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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 12:20 AM
Ehh, what the heck....

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 12:30 AM
An odd 12 second video tweet by Dan Scavino, on New Years Eve at 02:30 EST, with a geo location of Shadows On The Hudson, 176 Rinaldi Blvd

1) When Scavino adds a geo location it usually points to something important. It could also point to #1877

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0c531f No.2603103 📁
Aug 14 2018 19:22:15 (EST)
FB listens [even after you remove app].
You are under constant tracking/surveillance.

2) The video essentially shows Fire on the Water, which is a 1986 song by Chris De Burgh (a distant cousin of mine). Lyrics:

"Fire On The Water"

When I touch you I can feel you shivering,
I can feel your heart is beating fast,
We are alone in this crowded room,
Oh tonight there is something happening,
And it's something that should never be,
But there's a flame over you and me;

And I can see the fire on water,
I can see the light shining in your eyes,
I know that I can't stop it now,
'Cos I've been caught in the heat of the sun...

There's a place in an ancient fortress,
High above the worries of the world,
I'd love you there for a long, long time,
And we'll discover all our deepest secrets,
And let the spirit go flying free,
Until the dawn breaks over the sea

It's burning like fire on the water,
I can see the light shining in your eyes,
I know that I can't stop it now,
'Cos I've been caught in the heat of the sun,
Yes I've been caught in the heat of the sun,
Oh let it shine on me,
And I can see the fire on the water,
I can see the light shining in your eyes,
I know that I can't stop it now,
'Cos I've been caught in the heat of the sun,
Yes I've been caught in the heat of the sun,
Oh let it shine on me;

And I can see the fire on the water,
Can't stop it now...


a) This happened in 1776... 1776-10-09-Forcing the Hudson (PDF). It was basically about British Navy trying to trap the Continental Army on Manhattan Island and then invade it

Heath reported the most interesting of the American losses:
“The enemy took a schooner loaded with rum, sugar, wine, 8cc. and sunk a sloop,
which had on board the machine, invented by, and under the direction of, a Mr.
Bushnell, intended to blow up the British ships. This machine was worked under
water. It conveyed a magazine of powder, which was to be fixed under the keel
of a ship, then freed from the machine, and left with clock-work going, which was
to produce fire when the machine had got out of the way. Mr. Bushnell had great
confidence of its success, and had made several experiments which seemed to give
him countenance; but its fate was truly a contrast to its design.”

This was, of course, the world’s first combat submarine, the American Turtle.

4) Converging STRINGERS?
a) AMERICAN TURTLE came up in a few digs in this thread - can't remember the context but it may be connected to RED OCTOBER?

b) TAPPAN ZEE was posted by Dan Scavino in this tweet on Dec 5th 2021 (= D5), at 10:16:23

🗣Tappan Zee Bridge

Timestamp points to posts:

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 73f652 No.896184 📁
Apr 4 2018 17:15:57 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 73f652 No.896069 📁
Apr 4 2018 17:09:08 (EST)
Gateway Bridge Project.
$1.8mm Cory Booker - Singapore.
$3.5mm Chuck Schumer - Israel.
$400k Chris Christie - Mary Pat US.
Omnibus Bill.
The gift that keeps on giving.

Hussein timeline.
1/20/17 - today.

Cross against POTUS’ schedule.
Cross against WH visitor log 11/22-1/18/17.
This will become very relevant very soon.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: aaf6b0 No.1942596 📁
Jun 28 2018 13:25:13 (EST)
Trying to ‘normalize’.📁
Who just joined the Board of Netflix?
Who pushed?
What is coming?

These 2 posts link Renegade to Netflix and the production of child pornography!
#1623 link = netflix-under-fire-for-film-critics-say-contains-child-pornography

This CBS News article:

Barack and Michelle Obama sign film, series production agreement with Netflix
President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have entered into a multi-year agreement to produce films and series for Netflix, potentially including scripted series, unscripted series, docu-series, documentaries, and features.

ETA - It's 6:30 am here so apologies if this post doesn't build an easily followable argument - but consider what the parts link together:
HUDSON river (may also connect to the film Sully: Miracle on the Hudson)

edit on 2-1-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

b) TAPPAN ZEE was posted by Dan Scavino in this tweet on Dec 5th 2021 (= D5), at 10:16:23

Lest we forget, The Tappan Zee bridge was renamed The Mario Cuomo bridge! Hope this ads a little something more to your thinking Rel. I know it leaped out at e when I read your post,

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 02:29 AM
From Whiplash347

London Deadline day for Basel 3 is today January 1st

Europe went Basel 3 in July 2021.

Once London is done rest of the world follows.

1) From the linked URL:

On June 28, Europe (Excluding the UK), the USA, and the Comex became Basel III NSFR compliant. The UK and the LBMA, who have fought this for nearly a decade, were given a further six-month extension until Jan. 1, 2022, to be NSFR compliant.

2) Mr Pool has forewarned us in numerous picture posts of the COMEX589 silver rule,

3) Two relevant posts:

Timestamp of NOV 22 encodes 1/1/22; when the Basel III rule on gold applies to the UK and the London Baltic Metal Exchange!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 089200 No.4281049 📁
Dec 12 2018 19:01:15 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 376ff2 No.4280876 📁
Dec 12 2018 18:57:57 (EST)
Q: Do we have the gold?

Gold shall destroy FED.

Bolded timestamp encodes Monday 3rd Jan '22 = first trading day after the deadline!

4) Is the STAGE SET for LBMA's lack of liquidity to start the Domino effect of the collapse of banks and thence the FED - much like Lehman brothers was in 2008?

5) Can't remember where the quote came from but "Gold shall destroy the FED... silver will bury it!"

Note that there are ZERO mentions of SILVER on the post map - however, regarding the COMEX589 silver rule, there are 23 posts with 589 in

6) The first 2 posts with GOLD in were #194 and #195:
a) Predecessors to #196 above!
b) They also have timestamps encoding 1/1/22,
c) They both finish with:


d) Could we see a nuclear false flag as an effort to divert attention from market collapse on Monday 3rd Jan?

7) YOU COULDN'T MAKE THIS UP!!! - SILVER closed at 23.17 = PAIN.Q on New Years Eve!! At what point does it become MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE?

Add all the numbers 23.17 +11 (0.48%):
23.17 +11 = 51 = QQQ

+11 (0.48) = 11+4+8 = 23 = PAIN

23.17 +11 (0.48%) = 2+3+1+7+11+48 = 72 (See #859 Strike 99999999 = 72)

edit on 2-1-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: hangedman13

Thanks for the reminder on that, hangedman13!

Nice value add!

I wonder if they thought renaming the bridge might protect against the connection being made? If so, they failed.


posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Damn that nostradamus video is wild.

It says that he predicted that in 2022 we will:

Be destroyed by a meteor shower.

Be destroyed by an alien invasion.

Be destroyed by a new virus.

Be destroyed by cloning humans.

Be destroyed by a.i.

Be destroyed by a black hole.

Be destroyed by a nuclear war.

That the republican party will die.
That putin and kim will be assassinated.

All in the same year.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

One might also translate:

Nostradamus = Our U.S. DAM

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 03:42 AM
More DOG comms from David Schwartz (Mr Pool?) on Twitter, at 03:31UTC on Jan 1st:

a) He is CTO at Ripple and one of the original architects of the XRP ledger (think QFS banking system),

b) He is comparing himself to the Area 51 professor, from the film INDEPENDENCE DAY, who was in charge of reverse engineering alien tech!

c) Recall that he went to the December Antarctic meeting where, purportedly, the cabal surrendered to the Q Alliance of combined Alien and Earth forces.

Is he implying he was the middle man between the alien provided Quantum Financial System and earthly crypto-currencies?

That tweet was followed by this tweet, at 04:46 UTC on Jan 1st:

This is literally DOG COMMS!

It elicited this reply from Zion North:

... which ties back to my earlier post reference to SUM OF ALL FEARS in posts #194 and #195!
edit on 2-1-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: texasgirl

Caution. the exact number must be multiplied by at least 10.
Faced with these numbers, we are not talking about Russian roulette.
This becomes induced suicide.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 05:34 AM
Why, Oh Why do i get the big leads when I'm gagging to get sum zeds - I hope I do it Justice!!!


1) These Il Donaldo Trumpo NYE tweets all have 2:19 mins videos!!!
a) Pinned tweet,
Dec 31st 13:28:26


b) AUSTRALIA NYE FIREWORKS, Dec 31st 17:16:03,
c) DUBAI NYE FIREWORKS, Dec 31st 19:10:21,
d) GREECE NYE FIREWORKS, Dec 31st 19:46:07,
e) RUSSIA NYE FIREWORKS, Dec 31st 20:08:42,
f) HONG KONG NYE FIREWORKS, Dec 31st 22:05:56,
g) NEW YORK NYE FIREWORKS, Jan 1st 01:03:58.

2) Post #219 gives us:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: fX85VkAw No.150679159 📁
Nov 23 2017 21:54:44 (EST)

3) There were tweets of other countries NYE fireworks that were NOT 2:19mins:
a) BRITAIN, 1:47 mins,
b) SPAIN, 1:42 mins,
c) PHILLIPINES, 2:17 mins,
d) CABAL (Hollywood/Wall Street), 1:12 mins,
e) ITALY, 38 secs = Calm Before the Storm.

4) 10 posts with AS THE WORLD TURNS including #522

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.10 📁
Jan 13 2018 22:33:44 (EST)
Jeremiah 29:11

HOT-1 TO -12 align to the 12v video tweets listed above!

...and #315 Timestamp US Military against POTUS' recent Tweet
...and #288 _Go_A-Strike_B-04_00 As The World Turns

5) 6 posts with FIREWORKS including:
#326 False flag(s). POTUS 100% insulated. Expect fireworks. JUSTICE.
#327 Think currency. Think fireworks. Thwarted.
#1124 @Snowden Yes. Testify then drop. We have it all. These people are stupid. Fireworks. POTUS’ weekly address. END.
#1573 [RR] Fireworks. Rank & file testifying as informants. Hussein WH SR Staffer ON RECORD. PAIN. House of Cards.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 05:39 AM

edit on 0200000012022-01-02T05:45:01-06:00am1054502am by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

In Davos, Trump arrived late
The elites were waiting nervously, the boss arrives, throws the folders on the table
And he says, and I quote
'We have it all'.
Videos, e-mails, audio images, everyone has given all the evidence against him.
Everyone capitulated.

Saudi Arabia honored him with the Sword Dance, take a seat and see how significant this is ..
He held the #ing sword
Saudi Arabia capitulated

China receives it with a red carpet treatment at the airport
Xi was there, Trump is taken to the Forbidden City where no Westerner has ever set foot
Xi Trump meets Putin
Xi then meets Trump at Mar Lago
China capitulated

Israel played hard took 2 days, Isreal agreed to move the Embassy to its rightful place
Isreal capitulated

Trump shows the Pope the evidence but, before giving it to him, he tells him:
'It is better if you put on your red shoes before reading it'.
He had the Pope sign the papers
We have all seen that photo in which the Pope seems to have seen God
Trump is incredibly radiant
The Vatican capitulated

Buckingham Palace
The monarchy was stripped of power, the palace has been closed ever since
We have all seen Trump walking in front of her
He is the boss
The crown capitulated.

Trump owns them all,
Are you watching a movie?
Everything has already been done

Look at the photos and dates

from Ride0die

edit on 0200000012022-01-02T06:01:34-06:00am1060102am by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

edit on 0200000012022-01-02T06:06:15-06:00am1060602am by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

edit on Sun Jan 2 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: removed phrase not allowed.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: texasgirl
Happy 2022!! Still won’t get jabbed.🎉🎁

Contract Omicron and you won't need to be.

"Rare" is the best guarantee yet:

Our club is +50 million strong in the U.S., and growing rapidly!

Care- I just don’t get sick. Flu always hits everyone around me but leaves me alone. I never contracted Covid and I haven’t taken any precautions, either. I don’t distance or wear masks, I don’t stay home, I go about my day as a normal person.

Totally not afraid of Omicron. 🤣

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 06:24 AM
recognized in Russia for hyperimmune blood

by Anna Mirabile

The Russian health ministry has definitively approved Dr. De Donno's therapy of hyperimmune blood, judging it to be safe and neutralizing

It is anger that in Italy, on the other hand, the illustrious doctor took his own life precisely because his discovery was not recognized and diminished the importance of other roads that Europe instead wanted to take at any cost. Impassable paths whose weakness is now, again, two years after the appearance of the virus in Italy, under the eyes of all. To the point that, while the government continues to want to punish those who refused the trial, in hospitals and in some pharmacies that make swabs, there is talk of a pandemic for vaccinated people.

The drug covid, made with the blood of those recovered from covid in Russia, has successfully passed clinical trials and has been recognized by the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health as a lifesaver, registered by the state company 'Rosfec'.

Hyperimmune blood effective against Covid
According to research studies, hyperimmune blood neutralizes severe disease. COVID-globulin therapy significantly reduces the adverse and lethal effects of the coronavirus, especially if used at the onset of the first symptoms. A double-blind placebo-controlled comparative study in over 7 patients produced surprising results. The innovation of hyperimmune plasma treatment has finally gained the recognition it deserves. Unfortunately, no one is a prophet at home even in the presence of essential discoveries for public and private health and for the lives of citizens.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: duncanhidao

Agree. I pointed out that the vaccinated are still getting Covid and he spewed out talking points that it doesn’t stop you from getting it, just that symptoms are mild. So, of course we started arguing about the hospitalizations and deaths. He thinks they’re all unvaccinated. I can’t get him to see that they’re listing vaccine reaction hospitalizations within 2 weeks as “unvaccinated.”

We get to a point where he just shuts down. He even said he doesn’t want to know. Crazy. He’s the type that just follows orders and shies away from any sort of confrontation. It’s mind boggling.

I don’t know what else I can do.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Do you remember my post a while back about the vicious argument I had with my sister early last year over the vaccine and Trump? She’s been calling my brother almost every day and has some choice words about me.

My family is broken. This virus nonsense has ruined us all.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: CrazyFox

Damn that nostradamus video is wild.

It says that he predicted that in 2022 we will:

Be destroyed by a meteor shower.

Be destroyed by an alien invasion.

Be destroyed by a new virus.

Be destroyed by cloning humans.

Be destroyed by a.i.

Be destroyed by a black hole.

Be destroyed by a nuclear war.

That the republican party will die.
That putin and kim will be assassinated.

All in the same year.

Maybe there will be an alien invasion under the guise of a meteor shower, bringing a new virus with them to earth. The aliens attempt to clone us humans not destroyed by a.i. and Putin, Kim will be assassinated going to war with them, thus setting off a nuclear war and destroying the planet. After the planet is obliterated, a black hole then swallows up the remains.

I don't know about the Republican party in 2022. It died last year. ;-)

edit on 2-1-2022 by texasgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: texasgirl

LAST CHECK in Italy :

1,755 dead

of which

1033 dead VACCINATED!


So the OPPOSITE of Draghi's claim is perfectly true:

6 out of 10 of the current Covid deaths are people


They are able to hide the increase in vaccine deaths worldwide, but they cannot hide the deaths of the FIFA players

edit on 0200000012022-01-02T08:21:34-06:00am1082102am by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: texasgirl
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Do you remember my post a while back about the vicious argument I had with my sister early last year over the vaccine and Trump? She’s been calling my brother almost every day and has some choice words about me.

My family is broken. This virus nonsense has ruined us all.

Stay the course. Follow the facts/data and let it guide your thought process. Emotions are driving decisions for many people. Just imagine…

- you hate Trump
- you celebrate the 2020 Cheat
- you listen to Fauci/MSM and get the jab
- as time passes even Biden calls it the Trump Vax
- now you’ve doubled down, gotten jabbed, can’t get unjabbed, the jab looks worse every day, the only hope you have is getting MORE jabs
- Biden has turned into the Benny Hill POTUS that even the Dems feared was inevitable.

Now, with all of THAT on your plate, the odds of applying critical thinking are next to zero and everything is running on hot emotion. Steer clear. Not a word that comes out of your mouth will help. They must arrive to the ultimate multi phased conclusion on their own time and process.

The horrific politicizing of the Plandemic played on those anti-Trump emotions. It’s not like it’s a political “position” that can adjust over time. It was the DNA altering, crowd killing, jab.

The same people (MSM/Left) who gave us weaponized Fed agencies and Fake News are the same people convincing folks to get jabbed. Hell, it wasn’t even 1 year after it was clear the Left/MSM were lying about Russia & Trump that they dropped CV19 on the public.

smh @ the jabbed. 0.008. That’s what this is all about.

Hell, the jab killed off Hammer’n Hank for God’s sake. That should have been the early warning.
edit on 2-1-2022 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: texasgirl

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
Happy New Year All...🎇

So Betty White was in good health and tweeting about getting boosted on Dec. 28th....yikes !

I bet you anything that booster is what did her in.

My sister got her shots, had flu-like symptoms, and died in her sleep from a heart attack. So many stories like mine and, yet, people can’t see the connection. My own family refuses to see it. It’s incredibly frustrating.

I have been trying hard to keep my oldest brother away from the booster. I really fear it will kill him. I’ve been showing him all kinds of charts, actual vaccine statistics websites, personal stories, videos, etc…But he’s just not ready to wake up.

I hear ya Sister from another mister, it’s heartbreaking and there’s not a darn thing we can do ! I’m pretty convinced we are immortal souls and I find comfort in that. Before Christmas was missing my Sister so much, it literally was making my heart hurt physically, at that moment her memorial wind chime rang so loud it startled me ! Hang in there, this journey isn’t for sissies ! (((( Hug ))))

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