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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
In the background there is a #1 that is flashed on the tv screen. Yesterday I looked it up and it led to Shadow Inc which has been renamed Bluelink.

This mobile app was funded by Soros and was used during the Iowa Democratic Caucus where it utterly [shocking] failed. It was supposed to register, organize and mobolize voters. That might explain how suddenly Biden was selected and then by default Harris, the least liked presidential/vice presidential candidate.
The Dems election was stolen right from the get go because their preferred candidate never had a chance. Rig for Blue vs Rig for Red. Inversion.

I tried to find it today using #1 on Goog and it was nowhere to be found but yesterday it popped right up.>wiki>Bluelink

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
feds pay but haven't

originally posted by: texasgirl

hope it's the right one

edit on 1/2/2022 by CrazyFox because: Oop

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: texasgirl
I am not a lawyer but try and pull together as much documentation as you can. Try and get her vaccine card which will have the lot # on it. There is mounting evidence that some of the lots are not of the same quality and the vaccine makers are required to test each lot for efficacy.
With the speed of manufacturing it is unlikely that this is being done. They should have to provide proof with some documentation of their own that this procedure is being followed.

That will take time but at least submit a claim and then force the issue that you want to see that documentation that there was adequate quality control.
Also try and find out if she went with anyone and if they are suffering any negative side effects.

In the case of my child she came down with shingles but the friends that she went with all developed herpes. I did report this as well through the VAERS system

Report her case as well to the system. It is voluntary and that is a big problem but you must have it registered as a case and you will get an ID number that you can reference with your case.

In addition try and get her medical records sent in as well showing that she prior to the vax was healthy and did not suffer from any heart ailments.

We really need to make more people aware that this is a course that can be pursued because when one searches for liability all that comes up is that the Vax makers are not liable. Zero comes up for this Warp Speed Compensation Fund.

You may be able to bring your family together in their grief and united work together because harm has been done and the money will help.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
Thanks for the link.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel- I just think they find it inconceivable I would pass on the vaccine. They really believe it saves lives. But I’ve always shied away from all shots, including the flu ones. I don’t know if they’re upset because they care or because it’s the right thing to do.

For me, I’m very close to my brother. I’m willing to lose my relationship with him if it keeps him alive.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 01:47 PM
I did not expect to find such a paper on the NIH website...

In this totalitarian materialistic environment, Carl Gustav Jung had the courage to propose that our mind is guided by a system of forms, the archetypes, which are powerful, even though they don’t carry any mass or energy, and which are real, even though they are invisible. The archetypes exist, as Jung ([3], pp. 43v44) described, in a “psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature”. Out of this system, the invisible forms can appear in our mind and guide “our imagination, perception, and thinking”.

In this essay, we will describe the similarities between Carl Gustav Jung’s psychology and Quantum ontology. Our description will show that Jung’s teaching is more than psychology: it is a form of spirituality. By “spirituality”, we mean a view of the world that accepts the numinous at the foundation of the cosmic order. In the same way, Quantum Physics is more than physics: it is a new form of mysticism, which suggests the interconnectedness of all things and beings and the connection of our minds with a cosmic mind.

In “Infinite Potential” [23] this phenomenon has been described in the following way: At the foundation of the visible world we find Entities, which always appear to us as Elementary Things, when we interact with them. However, when they are on their own, they become waves. As waves, they have lost all mass, and they have become pure forms, patterns of information, something mindlike or thoughtlike. Accordingly, we can call the units of existence at the foundation of the world “ETs”, meaning Elementary Things, of Elementary Thoughts; or, simply, EntiTies.


posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 01:55 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 02:13 PM

Prior to the release of The Matrix Resurrection I posted a breakdown of what I thought the movie would reflect based on the symbolism of the previous movies and the release date(s) HERE

The gist of that post was The Matrix was m.A.L.I.C.E.s, the AI control system, coming out party. The subsequent films described what the problem was for the Control System = Human Freewill, and the net result = even if humans "escape" the Matrix they are still in it.

I wrote The Matrix Resurrection would be the coming out of the Virtual Reality system, Darpa Meta-Verse, or a wholly new BorgVerse where folks would be controlled in a new way.

The film was exactly that. We can see the film in two parts, the first part breaks down the transition from the old Matrix and describes the new system. The second part is of course the standard hero's journey. As with the previous films, the key elements are seen in brief descriptions or exposition layered within.

We learn that Neo, has not returned to the old matrix, but was recreated = DNA Reconstruction (23&me?). He is placed into a new system (META VR) which was created by using his memories+ and he is locked in place through mind control drugs and psych manipulation = pharma/jab and media.

The added feature, which I was a bit surprised to see, is the element of using love, or rather the inability to manifest it through union, as the most powerful element needed to drive the machine. Swap Trinity (holy) for "God/Source/Creator" etc. and we can see the admission that love is the problem, real love and not social media love, as such it can be used against the humans by making it impossible to achieve - ostensibly by removing the concept altogether.... as seen through communism on earth. Of course the twist here is it is not God/Source/Creator Union love, it is man+woman.

This shows us the machine thinking. The machine itself, our control system, has lost it on the Freewill issue and is terrified of folks actively seeking out their connection with God/Source/Creator. It realizes the torture of keeping folks separated from that connection is an energy bonanza. How many of us long, yearn, cry for being home? Why does the (Matrix) church, government, pharma stand between us and Union?

Two key revealing moments. The Merovingian is now an "exiled" program = old world (NWO), and its brief appearance & rant tells us a lot. The new BorgVerse sucks, it is without class and is just a cage created from social media feedback loops,,, soulless even by AI standards.

The next key reveal is from the Analyst = DARPA based social media algorithm(s). It points out that they gave up on trying to deal with the Freewill issue as such and simply went for emotional junk food to cage the humans through feeling manipulation (likes, hearts, retweets).

Our world is that, in fact schools teach feelings and emotional manipulation as primary goals now.

The film does indeed describe the coming out of the BorgVerse AI. The world where the social media posts, plus memories, plus buying habits etc. are used to create a feedback loop prison, one where detachment from everything Soul based is gone for good, making escape all but impossible.

Isn't this the emerging world, where the darpaGram, darpaTwit, darpaGoog, darpAzon etc. all curate individualized "feeds", animal-food, which simply reinforce the same mental jail infinitely? Remove the concept of God/Source/Creator from TikTok and for the current generation it will have never existed.

The film ends with BorgVerse still in place and the two "hero's," in a bit of wokeness role reversal, are simply there to wreak havoc, and not leave it entirely forever. The Analyst does reinforce my contention about the BorgVerse, it is mind control perfection for the "sheeple."

Worth observing, the "glimmer of hope" imagery dashed. Trinity & Neo see the Sun/God/Creator/Source still shines (previous films not) and went back into the BorgVerse. Hope Dashed.

I had not seen the film or read the script before I had written the piece. This was simply me observing the symbolism + Qdrop, and our current reality. The Control system just hates the idea of anything outside of itself. God/Source/Creator is removed from the equation, instead a flawed hero is the hope. So silly.

For those who think this cannot be happening,,, it already is... to an extent...

Someone recently said that one contention of the failure of Freewill in this earthly arena, from the more evolved beings POV, is that it failed as a defense. Meaning, asserting one's Freewill to say "no" is almost impossible here, as such, the experiment in Freewill at the 3d level doesn't work if saying no is not an option. Too many see Freewill as government issued and not inherent.

It is as if there is no Freewill, as we have things like conscription, taxes, even the usage of air and water is by permission. I would agree, as this is indeed been my biggest obstacle since arriving. Freewill isn't recognized by enough people on the planet to matter in any meaningful way... sadly the greatest gift is the one unopened.

Having said all of that, BorgVerse is a failure, will always be a failure, and while there might be a few takers - mostly minions and the creators of it (enjoy it DarpaTeam goons), this thing was doomed from the start. Real Reason? The machine fails to deal with the polarity problem, the BorgVerse does NOT exist without God/Source/Creator as a reference point, ergo, one cannot exist without the other. BorgVerse must include that representation, as such, the truth - All Is One, will emerge within each when they are ready regardless of location. Sadly, once in the BorgVerse that choice will play out, so transcending will take a while.

I do not recommend the BorgVerse in any way, shape or form and will not be attending on any level, as I saw this coming ages ago, no darpaPrograms for me voluntarily to date, no 23&me, nothing. And I still have to fight it.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

That was very helpful, thank you. I only hope the vaccination card didn’t get discarded, as she passed away 3 months ago.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Thank's again CrazyFox, I'll do that when I'm allowed to edit my post again.... I'm in quarantine LoL


posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:26 PM
WEF Transformation Maps::

WEF Strategic Intelligence - COVID-19:

NWO has been rebranded as Global Governance and the Global Governance Project:


The Future Orientation of Government:

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Under "Agile" governance they have "Role of Religion" and for "Religion in Ethics and Law" they have "Nuclear Security" as a sub-topic and of course they blame Trump for signalling development of new nuclear weapons.

Watch the Water plays a massive planetary role on humans as currency.

All maps (dozens) are dynamic (clickable) for each category, subject, topic. They quite literally want to transform EVERYTHING as we know it, including Antarctica and...

...through MKULTRA behavorial sciences on digital soma.

Their so-called 4th Industrial Revolution plan to change humanity and the planet appears more like to year 2100 or not at all since the human factor 'choice' or free will is not something they can accurately predict given all the possible cause & effect permutations considering ~8 billion people no matter how clever the deterministic quantum algorithms.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:32 PM
"It didn't start with the gas chambers...

It started with politicians dividing people between "us" and "them".
It began with the speeches of hatred and intolerance, in the streets and through the media.
It began with promises and propaganda, aimed only at increasing consensus.
It began with the laws that distinguished people based on "race" and skin color. I
t began with children expelled from school because they were children of people of another religion.
It began with people deprived of their possessions, their loved ones, their homes, their dignity.
It began with the filing of intellectuals.
It began with ghettoization and deportation.

It started when people stopped worrying about it, when people became numb, obedient and blind, with the belief that all of this was "normal". "

Primo Levi

edit on 0200000012022-01-02T15:40:01-06:00pm1034002pm by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:31 PM
Dr. Stefano Manera ✨


- Awakenings of herpes forms that have been dormant for years, or even worse, Epstein Barr, a potential vector / facilitator / trigger of very serious pathologies, including neoplastic ones;
- frequent Guillain-Barré syndromes (inflammatory neuropathy that from an initial state of weakness leads to paresis of the lower and upper limbs);
- facial hemiparesis;
- confusional states with phenomena of 'hallucinations';
- increase in psychiatric symptoms (anxiety, depression, insomnia, panic attacks, suicidal intentions);
- onset of fibromyalgia-like syndromes;
- increase in neuropathies;
- metrorrhagia;
- changes in the menstrual cycle;
- myocarditis from one case per 100 thousand adults to a frequent phenomenon among young and very young people;
- dramatic increase in sports deaths;
- tumor relapses even in subjects who have been in remission of the disease for a long time;
- sudden lymph node proliferation '.

Anyone talk about it?

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 05:13 PM

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: duncanhidao
Dr. Stefano Manera ✨


- Awakenings of herpes forms that have been dormant for years, or even worse, Epstein Barr, a potential vector / facilitator / trigger of very serious pathologies, including neoplastic ones;
- frequent Guillain-Barré syndromes (inflammatory neuropathy that from an initial state of weakness leads to paresis of the lower and upper limbs);
- facial hemiparesis;
- confusional states with phenomena of 'hallucinations';
- increase in psychiatric symptoms (anxiety, depression, insomnia, panic attacks, suicidal intentions);
- onset of fibromyalgia-like syndromes;
- increase in neuropathies;
- metrorrhagia;
- changes in the menstrual cycle;
- myocarditis from one case per 100 thousand adults to a frequent phenomenon among young and very young people;
- dramatic increase in sports deaths;
- tumor relapses even in subjects who have been in remission of the disease for a long time;
- sudden lymph node proliferation '.

Anyone talk about it?

DH, this is going to be a huge problem.

Virus' are signals, letting the body know it has too much toxin, chemicals, hormones etc. in an area so to detox it. It also lets folks know they've got a deficiency of some sort, C, D, or whatever.

The Jab will render both the signals void, and our own internal alert system = how will we know when we need to take care of ourselves if our Viral triggers are nullified? Sadly many are sick, toxic, vitamin deficient, stressed etc. so any imbalance in the system will produced those results all at once = VAIDS.

Now, as pharma wants, many will just feel bad, see a medico for 10 minutes, get a drug, rinse and repeat for life. From their POV, you have to break a few humans to alter the DNA for the BorgVerse, so something something collateral damage. Not good.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 06:03 PM
veritas non placet

I take this opportunity to thank my hosts.

I am a perfect nobody
but I have been banned from twitter facebook istagram and various online forums for almost 2 years now.
I went from very angry to very proud because whoever has followed my fate deserves my unlimited esteem.

In the future, these will be medals of valor to be very proud of
edit on 0200000012022-01-02T18:21:58-06:00pm1062102pm by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

edit on 0200000012022-01-02T19:49:13-06:00pm1074902pm by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 06:05 PM
Alot of hatred & fear mongering BS in her twitOsphere coming from an 'expert'.🤡🙄👎 And these people wonder why so many refuse the C19 vax and do not 'trust' their science doctrine.🙃

De Groot is also the President and CEO of vaccine design company EpiVax Inc.

Between 1992 and 2008, De Groot also contributed to the Yale HIV in Prison program and Massachusetts Correctional Institution at Framingham, providing medical treatment to inmates, founded the GAIA Vaccine Foundation for improving global AIDS treatment, and founded a free clinic in Rhode Island, Clinica Esperanza. Her current work at the Clinica Esperanza includes the nurse-run CHEER Clinic, a walk in clinic pilot program that serves as an alternative to non-urgent ER visits.

Dr.Robert Malone contracted with EpiVax, tasked with finding any existing Covid therapies; none were found. And of this combined with the way the emergency use authorization worked and a 'novel' virus means that the mRNA and other 'new' therapeutics could be pushed through and supported to fight CV19.

Dr. Malone was on board of directors for EpiVax, Scientific Advisory Board, 2012-2019. Resume [PDF]

Vaccine papers by Dr. Anne Searls De Groot. This one stuck out...

The concept behind these descriptors is that a minimal set of antigens that induces a competent immune response to a pathogen or neoplasm can be discovered using immunoinformatics, and that administration of these epitopes in the right delivery vehicle and with the correct adjuvant will result in a degree of protection against infection by the pathogen. In short, the T cell-driven approach to developing vaccines is based on these fundamental principles: Payload + Adjuvant + Delivery vehicle = Vaccine.

Members of the FastVax consortium are well aware that there are many obstacles to overcome before the proposed “rapid response” or FastVax platform for biodefense vaccines can be implemented. Nonetheless, there is a critical national need for an accelerated vaccine design, development and production process that can be accomplished in weeks, not months, in the event of a serious infectious disease outbreak or biowarfare attack.
Making vaccines "on demand": a potential solution for emerging pathogens and biodefense?

Brave New World

SEARCHING FOR A CURE: Anne De Groot founded EpiVax in 1998 with her research partner Bill Martin. The company has developed vaccines for HIV, tuberculosis, smallpox and other diseases.

She called the technology EpiMatrix. In 1998, she and her research partner Bill Martin founded EpiVax Inc. and licensed the algorithms, using them in-house to develop vaccines for HIV, tuberculosis, smallpox and others, and making them available to industry clients.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 06:57 PM

The numbers, even in Italy, are as clear as the sun.

It is an announced massacre.

In a few months, all these discussions will become useless
and the truth will make its way between pain and death.

I hope with all my heart that I am wrong

edit on 0200000012022-01-02T18:57:53-06:00pm1065702pm by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:07 PM


2 second search 👇

Goog Scholar

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:12 PM

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