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Covid: Is a horrible variant coming?

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posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 04:38 PM
there is one case in Belgium now, Swiss already closed their borders for us. A woman who was in Egypt. They think she caught it there.

if she caught it in Africa then it seems there was an incubation time of roughly 11 days.... if that is true the mutation can be anywhere by now.

They say in our media it could be the most contagious virus we encountered so far.... propaganda? Fear mongering? or real?
edit on 26-11-2021 by KindraLabelle2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 04:38 PM
Bringing this from the thread that was just closed.

a reply to: puzzled2
a reply to: Byrd

The WHO made the announcement about the B.1.1.529 variant out of Johannesburg, South Africa, passing over a letter many observers presumed would be next — “Nu” — as well as the subsequent letter, “Xi,” which composes part of Chinese leader Xi Jinping‘s name.

To date, “Nu” and “Xi” are the only letters the WHO has opted against using. Officials didn’t provide an explanation, though the organization has been famously sensitive about expressing deference toward China, where Covid-19 began the province of Wuhan.

It all makes sense to me now why they went with Omicron instead of Nu. Nu is an ethnic group in China.
edit on 26 11 2021 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: zandra

Heard on the "news" today (misinformation MSM), that this "new variant" was up to HUNDREDS of times more infectious than Delta. They are not going to stop with this garbage, this plandemic is going just as planned. When one variant stops, introduce anther more dangerous, scary and infectious variant, rinse and repeat.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: tamusan
Bringing this from the thread that was just closed.

a reply to: puzzled2
a reply to: Byrd

The WHO made the announcement about the B.1.1.529 variant out of Johannesburg, South Africa, passing over a letter many observers presumed would be next — “Nu” — as well as the subsequent letter, “Xi,” which composes part of Chinese leader Xi Jinping‘s name.

To date, “Nu” and “Xi” are the only letters the WHO has opted against using. Officials didn’t provide an explanation, though the organization has been famously sensitive about expressing deference toward China, where Covid-19 began the province of Wuhan.

It all makes sense to me now why they went with Omicron instead of Nu. Nu is an ethnic group in China.

It's also a homonym for the English word, "new."

And that makes it quite problematical since one of the global languages is English. "Nu Covid variant" sounds like "new covid variant."

Has nothing to do with the Chinese, but rather to do with English being one of the international languages.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Byrd

You're probably right, but I don't see the significance for a new covid variant to sound like a new covid variant.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: panoz77
a reply to: zandra

Heard on the "news" today (misinformation MSM), that this "new variant" was up to HUNDREDS of times more infectious than Delta. They are not going to stop with this garbage, this plandemic is going just as planned. When one variant stops, introduce anther more dangerous, scary and infectious variant, rinse and repeat.

Or just outright lie about all of it.

Anything at all costs.

May the gang looters catch it first.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: Byrd

You're probably right, but I don't see the significance for a new covid variant to sound like a new covid variant.

Becomes problematic when the variant after Omicron shows up. As in "The new covid variant from India" versus The Nu covid variant".

And then there's the whole silly "The new covid variant Nu" bit.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 05:47 PM

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: zandra
Let's hope not for now. But sooner or later it will come. Whether variants are stimulated by vaccinations or vice versa. Who are we to know that, when so many scientists contradict each other. Aside: what strikes me. Fauci says that with a high vaccination coverage, variants are be giving few chances. Others say the opposite. The language used against Dr Fauci is becoming more and more hateful. Fauci maybe allready is able to sue for defamation. But he won't do this, although I very much hope he will. A trial would give us the chance to know what is really happening. ine

To make myself clear: I am anti Fauci. I think only a trial could bring us the truth.

I would consider this fear mongering. "Variants" are almost always invariably weaker than the original, progressively so.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: halfoldman
From South Africa: yip, it's here.

UK and Germany already banned direct flights to SA and 5 other southern African countries.

Completely blows the credibility of the news report by leading with the alarmist charlatan and self-promoting Eric Feigl-Ding.

ffs, find better sources, @dw

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 06:08 PM
Wow we truly as humanity are in the hands and mercy of some kind of despicable agenda that to tell the truth people is starting to smell the rat and is about to raise up find it and start killing it.

Or perhaps those behind this agenda is waiting just for that.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 06:14 PM
The new "killer variant" is soo dangerous that the senile crap in the white house is restricting travel to Africa, but does any body have heard anything about the open borders in the US?, hell not you know why? because is a hoax.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:06 PM
Is it a new variant…or was it discovered back in July according to this article?

Is this an error on the date?

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: zandra
Let's hope not for now.

Lets hope not forever

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:18 PM

Both Pfizer and Moderna have already assured that they will be able to update their vaccine technology to tackle Omicron, should it be necessary. sour ce here

bold by me.

Update their vaccine technology? I found this.

If a new vaccine against B.1.1.529 can be produced that fast, we might expect it to become available by the end of February. But is that really feasible?

HAHAHA A NEW vaccine? Seriously? A new one? In addition to the other ones people have taken?


And do you need to take previous covid 19 vaccines + the new variant vaccines or is it a HUGE MEGA concoction of chemicals to combat ALL the variants?

edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: shaemac

Pharma in their greed have created a mess and have no way to end it but to keep perpetuating the lies, after all profits over step any decency or honesty, the hell with the commoners we are nothing but cattle to them, they will make sure the government will force us to anything pharma wants.

New technology jab and you will require 3 jabs this time before the boosters

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:23 PM
This is what some of the humans of Earth will look like after all the various non-vaccine injections are taken for all the man made covid variants being put out there by the evil Faucis of the world.

JUST. ONE. MORE.......

Good luck!

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:34 PM

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: shaemac

thats not really a Goyim or an Elemental... they got leathery skin not scraggly hair tufts... but the threat is real enough

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:50 PM

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