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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: dashen

Ok. Thanks for the clarification. I was wondering if that's what butcher was referring to. He didn't specify.

I still don't understand Telegram.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 11:32 AM
Albert Bourla twitter
"Happy #Lunar New Year to everyone who celebrates- and I hope this year of the Tiger brings you good health, good fortune and many moments of joy. 17."
Odd to put a random 17 at the end.

Just a week or so ago there was a picture of Melania holding a child with a tiger costume on. Comms?

Just for fun next year is the year of the Rabbit.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 11:44 AM
Just a reminder that it's been almost a week now and no major news outlets have published any kind of explainer on the CIA's mass surveillance program, revealed last Friday in response to Ron Wyden's transparency request!

Ah, the ole section 11 clause...


About the closest morsel I've found is a Jacobin article that devotes a paragraph to the language in a Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board document.

Another classic from the C&Q Library...

All roads lead to Nazis.

“Can you believe they put Nazis like me in charge?”
― Kurt Debus, 1st center director of NASA; later NASA UFO desk!

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 11:49 AM
Back to NCT04368728
BioNTech -Pfizer clinical trials for the mRNA vaccines. It was updated February 2, 2022 so what changed?

An new exclusion? Participants are excluded if they have received MEDICATIONS INTENDED TO PREVENT COVID - 19.

But, but we were told the vax is the only cure. Could be they are worried about fun repurposed drugs like Ivermectin?
I have so many concerns about this clinical trial. Once again zooming in to the 12-15 year old segment why are they only given BNT162b2 when there are 3 vaccine candidates being tested and the adults are broken down between the three.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel this is big and as in no coincidences the Wall Street Journal front page today...
"Woman Appears Cured of HIV Infection!

A woman from New York City was cured from HIV by Stem Cells!
She also had leukemia and received a transplant of stem cells from umbilical-cord blood from a newborn and some from an adult relative.

This is promising because if what we suspect about the HIV link is true and what that hack suggests then this might be one way to provide a cure. This must fall under we have more than what we realize.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 12:56 PM

WSJ | Bloomberg | WaPo Darkness | NY Times

Imagine living in an “experiment” not a nation. Not a country. You’re in a Great Experiment! That’s what they sell us. That’s the pitch!
Greatest PsyOp of our lives: “Just say no.”


posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 01:04 PM
Albert Bourla and his favorite number 17...

1. Bourla's pay when he became CEO of Pfizer in 2019, coincidently right before the planemic, was $17.9 million which was published by Fiercepharma March 17, 2020.
2. His pay climbed 17% in 2020.
3. He was awarded the Genesis Prize, known as the Jewish Nobel Prize January 19, 2022. [1+1+9+2+2+2=17]
4. He was won the Theodor Herzl Award by the World Jewish Congress in 2021 which was uploaded to Facebook November
10, 2021 [11+1+5= 17] and on Youtube the same date.
5. He was honored at the Israel Independence Day which was reported by the Greek Reporter April 17, 2021. < The Greek Reporter site suddenly became inaccessible. Over target?
6. He was proud of his Greek and Israeli heritage reported November 17, 2020 by United With
7. He posted #17 in his twitt feed.

Going out on a limb here but could the #17 be a code for those belonging to a certain Plandemic club???

This brings up Robert Califf, another pro life supporter, who has won the nomination to become the FDA Commissioner. Who cares about his ties to big pharma and his support for mail out chemical abortion pills which have caused so much harm.
His twitt feed " 44 years ago we waited by the carousel while our infant daughter underwent a 5 hour open heart surgery at UCSF. This week we celebrated with her family including 217 year olds."
Lots of weirdness here.>History Israel honors CEO AB@independence Day>proud of his heritage-israel...>pfizer-ceo-albert-bourla>World Jewish Cong>videos>califf-is-confirmed-for-fda-top-pos...

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

We were told that those who had had 3 jabs would have NO immune system by Christmas - so one would have expected a significant increase in hospitalisations and deaths by now.

Did those horrible projections not pan out? Or are the figures not coming out?

What gives?

I don't want to see increased impacts on people... I'm just saying the warnings we were given are not visibly backed up by stats at this point.

I think there has been exaggeration, speculation, opinion, assumptions, hyperbole, misinformation, disinformation, outright lies… surrounding much of what we have discussed. Not to say the truth isn’t in there somewhere also.

Done deliberately or innocently… Well intentioned, or nefarious...

Factual data points are few and far between. Interpolation and extrapolation become prone to error.

In the past, I called it ambiguity… but it’s the damaged landscape of an information war.

Lost in the empty desert of censorship…

Lost in the chaotic jungle of contrary narratives…

Maps removed by secrecy...

It’s very hard to find the true north of certainty…

edit on 2/16/2022 by cimmerius because: Tweak

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Back to NCT04368728
BioNTech -Pfizer clinical trials for the mRNA vaccines. It was updated February 2, 2022 so what changed?

An new exclusion? Participants are excluded if they have received MEDICATIONS INTENDED TO PREVENT COVID - 19.

But, but we were told the vax is the only cure. Could be they are worried about fun repurposed drugs like Ivermectin?
I have so many concerns about this clinical trial. Once again zooming in to the 12-15 year old segment why are they only given BNT162b2 when there are 3 vaccine candidates being tested and the adults are broken down between the three.

T1, what's funny not funny about your research, is that not one single solitary "study" demonstrates the fakedemic was anything but fake. Instead there is a confusing, mindless, sea of isolated "studies" all done in a vacuum and leading to nothing at all. It really is nothing more than the total of all the 2020 US Kindergarten Santa Wishes Card Creations being sent to the north pole for fulfillment - an exercise to appease those who think "the science is real."

There are two kinds of "evidence" that which is self evident, like a hurricane aftermath, and the "Computer Scientists say..." "Experts say..." "Insiders say..." which is almost everything produced on this planet now. We've reached the point where folks will now go back into the sea of trash "studies" and see they were indeed trash, proving nothing at all. Yet there are so many,,,, what's the point. Where are the bodies dropping in the streets from The Rona?

The reason all of this has worked in the past, think Spanish Not Spanish Flu Not Flu, is that the "information" can be selectively edited within a generation, so by Gen2&3 there is no real information not conforming to the history rewrite.

What is batsHt nuts right now, is within months the history is being rewritten and now folks don't even know what The Rona was, or what we are supposed to be fearing, because the Narratives overlapped and collapsed without the usual delay in rewrite and the overlords creating the one accepted narrative.

For the Awake this all seems both stupid and hilariously hypocritical (masks in school but not a superb owl) for the asleep it is causing severe shut down and cognitive dissonance as they retreat from a reality construct in collapse.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 01:50 PM
Speaking of 5g, read the piece and replace every place "your device" appears with "your head."

The Wonders of 5G Beamforming

Put simply, this is the difference between 2G/3G/4G mobile antennas and the type of antenna used for 5G. In the olden days, mobile antennas projected their signal in a fixed arc with as much power as the country’s regulator would allow and your chances of picking up a good signal depended on numerous factors, not least of which was your distance from the antenna. The new type of antenna being deployed for 5G networks employ a technology that we call beamforming that instead creates a radio beam like our ship’s searchlight that connects your phone directly to the antenna, tracks it if you are on the move, and intelligently adjusts the power so the beam is just strong enough to reach you.

This appeal to the customer that Netflix will no longer lag and the rest of rubbish reminds of the original hand held control device talking points: New, Sports, Stock Quotes, Weather. That was the list that folks sold their souls for, literally nothing of importance at all. Now the sales pitch is woefully void of anything meaningful except less frustration with lagging or dropouts. And now, shockingly, folks cannot navigate the world without DarpaGoog maps, yelp and voice prompts.

This is from 2015.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 01:54 PM
Sounds like the USNavy's Aegis Phased Array Radar Tracking System cranky....

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Good point. From what I can see everything about these clinical trials are trash and as they say trash in results in trash out.
I finally found the one about pregnant women receiving BNT 162b2 NCT 04754594 posted Feb. 15, 2021.
Just in the face> No study results posted on, the very site that is supposed to provide the results to the public for transparency.
I have even hunted down the WHO clinical trials and there are thousands and thousands all being conducted in isolation from each other and of course trailing.

Sometimes what is even more important are the trials that are withdrawn, such as using Remdesivir or Hydroxychloroquine. Haven't found one as yet with Ivermectin because why bother with a test when everyone knows that it is effective.

What we really need asap is something to treat long term Covid. It is real and terrible impacting everyday life. I see it everyday.

Anyway I don't feel that I have wasted my time. I needed to see it in detail and really understand just how fake everything is. The trials are a sham because the intention was to use the product regardless of outcome.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 02:13 PM
"What's required to prevent a full descent into the madness of totalitarianism is action by as many people as possible."

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. Yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” —Thomas Paine

Hedges: Papering Over the Rot

"Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
― Frank Jackson (Outlaw)

Note, that this writer is the author of many essays (that have been censored) on the fanatical new normal who lives in Berlin.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: pheonix358
Thank you Phoenix! It is terribly hard for me to sit back and relax when I am not enjoying the I am trying though it is just so tense right now.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

edit on R20222022kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago2 by RookQueen because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 03:46 PM
I have been away for awhile, but keeping up with the thread as best I can.

So, "some woman" demanded Biden "clean-up this mess". Evidently, a "dog" went down in her own yard, and she seems to think Biden is the only one who can "fix" it now. It appears that if he hasn't already, he's going to put the dirty mess right back on her doorstep.

Feels like the movie is getting close to where they start rolling the credits. Can't wait to see who the producers were.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1

Albert Bourla and his favorite number 17...

Albert Bourla was awarded the 2022 Genesis Prize for his leadership in the development of the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Bourla received his PhD in biotechnology of reproduction at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki's Veterinary School in 1985.
School motto in English: "Sacrifice to the Muses and the Graces."

The university is affilated with Top International Managers in Engineering or T.I.M.E., which correlates with Klaus Schwab's background.

Rho (uppercase Ρ, lowercase ρ or ϱ; Greek: ῥῶ) is the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet.

The letter rho overlaid with chi (22nd Greek letter) forms the Chi Rho symbol (Christogram), used to represent Jesus Christ.

The symbolic meaning of the number 17 is associated with transformation or resurrection, given it is the manifestation of knowledge acquired at the stage of the number 16. The result can be either negative or positive depending on the choices you made in the earlier stages of development.

In the ancient world, the symbolic meaning of the number 17 was highly spiritual and represented love and peace – or sin and evil. If you fail to make the right decisions, as seen in number 16, you will continue to encounter obstacles.

In Hebrew, the seventeen is the number of sin. Pythagoreans also said the seventeen is when “The Devil triumphs over God.” The Devil is the six and God is the eight.

The Sufi alchemist, Jabir ibn Hayyan wrote everything in the world is the 17, the law of equilibrium.

And then you come to that magical number "153" (17th triangular number) associated with the Vesica Piscis, which the Greeks and Pythagoras referred to as "The Matrix" and "Doorway to Life."

17th Degree - Knight of the East and West, teaches that we must seek truth in our path through life, and that we should learn from, and avoid repeating, the errors of the past.

Prolly still being done today.

Code 17 in gov/mil slang means overdose.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
I have been away for awhile, but keeping up with the thread as best I can.

So, "some woman" demanded Biden "clean-up this mess". Evidently, a "dog" went down in her own yard, and she seems to think Biden is the only one who can "fix" it now. It appears that if he hasn't already, he's going to put the dirty mess right back on her doorstep.

Feels like the movie is getting close to where they start rolling the credits. Can't wait to see who the producers were.

Nice to see you
Glad you mentioned this bizarre story demented Joe told, sooo weird and frankly extremely vindictive, tells us a lot about his character. Even if the lady demanding he remove the deceased dog was a total witch, his reaction was outright Sick !!

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Hi, ML. Joe is nothing if not bizarre. He is sending a message. I don't believe the literal story.

Now...what "dog" went dead? What woman thinks she is entitled enough to demand that Biden get this mess cleaned up before they all hang? Is that woman now in the process of being thrown under the bus to save someone else's butt?

The credits are going to be soooo interesting.

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