annual salary is near $240,000, was charged with perjury and making false statements about her financial situation during COVID-19 to obtain premature access to her city retirement savings. Mosby was awarded at least $90,000 from that savings under a CARES Act provision that allowed government employees to dip into their retirement accounts if they were struggling to make ends meet. Despite claiming she was facing dire financial straits in Baltimore, Mosby used the money she withdrew to purchase vacation homes in

Kissimmee near Disney World and Long Boat Key


posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman


Feel to add when 2022 02 22 starts as such hemi, also is false time rekalibrakingT, also natural time humanity enfluenced through Noospheric - human feelings asway n harmoonic,

We left the mirror wavespell and into Monkey wavespell, imo n experience has been very Obvious, boundary pushing especialllly.

Old stories and new stories are atm imo the carry forward > an oldie

The energy return people on holydays etc will not imo actualllly stop, it will continue, theyier narrative indeed untrenched.

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