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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 12:52 PM
I believe that they are as you say the head of the hydra and somehow links through Tonga.
We also have a two weeks connection because reports are saying that it will take two weeks to repair the cables in Tonga.

I took a spin through Gematria > Tonga...DJT Sr., V sign, Barac Obama, Babylon, Flynn, Royal, Owl of, toxic, fetus, popes.>calculator
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

ES and JC could be Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen. They both traveled to NK in January 2013 and even set up google maps in the region.
Eric Schmidt was the CEO of google for a decade and executive chairman after that
He invented Lex which is a computer program. That combined with parser can generate source codes.
Schmidt started the Schmidt family foundation which says it’s efforts focus on sustainability and responsible use of natural resources. (Climate change)
He’s been on the board of trustees for apple, Carnegie Mellon, Princeton and Mayo Clinic.
His father was part of the US treasury during the Nixon era

In March 2016 it was announced that Eric Schmidt would chair a new advisory board for the Department of Defense, titled the Defense Innovation Advisory Board.providing advice to the secretary of defense until Dec 2020.

From 2019 to 2021, Schmidt chaired the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence with Robert O. Work.

Schmidt is an investor in Timshel, another start up company associated with Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign

Jared cohen CEO of Jigsaw (formerly Google Ideas) and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Previously, he served as a member of the Secretary of State's Policy Planning Staff and as an advisor to Condoleezza Rice and later Hillary Clinton
In a July 2012 email to members of Clinton's team Cohen reportedly sent to Clinton said: “My team is planning to launch a tool on Sunday that will publicly track and map the defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from.”
according to the Washington Post's David Ignatius, the concept of "techno-democracy" was first articulated in detail in a November article in Foreign Affairs, which Cohen co-authored with Richard Fontaine."The concept is anchored on the creation of a 'T-12' group of advanced democracies that would work together to compete with China on issues related to technology." Ignatius writes, "it has the strong backing of Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

In 2018 a senior google research scientist Jack Poulson resigned due to the secret google search engine developed for android in China code named dragon fly. Eric Schmidt resigned as well in dec. 2017.

Then we get to the false incoming missile alert…there was the FAA ground stop two weeks ago due to concern of the North Korean missile launch.
Learn to speak Russian? Well they’ve amassed 150k troops on their western border and are daring NATO to take action.
The foreign minister in Russia suggested last week they launch a nuke to the Nevada nuclear testing site to create shock and awe but not cause any human casualties…the US has asserted numerous times Russia will create a false flag surrounding Ukraine.
Russia moved nukes to their most eastern military base near Alaska and then bragged that they moved it 6000km without Americans objecting or acknowledging.
Could their be a false flag shot heard across the world?

Idk if any of that is helpful or correlates much but the web continues to intertwine.

Did Eric Schmidt and jared cohen have involvement setting up private communications or networks in North Korea? Did they use similar tactics with HRC and Obamas private e-mail dealings? Clearly google and the state dept/DoD/gov have numerous conflicts of interest and interchangeable personnel

Does jack Poulson, also involved with the google AI project, whom resigned in protest over googles neglect of human rights in China from project dragonfly come into play?

CS will live in fear from this day forward….Christopher Steele? He ran the Russian desk of MI-6 (obviously the dossier has been covered) so he clearly knows how to speak Russian.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
People often note the use of the fake White House set for Biden's appearances.

Have there been very many instances recently where Biden is shown in the White House? I remember shortly after he was inaugurated they had him on TV in the Oval Office, signing his stacks of executive orders, but not a lot recently.

See the US military footage of the Medal of Honor Ceremony in the East Room of the White House.

US Department of Defense website Medal of Honor Ceremony

Of course McCarthy and McConnell were in for a bi-partisan Oval Office meeting, Summer 2021.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:11 PM

The Plandemic leak all started with a MEMO. The information traveled across Goog's private undersea cable network and traveled around the world.
They were then able to track the flow of information from which parties and to which parties.
Did anyone say anything about blackmail???

Just imagine the situation the WHO was in and then being forced into a partnership with Goog, and because of their lack of forethought Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon and Twitter. The Evil Axis.

What about the Pope???
#997 [POPE] will be having a terrible May
Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>
Dark to LIGHT

I imagine all the team members had access and used that private Goog undersea cable and as I understand nothing is ever really erased. With some luck only 3-4 months to wait.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: tommyjo

Thank you!

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:20 PM
OK so we take FOX, CNN's or The Hill's word they were in the WH on these stories or is there some tangible proof that helps us see thru all the supposed fakery?

Are you trying to say that this is the WH and they always are at the WH instead of ever being at Tyler Perry's place that is a great mock up of the WH or some TX A&M location?

I am asking because I want to know how we delineate the difference between knowing it is or is not the WH if you know how to do that?

originally posted by: tommyjo

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
People often note the use of the fake White House set for Biden's appearances.

Have there been very many instances recently where Biden is shown in the White House? I remember shortly after he was inaugurated they had him on TV in the Oval Office, signing his stacks of executive orders, but not a lot recently.

See the US military footage of the Medal of Honor Ceremony in the East Room of the White House.

US Department of Defense website Medal of Honor Ceremony

Of course McCarthy and McConnell were in for a bi-partisan Oval Office meeting, Summer 2021.

edit on 19-1-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:43 PM
So I did a lil test with the youtube thing with the trip codes and came up with some interesting results.
umm boom

Trump Card
There May be Giants
Speaking of Trump here is one of two creator sites trip codes led to

edit on 1/19/2022 by CrazyFox because: big post

edit on 1/19/2022 by CrazyFox because: too big

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:52 PM
Speaking of Trump here is one of two creator sites trip codes led to


too many to show link1
2 again diff tho

and here is Loose Lips Nancy giving away their playbook

space lola reply to: CrazyFox

edit on 1/19/2022 by CrazyFox because:

edit on Wed Jan 19 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: attempt to fix BB code

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: loveguy
Sorry, I meant this one.

Kinda neat because seeking out these noosphere threads was kinda discouraging.


posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: carewemust
We Are The News Now

vx real purpose
credible joe

If President Joe Biden’s disorderly and lethal Afghanistan withdrawal was the moment that fractured voters' regard for him, then his vicious Atlanta speech last week may be the moment that defines his presidency.

lnk interesting


Pandemic Narrative Undergoes Radical U-Turn

my 1st retele

edit on 1/19/2022 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:12 PM

This was published in the Lancet yesterday... Whats the solution? More jabs!

Early Omicron Breakthroughs Show MRNA Vaccines’ Weakness

Booster shots with messenger RNA vaccines such as those made by Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE failed to block omicron in a study of some of the first documented breakthrough cases caused by the highly contagious variant.

Preliminary data from an Israeli trial involving 154 health workers -- released Monday, just two weeks after that study began -- showed that a fourth dose of Pfizer’s shot didn’t prevent infection with omicron.

Still, those in the trial had mild symptoms or none at all. Data from the U.K. have also shown a significant rise in protection against symptomatic infection and hospitalizations after a booster shot but suggest there may be a need for a fourth shot for those over 65, according to a report by Bloomberg Intelligence.

If the last two years has taught us anything, it's to expect the unexpected... 2022 is a pivotal year and I don't put anything past the psychopaths in charge. They admit 'All Options' are on the table... We should probably take that seriously.
edit on 19-1-2022 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:14 PM
That was really helpful Thank you for the summary.
I just wanted to highlight a couple of points:
1. 2017 Eric Schmidt resigned from Goog. [#17]
2. The senior research scientist Jack Poulson resigned from Project Dragonfly because of the secret google search engine developed for Android in China code that would block any anti government narrative. What was the result of the government investigations???

Pre-plandemic launch, Nov. 15, 2019 Goog started Project Nightingale where they joined with Ascension to gather health data for over 50 million people without their knowledge or consent. They were now in a position to see pre and post plandemic health history. They were also able to access treatments provided by Drs. and identify which Drs. were providing advanced treatment such as Ivermectin and if these treatments were effective. Track and Target.

This then allowed them to control the narrative that there was no effective treatment before severe illness developed despite data reflecting differently.
There was really no opportunity for any government intervention because the entire system was swamped because of Covid so most likely they have been able to continue undeterred. Just imagine the amount of data, such as which age group or healthcare group were disproportionately impacted.
What about the data on the impact of the vaccines.

The Nightingale Sings [when does a bird sing] were really concerned about this health data creep without consent or knowledge by Drs. or the patients.

Jack Poulson "I am part of a growing movement in the tech industry advocating for more transparency, oversite and accountability for the systems we build.
Not just the data but the systems."

We can now also add the undersea cables. Same ethical concern that big Tech can own the very highway that they transport the data over. Full Control.>Medicine+>technology>Sep>goo...Health

a reply to: PeteMitchell

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Re the post about body bag at the White House... it must be something to do with this video from last night:

Video of automatic gunfire clearing upper floor of White House from Left to Right

My comments:

1) This can't be a normal LIVE CAM because it pans in and out to follow the gunfire,

2) It seems to position and zoom in just before the gunfire starts, so was this a team member recording the expected action?

3) Need someone to feedback whether this gunfire looks genuine or CGId please?

4) The action starts from the 40th second and carries on to 1:28 mins,

5) Note the "gardener" in black, by the fountain, at the start of the gunfire, looks totally un-reactive to events.

This is a classic example of how die-hard conspiracy types get things completely wrong.

It is the reflection of a police/security/emergency vehicle lights as it goes down the road next to Lafayette Square. How can people not see this? It just beggars belief the utter nonsense that I have read on the various forums across the internet on this footage. Claims that birds don't fly at night and were obviously reacting to the "gunfire" lol. Just mindnumbing nonsense.

I guess it is a mindset with the die-hard conspiracy types, but how can people not see that it is simply a vehicle with lights being reflected in the upper windows as it passes down the road immediately to the front of the North side of the White House?

In the following Trump term footage reflecting lights also caused a stir back in 2017. In this case the vehicle is stationary with its lights on and reflecting off the upper floor corner windows. Yes, of course people with that die-hard conspiracy mindset are going to get led astray and believe such reflecting lights are "gunfights and explosions" taking place inside the WH rooms!

For those that can't see the video on Telegram. See it on You Tube.

LOL This is an example of what I mean by the "mindset" and getting thing so very, very wrong. Just utter delusional nonsense and all because he can't grasp that what he is seeing is the reflection of a vehicle with flashing lights passing along the road next to Lafayette Park.

See from 6 mins. He thinks that these are demolition charges going off! lol

edit on 19/1/2022 by tommyjo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: tommyjo
I figure we're getting a side glimpse of reality because it's too scary to face head on.
Occam's razor centers between two crazy ideas based on perspective.

The only wrong answer is being butt hurt about not being right?

If someone needs a mountain made of a mole hill, I know a guy, thanks.

Apologies warranted and given freely.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:54 PM
link 1 lnk2
Let the meming begin
a reply to: carewemust

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
link 1 lnk2
Let the meming begin
a reply to: carewemust

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: tommyjo

It looks like the mainstream media got the weather forecast wrong too. The East Coast was supposed to be hammered with the snow storm of the century earlier this week. But looking at live stream of the white house, there's barely any snow on the ground.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox

originally posted by: CrazyFox
link 1 lnk2
Let the meming begin
a reply to: carewemust]

A clue

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 03:11 PM

Boy the sure are in a rage, aren't they? Watch the boards, twits, threads, "opinion teeeveee," watch the responses, this ALWAYS reveals the issues they are having controlling things. Deploying minions throughout the "internet" is always a sign of their situation: Conclusion, they're sending in the F team all over because leadership is non existent.

Example. This will be somewhat controversial, but this is a soulless being.

This isn't a lost person, this is a soulless being, and anyone carrying this kind of hostile, belligerent, know it all tone is as such at this point. Assume this and refrain from engagement, they are hunting feedings world wide right now, very desperate. Engagement = energy = vamping = keeping them alive.

Clones are soulless, ALWAYS. Why was this trending?

Do not let anyone attempt to convince you that clones, bots, droids etc. are "beings" as they are not. They are electronic trash. Chance The Bull was beloved, the Clone tried to kill the owner. Soul essence is essential, there is ZERO time to play games with these things anymore.

Il Donaldo hit several marks yesterday.

(post by PioneerFigureSkating removed for a manners violation)

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