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Covid: Is a horrible variant coming?

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posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: Imperator2

Interesting timing of this new "vaccine resistant super covid"... almost like they needed something new to explain all the coming vaccine related deaths?

This should also scare people into taking the "new booster" that will help protect against death and hospitalization - with of course 0 logical information that supports the claim.

Sounds about right to me.


the early stage thoughts on this new strain is that it began from an infected person and the Virus survived...just like what happened to allow the 'Alpha' strain to develop

the CDc & WHO are telling media that the process of determining what symptoms might be the result of this Africa Strain will 'take time to trace'
(sounds like buying a grace period to me) the virus specialists will not comment on boosters coming on line soon...
another delay tactic to me ,,, coming from the crowd that anticipates all earlier twists & turns of a dumb virus

the carrier person could have had the vaccine or Not... the article on Yahoo NEWS did not say

edit on th30163794459326362021 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:03 AM
Virus travel the continents via clouds and rainfall. Simply closing the airports won't stop its spread.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:20 AM
Stock market right on queue taking dive because of new variant.

And that’s the ball game folks…..

Still thinks it’s a naturally occurring virus?

edit on 26-11-2021 by wdkirk because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:25 AM
Just wanted to post the following, directly from the Botswana government, and I quote: "The cases are detected among travellers who tested SARS-COV-2 positive on routine pre travel testing.

The preliminary report revealed that all the four had been fully vaccinated for COVID-19."

So not sick locals, but fully vaxxed international diplomatic travelers.

edit on 26-11-2021 by Spinvis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: St Udio

originally posted by: Imperator2

Interesting timing of this new "vaccine resistant super covid"... almost like they needed something new to explain all the coming vaccine related deaths?

This should also scare people into taking the "new booster" that will help protect against death and hospitalization - with of course 0 logical information that supports the claim.

Sounds about right to me.


the early stage thoughts on this new strain is that it began from an infected person and the Virus survived...just like what happened to allow the 'Alpha' strain to develop

the CDc & WHO are telling media that the process of determining what symptoms might be the result of this Africa Strain will 'take time to trace'
(sounds like buying a grace period to me) the virus specialists will not comment on boosters coming on line soon...
another delay tactic to me ,,, coming from the crowd that anticipates all earlier twists & turns of a dumb Virus

I wonder what it will be like in the future when people who have been vaxxed aren't all dead, do you think that the people who believe that the vax is dangerous will simply pretend that it never happened, or will there be some new conspiracy, like ... the booster being there to fix the damage done by the vax, or maybe the vax wiping people's memories so that they don't remember all of the dead people?

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: Spinvis
Just wanted to post the following, directly from the Botswana government, and I quote: "The cases are detected among travellers who tested SARS-COV-2 positive on routine pre travel testing.

The preliminary report revealed that all the four had been fully vaccinated for COVID-19."

So not sick locals, but fully vaxxed international diplomatic travelers.

Or simply people who brought fake documents so that they could travel.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: wdkirk
Stock market right on queue taking dive because of new variant.

And that’s the ball game folks…..

Still thinks it’s a naturally occurring virus?

USA still endorsing China Olympics this Feb?

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: zandra

Fake foreign accent writing

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:53 AM
New strain/panic all set now for the holidays just like they want 😉

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 11:33 AM
From South Africa: yip, it's here.

UK and Germany already banned direct flights to SA and 5 other southern African countries.

edit on 26-11-2021 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 11:39 AM
This is all like watching a soap opera.

….the bell curve of Americans will believe it all and hide in fear.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: MapMistress

originally posted by: LABTECH767

But Covid 19 has a much lower infectious nature, still very infectious, and a far lower mortality rate than something like that.

So if it is less lethal than the original strain then we know that it is natural mutation and adaptation to the human hosts as it adapts into a new flu like disease that will become annual BUT if it is more lethal and contagious then the question has to be asked natural or gain of function?.

Great Chart Talking About the 32 Mutations in B.1.1.529.

Jeffrey Barrett's Color Code Chart of all 32 Mutations of B.1.1.529

I'll attempt to reorganize in a summary although the color code works great.

B.1.1.529 Mutations

1. D614G- In all Covid Mutations since early 2020
2. Delta69-70 - S-Gene Target Failure comes from Alpha
3. T95I, comes from Delta
4. G14D/Delta143-145, comes from Delta
5. K417N comes from Beta, also seen in a Delta Plus strain
6. T478K comes from Delta
7. N501Y, increases speed of transmission, found in Alpha, Beta, Gamma RBD
8. H665Y, comes from Gamma
9. N679K, comes from Gamma sublineages
10. P681H, comes from Alpha furin cleavage
11. A67V came from VUI- B.1.525
12. N440K, this mutation helps Covid bind better in the lungs, comes from VUI- B.1.628, which was a Delta Plus Variant that supposedly only circulated in Southern India and phased out.
13. E484A, key RBD site
14. G339D, near mab binding
15. S371L, near mab binding
16. S373P, near mab binding
17. S375F, near mab binding
18. S477N, predicted in evolutionary models regarding ACE2 binding
19. Q498R, predicted in evolutionary models regarding ACE2 binding
20. Delta211/L212I, NEW
21. ins214EPE, NEW
22. G446S, NEW
23. Q493K, NEW
24. G496S, NEW
25. Y505H, NEW
26. T547K, NEW
27. N764K, NEW
28. D796Y, NEW
29. N856K, NEW
30. Q954H, NEW
31. N969K, NEW
32. L981F, NEW

It is extremely unusual to see all these mutations from different lineages of different Variants of Concern and different Variants of Interest all in one Covid strain. Along with that there's an additional 19 mutations that no one is sure what they do yet.

So there's simply no way that this one evolved "naturally" in a HIV-positive person. This is "harvested" in a HIV-positive person. It had help being harvested from different mutations of different lineages, different parts of the world.

Superb answer, for those not literate in the basic's virus to not mate so there is no natural way for these mutations from different strains to have appeared in a new strain, any new natural strain would only have evolved from one of the previous mutational strains and there is no biological mechanism by which a new strain would have the mutations from several separate previous strains, the only viable way it could have appeared is as you point out by the new mutations being harvested then spliced to create a new strain combining the mutations of these completely separate strains, in my humble opinion that is in fact damning evidence indicating deliberate engineering in a laboratory.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 12:43 PM
you aint see nothing yet! you think we already reached the top????
fools !...this is just the start of many many years of stuggeling with virusses ..
the modern humans are becouse of the fabulus medical world only moore infectiv for diseaces ...
just look at the resistance of anti-biotics for example
how many of us are only still living in overtime becourse the medicaments they use...
its now pay-day to mother nature ....
wat goes up for rabbits and lemmings humanity will pay there price to...!!

a reply to: Wide-Eyes

edit on 26-11-2021 by ressiv because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 12:55 PM
I don't believe it. Someone somewhere is lying.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 01:41 PM
Those behind the "killer virus" agenda just love to pass time trying to scare the people to dead soo people lose interest on having time spend with the loves ones during the holidays.

Wow, people looks like they have not learned how things are been played.

All the variants out there and not a single new jab is been made to take care of them, we never got the "delta" variant version of the jab, is been nothing but the same crap been injected from day one

If pharma and CDC and WHO are not pushing for new variants jabs is because is all a lie.

But darn you better get what the jab have in it, because that is what they want on you, but the scaremongering still helps.

Soo predictable it makes all this agencies look like idiots.
edit on 26-11-2021 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 01:59 PM
Am dumb and don't know anything, so in the regular tradition, will make some totally unscientific, baseless predictions :

New super-duper incredibly scary voodoo variant arrives in Europe, and has nothing to do with the riots ;
It will be amazingly super-duper dangerous for children, and has nothing to do with childhood Vaxx™ ;
Boosters will be urgently necessary for the Jabbed™, no time to doubt it now...

Just guessing though, based on the totality of my knowledge, which amounts to nothin... LoL !!

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Nothin

Hum, a new killer variant will help governments stop the protest, riots and complains, after all for the safety of the people jabed or not, boosted or not, the government will implement more draconian measures, rules, mandates and who knows even laws will be made this time.

They are in charge and by god we better listen.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: marg6043

It's like watching a really crappy B-movie, where you can guess what will happen, before it happens.

The old Totalitarian-Tip-Toe™ : just one little step at time.
So subtle that most never even notice.
Nobody asking, as we hurtle towards more Lockdowns™, and eventually Marshal-Law™ : where are the honest debates ?

Let's hope that some will start to notice, and some momentum will begin to grow...

But am still considering that we are being massively distracted, while TPTSB™ are always 3 moves ahead of us on the ole chess-board.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Nothin

I think by now most people jabbed or not are starting to see that is a big agenda behind the covid scaremongering and is nothing good coming out of it.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: Nothin
a reply to: marg6043

It's like watching a really crappy B-movie, where you can guess what will happen, before it happens.

The old Totalitarian-Tip-Toe™ : just one little step at time.
So subtle that most never even notice.
Nobody asking, as we hurtle towards more Lockdowns™, and eventually Marshal-Law™ : where are the honest debates ?

Let's hope that some will start to notice, and some momentum will begin to grow...

But am still considering that we are being massively distracted, while TPTSB™ are always 3 moves ahead of us on the ole chess-board.


Remember questioning Fauci is like questioning science! You are literally not allowed to debate any of this or Twitter, fb etc will just outright ban, remove your ability to be shared or place big misleading labels on anything not in line.

Clearly tactics like that need to be employed when things are working as intended and all is well.. right? They wouldn't use those tactics because it was the opposite..

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