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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Just like with Betty White, we'll know the truth when his agent comes out and tells us that he wasn't vaccinated. I say in the next three days.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:56 PM

Looks like Saget might reach Baldwin levels of Connections. Worth noting of course that "Full House" shows up in the drops, as does one of the Olsen's with Chandler. The oddest of places, the most curious of symbols, the strangest connections - the reality busting apart at the seams it seems.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:01 PM

Pointed out by And We Know on Bitchute today:


Overlaying the symbols for:




posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman


Also, what's interesting to me about Full House being in the drops is the line immediately preceding it. "Epicenter."
edit on 10-1-2022 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:38 PM
What Viruses are Being Studied by US Military Bio-Laboratories in Kazakhstan?

Suspicions about the involvement of foreign US bio-laboratories in the emergence of very strange diseases in the countries where such secret facilities exist are growing.

Thus, on July 30, Channel One Eurasia, a local Kazakh television station, reported an unexpected mass death of livestock from an unknown disease in two regions of Kazakhstan. In particular, livestock deaths were registered in the North-Kazakhstan region. Veterinarians speculate that this disease is blackleg, or emphysematous carbuncle, which has not been seen in this land for a very long time. The infection primarily affects young, immature animals that cannot yet be vaccinated due to their age. Mass mortality of livestock also occurs in the neighboring Akmola Region: in the villages of Azat and Karabulak, more than 500 heads of livestock fell ill.

Experts note that in recent years, epidemics of either unknown diseases or old, almost forgotten diseases considered to have been eradicated have periodically broken out in various regions of Kazakhstan. As a result, cattle are dying en masse. The public associates this with the American military biolab, located in Alma-Ata and whose activities remain out of the scope of formal ovesight not only of Kazakhstan, but international scientific circles as well.

In October 2018, the American Journal of Science released an article titled “Agricultural Research or a New Biological Weapons System?” In this article, German and French microbiologists, concerned about the growing number of such laboratories near the borders of Russia and China, expressed the view that the US was preparing for a bacteriological war, thousands of kilometers away from their own borders. This article talked about a Pentagon program called Insect Allies, which involves major biological experiments and experiments whose results could be used for military purposes.


We are becoming experimental monkeys, and the unique territory is the Pentagon’s natural testing ground for testing new viruses… As a rule, such laboratories built by the US military are removed from national control and operate in a secret regime… The Americans say that the Ministry of Health will lead the central reference laboratory, but the Pentagon’s military experts will usually conduct their own research. Such reservations are implied in all agreements with the CIS countries where such laboratories are being built,” wrote former Deputy Defence Minister of Kazakhstan Amirbek Togusov shortly before his death.

Major General Togusov planned to make a presentation at a conference on threats to US military biolabs in Central Asia, but could not, having fallen ill with the coronavirus. Amirbek Togusov gave his colleagues the text of his research.
On July 14th 2020, the former Deputy Defence Minister of Kazakhstan died from a coronavirus infection. zJETr9ZmLYMYehYOWS3sRzPI3tmBkkr4yC0HgXZRzhA_afI

Agricultural research, or a new bioweapon system?

Agricultural genetic technologies typically achieve their agronomic aims by introducing laboratory-generated modifications into target species' chromosomes. However, the speed and flexibility of this approach are limited, because modified chromosomes must be vertically inherited from one generation to the next. In an effort to remove this limitation, an ongoing research program funded by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) aims to disperse infectious genetically modified viruses that have been engineered to edit crop chromosomes directly in fields. 

In the context of the stated aims of the DARPA program, it is our opinion that the knowledge to be gained from this program appears very limited in its capacity to enhance U.S. agriculture or respond to national emergencies (in either the short or long term). Furthermore, there has been an absence of adequate discussion regarding the major practical and regulatory impediments toward realizing the projected agricultural benefits. As a result, the program may be widely perceived as an effort to develop biological agents for hostile purposes and their means of delivery, which—if true—would constitute a breach of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).

Crop-protecting insects could be turned into bioweapons, critics warn

It sounds like science fiction: A research program funded by the U.S. government plans to create virus-carrying insects that, released in vast numbers, could help crops fight threats such as pests, drought, or pollution. "Insect Allies," as the $45 million, 4-year program is called, was launched in 2016 with little fanfare. But in a policy forum in this week's issue of Science, five European researchers paint a far bleaker scenario. If successful, the technique could be used by malicious actors to help spread diseases to almost any crop species and devastate harvests, they say. The research may be a breach of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), the piece argues.

Funded by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Virginia, Insect Allies aims to use insects such as aphids or whiteflies to infect crops with tailormade viruses that can deliver certain genes to mature plants; it's essentially gene therapy for crops. The goal, DARPA says, is to find a new way to protect plants growing in the field from emerging threats. The approach would be faster and more flexible than developing new crop varieties in the laboratory, which can take years, says Blake Bextine, who manages the project at DARPA. ZFbQVNVIHWJzXrfH6UAxRK3Hc_E

Coronavirus: Bioterror and the US military laboratory in Kazakhstan - Investigation - Fort Russ

Recently, a Kazakhstani resource Yvision reported that “a source among the staff of the Central Reference Laboratory (CRL) in Almaty confirmed that the deadly coronavirus was developed in this institution.”

Scientific research at the facilities is funded and supervised by the US Department of Defense, and is often carried out with the participation of researchers from the Institute of Military Medicine. Walter Reed US Armed Forces (Maryland) coming to the region.

The Viruses magazine (Viruses, 2019, 11, 356, doi: 10.3390 / v11040356) published in April 2019 the work of a group of American and Kazakh scientists about a new strain of coronavirus, the reservoirs of which are local bats. The work was carried out in the framework of the KZ-33 project of the US Department of Defense Threat Reduction Agency on the Almaty Central Defense League (Tropical Medicine and Infection Disease, 2019, 4, 136, doi: 10.3390 / tropicalmed4040136).

The project was led by Professor Gavin James Smith of Duke University (USA), closely associated with the National Institute of Health and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the US Department of Health.

The source of the Kazakh publication reported that the biosamples containing coronavirus delivered to the CRF in the winter of 2020 “at the molecular level, they completely coincide with the strain, the study of which was started in the laboratory about two years ago and which, according to his observations, should not all this time was to leave the TsRL.

It was a joint development led by scientists from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of the final stage of training a large group of Kazakh epidemiologists. ”

According to the publication (Viruses, 2019, p.2), the mentioned American studies of coronavirus were carried out in April – May 2017, that is, strictly on time, called the source. Moreover, both the species studied in 2017 and COVID-19 belong to coronaviruses transmitted by bats.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:39 PM

Following the bat

With a careful study of the materials of the American CRL in Kazakhstan, studies raise many questions. The KZ-33 project is entitled “Middle East Respiratory Coronavirus Syndrome”, and it is completely unclear why it should be studied on bats in Central Asia.

Even stranger is the ability of the aforementioned Professor Gavin Smith to find bats carrying the coronavirus literally anywhere. In 2017, he published a study (Transboundary Emerg Dis, Dec; 64 (6): 1790–1800. Doi: 10.1111 / tbed.12568) on coronavirus bats in Singapore. Having arrived in Kazakhstan, he also found the same object of study, although the republic was not famous for such a disease before. You might think that his personal mouse flock with his own coronavirus flies behind him.

It is curious that the study involved the resources of the Research Institute for Biological Safety, located in the Kordai district of the Zhambyl region of Kazakhstan. In the same area there lives a large community of Chinese-speaking Dungans, who are traditionally engaged in shuttle trade with the PRC, including smuggling.

A genetically modified sample, later called COVID-19, could cross the border by accident or as a result of intentional manipulations.
The recent mass pogrom in the Dungan villages of the Kordai region can also be considered as an attempt to “clean up” witnesses of the work of American military biologists in the region in 2017-2019, their negligence or intentional actions to import COVID-19 to China.

Nobody seems to have cleaned up Professor Smith, but the Duke Institute, of which he is still an employee, seemed to have forgotten about its existence.
The coronavirus pandemic on the site of the scientific center is commented on by many researchers, but not by Gavin Smith, who has studied the spread of a very similar disease in East and Central Asia for at least four years.
Why such secrecy? Perhaps, in order not to remind once again about explorations in Almaty.

edit on 10-1-2022 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:42 PM
This is from 2015!

Red Cross admits holocaust Hoax


Provided here is a scanned image of an Official International Red Cross document

Here is the Top guy of his company warning people that the jews are killing us. (The bad sect ) not ordinary people).
I will say this is regarding the apparent hermaphrodite( baphomet (think Sabrina the witch on netflix)sect in media trying to again destroy us in this so called Squid Game as they call it.

It seems they've been busy playing this game with us for a very long time.


edit on 10-1-2022 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:44 PM
So now the data is in the CDC/Pharma saying…

- masks never worked
- the COVID deaths weren’t COVID deaths
- vaxxing and boosting isn’t doing anything to help w/COVID
- sit tight, the OMICRON vax is coming soon!!

If you let these evil liars scooby-doo you about Trump, Russia, and Election…. and STILL let them convince you to get jabbed, a lot, by a non-FDA approved potion…. well, Mother Nature does tend to cull the herd in her own special ways.

Jabbed? Don’t buy green bananas.
edit on 10-1-2022 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2022 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
I know ku says Trust Kansas but why on earth would they build a bio research facility on the Manhatten Campus of Kansas State University. I mean this is tornado country and just what could go wrong?
It isn't Kansas' fault but the people who build these things without any thought of possible consequences. Just look at Denver International Airport. At least they had some forethought and made the bathrooms tornado shelters just in case but then also had the forethought to put up some fun artwork.>nbaf

Yes, the storms are hellish when in Tornado Alley. I have several close calls with these damn things. There in Manhattan especially.
I recall being in Ft Riley home of the "Big Red 1" 1st Armored Calvary division was just outside of Manhattan KS. While at one of the camps on the Fort in training we were lucky enough to survive a night of tornado's. I was at least 30 miles away from the storm, but in KS it looks like 3 or 4 miles away. . Some of the pup tents got slammed in the TStorm that buzzed us. We heard one unit was in/near the one we were looking at and had to be evacuated.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: crankyoldman


The twins, yes, Saget and Gates, no, just crappy mug shots.


Unrelated to lazy to start another post...

This clip is really something to behold, as the Narrative changes we can see those dispensing are clone-bots as saying this with a straight face would be impossible for a souled human being.

CLIP Also, comments.

CNN's Jake Tapper rips into "misleading" COVID hospitalization numbers.
"We're 2 years into this ... if somebody's in the hospital with a broken leg and they also have asymptomatic COVID, that should not be counted as hospitalized with covid, clearly."

Staggering because emotionally shut down clone-bot (note the collapsed left eye) Gupta thinks the data wasn't available, then again he only plays a doctor on teeeveee and is incapable of reading the CDC website because muh, dunno.

Consider that, CNN who admitted rigging numbers for fear porn, now running a piece with the same talking heads debunking their own lies.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Something to watch
China offers Kazakhstan security support, opposes 'external forces'

China is willing to increase "law enforcement and security" cooperation with neighbouring Kazakhstan and help oppose interference by "external forces", China's foreign minister said on Monday, after violent protests in the Central Asian country......

Sure is getting entertaining ... Thought I'd leave this here for future ref

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Joe and Jill Biden asked nurses to come dance and sing for them at the White House a few weeks ago. What was the point? The Covid phenomena has quite a bit of creepy weirdness attached to it by the higher-ups, doesn't it?

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Like the dancing Judge Alitos from SNL after OJ trial

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
Cannot help it.....
Remember, remember the 5th of November...

With big hearts to you!


posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: LughnaCosan
When you put it that way, yes, I do hate politicians and the whole set up with a passion.


posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

You are one of the meme Kings.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

B) We have always been at war with Eastasia...?

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

edit on 10-1-2022 by FlyingFox because: typ0

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 09:12 PM
It's in their head. CLIP
As an aside. Want to hone your skills? Notice the visceral reaction in your gut when it responds. Folks have lost this tool for a reason, but Jen's a great entity to practice finding it again.

Referring to this perhaps?

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 09:18 PM
Got to spend the day working with 2 “asymptomatic” coworkers today. Let’s see how the new guidance works lol.
But since they disclosed I asked….if you’re asymptomatic why did you test?
One felt sick (so that isn’t asymptomatic, you’re simply feeling “better”)
And the other sounded like they have a hundred tests available so it was self explanatory

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