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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 01:11 PM
Canada Covid wars against their citizens continues. Truckers coming into Canada, the very truckers who transport all of their fresh fruit and vegetables, are required to be fully vaxed. Lots of confusion around how to implement and enforce this.
The U.S. has responded in kind.

I was speaking to some friends there and hoarding has begun and their shelves are bare. But the Canadian government has doubled down and has said that Canadian truckers who are unvaccinated must spend 15 days in quarantine upon return.

From my sources they told me that the government is recruiting young inexperienced people to drive the rigs.

Makes me think of the Ku post ...
Rig for Red. Truck= Rig!

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 01:16 PM
This whole war on food in Canada has me connecting the flight shortages. Exactly how is Canada going to ensure their people have access to enough food??? Green house production can only supply so much and the demand will easily outstrip supply.

This is a serious war declaration on the people. When will they wake up???

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 01:17 PM
Recent author and anti-vax crusader, Robert Kennedy jr., is promoting the Novavax vaccine that's scheduled to be approved:

Bill Gates also promotes this vaccine: 1dN17S

Novavax affiliations:

CEPI affiliations -- Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, WEF

More info on the vaccine:

Novomax is a Biotechnology Company sponsored by the Bill Gates Foundation.
They have been given millions of dollars from CEPI for large scale manufacturing of vaccines.
This will be their first vaccine (if successful)
The President and CEO is Stanley Erck.
Novomax is a Company listed on the share market.

Novomax will be based on a genetically modified baculovirus.
Baculoviruses are viruses that infect insects.
The most common hosts are immature moths and butterflies, but also mosquitos.
These baculoviruses are not usually able to replicate in humans.

It is claimed Sf9 moth cells with be infected with a computer generated SARS Cov2 to produce a coronavirus spike protein, then harvested as a whole deactivated virus for injection. The spike proteins harvested will be assembled onto a synthetic lipid nanoparticle displaying up to 14 spike proteins. Novamax will be a recombinant protein injection from mixed sources.
A genetically modified nanoparticle technology. The adjuvant that will be used for Novamax is code named QS-21 or “Matrix M”
An adjuvant is what is needed to get the immune system to respond.

Novomax will have a saponin based adjuvant from the bark of the Chilean soap bark tree called quillaja saponaria. Quillaja saponaria is an emulsifying foaming product. This product is believed to have been used in lens cleaners, fire fighting foam and cosmetics. Saponins are used to bind substances that would not normally mix, like water and oil. Quillaja saponaria can allegedly cause liver damage if receiving high amounts of tannins. It can reportedly cause breakdown of blood cells, respiratory failure, and convulsions. It was claimed to have been used in Veterinary practice in the 1950’s but was considered “too toxic” for humans at the time because it caused the red blood cells to burst.

Robert Kennedy jr. attending a gathering hosted by Ghislaine Maxwell

Accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell attended ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s ritzy wedding to Kerry Kennedy in the early 1990s, an author claimed in a new book about her run-ins with the British socialite.
edit on 18-1-2022 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 01:21 PM
Some people can't be woken up. If it continues to the point people do not have food, there will be fighting in the streets. Many will kill or be killed before they would ever wake up.

Regarding the vaccine, there is just one issue with these "vaccines." You can't cause an ongoing immune reaction. Your immune system burns out. Scientific fact.

I hope they use the right Sf9 cell lines.

"It has previously been shown that some Sf9 cell lines harbor a negative sense Rhabdovirus called Spodoptera frugiperda rhabdovirus (SfRV).[3][4] However, not all tested Sf9 cells appear to be infected with this virus.[5] SfRV appears to be insect-specific and does not appear to infect mammalian cell lines.[6]"

Unrelated, but as a I sat here in my office I suddenly smelled a strong ammonia smell...I assumed a demon, but I found an ATS thread indicating greys. A little disturbing...hopefully I don't have any nasties creeping around here. This is the same room where I saw the flickering shadow a few days ago.

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
This whole war on food in Canada has me connecting the flight shortages. Exactly how is Canada going to ensure their people have access to enough food??? Green house production can only supply so much and the demand will easily outstrip supply.

This is a serious war declaration on the people. When will they wake up???

edit on 1/18/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 01:47 PM
Some light reading..."Soft power" paves the way for attempted regime change...

Extending Russia - Competing from Advantageous Ground (RAND Corp, 2019)

This report examines a range of possible means to extend Russia. As the 2018 National Defense Strategy recognized, the United States is currently locked in a great-power competition with Russia. This report seeks to define areas where the United States can compete to its own advantage. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative data from Western and Russian sources, this report examines Russia's economic, political, and military vulnerabilities and anxieties. It then analyzes potential policy options to exploit them — ideologically, economically, geopolitically, and militarily (including air and space, maritime, land, and multidomain options).

Whose Story Wins - Rise of the Noosphere, Noopolitik, and Information-Age Statecraft / RAND Corp. July 2020.

In this Perspective, the authors urge strategists to consider a new concept for adapting U.S. grand strategy to the information age—noopolitik, which favors the use of "soft power"—as a successor to realpolitik, with its emphasis on "hard power." The authors illuminate how U.S. adversaries are already deploying dark forms of noopolitik—e.g., weaponized narratives, strategic deception, epistemic attacks. The authors propose new ways to fight back and discuss how the future of noopolitik might depend on what happens to the global commons—i.e., the parts of the Earth and space that fall outside national jurisdictions and to which all nations are supposed to have access.

The authors expand on many of the ideas they first proposed in a 1999 RAND Corporation report titled The Emergence of Noopolitik: Toward an American Information Strategy, in which they describe the emergence of a new globe-circling realm: the noosphere.

Cold War propaganda premier master think-tank RAND of double-edge irony going after minds and global consciousness. The noosphere is a philosophical concept developed and popularized by the Russian-Ukrainian Soviet biogeochemist Vladimir Vernadsky, and the French philosopher and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

In the 1960s the Soviet newspaper Pravda nicknamed RAND "the academy of science and death and destruction" as CORONA became the backbone of American intelligence on the Soviet Union. American outfits preferred to call them the "wizards of Armageddon."

"Digital information lasts forever - or five years, whichever comes first." -Jeff Rothenberg (RAND Corp., 1997)

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
This whole war on food in Canada has me connecting the flight shortages. Exactly how is Canada going to ensure their people have access to enough food??? Green house production can only supply so much and the demand will easily outstrip supply.

This is a serious war declaration on the people. When will they wake up???

While I see some signs o people getting it, my whole town is heads down, blinkers on. I haven't been into a store in months so not sure what supplies are like here but I've heard there is almost no cereal.

I hadn't connected flight shortages. Makes sense it will add to it.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 02:02 PM

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: Caled

Unrelated, but as a I sat here in my office I suddenly smelled a strong ammonia smell...I assumed a demon, but I found an ATS thread indicating greys. A little disturbing...hopefully I don't have any nasties creeping around here. This is the same room where I saw the flickering shadow a few days ago.

I learned a little something about this from Romana's posts (be she real or not, she has certainly put out some practical advice) as she suggested saying "return to sender" every time a negative thought or energy enters the mind. I've been doing it regularly and it's really helped get rid of my nagging inner voice that sows negativity. It also helps when I'd encounter strange energies I simply don't have the time for. Maybe worth trying this any time you feel disturbed by energies. It's a simple declaration of not wanting to participate and in that creates an impenetrable space for yourself.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 02:47 PM
Still wondering what the following STRINGER means?


...from #155 and ...from #175

I think we may find out overnight!!

1) Met Office issues 12 Hour weather warning for most of England and London

YELLOW FOG warnings have been put in place by the Met Office across a vast swathe of England from this evening into tomorrow.

This is the YELLOW SKY!

2) Whiplash347 post



Subscribe to Rocky News:

This is the APPLE = GREEN and refers back to Captain GREEN in #175. He was pilotting a helicopter to capture someone at Rothschild estate but was destroyed by plane above... maybe the Queen dies same way as a MIRROR?

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: rHXVKCrC No.150388962 📁
Nov 21 2017 18:43:15 (EST)
Expand your thinking.
Captain Mike Green.
Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]
Who countered?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Learn how to read the map.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Been almost a year since user "Wildmanimal" signed off with this cryptic message (in another thread):

originally posted by: Wildmanimal
It is with great sorrow that I go now.
I love you all more than you can fathom.

The United States of America is dead.

You have 1 year .

I note it is now one week until we reach the one year mark. Wasn't it mentioned in this thread that things would be happening after 21 January?


In part, watching 2-22 as the commencement date. We're in preliminary, mirroring the Coup date 1-20.

Which "America" is dead, the prison initiated in 1871 where formally Humans Are Currency? Or the one that really never existed?

Idk how to insert a pic but
#2222 shows a quote of the post “are we alone? Roswell?
And then the actual post says:
Highest classification
Consider the vastness of space

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 02:49 PM
January 18, 1902, Nikola Tesla filed for patent on a magnifying transmitter for "wireless transmission" of electrical energy.

Tesla 1119732A

My belief is firm in a law of compensation. The true rewards are ever in proportion to the labour and sacrifices made. This is one of the reasons why I feel certain that of all my inventions, the Magnifying Transmitter will prove most important and valuable to future generations. I am prompted to this prediction, not so much by thoughts of the commercial and industrial revolution which it will surely bring about, but of the humanization consequences of the many achievements it makes possible.
Nikola Tesla

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

A year ago I considered the novavax as an option for myself if it was ever given fda authorization.
But upon learning more, and even though it is manufactured in a traditional sense…it’s reliance on the synthetic spike protein itself…like the others makes it a no go for me as well

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 02:55 PM

You have noticed that when you raise a profound question, no matter how much evidence you bring, certain people keep fighting you.
Not because it is wrong, but because it contradicts everything they have learned ... this is called cognitive dissonance.

This "mental disorder" called Cognitive Dissonance is a kind of "protective block" of the brain that is activated when it cannot or does not want to face and process something.
We are seeing it more than ever in the past couple of years.

We also see it when we want to logically explain something that cannot be logically explained.
There are properties that have been taken away from us by manipulation - people simply cannot see and feel certain things like magic, energy, special phenomena.
But with logic alone you can no longer get anywhere.
You have to free your mind from it and open yourself to other truths.

The truth sets you free.
Logic alone is a limit that has been programmed to blind us to miracles.

We live in a strange time.
Where the lie is believed on the word
but in truth facts are not enough
edit on 18-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 03:20 PM

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

Cognitive Dissonance may explain why the vast majority of people are not able to accept that the vaccines will bring long-term health issues, by design, because health problems generate lots of money.

Most have been injected, therefore they simply refuse to believe the same things they did believe over the last many years, about the medical industry and pharmaceutical companies.

Thank you for giving me a term to apply to what I've been seeing in people I talk to.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 03:47 PM

Allen Dulles: The Powerful, Moneyed World of International Finance & Politics (2002)

The CIA is an organization founded by Wall Street lawyers who dealt in international finance for Sullivan & Cromwell law firm in NYC. Who are masters of exploiting loopholes in Int'l law to move money around under the protection of US gov't and military.

Paul Mellon and Dulles were OSS and CFR buddies.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I call it

Agent Smith Syndrome.

Talk to a friend pleasantly
but as soon as you touch certain topics
Agent Smith comes out!

Male or female.,
Old or young,
The exact same words...

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
However, there is one big elephant in the room that everybody is forgetting to discuss..... the original virus SARS-CoV-2.
Until it is absolutely proven, one way or the other, whether it was a result of gain of function research and whether indeed the HIV was 'spliced' into a coronavirus, we should forget about the adverse reactions to the jabs per se because you can bet your bottom dollar the vaccines were only there to enhance/exacerbate whatever SARS-CoV-2 was designed to do.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 04:25 PM
Well, he could have photo shopped it. Except that the video of the explosion as seen from space sure looked very odd to me before I saw this slow motion frame by frame. I would say it appears there is something to this claim. Watch it if you haven't people.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Clip of what looks like a missile.

The contention was, way back, that BOOMS were underground MB blown up.

Q Missle

Q Missile


posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: duncanhidao

Cognitive Dissonance may explain why the vast majority of people are not able to accept that the vaccines will bring long-term health issues, by design, because health problems generate lots of money.

Most have been injected, therefore they simply refuse to believe the same things they did believe over the last many years, about the medical industry and pharmaceutical companies.

Thank you for giving me a term to apply to what I've been seeing in people I talk to.

I really liked how ats member, and14263 described it in their post. People I know became resigned to their choice even when they didn't feel they needed the vaccine, but had to for work, then slowly replaced their concerns with the official narrative up to, and including, pushing away the unvaccinated as they represent the truth they turned their backs on. But, just like when one is in a bad relationship, that nagging truth can only be suppressed so long and will eventually come back out. When and if one is honest with oneself, it cannot be sugar coated any longer. These people who were on the fence will understand the soonest and there is a lot of them so things should change fast once they awaken.

I came to terms with the fact I needed the jabs to work. Then the strangest thing happened. Sub consciously I began surrounding myself with pro vaccine information, pro vaccine friends. For the first time in my life I started to rely on data from profit driven businesses, communicated through funded media outlets and voiced out by our government.

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