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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:47 PM
GOP Rep. Devin Nunes resigns from Congress to become CEO of Trump’s media company

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., will resign from Congress to become chief executive officer of former President Donald Trump’s fledgling social media company next month, the group said Monday.
Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, will start as CEO of Trump Media & Technology Group, or TMTG, in January.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:59 PM
Thank you for that. It certainly helps to hear someone who had a chance to meet him. I met Elvis one time when I was 9 or 10 and my mom used it to make her introduction to him. The thing I got from it was how genuine and truly nice he was in person. You can't forget stuff like that. I don't know anyone who knew Dole and it does speak well for him that you feel that way.

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood

originally posted by: Justoneman
I was remiss for not noting his sacrifices for our freedoms. Some of those guys like McCain were not the ideal POW but they threw him up at us to give him permission to spread the narrative that was CCP/Marxist friendly. Dole never betrayed his fellow soldiers as I do feel no name did. Dole folded like a card table though on several occasions and it took Ron Paul switching from Libertarian for me to give the R's a chance after leaving the D's. I worked for a Dem Gov candidate one summer and I was not going to the R's willingly. The D's left me as Reagan stated.

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

I'd say it was typical as a life story in some ways.

Dole was a courageous young man in uniform, and paid an awful lifelong price for his display of courage and loyalty to other men in his unit.

Beyond the war, though, like everyone else, he had to make it in the world. Perhaps in many aspects, he retained some of his former rectitude. But it seems unlikely he retained it completely with the length of time he was part of the U.S. political system.

I respect him for his war service. As to the rest of what he did in his life, I don't know and will leave it at that.


I, like many Republicans, and freedom loving people in general, was deeply disappointed in much of his political career, and said so.

I just don't feel the need to dwell on that right now.

He also had MANY significant accomplishments that are often overlooked, since he never wanted credit for anything.

I don't want to dwell on that right now either.

Bob Dole, the God fearing, family loving, lifelong honorable patriot, the human being, took the time to have a 10-15 minute deeply personal and brutally honest discussion with an obnoxious 15 year old democrat activist that had crashed his friend's party.

A conversation that eventually had a profound effect on that kid's life. My life.

After watching from afar how he lived up to his words.

THAT is the Bob Dole I choose to celebrate today.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

RockQueen, we are expecting that only about 5 people in congress will escape charges when the HAMMER comes down.

It strikes me that, if White Hats wanted to arrest all at once, then they would ensure the 5 "innocents" were removed prior to sending the Marines in?

Is Devin Nunes the first of the five to be safely removed? I think not because:
a) Mark Meadows was removed when he became POTUS45s Chief of Staff?
b) Jeff Sessions was removed when he became Attorney General?
c) Mike Pompeo was removed from the House when he became CIA director and then Sec. of State?

Which would leave only 1?

Let's align the "trustworthy" with the post MAP:

TRUST KANSAS in 2 posts
TRUST (name) in 1 post

I would argue that "TRUST (name)" is Devin Nunes.
I would therefore argue that Sen. GRASSLEY is the 5th and that he will leave the SENATE to become interim President; therefore the Marines cannot move on Congress until that happens?

Also, for reference:
TRUST WRAY in 3 posts
TRUST HUBER in 1 post

TRUST YOURSELF in 21 posts
TRUST THE PLAN in 27 posts

ETA - Does it not strike you as odd that Dan Scavino is not to head up the new media company? After all, he's been the White House media and communications director for 4 years?

May be Devin Nunes gets the "Head of Start Up" role, and Scavino gets the Chief Operating Officer role?

edit on 6-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

The funniest part (in my mind anyway) is that I was completely brainwashed into hating him and everything he stood for at the time, and saying I was 'obnoxious' is just being polite.

That memory haunted me for years before I began to understand.

And then realize.

Thank you Mr. Dole.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 06:26 PM
Jussie testified today, and tomorrow. It is a train wreck of epic proportions. HERE for some quick hits.

This is the case of Victim must be Victim and cannot get around it. There is no way out in a Polarity Reality, so Jussie must double down no matter what and see if he can cross the "I am the real real victim" line somehow.

In doing so he looks like a nut, which, mark my words, some (like The View type folks) will claim Jussie is a wonderful human being, but clearly has mental problems and needs help, not jail. When this happens, remember this...

Probable reality: Jussie did a bad bad thing, a real bad thing, and has to fall on his sword.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

EtMN, from your Forbes' World's 100 most powerful women link, it is very telling that Queen Elizabeth II is down in #46th position!

On her way out, new blood taking over. Yes, on the surface that is very telling. However, keyword being their definition of 'powerful' like how google says the most 'powerful' doctor in the world is Bill Gates.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 07:01 PM
262 days between faked falls.

Odd he was leaving "lesbos" instead of "mykonos"

Last time he was in lesbos was 4-17-2016 and he stole some folks Pope Francis Takes 12 Refugees Back to Vatican After Trip to Greece

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

It looks like to me that Nunes is #4…….

I do see what you’re saying about Scavino being the CEO of Trump Media however if I were Trump I’d keep him as close as possible since he is so trusted….especially if I knew I’d be taking office again soon.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I had read about the Ark of Gabriel a while back but didn't realize there was such a thing before reading that it had been moved. It was odd because I saw it on tgram then came here to post it and saw your post about Antarctica so I took that as my ku to link it to your post.

I do hope Jane comes back and gives us more info!

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 07:51 PM
Memers, man your battlestations

Dail y Mail

This guy always struck me as non-human...

Up next in the Omicron Dance Party...Pandemic of the Unboosted has arrived...

They already changed the headline!!🤡🌎🤪🤣😂

The Atlantic Clowns

La Joya, Texas Tactical Marine Units blast Ride of the Valkyries

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 08:41 PM
You guys are on fire tonight. Anyone familiar with commercial air traffic? I've been watching this commercial flight, UAL2082. Kind of picked at random.


Is it normal for a flight to be delayed because you flew all the way from Florida, circled near Richmond (twice), circled over Annapolis (big circle), fly back south to Richmond, then fly back north to Dulles for your landing? Seems to not be very cost effective.

Actually it looks like several are doing it.

AAL545 circled Fort AP Hill 5 times.

AAL1721 circled Fort AP Hill 5 times.

JBU2424 circled Fort AP Hill 3 times.
edit on 12/6/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 08:44 PM
GMax's job was to engage underage girls who had no training in massage or bodywork at all to give JE massages? And others. And this seems normal to some people, because, well, all "socialites" who drive subs, are residents of a micro nations, save the oceans, meet the pope/queen and give George Clooney the business, do such things.

The underpinnings of this are so beyond reason I find it funny that no one sees the most obvious thing: No one casts massage/body work girls who have no experience for YEARS because massage people are hard to find.

That said I knew this Hippo article was related to Maxwell...

Conclusion, Gmax isn't the focus now, her Sister Is.

Depends what you mean by "love..."

Virtue/Victim Signaling has a downside...

Atlantic Writers worked at Weekly World News and were fired for beings too stupid...

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Still the King of Meme!

Thanks for the laugh Cranky!

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 09:23 PM
Omicron already petering out before it even gets started.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Hi Rel. Here are a couple of links that go along with Antarctica and the Arc of Gabriel plus a forwarded message concerning the bible. I retrieved them all from Nate Burruano

The Ark of Gabriel, Antarctica, Russia and the Apocalypse

Always found that Russian Orthodox Holy Trinity Church in Antarctica as very strange.

This you...

I wonder what sort of "hydrographic campaign" was the Russians on? Also, after the Vladimirsky's previous visit, we then had the visits of Kiril III, Secretary of State John Kerry (at the height of the American presidential election!), and Buzz Aldrin who had to be medically evacuated (so we're told), as his "condition" had "deteriorated."

"We're ready to go to Antarctica! May be our last opportunity to tweet for a few days! We're go for departure to the launchpad!" ― @TheRealBuzz

Maybe Huma knows?

The idea that Islam, entrusted with an ark, as alleged, by God, would then contact infidel Russians to help them move it to Antarctica, is way too much for me.


posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 10:29 PM
Maybe. I’ve been thinking about the end of times a lot. I end up back at the same question; if the government knew the end of the world was coming, would they tell us? The answer is obviously no. So what would they do? How would they control the situation and the narrative? I guarantee there is a plan written down that covers that plan. If they don’t have one, it would be extremely foolish. It would also mean that the entirety of the government is actually atheist. If this plan were to exist, it would and could only exist at the highest classification level. Higher than Q…above top secret.

And what would evil men who don’t worship God do? Align themselves with anyone or anything that they think would allow them to prolong their existence.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Hi Rel. Here are a couple of links that go along with Antarctica and the Arc of Gabriel plus a forwarded message concerning the bible. I retrieved them all from Nate Burruano

The Ark of Gabriel, Antarctica, Russia and the Apocalypse

Always found that Russian Orthodox Holy Trinity Church in Antarctica as very strange.

This you...

I wonder what sort of "hydrographic campaign" was the Russians on? Also, after the Vladimirsky's previous visit, we then had the visits of Kiril III, Secretary of State John Kerry (at the height of the American presidential election!), and Buzz Aldrin who had to be medically evacuated (so we're told), as his "condition" had "deteriorated."

"We're ready to go to Antarctica! May be our last opportunity to tweet for a few days! We're go for departure to the launchpad!" ― @TheRealBuzz

Maybe Huma knows?

The idea that Islam, entrusted with an ark, as alleged, by God, would then contact infidel Russians to help them move it to Antarctica, is way too much for me.


posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 10:37 PM
Adding more to the Antarctica.

So why would these guys be there, of all places, for a meeting seemingly about money, banks etc.? I doubt they were talking about Grand Kids and Golf.

Surely there are more hospitable and easier places to meet at. Except...

So besides being XYZ etc. hidden there, it is neutral territory. So, banking folks meet at a neutral place, now add the XYZ stuff and of course Humans As Currency elements.

Double meanings. Roughly one week after the meeting, will the SEC, Security and Exchange Commission and SEC, security, Conference be reviewed? It has been assumed "dark 10" would mean everything shuts down. I'd contend it simply means for the next ten days, nothing will be said after the meeting about the meeting. Also, eclipse connects see below.

Gold can mean physical gold, but it can also mean Reserve Currency as Fixed, as in something Gold based, but this will be more likely a hybrid of Gold, Digital, and some other Assets that will be fixed for good, no more random Fiat Printing.

Here we have 12 and 12 or 12-12-2021, or, roughly ten days post meeting - assuming the meeting was on or about the first. It also reflects 12-21-2012 mirrored 12-21-2021 which would be the 9 year completion date.

Also, interesting. We have 62 years mirrored at 26 with "19" giving us the start date matching drop number.

Mr Pool posted three pics of an eclipse, and, as luck would have it, the eclipse was awfully nice over Antarctica.

Now to the very esoteriQa aspect of AntarctiQa. Many felt a very strange energy this weekend, lots of stuff happening in the background. I do find this report interesting in light of what is posted above. YMMV depending on POV.
Operation Sol Eclipse – The Great Quantum Transition – Lev

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 10:56 PM
In defense of Robert Kennedy, these things are put together by sycophantic children, and finding guests/money is a pain. But... this is really bad...

Alec Baldwin to Make First Post-Shooting Appearance at NYC Awards Gala

Just days after his first sit-down interview following the Rust shooting, Alec Baldwin is planning his return to public life. He is set to serve as master of ceremonies for NYC’s Ripple of Hope Award Gala on Thursday.

The event, put on by Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, will be hosted by Kerry Kennedy, with Vice President Kamala Harris delivering a virtual keynote address. Stacey Abrams, poet Amanda Gorman, Clearlake Capital Group co-founder José E. Feliciano, Insight Partners managing director Deven Parekh and Verizon chairman and CEO Hans Vestberg will also be honored at the gala, held at New York Hilton Midtown.

And no, it isn't that Jose Feliciano.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: Caled

We are thinking on the same wavelength. The "2012" movie concept keeps popping up in my mind regards to they certainly would not tell any of us. You're not alone on that matter! You betcha they have just such a plan that started in the 50s, major updates in the 80s and post 9/11 who really knows. Very few I'm sure.

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