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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 06:11 PM

A blind man met the world's foremost astronomer. After a few pleasantries the astronomer became enraged. "You sir know nothing of the universe, as you are blind and cannot see what I can see through my telescope." The blind man laughed, as to see consciousness does not require either eyes or a telescope, as it is for all to experience regardless of the senses with which they choose to use in the moment.

Earth is a mirror world, a world where everything is a reflection of what is within. This is an absolute. Everything in our world is a reflection of a reality happening within. We are trained, or more correctly coerced, into seeing the world as outside ourselves. Nothing is out there, everything is in here. One needs to fully accept and understand that truth before one can understand what inversion is.

Inversion can only happen when folks think the world is the opposite of what it is.

If you took everything you were told by the media and inverted it a clearer “truth” would be revealed nearly all of the time. Jabs are safe and effective = they are not. Russia is the world's enemy and China is not = they are not. Republicans want to defund the police = they do not. There is no such thing as widespread voter fraud = there is nothing but voter fraud. We are alone in the universe = we are not. The science is settled = it is not. If those were self evident, why the fuss to convince us through relentless mind control?

So if one were to invert all the inversion would they see the facts as they are? No. This would be impossible at this point because there are inversions of inversions of inversions. One would be just fine if they threw out all of the accepted "truths" at this point and lived in the now as the guide.

Why does this happen? On one level the Controllers are insane, but on an other level it makes things easier on them to control us. The Controllers have this theory that if there is a Source of all things, there must be an anti-source of all things. They figure if they invert the one Truth, there is nothing but Source, they can get to a world they control, a world outside the control of Source. It is a zero sum game, as it requires them to deny the existence of the very thing that gives them existence by using others to prove this, and they must do this at deeper and deeper levels: Endless denial leading to endless frustration because they will never get there.

A note: They may get there, after all that separation stuff, by realizing there is only Source, it is just a very hard way home.

So in many ways the original inversion is there is no Source, which, on earth, means there is Source (creator/god/spirit etc.). They've been building on that inversion since day one, ironically, replacing themselves as Source: so, there is no Source but there are gods, which they self proclaim, so there you have it. They pretend to be the very thing they actually are through a process of comical denial.

Right now we are seeing the collapse of the inversion system. We've reached a point that Casey would have enjoyed if he wasn't a soulless being incapable of emotion. The names we know, the stooges, are without a controlling mechanism at the top, as such they are on their own. They don't get inversion, they only parrot inversion talking points, as they were all selected because they are followers, not leaders. As such, they all look completely crazy now.

The media is the great purveyor of inversion. Sussmann lying to the FBI isn't a crime, but Flynn not lying to the FBI is treason = Inversion. The unvaxxed are a danger to us all, the vaxxed are the issue = Inversion. Trump is destroying our democracy, Trump is exposing the system, showing democracy is a fraud.

You can see the problem. At the moment everyone, and I mean everyone, is trying to fit all the total inversion BS into their worldview and their personal narrative, a world where they get all their information from the inversion factory. They are doing this despite the fact that history, the one they believed was real, is being rewritten right in front of them!

Folks assume, very incorrectly, that the “history” they know and love is the correct history, even though they are seeing an inversion of it happening right before their eyes, which should reveal the other his-story stories are inversions too.

It is a remarkable moment that is making people crazy as they find the world of inversion they grew up in is being inverted again.

There is only one truth: All Is One. Everything else is a fact which is wholly subjective and largely contingent on POV.

Folks count on commonality to communicate with each other. When we all disagree on everything, everything external that is, we loose the ability to communicate. This suits the controllers, as the more divide, the more hate, the most distrust, the more anger, the more frustration, the more confusion, the more Inversion the better – they love it. The controllers want inversions of inversions, it suits them so everything is a lie more or less.

Now, take everything I just said and apply it to CNN, MSNBC, NY Times etc. and tell me how I am wrong, and that this is in fact not their goal. Those people above are ALL arguing talking points they got from tv, talking points that will change in a week.

We are in a maze, where the controllers built the maze, are the exit coaches, and they are lying about the existence of the maze and giving us misleading directions. And we still foolishly think they have our best interest at heart.

The minions we know do the bidding of the unseen controllers… period. The minions are tasked with facilitating the above and are prohibited from doing anything meaningful to benefit humanity, and, believe it or not, they are in the maze to but think they are not.

If they were doing things beneficial they would not be relying Inversion for control.

What does this mean? It means the past is the past and we cannot rely on it as a commonality anymore for starters. But more importantly the reason for this meltdown, just like the The Choice is to force folks to go inside, back to the ultimate truth. That was/is the point.


posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 06:11 PM
Continued from above.

Inversion creates a feeling of confusion, anger, frustration and despair as we endlessly try and navigate the contradictions, dead paths, lies, and ultimately the inevitable failure of the system.

The more we moan about the outside world not looking like we are expecting it to look, the more we are making our own selves crazy by looking through the telescope, the one not required to know the Universe/Source/Ourselves etc., the one built by the controllers to create first Earth Inversion: everything is outside.

The world is about to get even more nuts, as the inversions breakdown. The only way to stay sane is to ignore the malfunctioning Matrix and go within, stay within. How is this done? Well, for starters the controllers have made this idea of self reliance hard due to externalization. We live in a world where a giant vending machine gives us stuff to live when we push a button. Material self reliance is hard, but mental, emotional and spiritual self reliance is easy.

What’s the one thing everyone has access to? Themselves. Since everyone is simply a reflection of Source, they themselves have access to what they need in the moment from within, which, can you see it, is inversion of the controller Source inversion!

So, what does this mean in practicality? A lot of folks say that we can create what we need from just our minds. That’s not entirely true. We live in a 4th Density vibrational space now, using 3rd density trained minds and want a 6th density system of existence while still clinging to a tv watching body made of carbon. No, we’re not creating stuff from our minds anytime soon. But, that does not mean we cannot be in flow, flow with the higher aspects of ourselves guiding us along to what is needed to transcend the Matrix Controller system with more comfort.

The system programmed our minds with "needs" all built in the foundation of Inversion. Breaking this jail cell open is a key to being with, or in, flow. Everything this system told us we need to live, is in fact Inversion, as such we do not "need" it. The system does this by inverting "wants" with "needs."

That is where going inside matters. I never had the need to hear an inversion expert’s opinion on The Rona and me. Never spent a second in the fear, as me/myself/I guided me to avoid the Original Narrative. So I’ve been good and smooth during Rona Hysteria. Now I am guided every second to accomplish things in ways way outside my old box to avoid the hysteria.

Most are not practiced at this, we use the news, the reports, the science, the history, the church, the family to guide our choices – often all of those at once! We need to practice using the heart as the guide, not the head, as the head is loaded with inversion but the heart is actually immune to inversion. Despite what the panic mongers say, we always have time to check the heart. Just tilt the head down toward it and listen. After all, the inversion says there is no heart based divine Source connection in us, so we know there is.

***A bit of an addendum.

There are a myriad of reasons for beings to have incarnated on Earth and assessing that really depends on POV. Folks will say "you are here for..." or "we're all here because..." and so on. No one is here because they've sinned or are inherently flawed, that is Inversion. To be here, Earth Here Now, is a choice. A choice that fits with the uniQue design created by each. There are overall themes, yes, but there is no one "reason" mostly because each has their own plan and they are at their own point within that plan.

For many this is going to be a dead end, for whatever reason, their presence on Earth is not leading to greater things. This fact means there is a freedom in letting go of the notion of all have to "go" or "all have to be..." or "everyone or no one..."

From my POV the prevailing "reason" for being on Earth Here Now, is to see if one can go from a Unity field of consciousness, down to an individuated field like Earth (one man, one body, one memory) back into a unified field while still retaining the individuated aspects created by living in separation. It is a helluva ride, a helluva challenge and few bother trying. Yes there are reasons within that reason, but in the end, the non linear process has a much deeper, more complex overall trajectory for each.

One of the added challenges to this process is the Inversion chaos we see ourselves immersed within. I do not consider myself or anyone else inherently flawed, sinned or otherwise fallen from grace with a need for redemption. That is Inversion. But, there are folks playing out that scenario now, among the countless others. What this means is one incarnation may be playing out the victim, one may be playing out the perpetrator and because of all the overlap, we see it all right now: 26000 years or more of variations on the theme of separation.

We are about to reach a point where many, if not all, would be best served to seek out their OWN internal process and eject all the external inversion based programming. The reflection others create will help one define that, it is all there to do so. "What does this say about me and my process" is a good motto to hold as things accelerate.

What do the people in one's life say about them, what do the objects say and what do the personal likes and dislikes say? They all reflect the inner. I see Anons as having awakened the desire for Unity within, the selfless act of wanting the best for others, so the Anons reflect that in each other. Oddly, that reflects the hate, anger, rage and need to break it up in the opposition.

Everyone's path is uniQue. It was always meant to be this way. Each should find theirs and celebrate it.

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

PFS, I can't find a match for Timple on any of these:

a) KU posts
b) @realDonaldTrump tweets
c) @DanScavino tweets
d) @Scavino45 tweets
e) @MikePompeo tweets
f) @SecPompeo tweets

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: onehuman

onehuman, catching up so apologies if already posted:

The KU post with "They thought it was coming yesterday" was #1415

NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! ID: 43dd2a No.1472440 📁
May 19 2018 17:03:54 (EST)

Anonymous ID: db3003 No.1472035 📁
May 19 2018 16:29:27 (EST)

They thought it was coming yesterday.
They were wrong.
Follow the pen.

a) MIRROR yesterday and you get "They thought it was coming tomorrow",
b) This would match with the
23rd in NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

c) So it could be Thursday 23rd when the AZ audit results are released?

d) Note the picture in the post is about FBI/DOJ helping HRC's campaign - so fits in with the Sussman Indictment!

e) It's possible "Follow the pen" could now switch to meaning Marine Le Pen, French opposition leader?

edit on 19-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Stumbled across this from way back...

"Periodic mega-tsunami in the southwest Pacific: physical and human impacts"

"One recent tsunami around AD 1500 stands out. This event affected over 400 km of the Australian coastline. It is also recorded on the East Coast of New Zealand as well as on Lord Howe Island in the middle of the Tasman Sea. Aboriginal and Maori legends allude to a cosmogenic source for this event or one like it. The Maori legends can be dated around AD 1500 based upon the evidence for occupational burning on the South Island. In additional, cultural changes by Aborigines in Australia after this time lend support for a substantial tsunami. Presently, the point of impact responsible for the disaster has not been determined, but it probably lies southeast of New Zealand. The size of the meteorite or comet also remains problematic with the pattern of coastal erosion being better explained by a multiple fragmenting object."

All part of the submerged 8th continent of Zealandia.

Zealandia - The Sunken 8th Continent Mapped and Confirmed


originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

e) There is a BALL'S PYRAMID mountain, 551 metres high, at Lord Howe Island - a pyramid of black balls weighed up against a single red ball is shown in another Mr Pool picture. Recall also the Matrix 4 decode that included 155/551:

What's on the other side of the planet from this island?

You can use this Antipodes map.

Ball's Pyramid: -31.754167, 159.251667

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, just had a thought... what happens if/when the US defaults in October, per Janet Yellen warning letter to Pelosi(?)?

Do the Vax companies stop providing product cos they're not going to get paid?
Or do they execute the "default" clauses in the contract and takeover US military bases?

I'd say the American people have a NEED TO KNOW if the same military base clauses are in the US contracts as are in the Australian contracts???

WHAT IF... Pelosi DELIBERATELY engineers a default so that Pharma can takeover military bases?
edit on 19-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, just had a thought... what happens if/when the US defaults in October, per Janet Yellen warning letter to Pelosi(?)?

Emphasis mine...obviously

Felt like a song to scroll back and catch up

edit on 9192021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
Blessings Das, will not answer Q's like that from you again.

Those questions were rhetorical and, honestly, you didn't answer them anyway.

I know what the noosphere is and my rhetorical questions highlighted why it is a silly proposition to say it is Q when Q engaged in silly games like "look I'm on AF1 and I took a pic but it is distorted because it is a reflection of it on my phone because natsec."

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Per your post cranky, La Palma eruption starts at 3:15 - FUTURE proves PAST of #2647, repeated in #3093:

Timestamp of 18:19:44 encodes Sept 19th, today!


Timestamp of Mar 15 20[n]19 15:01:24 encodes Sept 19th, today!

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Ok so I'm off, but holy-hell!!! So Ball's Pyramid is only 230 miles off from being on the other side of the planet from La Palma. What are the odds?

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday


Guyfriday, I did an Antipode lookup on Ball's Pyramid, and on Lord Howes Island!

Ball's Pyramid antipode is just off the coast of LAS PALMAS, Canary Islands!!!


Lord Howe's Island antipode would be a little further south, so closer to Las Palmas.

edit on 19-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


weirdly consequential isn't it. Though the location you first posted was in the area where Hy-Brazil reportedly was see in the past, so that was a fun flashback-fact for me. Thanks.
edit on 19-9-2021 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Corrected my error Guy, whilst you were pointing it out.

I used in the end.

...and yes... weirdly consequential from a chance view of a youtube video because I didn't press stop at the end of an MT linked youtube.

This is where synchronicities are just becoming too weird to be ignored as it linked:

KU posts,
Mr Pool Pictures,
Las Palmas volcano ON THE DAY it erupted!
edit on 19-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:30 PM
Ok, once moar, if you know the noospheric intertwinning and procedures etc, you likely would have done what Clif High did once Q joined alongside him imo through noospheric interaction etc, Russell Brand is doing similar atm

Imo inside work decklares understanding outside of oneself, also Q will be found within because Q is likely not noosphere but a part of it, like the brain is part of the mind.

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
Blessings Das, will not answer Q's like that from you again.

Those questions were rhetorical and, honestly, you didn't answer them anyway.

I know what the noosphere is and my rhetorical questions highlighted why it is a silly proposition to say it is Q when Q engaged in silly games like "look I'm on AF1 and I took a pic but it is distorted because it is a reflection of it on my phone because natsec."

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'll go with November based on the wargaming simulation held on Nov 20, 2019 which they forecasted a currency crisis for Nov 2021.

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, just had a thought... what happens if/when the US defaults in October, per Janet Yellen warning letter to Pelosi(?)?

Do the Vax companies stop providing product cos they're not going to get paid?
Or do they execute the "default" clauses in the contract and takeover US military bases?

I'd say the American people have a NEED TO KNOW if the same military base clauses are in the US contracts as are in the Australian contracts???

WHAT IF... Pelosi DELIBERATELY engineers a default so that Pharma can takeover military bases?

That's a good question. Strategic default, otherwise known as "bankruptcy" is a technique DJT knows well as opposed to just quitting default. What would this event be?

With the merger of the FED and Treasury I have no idea what's what at this point. We can assume if it was planned, the above will have been taken into account. Normally the assets, the humans in this case, would be protected by the Trustee as the creditors would wait in line. But the US has been bankruptcy for 100 years, selling of assets to cover the debt so what is this?

This is the case where only those who are read into the plan really know. Could be something, could be nothing. I get the odd feeling that Economist Cover posted earlier gives a clue, and Pool's recent posts as well.

Worth noting ^^^, the last time the volcano blew was in 1971, US off gold standard. That was a seismic shift.

edit on 19-9-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: cimmerius

No but Huma is a tool for the Muslim Brotherhood, so her giving herself up for the cause isn't surprising in the least.

I don't doubt that the scenario described could be true. It's just unlikely that she would be dumb enough to put it in writing.
Not for a cheap brag. Not on a YAHOO email.

ETA I also wanted to point out that the McAfee tgram is posting more really old "info."

You have a good point of view here. One would be some kind of stupid that there is a new spelling for it, stoopid, to put it down in writing where you and I find it. But it can't be discarded on that alone. Maybe someone posted that to make the truth appear fake and ease the pain of exposure?
Guy Friday could be right on the point of complacency still.

edit on 19-9-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:40 PM
It sound’s like Maricopa Co. effed up Mess. The President of the Patriot Party of Az., Steven Daniels, is saying that Wendy Rogers is wrong and that it isn’t a win. Daniels is saying that they do not have to turn the splunk logs and routers over to the cyber ninjas instead the will hire The Special Master who is not required to produce a report. The Special Master that they have hired is John Shadegg who Daniel is calling DS…..a McCainitte.

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:46 PM
Hey and just look at those ears on this model, the real one. He has dangly earlobes!

MAYBE, the real one is on ice in the graybar motel already?

Comeuppance day has arrived?

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Joe the psychopath, seriously there is no “intelligent” context or mature perspective on these issues other than men like Joe who are bought and paid for prostitutes. The scum of the earth who deserve neither benefit of the doubt or sympathy for their comeuppance. And it’s coming Joe, a day of Reckoning is coming.

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: MaplePatriot
Whatever happens, Better happen quickly. Things are getting pretty bad up here in Canada. Our fearless leader is speaking like literal hitler, And i'm afraid too many people are dumb to the fact that fascism is literally here.

Good to know you, I'll be one of the first dragged out of my home for refusing this b/s
May God be with any who are under that kind of tyranny. Even the "Stockholm Syndrome" afflicted are under tyranny and are in need of prayer. I do pray that the all the truly evil people are removed soon. They are mucking up everything. Children are suffering at the hands of some very mentally unstable people in authority positions, like the US women's Olympic Gymnast were dealing with now. Such a harsh reality.

edit on 19-9-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

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