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Covid: Is a horrible variant coming?

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posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

You never know, we may have a version of the jab in the water system to make sure everybody will get it, just like fluoride.
Is all for the good of humanity or whatever we resemble by then.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: xuenchen

You never know, we may have a version of the jab in the water system to make sure everybody will get it, just like fluoride.
Is all for the good of humanity or whatever we resemble by then.

Read the End Of the Whole Mess by Stephen KIng is basically chronicles something like that...

This is just another BS variant that will have more cases but be less lethal and/or severe. but if it isn't we are likely screwed 6 days a week and twice on Sundays.

and at the very least it gets them closer to a lockdown in November for the polls... if that happens there goes my family business that's hanging on the brink as it. Lol as my stepdaughter used to say when we wouldn't let her do A,B,C
she would crow F my L.

edit on 26-11-2021 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: zandra

Covid Vaccines are more deadly than Covid variants, for those who are relatively healthy.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: SuperDuperCranium

Timing is everything. You gotta drop the fear porn right after people start to feel comfortable again. Happy Thanksgiving, or should I say Last Supper?

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:57 PM
The wonderful miracle Trump vaccine should solve the problems! It is killing people off like crazy, but maybe they are just Liberals! Trump must have known that his wonderful miracle vaccine would not kill off conservatives and patriots, so we can be proud of the vaccine just like Trump is! But now children are being forced the vaccine, so they will die but maybe Trump knows that this is what we need to make America great again and have so MUCH WINNING!

I love Trump and his vaccine! I love all of the winning he promised us! God bless Trump!

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Whatever hurts Democrats at election time, I'm 130% in favor of it.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: zandra

There are NO dangerous variants incoming, according to the CDC.

See here:

Any individual, media, or medical person who says there is, is simply wrong.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:15 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: carewemust

This new scaremongering was soo predictable, the flu is now the new covid killer. I can not wait what is coming next.

It most be epic or such a propaganda would not be in full gear now.

Something most be cooking with the globalist and their agenda this days.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: zandra

There are NO dangerous variants incoming, according to the CDC.

See here:

Any individual, media, or medical person who says there is, is simply wrong.

EXCEPT...for the one I spoke about earlier in this thread.'s not a virus, rather more of a social issue and far more serious!

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:17 PM
My 2 cents on this whole matter...

Edit: for those maybe unfamiliar, look up wu-tang forever for posterity.
edit on 21Fri, 26 Nov 2021 21:18:30 -0600pmvAmerica/ChicagoFridayb202111America/Chicago by Gravelbone because: Reference

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I will find your post.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: marg6043

If hell comes to America while Biden is President and Democrats are destroyed, i couldnt be happier.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: zandra

Is a horrible variant coming?

Yes, probably, but it is likely not what we expect (or anywhere even close).

The variant that is coming isn't a virus, but it is the direct result of one.

Imagine a world where there are two (2) types of people, and ONLY two types of people. There are:

1.) Those who have natural immunity to covid, and

2.) Those who are dependent on endless booster 'vaccines' to remain alive.

How long do you think it will be before the people in the 2nd group get really angry and start asking really hard questions? How long will it be before the people in the 2nd group rise up against either the people in the 1st group, or their masters to whom they are now wholly dependent?

There's an old saying..."Desperate people will do desperate things when you take hope away"

If there are any significant numbers of people in Group #1 above (if they are allowed to exist), then it will not be long before the people in Group #2 create a 'variant' called Chaos and Anarchy on a Global Scale.

Because, after all, people with nothing to lose are truly 'desperate' indeed!

THAT is the more horrible 'variant' which is likely coming.

I want that second group to get really sick with a variety of illnesses, and then take out their anger on the callous, greedy, evil leaders in our country.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:35 PM
I first seen this last year and did not really think anything remotely like it could happen and brushed it off as a larp.
a year later and a second glance and I'm not as confident it is totally a larp
just add 12 months to the dates.

This is Covid-21,' Belgium PM declares as Omicron variant hits

edit on 26-11-2021 by oddnutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:18 PM
Guys, this variant is the excuse big pharma is going to use to explain why soo many people are dying after taking the jabs including young people.

See is the variant dummy, that is why people are dying.

Is a hoax, big pharma and all those lap dogs governments including our own is trying to cover up the increased numbers of dead by vaccine all over the world.

Soo this killers needs a scapegoat and it seems puppy killer factious fauci is not going down for this, soo a new variant will be the right choice.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:34 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
Guys, this variant is the excuse big pharma is going to use to explain why soo many people are dying after taking the jabs including young people.

See is the variant dummy, that is why people are dying.

Is a hoax, big pharma and all those lap dogs governments including our own is trying to cover up the increased numbers of dead by vaccine all over the world.

Soo this killers needs a scapegoat and it seems puppy killer factious fauci is not going down for this, soo a new variant will be the right choice.

I do not even believe this is a variant.
I simply don't believe it. I believe it is all just made up.

The other day, word got out about how well Africa was doing with such low covid rates....I believe because they take ivermectin and other medications in the region. Then *BOOM* out of nowhere this brand new variant that is on a seek and destroy mission to wipe out the world.

Bryson Gray on Twitter

Interesting how Africa was doing so well then out of nowhere…there’s a pandemic

The impact of COVID-19 has been lower in Africa. We explore the reasons

There’s been an increase in COVID-19 deaths across Africa since mid-July 2021. But the impact of the pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa remains markedly lower compared to the Americas, Europe and Asia.

Why is There Low Morbidity and Mortality of COVID-19 in Africa?

Coronavirus in Africa: Five reasons why Covid-19 has been less deadly than elsewhere

THIS IS ALL MANUFACTURED FEAR PROPAGANDA I do not believe this Omicron variant actually exists.
edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: shaemac

I agree, it is manufactured propaganda and by now people should be very concern about what is going on and were this heading, because the real agenda is worst that the darn corona cold virus called covid itself.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:45 PM
Posted by the Botswana Government
Botswana Government
3:48 AM · Nov 26, 2021


posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: shaemac

Interestingly with soo many variants is not even an available covid testing to see which variant somebody have, because lets face it covid is covid and symptoms are supposed to be the same regardless of what name is given at the time of contagion.

But it seems big pharma, CDC and WHO wants to tag the covid with many names to make people more scare of what they will be getting the next time they have a runny nose and cough.

Since when having a cold was a dangerous thing, oops since we now named our common corona virus covid.

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