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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

I'm having issues loading some video at work but I've read the comments and lots of talk about weird flashing lights inside the Whitehouse the last few nights. Plus I saw a picture last night that looked like some containment type structure had been constructed around the front door.

The picture was pretty grainy as it was I believe from eth live feed but it looked like a temporary type containment door like you would find in lab type setting. Who knows if that is what it was but it is for sure not normal what is going on. When was the last time tours have been available for the Whitehouse?

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

You are appreciated more than you know, and by more people than you can comprehend. No need to respond...just sharing a sudden emotion that came over me.

edit on 1/17/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: duncanhidao
I listened to all of that. Talk about China basically saying "we've got you ALL by the 'short and curlies' " as we say here in the UK!
Thank you for posting.

Thank you for the quick interpretation. That explains why countries are afraid to boycott, or even bad mouth China, surrounding the Winter Olympics starting in 30 days.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Nancy Drew just uploaded a video on Telegram; bystanders near the White House said it looked like they carried off a body. That would explain the wall they built. And really…that’s a genius place to hide a body.

Didn't the body thing happen last week?
I know I saw a video.... hell it may have been two weeks ago.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 12:49 PM
Different body. That was the one coming out of the White House. I think they dug this one up.

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: Caled
Nancy Drew just uploaded a video on Telegram; bystanders near the White House said it looked like they carried off a body. That would explain the wall they built. And really…that’s a genius place to hide a body.

Didn't the body thing happen last week?
I know I saw a video.... hell it may have been two weeks ago.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Different body. That was the one coming out of the White House. I think they dug this one up.

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: Caled
Nancy Drew just uploaded a video on Telegram; bystanders near the White House said it looked like they carried off a body. That would explain the wall they built. And really…that’s a genius place to hide a body.

Didn't the body thing happen last week?
I know I saw a video.... hell it may have been two weeks ago.

I guess I better watch the video.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: gmx0010110
There is absolutely no merit to that anon post about packets of information, media execs and federal agents. This is no different then the Mcafee deadman-switch or Ingersoll locker wood or any of the other millions of dead ends. I'm willing to bet there will be no scandal tomorrow. There will be no narrative collapse. If you pay attention you'll notice they don't simply roll over. Even when caught in blatant lies. Take the rigged election for example. There was no narrative collapse and there was a ton of evidence floating around proving the election was stolen. Do you really think these people are going to take it this far just to say shucks guess we got caught. Oh well maybe we'll getem next time. No. They are going to fight to the bitter end. There is no surrender in these people and as long as they've got people divided chasing their tails following every single distraction like it's a shiny toy then they still have the upper hand. We are in for the fight of our lives.

You have no way of knowing if what you are saying is true or not.

To the contrary, we already see the media pivoting on this matter. Just today I saw an article quoting Bill Gates conceding that omicron is more effective than the vaccine.

Regarding narrative collapse: One thing that concerns me is we may reach a point where enough damage is done that the narrative no longer matters very much.

It’s like dealing with any other criminals. If they are trying to fleece you on the sly, it’s all about the confidence game and getting you to believe their deceptions. But if it reaches the point where they are holding a gun to your head and demanding your wallet, they no longer care what you think.

If the vaccines prove increasingly destructive with time…
And hospitals are over-run...
If supply lines collapse and food becomes scarce…
If medical passports, digital dollars, and social scores are put in place, controlling who eats…
If utilities fail...
If martial law is declared to maintain order…

That pretty much constitutes a gun held to our head. With some finesse, they may be able to convince many it’s all done “for our benefit” to deal with the catastrophe. But anyone who disagrees will be marginalized, criminalized, and deleted.

And their narrative is still evolving. Here is the latest tweak:

COVID-19 patients show more signs of brain damage than people with Alzheimer's disease

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

How long before we get AI generated news.... not just news reports?
Imagine how easy it would be to do a false flag by generating it with AI.

Maybe it is already happening to some degree?

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 01:22 PM

You know how spectacularly the narrative is failing when looters in a state with daily train robberies won't even bother to steal PPE worth $10 million.

Jan 16, 2015: Elon Musk reveals space internet plan.

Jan 16, 2022: Elon says 1469 Starlink satellites active, 272 moving to operational orbits, Laser links activate soon.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I mean, it's mostly paved with bad intentions, but there is some good intention paving stones in there too."
— @elonmusk

Ad in Popular Science, Apr 1953:

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 01:49 PM
Interesting conversation with a doc on the jab implosion. Funny she says information wasn't known... because it was. Quite a bit of hemming and hawing.

The Dr advises against taking any more and explains that she believes they are about to get pulled - due to new data on safety

Not a meme...

This was trending... I can't even.

BG to answer your question, most of this ^^^ is AI. Even if there are bodies tangentially involved, the mind control is what dictates all of this at this point, at an alarming rate.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Caled

This isn't the first time during this administration that this happened. Between these body removals and those weird middle of the night ambulance visits, what's really going on there, and why only under this administration?

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Why would this document need to be “sanitized”?

Maybe "John Laval" knew something, maybe he was simply speculating. The one bit I did find interesting was his dating the phenomena from 1944, not 1947. Wonder if he was in the Army Air Force and saw "foo fighters" during the war.


Came across this John Laval letter of inquiry to J. Edgar Hoover (Jan 1964, pg 26)

The Harvard Crimson

JFK UFOs [PDF] - Senate letters regards to "The UFO Evidence" report. On page 16 is letter from Robert F. Kennedy to John Laval saying he does NOT believe that UFO phenomena are caused by vehicles of ET origin.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 04:37 PM
General Milley tests positive for Covid-19 and is isolating. Is this Q Comms for he's been arrested? Thought I read
something like that in this thread.

The Hill - Milley Test Positive Covid-19

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 05:16 PM
Any idea on age of bodies allegedly disposed?

a reply to: Guyfriday

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 05:40 PM

ask yourself why America’s State Department and Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, as well as corporations such as Apple, Bank of America, and Boeing, for example, are working with the World Economic Forum through the so-called First Movers Coalition to literally create a market for “green” products where none exists today.

But there is yet another disturbing and vital element to Klaus Schwab’s demented vision: “transhumanism”. Klaus Schwab describes transhumanism as the “fusion of our physical, digital and biological identities”. Transhumanism is the goal of the Great Reset, which paves the way for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. “Transhumanism” is also known as “synthetic biology,” which has been discussed at RAIR

The Fourth Industrial Revolution seeks to dominate human beings on a global scale. The main difference between Klaus Schwab’s vision and Mao Zedong’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is technology. 5HVQCQQ-TQLQ1bxzTot1I0o1ZBIsXFmuXpbaE

There has been some evidence suggesting that Biden and some of his biggest allies back the Great Reset and would attempt to impose it on the United States. But Biden and his team have never explicitly stated that America would be involved — that is, until now.

At a panel discussion about the Great Reset hosted by the World Economic Forum in mid-November, former Secretary of State John Kerry – Biden’s would-be special presidential envoy for climate – firmly declared that the Biden administration will support the Great Reset and that the Great Reset “will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine.

Kerry later argued that the Great Reset is necessary to slow the “climate crisis” and that “I know Joe Biden believes … it’s not enough just to rejoin Paris [the Paris Climate Accords] for the United States. It’s not enough for us to just do the minimum of what Paris requires

This isn’t the first time Kerry has thrown his weight behind the Great Reset. At a June World Economic Forum virtual event, Kerry said the coronavirus pandemic was “a big moment” that opened the door for the Great Reset and that, “The World Economic Forum – the CEO capacity of the Forum – is really going to have to play a front and center role in refining the Great Reset to deal with climate change and inequity — all of which is being laid bare as a consequence of COVID-19 15r2jI9Omb7PsBwyYHwnBEOvwdpsR-oqofCvqSWg

"We're in the midst of a Fourth Industrial Revolution"

Biden: In Face of Perils of Fourth Industrial Revolution, Give Middle Class “Possibilities”
Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 20 January 2016

To counter the hollowing out of the middle class, renew people’s belief in the future, US Vice-President Joe Biden told participants in a keynote address at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016. “The middle class is about possibilities – the possibilities for anyone willing to work hard to achieve a decent life,” he said. A thriving and growing middle class has been the main reason for social stability in the world’s democracies, Biden stressed. “When the middle class does well, the wealthy do very well and the poor have a ladder up.” He warned: “The [Fourth Industrial] Revolution has the potential to further hollow out the middle class. It is our responsibility to bend these changes to the benefit of society – to make sure that the digital revolution creates more winners than losers.” EcmBm3ypnkxrNnNU9egv9jrD4WIjnssx7XG-FdmSIKHxtQRE0

Biden’s speech, given at the 2021 Munich Security Conference on Feb. 19, was touted as a restoration speech

We are in the midst of a fundamental debate about the future and direction of our world,” he said. “We’re at an inflection point between those who argue that, given all the challenges we face — from the fourth industrial revolution to a global pandemic — that autocracy is the best way forward, they argue, and those who understand that democracy is essential — essential to meeting those challenges MCKxqVDN2cOBRVqVZu3Ehh_gxgNQHb4QoH8

At the launch of the First Movers Coalition, more than 25 Founding Members—leading companies from a wide range of industries around the world—made commitments to spur the commercialization of emerging technologies in this decade. The First Movers Coalition’s unique approach assembles ambitious corporate purchasing pledges across sectors that represent more than a third of global carbon emissions and span heavy industry and long-distance transportation.

Today, the First Movers Coalition is launching a first phase of sectoral commitments in steel, trucking, shipping, and aviation. The remaining sectoral commitments will launch in early 2022. 6Sug7pzm7nk_BO3aoR8RMVyo QOQxgncR5KGBRA au-MWxzzcXSxBZTJpsm3QWNU-GRMD56rxjI clid=IwAR01GwBCeY9EEWjK6aDfOsuva4P4It73Qw0WQqHwHAaJly5FcliXnasfO10

edit on 17-1-2022 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: Alchemst7
General Milley tests positive for Covid-19 and is isolating. Is this Q Comms for he's been arrested? Thought I read
something like that in this thread.

The Hill - Milley Test Positive Covid-19

The Army Upped Their Game - ALOT

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 05:57 PM

JFK, Jr. = Not Alive, says Q, more than once.

disinformation necessary same placea reply to: carewemust

edit on 1/17/2022 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 06:02 PM
"DJT voted from behind the desk of the WHITE HOUSE in florida." CLIP

Cannot be real. Joe + Odd Glitch

Imagine having to say Joe means what he says except when he doesn't mean what he says. Or, Joe Biden is the most competent President ever except when he is the most incompetent. Imagine working for Team Joe at this point, today's waxy weird version invoking George Floyd in MLK day..

Still waiting to meet one of the millions of unicorns that were denied the right to vote. Mostly black. Racism.

Ever wonder why this voting thing is sooooooooooooooooo important now? I mean, they rigged elections since Jesus was suspended from schule for Smoking the TransBathRoom, why is it soooooooooo important now, post 2020, to change the rules?
edit on 17-1-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 06:30 PM

originally posted by: Alchemst7
General Milley tests positive for Covid-19 and is isolating. Is this Q Comms for he's been arrested? Thought I read
something like that in this thread.

The Hill - Milley Test Positive Covid-19

All other Joint Chiefs of Staff, except for one, tested negative for COVID-19. Officials have not said who that one was.

So 2 of how many are positive?
This is unfortunately what comes to mind when I hear triple vxd and positive

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