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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 10:43 PM
Good Evening All...💕

Today has been a Good day, everyone with a Heart and Conscious knows Kyle acted in self defense in what was a horrific, traumatic life changing event for this young Man. No Good deed goes unpunished applies here, the World has two less violent psychopaths/child abuser’s, thanks to him. In time I hope he’ll come to Peace with that fact. So far no violent protests , that’s a really good sign, it’s a no win to any cause hoping to keep a shred of credibility.

In my micro World, Tesla girl’s Nana came to visit and I was dreading the jab discussion 😥.....amazingly how it turned out was really encouraging, lol, we had a good talk this morning, she was blown away by the FDA request to bury public access to research for 50yrs. ,and made the connection to JFK assassination....hmmm? Anyways when she left we had a wonderful moment of laughter and levity, when it came time to hug I said, “ well, should we do it, either you’re going to shed vax cooties on to me or I’m gonna give you COVID cooties “ LOL....She said “ Oh well, F#@k it ! “.....not a normal Nana thing to say and we hugged good-bye. 🥰

edit on 19-11-2021 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 10:57 PM
They are looking for his head.

a reply to: carewemust
Crapping himself, farting uncontrollably. Colon cancer?

edit on 19/11/2021 by Xactamundo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 11:58 PM
Another odd post on telegram from Military Events, at 19:34:17 on 19th:

⚠️The assassination of US military commanders is scheduled for [2022/1/3]. Be careful . 👁

📝Inform this news,We do not lie

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Jan 3rd or Mar 1st?

Confusion attacks, got to love 'em.


posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Another odd post on telegram from Military Events, at 19:34:17 on 19th:

⚠️The assassination of US military commanders is scheduled for [2022/1/3]. Be careful . 👁

📝Inform this news,We do not lie

Assassination? Implies hostile intent and not something that is justice driven due to said military commanders selling out their country. As much as I can't stand what is happening within our military ranks right now and the fact that we seem to have top brass types "going woke", we had better hope that our enemies' arms haven't grown so long that they can successfully target our top brass and get away with it.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 01:34 AM
Comms from Chuck Grassley twitter, Nov 19th 21:47:10:

Sorry not report set by set. Forgot ph. UNI lost match to Valparaiso 3/1

I previously posted, on Nov 6th, 13 days ago (Julian/gregorian calendar difference) on how Grassleys "Set" tweets were linked to the Treason Placeholder KU posts.

So... how to interpret this one?

Sorry not report set by set = Durham report will not come out Crime set order?

Forgot ph = reference to ph balance = Acidity/Alkalinity?

UNI lost match to Val Paraiso 3/1 = Alliance forces have lost tracking on 1 of 3 suicide bombers? (Valparaiso means Vale of Paradise)

So... not clear what it means but the 13 day gap from last "Set" post highlights it is relevant somehow.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

Note how the Jan 3rd/Mar 1st mil assassinations might link in with the chuck grassley tweet above this post!

It has 3/1... and Vale (valley) of Paradise!

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 02:06 AM
I'm behind on tasks overnight, so a short steer on Mr Pool picture posts over the last 12 hours:

1) The first 6 of 17 have a ">" for "Press Play" in bottom left,

2) They seem to be using the "catchphrase" method. For example, I decoded the following answers:

Boots on the Ground
Capitol Restraint
House Split
Handle Barrs
Puppet on a String - Hands Up = Black and White
Fog of War? Color of Law?
Puppet on a String - Hands Down = Color of Law?
Cracks in the Road
Puppets taking sides - Fog ofWar/Color of Law?
America Enflamed
Burn the Barricades (Spandau Ballet song)
Burn the Barricades #2
Enflaming behind the Blackout
Capitol Restraint (Deadly force used to stop above?)
Troops On The Move
Ground forces in the dark, Air support (40,000ft) in the Light?
"The taking of the city of Washington" (1813-15, the British burnt the Capitol building and financial records were lost to hide the House Clerks embezzlement of $20k (link1, link2)

edit on 20-11-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 03:08 AM
A nice proof of #2187, in this telegram post, which links this CENTCOM tweet in 3 ways to the post - as well as including 11.3 and 11.6 MARKER references!

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

"Spandau Ballet". Sounds like a refined way of saying, "Chain Gun Cha-Cha".


posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 04:00 AM
A reminder that NOW COMES THE PAIN is linked to 23 and Tuesday is the 23rd!


NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! ID: 43dd2a No.1472440 📁
May 19 2018 17:03:54 (EST)

Anonymous ID: db3003 No.1472035 📁
May 19 2018 16:29:27 (EST)

They thought it was coming yesterday.
They were wrong.
Follow the pen.

We may see 3 reveals or missiles on Tuesday:
a) Lindell's Election Suypreme Court case?
b) Chingqing/China #1120

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bbd970 No.978771 📁
Apr 10 2018 00:15:56 (EST)

Confirm tariff reduction.
Tuesday (China).
Article provides foundation.
Major import.


As post number #1120 represents today, Nov 20th, Tuesday therefore refers to 23rd!

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 06:16 AM
Rainbows indeed this time Miss Jane!

I pray this is true and trust you do too. This is just awesome news. The domino of logic is slow to hit the military. We called it an oxymoron to say "Military Intelligence" in the US Army in my day. Once the military mindset focuses on law breaking tyrannical leaders the game is afoot! One nation standing it's ground has possibly made that "shot heard round the world" we were anticipating? The people surely have been harmed by this "medical emergency" and it is way past time to reel them in and sort out the scum from the cream.

originally posted by: angelchemuel
A friend sent me these screen grabs ref the Austrian Military. Looks like they are standing firm against the Government mandate!!!


posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: crankyoldman

I would not want to be Biden's doctor right now. They're calling this procedure "routine", but at his age, nothing is routine. I've seen some people speculating that he may have colon cancer. Not just because of the colonoscopy, but because of his other "issues" as of late. In any event, this is worth following, imo. One day Harris is saying she's gonna resign, and the next she is sitting in the Oval Office.

It makes me wonder about something Trump said awhile back. He predicted that her citizenship status would become a liability for them.


Also, Kyle Rittenhouse has been found not guilty. I wonder how long before Kenosha is up in flames again.

Pray everything comes out all right... wait that is not a is now I guess but I meant that since Kamala the cackler is a clown of the highest order who kinda fits the crazy upside down concepts these leftist have given the world. #46 surely seems the type who would find a reason to not clean his bowels out the night before the procedure, and fail to warn the Dr. He is disgusting.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Not Guilty on all counts

I am sorry people died, but that young man didn't deserve the hate he received for simply defending his own life against violent criminals. Don Lemon would pooped bricks if those two Kyle killed were coming for him and we all know it. The media slime bags were calling him names for living to die another day against evil sick people who wanted to destroy a city and him too.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 06:37 AM
I get little reports from various Scientific Journals from time to time that discuss everything just for general knowledge reasons and I saw something on cancer screening. I recall seeing one on how they have a way to check you now with a blood sample do the invasive nature of the scope going deep can be rougher finding the answer. Therefore, it might be serious if they are going in for a peek.

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

IIRC, colonoscopies are not routine after age 75 unless there have been problems in the past.

People older than age 75 who have been getting regular colon cancer screening since age 50 and who have had consistently negative screenings — no polyps (adenomas) or colon cancer — and are not at an increased risk of colon cancer because of family history may not need to continue getting routine screening. That's according to colon cancer screening guidelines issued by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and the American College of Physicians (ACP). The upper age limit was set after studies determined that the net benefit of screening after age 75 was small. However, the USPSTF guidelines do recommend colon cancer surveillance for people older than age 75 who have an increased risk of colon cancer, such as family history, a previously diagnosed colon cancer or adenomatous polyps.

I have always thought that the powers that be wanted Harris in the WH. But, she proved to be soooo unpopular with the people, that it became obvious she could never get elected. They couldn't even cheat to get her in because nobody supported her. The cheat would be just too obvious.

Biden was sick before he ever stepped foot in the door of the WH most likely. He was the Trojan Horse to get Kamala in, imo.

Just a reminder to myself because of the people I think are behind KH: She is BIG on reparations and co-sponsored a bill (H.R. 40) with Corey Booker (where has he been?) to begin the process. $$$$$$$ --- it's always about the money and how they can create Big Government Slush Funds and what "social issue" they can hype to do so.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 06:39 AM

Grassley is from Iowa. First thing came to my mind was
UNI, university of Northern Iowa- big sports program
Valparaiso, also a college
Probably completely off the mark but throwing it out there

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Comms from Chuck Grassley twitter, Nov 19th 21:47:10:

Sorry not report set by set. Forgot ph. UNI lost match to Valparaiso 3/1

I previously posted, on Nov 6th, 13 days ago (Julian/gregorian calendar difference) on how Grassleys "Set" tweets were linked to the Treason Placeholder KU posts.

So... how to interpret this one?

Sorry not report set by set = Durham report will not come out Crime set order?

Forgot ph = reference to ph balance = Acidity/Alkalinity?

UNI lost match to Val Paraiso 3/1 = Alliance forces have lost tracking on 1 of 3 suicide bombers? (Valparaiso means Vale of Paradise)

So... not clear what it means but the 13 day gap from last "Set" post highlights it is relevant somehow.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 08:24 AM
Good Morning All....

Well looks like I was wrong about no protests over Kyle’s acquittal, Stuck on Stupid morons.....ugggg

Any small businesses that have managed to survive in these cities, that Really need the holiday season revenue can look forward to “miracle bricks” being available to destroy their store fronts, WTH, might as well light Santa on fire in the middle of the street. 🎅

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

perhaps the Q followers have had the wrong perspective with analyzing the "you have more than you know" statement .

perhaps it won't be the politicians and elites that wont be able to walk the streets and it will be you that wont be able to walk freely?

perhaps all the booms was for the deepstate?
perhaps only the good guys were held accountable?

maybe Q was not one of the good guys after all. and what he was saying was going to happen to the bad guys is really going to happen to the good guys.

sure does look like it if you look back and if you look forward where we are heading.
will the unvax be able to walk freely? they arent allowed already in some countries.

edit on 271130America/ChicagoSat, 20 Nov 2021 08:27:02 -0600000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 08:55 AM
I have a (probably weird) idea about some Mr Pool posts from earlier this month. I wasn't sure if I should post because I'm still pretty new to all of this and still learning.

On November 3 he posted "11667". On November 7 he posted "9933". On November 10 he posted "DIVIDE". On November 11 he posted "11".

Now, if you add 11667 and 9933 you get 21600. Divide that by 11 and you get 1963.63636. So, 1963. We all know how what happened in 1963.

Probably nothing. Just grasping at straws, but I thought I'd get your opinions at the very least.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Comms from Chuck Grassley twitter, Nov 19th 21:47:10:

Sorry not report set by set. Forgot ph. UNI lost match to Valparaiso 3/1

I previously posted, on Nov 6th, 13 days ago (Julian/gregorian calendar difference) on how Grassleys "Set" tweets were linked to the Treason Placeholder KU posts.

So... how to interpret this one?

Sorry not report set by set = Durham report will not come out Crime set order?

Forgot ph = reference to ph balance = Acidity/Alkalinity?

UNI lost match to Val Paraiso 3/1 = Alliance forces have lost tracking on 1 of 3 suicide bombers? (Valparaiso means Vale of Paradise)

So... not clear what it means but the 13 day gap from last "Set" post highlights it is relevant somehow.

Sufi, I'm not saying that Grassley isn't using coded comms here, but UNI stands for The University of Northern Iowa. They play in the Missouri Valley Conference. Valparaiso is a conference opponent of theirs. What I don't know is what sport he is talking about. Right now both football and basketball are being played, but the reference to "sets" sounds like a tennis match.

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