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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
hey there ETMN, do you happen to know where to find this full sermon? I'd like to watch the whole thing but could only find his name and the same clip. (Russian Orthodox Bishop, Porfiry of Ozersk, speaks out against the COVID depopulation agenda and transhumanism.)

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: Starcrossd

Found the longer vid...

Bishop Porfiry, Abbott of the Solovetsky Monastery - includes English transcript.

The Suicide of Western Society and the Only Hope for its Resurrection

Fr. Seraphim brilliantly outlines the progressive sickening of Western society in his monumental “Orthodox Survival Course.” To understand what is transpiring around us we must comprehend the roads traveled to arrive where we are.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan
I was listening to the news regarding Gmax and Nancy Grace said sealed or not there were too many in the courtroom who saw the evidence that was presented, and info will be leaked and will substantiate all the theories going around such as the pic of Bill Clinton in the blue dress with red heels and the pictures of him getting massages. IMO 4 out of 5 unanimous guilty verdicts is a warning shot. The judicial system worked in spite of their efforts to derail it. The line has been drawn in the sand and choosing the wrong side of the line will be end your career and possibly end of success of kids and grandkids. "They won't be able to walk down the street"......They are also saying that she still may have some bargaining chips if she offers up info that she didn't offer prior to this trial. I'm thinking she may do so in exchange for protection. She isn't safe sitting in the jail cell whilst the Elite are free. It would be better for her to out them and give up evidence so that they can be arrested, and their assets be frozen. If found guilty they won't have the money to pay anyone to off her and the criminals who might be hired for Arkancide know that they will be broke and powerless.......

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Thanks Rel. That made me


posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Solomons are -not- U.S. territory. Sovereign.

My guess is their government is corrupt and the people are fed up. So what's a corrupt government gonna do? Why, invite Beijing to impose their vision of order!

Back in the World War II era, the islands were under Australian stewardship, but that ended sometime postwar.


posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
They were granted Sovereignty yes, but immediately joined the British Commonwealth with QEII as their head of state in 1978.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Not received reply? Can you resend?

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 02:08 AM

KU V21.93 291221 to 4953 incl DECODE tools

An additional 565 tweets across all the usual monitored accounts, since 21st.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 04:47 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
They were granted Sovereignty yes, but immediately joined the British Commonwealth with QEII as their head of state in 1978.

Thanks Jane. I seem to recall the Australians sending policemen or some such in the last couple of decades. But I think they're pretty much free to invite a billion friends from China if their government is dumb enough to do that. I am unsure of the governor-general's role in such decisions. Perhaps you have some insight into how that relationship functions.

As far as the USA goes, if anything, they're an honorary territory simply based on how many U.S. servicemen lost their lives in and around those islands during the war. Not that long ago, "Guadalcanal" used to be a synonym for "hell on earth" among a part of the American population.

One aspect-->

I feel for the islanders. They're a decent people, but their government seems to have slid into a pattern of scandals and corruption.


posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 08:24 AM
Prince Andrew's lawyers 'locked in emergency talks' over Maxwell's conviction

Prince Andrew's lawyers were locked in emergency talks last night following the conviction of his pal Ghislaine Maxwell as they considered calling on one of her victims to help him in his US civil case which includes allegations of sex abuse and first degree rape.

The guilty verdicts left the British socialite - a second paedophile the royal is now known to have befriended - facing up to 65 years in jail after being found to have procured, groomed and trafficked girls for sex for Epstein abuse.

The jurors' decision has sparked fear in the Duke of York's legal team given the burden of proof in a criminal case is far higher than that needed in a civil case, like the one Andrew is facing.


Surely not the only one "worried"

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

But, conveniently, the records are sealed. Wouldn't want the plebs to get direct confirmation on just what scumbags their "social betters" are.


posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
I have absolutely no idea how much sway the Governor-General would have with the government. Rel is probably your best bet to ask about that.
I've got to the point now where I am putting white, black and grey hats all in the same basket now. They are all inexorably entangled. Even Trump. His prompting of the jab (sans mandate) for somebody who has already 'allegedly' had C19 to the point of getting Monoclonal antibody treatment when he had it should have been told he didn't need the jabs...or Melania or Baron either. Then we have him in that painting...that nobody seems to have mentioned of Epstein's island.

In answer to your other comment about the judge sealing everything. I would imagine this is a sound move if there are on going investigations into said people in the 'black book', on video tapes etc. There would be so much media frenzy, public witch hunts etc any subsequent court cases wouldn't even get there as everything would be compromised. I live in hope this is the case.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder
I bet Andrew is cacking himself....along with a lot of other people too, including some of the victims who like Giuffre (sorry no idea how to spell her name) who ALSO 'procured' other young girls for Maxwell.
Then there is another branch to this too.....all the dirty deals and dirty money. So it's not just an America 'thing', these will involve people who are non-American.... just like Andrew. It get's reeeeaaaallll complicated.


posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: MetalThunder

But, conveniently, the records are sealed. Wouldn't want the plebs to get direct confirmation on just what scumbags their "social betters" are.



Judges to unseal Epstein papers ahead of Prince Andrew’s case Dec 30 2021
Happy New Year ?

New York: A 2009 settlement agreement between the late American financier Jeffrey Epstein and Virginia Giuffre, which bears directly on Giuffre’s civil lawsuit accusing Britain’s Prince Andrew of sexual abuse, will be made public early next week.

In a joint order on Wednesday (Tuesday AEDT), US District Judges Lewis Kaplan and Loretta Preska in Manhattan ordered the agreement’s release on or about January 3, 2022, finding no reason to keep it under seal.


edit on 12302021 by MetalThunder because:

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder
That's the papers from Epstein stuff, nowt to do with what's her names case I would imagine.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Love the last line cuz we are almost there it seems

Judge Releases Trove Of Sealed Records Related To Lawsuit Against Ghislaine Maxwell
July 31, 2020

....The records show that in the early stages of Giuffre's discussions with attorneys about her experience, she had declined to identify men she says Epstein and Maxwell told her to have sex with.

"I just, some of these people are really influential in power, and I don't want to start another s***storm with a few of them," she told Scarola in 2011.

"I'm really scared of where this is gonna go," she added.

Yet to see any sealing of anything, .... Let the Sunshine In
A lot going down

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 10:16 AM
Nano Tech Gold Rush on the path to immortality

Injectable device delivers nano-view of the brain

It’s a notion that might have come from the pages of a science-fiction novel — an electronic device that can be injected directly into the brain, or other body parts, and treat everything from neurodegenerative disorders to paralysis.

Sounds unlikely, until you visit Charles Lieber’s lab.

Aug 27, 2001 NYTimes:

TECHNOLOGY; I.B.M. Creates A Tiny Circuit Out of Carbon

In another step toward post-silicon computers, I.B.M. scientists have built a computer circuit out of a single strand of carbon.

The I.B.M. circuit performs only a single, simple operation -- flipping a "true" to "false" and vice versa -- but it marks the first time that a device made of carbon strands known as nanotubes has been able to carry out any sort of logic. It is also the first logic circuit made of a single molecule.

Dr. Charles M. Lieber, a professor of chemistry at Harvard and an expert in the field of nanotechnology, called the I.B.M. achievement "quite significant." The effort to incorporate nanotubes in computer chips is a "great strategy and one that could be implemented relatively quickly," he said.

Nov 9, 2001, NYTimes:

Nanowires May Lead to Superfast Computer Chips

Compared with competing techniques, the semiconductor rods, or nanowires, are easier to make and manipulate, and they may be easier to miniaturize to the sizes needed for superfast computer chips. "They have a lot of advantages in that we can control their properties quite well," said Dr. Charles M. Lieber, a professor of chemistry at Harvard who led the research.

Dr. Lieber said the nanowires might also make "unbelievably good sensors" for proteins, DNA and other biological molecules. Among other things, that could aid the development of devices to detect pathogens like anthrax.

The researchers have shown that the nanowire transistors can be wired together to perform all of the basic logic operations needed for computer computations. To build dense circuitry, the researchers would move the nanowires closer together. "Voilà," Dr. Liber said. "You have a billion devices."

Practical computer chips using nanowires are probably a decade away. Dr. Lieber said that in a year or two the nanowire transistors could be used as biological sensors by adding sites for specific molecules -- say a piece of anthrax -- to bind to the nanowires.
When were those Antrax letters sent? Who was blamed and suicided? Dr. Bruce Ivins. Dr. Lieber was protecting Dr. Michael Callahan and who did Dr. Callahan work with? Dr. Robert Malone. And who did Dr. Malone work with since 1989? Dr. Nancy Logan Haigwood, who threw Dr. Bruce Ivins under the bus. She was also the Associate Director (1983 – 1992) at Chiron Corporation who got a huge funding contract from Dr. Fauci for AIDS vaccine, which never came, and GSK acquired them along with all their patents.

“We want to find a single virus before it finds you,” says Charles Lieber, Hyman Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. Tests recently completed in his laboratory show that these unimaginably thin nanowires can sense and distinguish between viruses that cause flu, measles, and eye infections. Lieber believes future versions will be able to spot HIV, Ebola, SARS, West Nile, hepatitis, bird flu, and other dangerous viruses.
Sensor detects, identifies single viruses (2004)

Charles Lieber’s work building on H.D. Klenk’s 2004 Coronavirus US Patent, which was assigned to Chiron Corp. and later sold to GSK in 2006. Vastly superior to PCR test.

US Navy + DARPA support > Nanosys:


Electrical detection of single viruses

Tech 2010: #31 Healthy Living; The Doctor That Floats in Your Bloodstream from June 11, 2000.

They would be like "tiny scuba tanks introduced into your bloodstream," says Ralph Merkle, a nanotechnology engineer who left Xerox PARC last year to work for Zyvex, a Texas-based company devoted to creating a "molecular assembler" -- the key that would make it possible to arrange atoms and molecules into nanometer-size (a nanometer being one billionth of a meter) robots that could revolutionize manufacturing and medical care. He envisions people with chronic emphysema and heart disease carrying vials of respirocytes in the same way that diabetics tote insulin.

Earlier this year, the Clinton administration proposed the $227 million National Nanotechnology Initiative to speed and coordinate cutting-edge research. "The exploratory phase has matured," says Charles Marcus, a Harvard physicist. "Now people are starting to ask, "How can I actually control the behavior of atoms?"

Already, the Palo Alto-based Quantum Dot Corporation is developing nanoscopic crystals that can be used as fluorescent markers in drug development, basic genetic screening and detecting disease. The glowing Q dots, as they're called, could be commercially available by next fall.

NY Times, June 2000

2012 Israeli Wolf Prize in Chemistry

Lieber 2019 Welch Award

Paul Alivisatos

Nanosys founded in 2001 by Larry Bock, Charles Lieber and Paul Alivisatos.

Larry Bock was also the co-founder of Illumina, Inc.

Iverm ectin - Truth and Totalitarianism

Makes me wonder if Dr. Lieber became the scapegoat to white wash bad actors.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel
I didn't see Trump in this painting initially. Is he on the left standing on the red and white toadstool?

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
Yup, spotted him right off. So unless the 'victim' that painted this picture is a hard line Democrat, he must have been there yes? Why would she put him there otherwise?

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
To be honest there are several on there that I don't recognize but with that said that is definitely Trump and I don't know why he would be in the pic unless the artist included people she had heard were associates of Epstein. The painting was done in 2020 and the pics of Trump and Melania standing beside E and GMax have been out a while. I saw that pic for the first time in 2019. With all that said I have had hinky feelings about Trump all this past year. I cannot quite put my finger on what it is yet, but I think it is wise to keep them all in the same basket for now anyways. Unfortunately, Trumps followers are so vast and committed I am not sure they would believe anything nefarious if something did come out. I keep reminding myself that he did nothing during his 4 years that personally harmed the liberties of individuals here in the US and that will have to do for now.......

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