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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

What if it is aliens and their technocracy concluded that five billion useless eaters will indeed kill the planet and envelope it like swarming insects? Would you support a "gentle" population reduction if Schwab and Gates actually went for a ride in the mothership? It's again different if one of us were invited, would morals amount to simply a matter of convenience, when we're actually saving the planet?

There's a slippery slope when you really get into it.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: dashen

That is the way it was right there. I was desperate for a location to land to sleep on a road move that had an overnight stopover in a Park in some place near Chattanooga. We were in a parking lot with no tents or sleeping bags and rock all around. The orders were for us to be very close to the equipment, as in sleep in it. I got stuck with the roof off a jeep and it was warm when I started but the air was blowing underneath and it was hell.

I feel for those boys having to find whatever they can to sleep on and try not be in pain when they wake up in the morning.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:21 PM
Looking at the Gates Foundation's new love interests the pieces of the puzzle do seem to be coming together.

If one is afraid of needles have no fear...Micron Biomedical Inc funded $171,202 for the work in the field of microneedle array patch technology. "The microneedle array contains hundreds of needles on a miniature patch the size of a contact lens, which is applied to the skin and then the microneedles quickly dissolve and deliver the medication."

Nanoparticles, a conspiracy theory? Nanform received funding $683,097 with a time of study of 17 months. It is an innovative nanoparticle engineering technology company dealing with poor solubility issues.

For those worried about the mRNA vaccine the Rockerfeller University is also keen to know what the early cellular and molecular events post mRNA vaccine are. They were funded under the section Support Innovative Technology Solutions. Grant amount $1,993,941. [3+9+4+1=17]

The University of Manitoba is also tackling another one of the misinformation topics about T-cells in the nasal cavity and improved immunity. Grant amount $100,000 study duration 17 months.

Since we have trust issues ReD Associates A/S wants to create a framework for building trust at a scale that will increase the chances that the population are ready to be vaccinated when the vaccines become available. Grant $1,494,000. [4+9+4=17]

And about those research publications, the research and data seem to be quite expensive to publish but Gates is there to lend a helping hand to get out what he wants published. Such as the case of the New Venture Fund on page 170 grant $1,875,593 [5+9+3=17]. "To provide our grantees money to publish data in readily available journals and periodicals to allow for data to be accessible for others". Gates seems to be very fond of the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

GAVI, Gates top investment return has been granted $1.6 billion July 2021. All to save lives and protect people's health by equitable+ sustainable use of vaccines. Gates is expecting a significant return on his investment.

Not to be outdone the Clinton Health Initiative Access is more interested in the surveillance and data side. Under the section Neglected Tropical Diseases Grant $2,999,877 [inversion 666] they are interested in getting access to and use of data and data analytics for strategic planning and operations.

Even the United Nations joined the fun. Their Population Fund was given a grant of $7.5 million over a study period of 17 months.>about>committed-gra...>news>o7-microneedle-array

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating


Of course not.

What is Q trying to tell us about Chernobyl?

And why hasn't anyone here been able to figure it out yet?

I am convinced that Q is trying to tell us something VERY important that EVERYONE is unaware of about Chernobyl.

russia's actions today appear to confirm this.

Q thought that THIS was the MOST important thing to post there.

With everything currently on the table, that's REALLY saying something.

If you believe Q is who he claims to be, THIS is now the MOST important thing to research immediately.

This is the very first time I've ever made a Q suggestion or operational observation.

Because I also now think this needs to be at the top of the list for Anons.

Time to to earn that paycheck.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:28 PM
This below my reply is what I call a circular argument.

1st off you are incorrect IMO on the proofs because we have had Rel and others list them as we go where one prediction after another became reality.

I recall asking we compile that list.

You chose to call those facts BS IIRC. That is how we get here. Well you can call blue as black but it doesn't change the rest of us seeing blue.

Nitpicking the failures is ok but ignoring that the proofs in a psyop situation are going to be proof and every single thing else is going to be a distraction. Welcome to your understanding that you are concentrating on the intentional distractions dask. Read closely and ponder the Sun Tzu quote I have at the bottom of each post.

That is your best bet as to "why" things are they way the will be during this war pitting mankind against those who think they know better than we do what is best for us.

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
Why are you so critical of the proofs? You should concentrate on FAILURES instead.

Well, when I concentrate on failures I'm told they are not failures, just disinfo, distractions, 5d chess, the art of war or that they have not failed because there is still time for it to happen.

Of course when I call them failed predictions there seems to always be someone quick to remind me that Q never made predictions, it is all just speculation by the anons.

I firmly believe the "proofs" of what was predicted impress me, but not enough for you apparently.

That was the point, no proofs have been proven using scientific methodologies so it is hypocritical to demand that the claim that the person trying to pass themselves off as a WH insider was Watkins and it was all just a hoax would have to meet that level of proof.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:32 PM
Please, only give out disinformation with troop movement if you love your nation and its troops.

originally posted by: Grenade
Lots of military equipment being moved around today on the M25 and M3 near London.

I seen several tanks, attack helicopters and troop carriers today.

I also have pictures if anyones interested.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:40 PM
Did US media report on this yesterday...

Somali puppets. Why does Somalia with a 99.8% Muslim population have a western government? Somalia, if it represented the people, would be an Islamic Emirate/state.


posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

No wonder military leaders like to watch their war games and parades through binoculars. I've never seen anything remotely like what you just described.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Chernobyl means wormwood (etymology) - revelation 8:11:

The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many died from the water, because it was made bitter.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I really have no clue here but I do read & find it all I noticed you are pulling
the number 17... Nanform received funding $683,097 with a time of study of 17 months.
However $683,097...683= 17 not sure if significant or not. Thank you for all your hard work
& research!


posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Please, only give out disinformation with troop movement if you love your nation and its troops.

originally posted by: Grenade
Lots of military equipment being moved around today on the M25 and M3 near London.

I seen several tanks, attack helicopters and troop carriers today.

I also have pictures if anyones interested.

Or what has already been published by major media in your area.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
You may have something there.
Oddly Ukraine was mentioned in the PEPFAR for 2017-2021. " For example in Ukraine New HIV infections have been rising and a cut in funding now would see a resurgence in the epidemic." Could it be from the biolabs?

I was just reading about the PEPFAR Global Aids Campaign to end it by 2030, initiated by George W. Bush in 2003, although there seems to be some Clinton involvement before then.
PEPFAR for 2017-2021 under the Trump administration the plan was to reduce the budget by 17%. The amounts of money are staggering. Since 2003 the U.S. has spent over $100 billion but using antiretroviral therapy the HIV diagnosis had dropped by more than 40% and babies have been born HIV free but Ukraine's is rising.

Of course Gates has involvement but in a negative way. He has narrowed the focus onto just 13 African countries which leaves the other countries exposed to an increase and maybe another plandemic. I can just see him rubbing his hands in enthusiasm.

Anyway it just hit me as odd to see Ukraine mentioned specifically.>news>back-lash-civil-society-p

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:57 PM

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

No wonder military leaders like to watch their war games and parades through binoculars. I've never seen anything remotely like what you just described.

Surprised the heck out of me the first summer after moving here, I thought the fire station was being invaded by dozens of aircraft and hundreds of American soldiers.

A 25 year recently retired AD Army that I worked with at the time told me what I was watching the next day.

Have been an enthusiastic spectator ever since.

No ordinance is used, just a lot of aircraft securing the LZ and rapidly putting troops on the ground in a variety of ways. I'll take some pics for ATS this summer.

They go back and forth between this site and a larger one about 20 miles away.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: Ektar
Your welcome. I know so many people who have been harmed that I am motivated to sort through all of this and find some answers and then hopefully we can make them accountable.
I feel that the number 17 is very significant on both sides. I have played evil sudoku so the number sequences just really stand out for me. It seems to be a marker of some sort.
Seeing Albert Bourla just posting on his twitter feed just the #17 that is no coincidence.
It was also in a ku post so I take that as a good indicator.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 05:06 PM
Adding to earlier post:

Chernobyl/wormwood/revelation 8:11

In the other thread I wrote:

Then there is the symbolism of the Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces which opened less than two years ago. A bit too close to potential future religious fundamentalism for my taste - though visually admittedly stunning.

And in 2017:
Russian Orthodox Patriarch Warns of End-time Apocalypse

After a November 20 service at Moscow’s Christ the Savior Cathedral, Patriarch Kirill said, “One must be blind not to see the approach of the terrible moments of history about which the apostle and evangelist John the theologian spoke in his Revelation.”

Other Orthodox leaders have been even more bold in their condemnation of the West generally, and of the United States specifically.
Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplain went as far as to infer that Russia’s God-given mission was to stop America. “It is no coincidence that we have often, at the price of our own lives … stopped all global projects that disagreed with our conscience, with our vision of history and, I would say, with God’s own truth,” he told Interfax in 2014. “Such was Napoleon’s project; such was Hitler’s project. We will stop the American project too.”
Once the Russian Orthodox Church defeated American secularism, Chaplain explained, Russia would assume its rightful, leading role in the world.
Russian political analyst, strategist and philosopher Aleksandr Dugin sees Russian President Vladimir Putin as an Eastern Orthodox czar, warring against the forces of the antichrist in an apocalyptic struggle.
Putin is our “katechon,” Dugin told Catholic News Service, referring to “the figure mentioned by St. Paul in his writings concerning the end of time.” The Greek word katechon is used in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 to describe a force that holds back the “mystery of iniquity.” In Dugin’s worldview, this “mystery of iniquity” is a secularizing force at work in Western countries, and Putin is the leader preventing the coming of the antichrist.
“We consider this a holy war,”
Dugin said.

edit on 24-2-2022 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
1st off you are incorrect IMO on the proofs because we have had Rel and others list them as we go where one prediction after another became reality.

Tell that to those who say Q never made predictions.

You chose to call those facts BS IIRC.

Your memory fails you. I called people thinking these things proved Q was a WH insider was BS.

Things like posting expensive pens and watches, blurry pics and claiming it was X, Y or Z in them when it could have been anyone, dropping a crumb 10 seconds after a Trump tweet (never before, which would have been a real proof), reflected images of the inside of AF1 and then you have a bunch of nonsense that could have been anything and people here just played fill in the blanks to come up with what they "hoped" would be true.

A lot of people didn't even question things like that, they just accepted them as proof. They were not and they certainly were not scientifically vetted.
edit on 24-2-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 05:10 PM
Biden has managed, in just one year, has done more damage than even Hillary could. That’s saying a lot.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

What is Q trying to tell us about Chernobyl?

I believe he's trying to say there was a biolab hidden in Chernobyl and it has been taken out.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 05:55 PM
Ok so now that evidence is coming in, I'll accept that Russia has entered into Ukraine. Though I still have to wonder why we are not seeing as much wall-to-wall coverage from the big media outlets over this. I mean anywhere else in the world, and CNN/NBC/ABC/BBC/You name it are on the spot watching military forces coming into the cities and country sides, but for some reason when it comes to Ukraine they were nowhere to be seen. Even with weeks' time heads up all we got was a mix of suspect social media videos and hearsay.

I wonder if the media being blind by this event has more to do with those mass graves that were uncovered just a week ago or so?

I still think this is very convenient that as soon as the NAZIs lose their tyrannical bid in Canada, Obama/Biden/Trotskyists are shown to be behind the 2014 Ukrainian uprising, and the whole "covid" origins exploded we have a "war". Really?

Anyone know why the Black Dahlia murder was never solved? Same thing here, start a war end an investigation. We need to stay focused on what's going on and leave the "war" discussion to the other thread.

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