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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

There is zero doubt from me that Bob Dole was a selfish prick of a RINO. He had lots of chances to take out Clinton and passed at every opportunity just like the current Senate minority leader. They talk smack and then slink away in defeat as if they were unable to back up that smack talk. Unwilling is a better word. They are both sides fully in on this. But for Ron Paul, Ted Cruz, in particular and others coming up now, I would be leaving all my bottles of Hopium beer on the wall. Why pass it around if there is no hope? I'm gonna hoard it all and byatch about what could have been.

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I realized years ago that Dole was a throwaway candidate, and the GOP never seriously attempted to win that election.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

This^^ Dole had absolutely no chance to win and even though I was young (My First Election I could vote) I remember the lack of support. It's my opinion that this is once again "the illusion of choice". Still interested to see how this plays out and if Dole was a good guy or bad guy.

Anyone that had been part of the system that long had to have a vast knowledge of the crap going on and right away is suspect to me. I think it is obvious if you want to stay alive you play the game and Dole was old enough that he had to have played the game for a long time or they would have gotten rid of him, unless he was under deep deep cover

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

I'd say it was typical as a life story in some ways.

Dole was a courageous young man in uniform, and paid an awful lifelong price for his display of courage and loyalty to other men in his unit.

Beyond the war, though, like everyone else, he had to make it in the world. Perhaps in many aspects, he retained some of his former rectitude. But it seems unlikely he retained it completely with the length of time he was part of the U.S. political system.

I respect him for his war service. As to the rest of what he did in his life, I don't know and will leave it at that.


posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Interesting, RockQueen... I'd not heard of the Ark of Gabriel before!

I wonder if the other Archangels each have an Ark?

However, views differ on just how many Archangels there are; from 3 to 10... but all seem to include:

Gabriel - guardian of Israel:
a) appeared to Daniel and to the Virgin Mary,
b) appears in Book of Enoch,
c) may be Noah once he ascended to heaven,
d) So that hits at least 3 hot religious markers for anons!

Michael - chief of the angels and archangels and responsible for the care and defense of Israel:
a) mentioned explicitly in Revelation 12:7-12, where he does battle with Satan: looks like a MIRROR of December 7th to me... tomorrow!
b) appears in Book of Enoch,
c) appears in last chapters of book of Daniel

Raphael - Christian tradition identified him with healing and as the angel who stirred waters in the Pool of Bethesda in John 5:2-4
a) appears in book of Enoch,
b) stands eternally with a trumpet to his lips, ready to announce the Day of Resurrection,
c) translates to "God heals"

All 3:

appeared to Abraham in the oak grove of Mamre in the region of Hebron; Michael, as the greatest, walked in the middle, with Gabriel to his right and Raphael to his left. Each was commanded to carry out a specific mission, Gabriel to destroy Sodom, Michael to inform Sarah that she would give birth to Isaac, Raphael to heal Abraham from his recent circumcision and save Lot.

I wonder if one could interpret each as a different aspect of a single Archangel? There appears to be a lot of overlap in Michael and Gabriel in particular!

Some interesting post MAP statistics:
a) Prayer appears 17 times,
b) Michael appears in text 33 times but never in relation to St. Michael, which only appears once in an Anon post that is replied to!
c) Gabriel does NOT appear in post MAP text,
d) Raphael does NOT appear in post MAP text.
e) St Michael the Archangel prayer appears in 1 post:
#109 in reply to Anon's post of prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

Is this Mandela effect? I was sure the St Michael prayer had appeared multiple times.

The Armor of God appears 13 times, of which only 9 are the full Armor of God prayer, from Ephesians 6:10-18.

edit on 6-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 12:40 PM
I have more to add now about our Anime covid guy. The timing is now really suspect to me.

Peter McGinn, 30, who is fully vaccinated and received a booster shot, said he went out following the Anime NYC 2021 event at the Javits Center last month to a bar with several other vaccinated attendees, half of whom have since tested positive for the virus, ABC News reported.
Link So first off he and others attending had to be vaccinated to go to the convention. Second off there is this bit.

State health employees conducted genetic sequencing on his sample and informed him on Dec. 1 that he was one of the first cases in the US of the new variant.

“I’m essentially patient zero,” McGinn told the New York Times.

He said he recovered quickly from the illness — which he attributes to being fully vaccinated and receiving a booster shot.

“A lot of it was just like, ‘See, vaccines don’t work.’ But in my opinion, they absolutely work because they reduce the amount of people who are in the hospital,” he told the Star Tribune. “You might still get COVID, but it reduces the symptoms based off my experience.”

So lets backtrack a bit on this. HE IS THE FIRST IN THE US? Then what about the people who he was with? Or this?

McGinn said after returning to Minneapolis from the trip, he learned that a friend with whom he had attended the convention contracted the virus.
SO what is the deal here? He is the first omnicron? I would love to know what vaccine he took. This newest wave seems to either be quite selective in who it affects or it is a lazy psy-op.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 12:41 PM
Something very odd appears to be happening with the SILVER trading market... it iss stuck within a half dollar range for 4 days:



Is this White Hats keeping value down so that the cabal lose money shorting on delivery contracts? Interesting price to stop at $22/Oz

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Ahhh, the Archangels...energies and frequencies. I shall have to come back and post some more, but as irony has it, I am about to jump on a class with my students at 7pm GMT to introduce them to Archangel Melkizadek energies! We've spent the last 9 weeks introducing them to the other 9 major Archangels


posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 01:14 PM

How many woke retards even realize Der Ursula is Merkle's toadie, Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum and she is a direct descendant of a ruling bloodline of a slave plantation owner in Virginia who went to school under alias using the British slave owner surname to hide her real German nobility evil family and their ties to Rockefeller eugenics agenda.💣 And her husband is involved with woke Gene therapy at a biotech company called Orgenesis, headquartered in Germantown, MD in Montgomery county; the wealthiest county in America and just 25 minutes north of CIA headquarters.

Germantown is MEGA huge deep state territory concerning weaponization of just about anything you can can imagine and not capable of imagining, and is especially a hotzone for bio-tech and alot of Q-clearance only facilities. Germantown is featured in several episodes of The X-Files, concerning bio-medical research; in real life.

During the 1970s, Wernher von Braun, worked for the aerospace company Fairchild Industries, which had offices in Germantown, as its vice president for Engineering and Development.

Every 20th century bio-tech company to spoopy new age bio-tech start-up company is jumping on the Covid Vax/Gene Therapy money train...

Orgenesis Pipeline - It's all about genetics, eugenetics, epigenetics, and euphenics.

In December 2020, von der Leyen was awarded the Global Citizen Prize for World Leader.

In 2019 and again in 2020, Forbes listed her as the fourth most powerful woman in the world. She reminds me of that totalitarian witch straight outta Hunger Games.

BTW, she has something in common with Joe...Plagiarism.

This is one of the more lucid examples of such criticism:

@Lucid sheep. Because they will always tell you before they remove your rights.

Paul Weston - EU President Ursula von der Leyen Resurrects Fascism In Europe:

It’s Only The Nuremberg Code

So to that special grade of morons who think freedom of choice is no big deal when it’s the issue of “the greater good” at stake I give you Mark Nolan’s assessment of the issue to date:

And only one chance to live it

It's only a mask, they said.

It's only three weeks to flatten the curve, they said.

It’s only until Easter.

It’s only until summer, it’s only until winter.

It’s only Joe Wickes, Netflix, podcasts and Zoom drinks parties at 5 in the afternoon.

It's only a restaurant, a pub, a museum, an art gallery, a library.

It's only a school, it's only children.

It's only an office, it's only an office party.

It's only a school nativity, a sports day.

It's only the vulnerable.

It's only one injection.

It's only two, it's only three.

It's only furlough.

It’s only borrowing, it's only half a trillion.

It's only mental health, it's only cancer, dementia, heart disease, Type II diabetes.

It's only a lump, it's only a bad back, it's only a headache.

It’s only a funeral.

It's only Christmas.
Except, it’s only one life.

And only one chance to live it.

And remember: It’s Only The Nuremberg Code. It was written by a bunch of old white men. Just like our Constitution. Therefore it must be cancelled. For the greater good.

EU chief Ursula von Der Leyen calls for dispensing with the Nuremberg Code and making vaccination mandatory across Europe. Oh, BTW, here's Ursula with PFIZER CEO, Albert Bourla.

Remember some of the most evil, heinous one's of the Nazi vax experiments were women!!

edit on 6-12-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 02:31 PM

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 03:30 PM
So much happening under the radar in 2019 before the plandemic was green lighted.
The CDC Foundation, which I was not aware even existed, was wrapped on the knuckles by congress because of their lack of transparency. Just imagine listing some of the donors as anonymous and their donations/bribes with no exact $ amounts.
I took some time to check on the list and there is the Gates Foundation who already had contributed $100 million to the NIH Foundation. They just couldn't give enough to the cause.

A few other contributors Rothchild Revocable Trust, Rockefeller Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, UBS, Vanguard, Qatar National Research Fund???, Bristol-Myers Squib, Pfizer donations under 3 different entities, And the CDC FOUNDATION ???, The CDC Foundation must be where the anonymous were lumped.

Now compare this list to the 2020 groups.
A. Pfizer, J&J, Merck, Glaxo Smith Kline, Bristol Myer Squib, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Biogen, Amgen.

B. Facebook, Google, Microsoft, IBM,.

C. Walmart, Disney.

D. CNN/TimeWarner, Turner Broadcasting, True North Communications. Thomson Reuters, World Health Communication.

E. The Bank of Commerce...Canada?

F. The Clorox Company, P&G.

How can the CDC possibly operate independently when the donations to their foundation are the ones who have benefited the most from the plandemic. It has all of the appearances of the pay to play handbook of Hillary. This foundation is not a government agency or a division of the CDC.
The lack of transparency is all over this, foundations who have unknown donors are donating to the CDC Foundation.

An addition to the list of resignations:
Paula Jasina CFO of the CDC Foundation. Replaced by Nedra Jones.>chief-financial-officer>content article>us-lawmakers...

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:01 PM
The curious case of AB SCIEX.

Reviewing the list of donors to the CDC Foundation it is all listed in alphabetical order until the very end when this company is added.
They are a global leader in life science analytical technology.
Going to their web site they list the various emergency grants available relating to C-19 and I read through them. Quite a bit of detail when reviewing the NIAID grants but this...this...

Evaluate the potential of enhanced disease after the vaccination. < Rapid Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 [Sars-CoV-2] and Coronavirus Disease 2019.

Also develop a model for immunity to the Covid infection or vaccination.

Supports what most of us already suspect.
Another change that could be something or not category. Inese Lowenstein President of SCIEX replaced by Joe Fox. April 1, 2021. She still remains with the company but change is change.>education>grant-support>covid-19...>news>sciex_a...

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
Love that. Jokers to the left, clowns to the right and is she the one stuck in the middle?

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:14 PM
Santi Anita? I think that is the track where $millions$ in horses have died or been put down the last 18 months or so. Insurance agents are probably crawling all over the place. They are gonna need Columbo, and he was fictional.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Another Pfizer casualty...

...To kill the spirit.

edit on 6-12-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:22 PM
I was remiss for not noting his sacrifices for our freedoms. Some of those guys like McCain were not the ideal POW but they threw him up at us to give him permission to spread the narrative that was CCP/Marxist friendly. Dole never betrayed his fellow soldiers as I do feel no name did. Dole folded like a card table though on several occasions and it took Ron Paul switching from Libertarian for me to give the R's a chance after leaving the D's. I worked for a Dem Gov candidate one summer and I was not going to the R's willingly. The D's left me as Reagan stated.

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

I'd say it was typical as a life story in some ways.

Dole was a courageous young man in uniform, and paid an awful lifelong price for his display of courage and loyalty to other men in his unit.

Beyond the war, though, like everyone else, he had to make it in the world. Perhaps in many aspects, he retained some of his former rectitude. But it seems unlikely he retained it completely with the length of time he was part of the U.S. political system.

I respect him for his war service. As to the rest of what he did in his life, I don't know and will leave it at that.


posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

It's a really, really big club...

Eugenics and Population Control Blueprint

Gotta luv it when you're researching a strange cryptic topic, and land on a German blog, which points you back to ATS. Kek!

The mystery

After Ralf’s hint, I watched this movie. I ignored the main part of it and only looked at the end credits. In fact, I saw that some of the letters were marked. According to the web site AboveTopSecret, the marked letters form the following sequence:


The question mark is included because the fourth letter of the sequence is not visible (see below).

Revisited: The Fair Game Code

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Ahhh, the Archangels...energies and frequencies. I shall have to come back and post some more, but as irony has it, I am about to jump on a class with my students at 7pm GMT to introduce them to Archangel Melkizadek energies! We've spent the last 9 weeks introducing them to the other 9 major Archangels


Yeshua is a Melkizadek is what I have been told by a few scholars. Something about Jesus/Yeshua being in the center of the tree of life was something I picked up that seems to fit.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
I was remiss for not noting his sacrifices for our freedoms. Some of those guys like McCain were not the ideal POW but they threw him up at us to give him permission to spread the narrative that was CCP/Marxist friendly. Dole never betrayed his fellow soldiers as I do feel no name did. Dole folded like a card table though on several occasions and it took Ron Paul switching from Libertarian for me to give the R's a chance after leaving the D's. I worked for a Dem Gov candidate one summer and I was not going to the R's willingly. The D's left me as Reagan stated.

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

I'd say it was typical as a life story in some ways.

Dole was a courageous young man in uniform, and paid an awful lifelong price for his display of courage and loyalty to other men in his unit.

Beyond the war, though, like everyone else, he had to make it in the world. Perhaps in many aspects, he retained some of his former rectitude. But it seems unlikely he retained it completely with the length of time he was part of the U.S. political system.

I respect him for his war service. As to the rest of what he did in his life, I don't know and will leave it at that.


I, like many Republicans, and freedom loving people in general, was deeply disappointed in much of his political career, and said so.

I just don't feel the need to dwell on that right now.

He also had MANY significant accomplishments that are often overlooked, since he never wanted credit for anything.

I don't want to dwell on that right now either.

Bob Dole, the God fearing, family loving, lifelong honorable patriot, the human being, took the time to have a 10-15 minute deeply personal and brutally honest discussion with an obnoxious 15 year old democrat activist that had crashed his friend's party.

A conversation that eventually had a profound effect on that kid's life. My life.

After watching from afar how he lived up to his words.

THAT is the Bob Dole I choose to celebrate today.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:36 PM
More evidence of upfront planning by Fauci et al. Just amazing timing.

Infectious Disease Rapid Reserve Fund was established in 2019.

"This was a step towards assuring federal resources could be quickly mobilized to enable outbreak response."

We did have a dormant Public Health Emergency Fund from 1983 and nothing was done with it even during the previous public health events such as Ebola, Zika or Sars but just look at this timing, right before the plandemic was a go this detail was tidied up.

The director of the CDC could access these funds just at the right moment. There would not have been enough play $ without having to go through the tiresome and lengthy time that is normally required to get anything done at all. After all an emergency was planned and what a great way to assume control quickly without any balances or checks in place.
Once the health emergency was declared they had access and complete control of the narrative.>blogs>congress-blog>healthcare>view

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
That is a huge group. Funny I have found the same thing with sometimes ATS at the top of the search.
Last night was really frustrating. President Trump part 2 interview was on Levin. The jamming was so severe that we could not see or hear what he had to say. Got worse when I imagine he was saying something really relevant.

We checked CNN and it was slightly interfered with but miraculously the commercials were all as clear as a bell. Hung in through the entire interview and when it was done everything returned to normal. I guess we knew that they would do everything possible to censor him.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

EtMN, from your Forbes' World's 100 most powerful women link, it is very telling that Queen Elizabeth II is down in #46th position!

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