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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 04:15 PM
Countdown to Dark Matter Day

On and around 31 October, CERN and other laboratories around the world will celebrate the global hunt for the universe’s missing matter – the dark matter that is thought to make up most of the matter in space.

Between 25 October and 4 November, Dark Matter Day activities, in physical or virtual form, will share what we know and don’t know about dark matter with audiences worldwide.

Dark Matter Day - some very interesting detectors on measuring cosmic rays, neutrinos, dark matter and antimatter. Also, the names/acronyms.

@Happy Dark Matter Day @SMU!

DM-Ice is a NaI(Tl) direct detection dark matter experiment. The first generation, DM-Ice17, deployed 17 kg of NaI(Tl) into the South Pole ice and is actively taking data.

DM-Ice has now formed a new collaboration with KIMS-NaI, COSINE-100, with ~100 kg of NaI(Tl) crystals deployed in Yangyang Laboratory.
This one is at Yale. The so-called 'Dark Matter' marketing term is more likely about resurrecting Atlantean Tuaoi technology or something along the lines of Belial forces or "night side forces" (Rudolf Steiner's Ahriman forces / 8th Sphere terminology), catapulting us into the 'Metaverse'.

D-M (4-13), DM=17, DM=Dame of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta; twit DM (Direct message / Direct Current), Data Mining, Dimensional Modeling, Deformable Mirror, Distributed Morphology, dark/negative energy harvest of EMF/souls. IDK, but probably some 'dark' occult Metaphysical meaning.

I'm looking forward to the day that we move past the nonsense idea of dark matter. All the billions (trillions?) being dumped into it most certainly has a hidden agenda, not in humanity's best interest, imo.
Dark Matter Alternative Passes Big Test

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
I have never seen Dr. Who! I find that to be very odd too since I used to be a chronic movie watcher. I will put it on my "to watch" list. I did look at your link and read up on cyberman. It is eerily similar to what we are talking about with the greys and the jab. I really hope that this theory isn't right because it would be very scary and I think the grays would have ways to get us all to comply.......

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Do you think the justice system be cleaned out by 11/11/21?

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 05:04 PM
There is an EPIC Terry McSwampy scandal that has turned into a one of the best ever. They staged, well lets be clear and blame @MarcElias, a fake white supremacist rally using........., using....... Terry's STAFF!!!!

And Look, seriously, LOOK, they decided to attach it to the Charlottesville hoax by including tiki torches, IN THE DAY.

Seems the included a black guy in the mix for some inexplicable reason.

Wait wait, there's more. Evidently the Lincoln Project has thrown their Pedo Protector bodies on the grenade after it has blown up to, errr, um,,, wait...

That was fast... someone put the Jason's in the mix...

edit on 29-10-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 05:26 PM
Let’s Go Brandon - Cameron Byfield

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Cotton Eye Joe is teetering on a fine line. Ignoring the obvious election fraud, the vocal Brandon chants/songs, cratering ratings, Dem Party infighting, incoherent mumbling, inability to field unscripted questions.

He (his administration) is whistling past the graveyard.

Alert..Big new false flag terrorist threat is topping the msm news right now.

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 06:00 PM
Shuttle service courtesy of Somalia pirates.

Clayton Bigsby and the rest of the Merrick Garland Craigslist tiki torche actors.

ETA: The Lincoln Project was behind the Tiki Torch thing today🤡
edit on 29-10-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:22 PM
So that 22 year old Satanist armorer has "broken her silence" over the shooting on Baldwin's film. I guess she gave a press conference with her attorneys and blamed Baldwin. Not by name, but she blamed the "producers." She said that conditions were rushed on the set and she wasn't given the resources to ensure that the safety standards were to protocol.

I mean, she's flat out lying about several things. She said that the crew wasn't doing target practice earlier in the day and that there weren't live rounds on the set, even though investigators found over 500 live rounds on the set. Including live rounds in a mix with dummy rounds and blanks. But anywho, it looks like they're going to shift the blame onto Baldwin where it belongs. It's his damn movie and he pulled the trigger.

It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. Baldwin may not be as untouchable as he thinks he is.

Also, the shooting occured 38 miles from Epstein's Zorro Ranch...

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Cotton Eye Joe is teetering on a fine line. Ignoring the obvious election fraud, the vocal Brandon chants/songs, cratering ratings, Dem Party infighting, incoherent mumbling, inability to field unscripted questions.

He (his administration) is whistling past the graveyard.

Alert..Big new false flag terrorist threat is topping the msm news right now.

They're talking about a threat from ISIS against malls in Northern Virginia. If people can't see through this crap they're idiots. The Virginia governor's race took a sharp turn against the Democrats recently and then they got caught out in the tiki hoax today, so things are looking really bad for Democrats in Virginia right now. So, I suppose it's time for a false flag. The thinking here is that people are reluctant to change when there is an ongoing threat to their safety.

This needs to be addressed. The FBI considers this a "credible threat." Of course, the FBI also investigated a garage pull as a possible "noose" at a nascar race. So who GAF what they think.

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:39 PM
The Lincoln Project dreds the day people study "Redeemers (political coalition)" --(look up via search)🦇

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: Skada
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Well, maybe as it was once noted he is a White Hat Double, maybe his marching orders were, "make a mockery of the office, make it look like you are losing your marbles, so we can remove you later."
If I was the junta, I would do that, just to twist the thumbscrews into the dark hats.

It makes perfect sense. 😂

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

You missed the cheesiest one out!


Eta -going to be a lil busy for next 24 hrs... taking grandson shopping to teach him some dress style... followed by a party - overdue some downtime!
edit on 29-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:49 PM
Some here are Christians, some are not. The theme of the following video can be followed by all that contribute to this thread though.
It should also be required listening for all those taking the "oath of office".
God speed and God bless you all. The Storm is Upon Us.

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Always thought Dark Matter was BS myself, nothing more than a mathematical construct to balance equations.

Our concept of gravity and it's relationship with mass didn't work at galactic scales so we invented matter and energy on a blackboard without a single observation or measurement.

edit on 29/10/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: angelchemuel
I have never seen Dr. Who! I find that to be very odd too since I used to be a chronic movie watcher. I will put it on my "to watch" list. I did look at your link and read up on cyberman. It is eerily similar to what we are talking about with the greys and the jab. I really hope that this theory isn't right because it would be very scary and I think the grays would have ways to get us all to comply.......

Never seen Dr. WHO?
Lol I used to stay up to watch the original reruns back in the early 80s. We only had 4 channels and they all shut off at 2am with the National Anthem...
Brought back some good memories, thank you.

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Always thought Dark Matter was BS myself, nothing more than a mathematical construct to balance equations.

Our concept of gravity and it's relationship with mass didn't work at galactic scales so we invented matter and energy on a blackboard without a single observation or measurement.

Correct, dark matter is BS, sophistry, IMO,

Thought we had something really happening here, a couple of pages back, but swamped again !

Guess we are fixed on the fall here.

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: Quadrivium
I know it's crazy that I never saw the show or the movie! We had Andy Griffith reruns before the National Anthem.....but Twilight Zone on Sat. nights lol!

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 08:50 PM
FWIW, @Spooked

We are updating this post again based on what appears to have been a Congressional Coup attempt to assassinate President Trump. The primary Conspirators were reportedly Speaker Pelosi and Senator Wyden, but also included a number of other politicians from both Parties - representing the Deep State and The Swamp.

The evidence was presented by a "lip-reader" who interpreted the comments of key Congressional luminaries, chatting casually about the plot to kill Trump using the same poison combination used to kill Breitbart [described in the original post about the murder of Breitbart - below].

Barbara Lee:
First the poison, then we're getting rid of Pence
and then once we do all that Obama will be happy
to sit on the Supreme Court since he does it anyway.”

Jeanne Shaheen to Ron Wyden:
“He knows, that's why she'll do three poisons…
we're simply just doing it for the people.”

Ron Wyden to Jeanne Shaheen:
“Our problem is this is a crime and so let's say
if she has poisoned him and we see him drop dead…

but by then, I mean, even Joe Biden said he was gonna have my back, quite honestly, so what's the worst that can happen if she poisons him?”

Enrique [Henry] Cuellar to John Hoeven
“Senator, after she shakes his hand,
I bet you it contaminates his wife too.

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 09:07 PM

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium
Some here are Christians, some are not. The theme of the following video can be followed by all that contribute to this thread though.
It should also be required listening for all those taking the "oath of office".
God speed and God bless you all. The Storm is Upon Us.

Wow, that was a hell of a speech! Thanks for sharing. He was channeling Charlie Chapman for a good bit of it there.


In other news, the left is losing the black community. Q told us that once they lose the black community, it's game over.

edit on 29-10-2021 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

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