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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 06:57 AM
They are so full of S* trying to get us to believe this one!

Even if it is was true, people still are aware that the Iranian, Russians or Mexican Cartels did not destroy the voting chain of command by overwriting the electronic records. Many other things the "group working for R's" could not have possibly caused us to BELIEVE the election could even remotely be a true representation of the steal the D's and their lackey RINO's carried out against the American people, and the world.

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Justice Department charges 2 Iranians who pretended to be Proud Boys, sent Republican officials a fake ballot fraud video, and threatened tens of thousands of Democratic voters

.....A DOJ press release named Seyyed Mohammad Hosein Musa Kazemi and Sajjad Kashian, two young men based in Iran, as the defendants in the case.

"As alleged, Kazemi and Kashian were part of a coordinated conspiracy in which Iranian hackers sought to undermine faith and confidence in the US presidential election," said US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams in the press release.

The indictment alleges that the duo obtained confidential voter information from at least one state website, while attempting to access several others. As part of a broader voter intimidation effort, the department says, the pair posed as a "group of Proud Boys volunteers" and created a fabricated video depicting a person hacking state voter websites and using the information obtained to create fake absentee ballots.......

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

My thoughts too - Posted because its news - Trying to get Volume over Durham is all I see this as

Besides ------

They probably are Ghosts !
Hmm… UPDATE: Iranian Nationals Posing as Proud Boys Charged by FBI with Interfering in 2020 Election — Both Believed to Be Back in Iran

Here is the update— Both men are out of the country and believed to be back in Iran — so they will never face justice …just like all of those phony Russians the FBI and DOJ charged during the Trump-Russia scam and attempted coup.


‘Everybody’s Absolutely Horrified’: High Society Is Bracing Itself for Ghislaine Maxwell’s Trial

What will be revealed? Who might she name? Jeffrey Epstein’s right-hand woman is going on trial for their alleged crimes — and those who used to know her can’t stop talking about it....

Given the horrific nature of the allegations, it’s not surprising that on Monday — unlike 10 years ago, when she was hosting dinners at her New York townhouse, proselytizing about her efforts to preserve the oceans through her philanthropy — I didn’t see a single “friend” of hers in court. (The only supporter I saw in attendance was her sister, Isabel.)...

Are You Lonesome Tonight


edit on 11192021 by MetalThunder because:

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 08:39 AM
I think about this a lot. The issue is everyone needs to look at the facts and make their own choice. I’m not 100% convinced we’ve won this yet. We are definitely watching a show. But I see this going one of two ways. One, the curtain gets drawn back and we see what was planned that we were saved from. Or two, this was all an elaborate distraction, and there is a threshold that will be passed, after which people will realize that all the free money and opportunities to stay at home are essentially hospice care while the government keeps us warm and tucks is in before they pull the plug on our life suppport. If we end up with option two…well buckle up.

Here is the issue. Every problem we have right now could be resolved by presenting the truth. Everything is a lie. Once you realize that, the real question is why?

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Due to President Trump endorsing the vaccines, even for those who have recovered from Covid-19, I'm mentally all over the place on the Vaxx subject, like a missile whose guidance system has short-circuited.

If he had kept his mouth closed, and not gotten vaccinated, life would be so much simpler when I'm talking to people about the vaccines.

I could say, "The U.S. President these vaccines were developed under, doesn't trust them! Stay away! DANGER!!"

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 08:44 AM
Skipping ahead here so not sure if this has been poste.
Biden is to undergo a colonoscopy at Walter Reed today. Power is being transferred to Harris. Supposed routine. I would hate to be that Dr.
They need some legitimate way to remove him from power. Once she has the power will she give it up?>world>biden-transfer-power-h...

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: Caled

Since we are now 1-year after Q's last post, this would be a good month for him to resurface with at least one prediction (good or bad) that will re-unify all Patriots for 2022.

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
I wish the aliens would show up already.....jeez.

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Pooping on self (when with the Pope). Farting uncontrollably (at COP26 Summit). Colonoscopy today.

Signs of Colon Cancer?

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Hum, maybe go back and watch the movies that the FMPU put out. I used to think the same way, that the movies were about Freedom and the American way, then I went back and watched them again for a Political Science class and had to rethink that.

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Could be. But I'm just wondering with all the lead up in the media about the infighting between them I think that there has been a set up for a new show.
I wonder what the plan is while she is in power. Can she make an EO? Can she submit to congress that he needs permanent removal due to mental impairment and now a health crisis?

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: FlyingFox

But that statute never stopped them from using Presidential Seal legally to anyone who was POTUS before did it FF?

Exactly. They proved the point that Biden is illegitimate. The federal statute? Which one is that - the one that says you may not impersonate a federal official? 😂

Why don't they say which statute it is?

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 09:56 AM
CDC November 19, 2021
Interm Public Health Recommendations For Fully Vaccinated People.

They are losing control of the narrative. The CDC has stated that the two dose vaccine jabs should not be mixed and matched except for exceptional circumstances. However there is a problem. Many countries such as Canada have done just that and millions of people have been given one dose of Moderna and one dose of Astra Zeneca. Pfizer or Covishield.

What to do...What to do?


We will just modify our interpretation of the records. However to protect our a we will just slip in that this practice should not be done.>2019-ncov>vaccines>fully-va...

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
Meanwhile we had Bush during the recent 911 ceremony standing at the podium with the V.P. presidential seal. He was never V.P. so is he the shadow V.P.?

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 10:06 AM
Does anyone remember the series Red Dwarf? Seems to fit in here. There were several episodes where they use virtual reality headsets and entered a rather bizzare world together. I always wondered if they ever really escaped?

Maybe some predictive programming?

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel did you see the other post by Pool? He shows Biden at a podium with the presidential seal and then Bush at a podium with a presidential seal. Side by side. I think this must mean something really worth paying attention to.
Bush was dealing with 911 and made a speech about the War on Terror. Is this signaling that Biden or his replacement plan on making some statement about domestic terrorists?
They have been ramping up this theme now targeting parents as domestic terrorists because they are emotionally involved with their children's education.
Meanwhile they are the ones who have brought into the country unvetted immigrants from the border and now unvetted Afghan refugees.

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 10:49 AM
care, rather than "really liking" Mr Pool, it's more that I see there is a similar level of depth to his comms as with KU... and that the timings of his posts, to the second, link to KU posts so well.

Also, it's weird how his pictures appear in important financial articles AFTER he has posted them... indicates someone in KU team telling him to use picture X because they are directing that picture X will appear in article Y.

So, Yes, IMO he is worth following... and bear in mind that his posts always have a MINIMUM of 2 different meanings - sometimes 4 or 5; 1 for KU posts, 1 for XRP,bitcoin/silver/gold, one for DS/cabal events or astrological dates, etc.
edit on 19-11-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Joe Biden Jumped at the Chance to Help George W. Bush Sell the Invasion of Iraq

.....“As long as the president continues on the general path that he put himself on after 9/11, I don’t think he’s going to have anything but an ally in me — and not to sound presumptive, a fairly valuable ally,” Biden told the paper. He had been “incredibly supportive” of the president, he insisted, spoke often with the administration’s top foreign policy officials, and had “a very open relationship” with Bush........

Despite the lofty talk of defending civil liberties, Biden had already voted to weaken them seven weeks after the attacks when he and all but one other senator passed the USA PATRIOT Act. Rushed through with little debate, the law dramatically expanded both the FBI’s and the police’s spying powers, including allowing the government tap an individual’s every device with only a single court approval and search homes and offices without them present or having to inform them beforehand. Most infamous and far-reaching was Section 215, which let agents secretly obtain phone, computer, and medical records, banking and credit history, even library and business records, all with no approval from a judge. Despite assurances to the contrary, the government would use the law to secretly surveil a broad swath of the public in the years ahead, including collecting the phone records of tens of millions of Verizon customers every day — a violation that came to light thanks to whistleblower Edward Snowden (after the leak, Biden would help to successfully threaten dozens of countries not to grant asylum to the fleeing Snowden). ......


edit on 11192021 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 11:31 AM
Have you all been paying attention to The Giant Company and the picture of the demon about to eat the flying horse?

Skip to 3:37 to see the demon and flying horse in the background. This is a company that has been on the news lately. They have the exact same name as The GIANT Company (grocery store chain in the US), minus the capitalization in Giant.

They are an Irish company ( and their mailing address is 8 Cecilia St, Temple Bar, Dublin, D02 RW82, Ireland. Here is what it looks like:,-6.2641201,20.75z (click on the 8 right in the middle of the map).

It's a crappy hole in the wall. That has been their address since at least December 3, 2015. That's when they first started advertising The Giant at this address and their website first appeared on the wayback machine.

You can even see the demon and the horse on the far right of the original picture from 2015.

What kind of bizarre psyop is this?

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 11:49 AM
Ok, it gets better. The Giant Company's major owner is KF Internet Software Limited, which is run by Claire Dunning, who also owns the Grouse Lodge Recording Studios in Moate. So apparently they got a long-term visitor in 2006. Michael Jackson.

And why was Michael Jackson in Bahrain?

originally posted by: Caled
Have you all been paying attention to The Giant Company and the picture of the demon about to eat the flying horse?

Skip to 3:37 to see the demon and flying horse in the background. This is a company that has been on the news lately. They have the exact same name as The GIANT Company (grocery store chain in the US), minus the capitalization in Giant.

They are an Irish company ( and their mailing address is 8 Cecilia St, Temple Bar, Dublin, D02 RW82, Ireland. Here is what it looks like:,-6.2641201,20.75z (click on the 8 right in the middle of the map).

It's a crappy hole in the wall. That has been their address since at least December 3, 2015. That's when they first started advertising The Giant at this address and their website first appeared on the wayback machine.

You can even see the demon and the horse on the far right of the original picture from 2015.

What kind of bizarre psyop is this?

edit on 11/19/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 11:52 AM
m.A.L.I.C.E. is totally insane with the woke stuff. Literally, LITERALLY, taking a plate full of feces and turning into a woke meal. For Harris to get into a office it took a demented guy to shat his pants in front of the pope.

That said, it seems like Harris' Coms director has quit amid the chaos. Which, if I recall correctly this happened during the end of her dumpster fire of a campaign too. Kamala Harris’ Communications Chief Quits Amid Public Relations Disaster

She truly is a remarkable figure in all this, as without the wokeness and the semi-fake-blackness she's a clerk at a shopping mall clothing store forcing customers to put on a mask to shop for discounted items.

Joe Biden gets a camera shoved up his a$$ and just like that KamKam is POTUS and twitter sees this as progress. What a world 2021 is.

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 11:57 AM
A friend sent me these screen grabs ref the Austrian Military. Looks like they are standing firm against the Government mandate!!!


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