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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 01:00 PM
IRON Bridge burns. Melting point of Iron = 1,538c

Fire causes partial collapse of Rome's Iron Bridge


The bridge, which was opened 1863 and whose formal name is Ponte dell' Industria (Industry Bridge), connects the densely populated Ostiense and Portuense neighbourhoods.


Seems to have been left to burn.

I swear I saw someone post that Pelosi was headed to see the Pope this week?


edit on 3-10-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 01:34 PM

Pandora papers: biggest ever leak of offshore data exposes financial secrets of rich and powerful

Branded the Pandora papers, the cache includes 11.9m files from companies hired by wealthy clients to create offshore structures and trusts in tax havens such as Panama, Dubai, Monaco, Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.

They expose the secret offshore affairs of 35 world leaders, including current and former presidents, prime ministers and heads of state. They also shine a light on the secret finances of more than 300 other public officials such as government ministers, judges, mayors and military generals in more than 90 countries.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 01:35 PM
This is an interesting lead on what Deep state's next steps are going to be re vaccination:

From Mother of Nations Telegram post is a video posted by Kieran Morrissey, an Irish engineer who teaches at a major teaching hospital in Dublin.

My notes on the video, which is 9:36 long:

1) He believes the side effects of the current vaccines/boosters, of blood clots, will be incorrectly identified as Marburg hemorrhagic fever virus,

2) From the wiki link:

In the United States, the NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ranks it as a Category A Priority Pathogen and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists it as a Category A Bioterrorism Agent. It is also listed as a biological agent for export control by the Australia Group.

3) This will spread panic and demand for a test and vaccine,

4) At 3:42, in April 21, Bill Gates/GAVI posted an article on their website The Next Pandemic: Marburg?:

A cousin of Ebola, Marburg can kill 9 out of 10 people it infects
"Only 16 people have died of Marburg fever since 2005",

5) at 4:15, They've already developed a PCR test for Marburg fever! (from Genesig)

6) They've written papers claiming it is spread by bats, asymptomatically. Despite this having been disproven, they are still publishing that this is the case.

7) They are fast-tracking a new vaccination for Marburg fever called RiVax - which contains RICIN!
The RiVax is from Soligenix.
Ricin is the toxic substance used by terrorists to kill a large number of people in the subway... was that just a test???

8) "The RiVax will be authorised for experimental use and kill billions"

9) Essentially this is the next, and final(?) step in the vaccination loop.

10) It means that they needed people to publicise the blood clots from covid vaccinations.

The only way to stop being pushed to get the Ricin vaccine is to avoid having the covid vaccines/boosters first.

edit on 3-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

Pandora papers: biggest ever leak of offshore data exposes financial secrets of rich and powerful

Branded the Pandora papers, the cache includes 11.9m files from companies hired by wealthy clients to create offshore structures and trusts in tax havens such as Panama, Dubai, Monaco, Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.

They expose the secret offshore affairs of 35 world leaders, including current and former presidents, prime ministers and heads of state. They also shine a light on the secret finances of more than 300 other public officials such as government ministers, judges, mayors and military generals in more than 90 countries.[

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, I'm wondering if the burning down of the Iron Bridge in Rome is linked to either or both of these:

COVFEFE... Fe = Iron, Ov = over (bridge), leaving "C"... #998 says P = C

The Pope is Pontifex Maximus = The best Bridge Builder!

Thinking further about the "P = C" in #998 - does COVFEFE become POVFEFE?

POVFEFE possibly meaning Point of View; Iron (bridge) becomes Iron (Ore)?

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 02:01 PM
Aside from this 'exercise' being mentioned here a dozen or so times I finally read through it. Are we currently unwilling participants in a live "DARK WINTER" exercise that can only end one way?


Taiwan-China Tensions
- Angry rhetoric between Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has reached an all time high.
- One month ago, the PRC “tested” medium range missiles along a flight path that passed through Taiwan’s airspace.

Looking for more similarities between COVID and the smallpox script, page 5 asks the make-believe council, “what should the American people be told?”

Mirroring the rhetoric we’ve seen on the news regarding the current pandemic, the final script offers "governor’s remarks" echoing what we hear today. In the 2001 DARK WINTER scenario, "Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating" announced terrorists had used a smallpox weapon to attack the state, successfully overwhelming hospital emergency rooms in Oklahoma City. Making matters worse, hospitals were short-staffed after workers feared they too would acquire the disease. Where have we heard this before? Does it not sound all too familiar?

Jumping to pages 24-30, we get into the meat of the story, which no one in their right mind can deny is outright shocking. The similarities between the 2001 role play and the COVID-19 era are uncanny–dubious at best and chilling.

Most hospitals report grossly inadequate supplies and insufficient isolation rooms to care for patients with smallpox. Some hospitals in Pennsylvania reportedly face imminent bankruptcy and possible closure as the need to care fro floods of anxious patients interrupts normal revenue streams.

Right now, the healthcare workforce is struggling to keep up with demand after being short-staffed. But don’t fear, New York Gov Kathy Hochul says she plans on replacing hospital workers unwilling to take the magic potion with vaccinated members of the Army National Guard.

Another critical aspect of our current reality related to the final script is that officials have halted travel to and from many countries unless the traveler can show proof of vax or up-to-date negative COVID test results. This happens in the script and is happening in real life.

Food Shortages in Some Cities; Many Restaurants Close

Due to slow downs in transportation and reluctance of drivers to make deliveries to areas with smallpox cases, some cities are beginning to experience shortages of milk, bread and other staples. Panic buying has begun to occur in parts of Philadelphia.

Page 27 of script reveals a "memo delivered to the Attorney General" and "emergency legal authorities" that mentions the Stafford Act. Keep in mind, President Trump enacted the Stafford Act on March 13, 2020, when he declared a national emergency, followed up by 50 state emergencies declared by the governors. The script is unfolding some 20 years after its authoring.

There are many other coincidences & parallels in this script on what has played out the past 18 months. The only thing they need now to be in complete control is a new Pearl Harbor, as the globalists mention in their very own Project for a New American Century whitepapers. A terror attack or a major natural disaster such as an asteroid impact or mega-tsunami would give them exactly what they want. Make no mistake, such an incident might be on the schedule.

Suspiciously, and I'm sure everyone has heard it, Biden has referred to a "Dark winter" on at least three occasions.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Every time I see Kash Patel's name, I think of Q's post #1482 from 2018.

It's pleasing to see those who Q told us to keep an eye on, are still poised to help take America back. Ezra Cohen-Watnick is another "insider" patriot Q gave a nod to.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Re Pelosi going to visit the Pope again - anyone would think they were related:


posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, I'm wondering if the burning down of the Iron Bridge in Rome is linked to either or both of these:

COVFEFE... Fe = Iron, Ov = over (bridge), leaving "C"... #998 says P = C

The Pope is Pontifex Maximus = The best Bridge Builder!

Thinking further about the "P = C" in #998 - does COVFEFE become POVFEFE?

POVFEFE possibly meaning Point of View; Iron (bridge) becomes Iron (Ore)?

You’re something else Sufi, in a Good Way !

LOL, sometimes all I can do is try and keep up, or maybe better put, all we can do is to have Faith that we can work toward a pretty simple common goal, “ Back Off Control Freaks “ !

It’s pretty overwhelming to comprehend how deliberate this attack is on sooo many different fronts, but if we all just do our best to plant the seeds in our day to day lives, and that doesn’t mean giving up whatever unique talents and influences you have, but recognizing that in the same way the control grid was built, it can be dismantled, one person at a time.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

P_pers: Panama, Paradise, Pandora?

Pandora Papers - An ICIJ Investigation.

The Pandora Papers connected offshore activity to more than twice as many politicians and public officials as did the Panama Papers. And the Pandora Papers’ more than 330 politicians and public officials, from more than 90 countries and territories , included 35 current and former country leaders.
None of the 336 politicians listed are from the US. However...

Where are the U.S. citizens and multinational corporations?

When it comes to creating offshore companies, foundations and trusts, parties from different parts of the world and with different needs select different providers and jurisdictions for their shell companies.

Pandora Papers documents cover a large number of providers, but obviously not all, or even most, of them, and many jurisdictions are not represented in the data.

Is ICIJ going to release the Pandora Papers data?

With today’s publication, ICIJ is sharing data and details about the use of companies in secrecy jurisdictions by more than 50 politicians, through the Power Players feature. ICIJ is planning to incorporate data from the Pandora Papers into the Offshore Leaks database.

Offshore Leaks Database
edit on 3-10-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I wonder how many Doctors is the CDC have personal connections back to NIXVM?

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Side effects "May include Werewolfism". Read the damn pamphlet that comes with the Vaccines.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

1) He believes the side effects of the current vaccines/boosters, of blood clots, will be incorrectly identified as Marburg hemorrhagic fever virus,

Something amongst Historians, is the argument that The Black Death was a type of Hemorrhagic Fever. Just something to ponder on as to why this may have also come up.

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

So does this mean that the Merchant Class has control of the church?

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 02:47 PM
File under "FDA insists on pushing conspiracy theories on Shedding, see truth about vaccines..."

Shedding was a concern until it wasn't a concern because the science.

Draco shills be like "shedding is not a thing, STFU and take the jab it is proven safe."

So WTF is going on here?

From one POV, ignoring the NWO/Blowfeld/Reset stuff,,, the Medical Mafia controls the planet, period. They have remained hidden in plain view. In the US 250k people a year are killed by the medical mafia, then add: OXY, then lifetime addictions to meds, nursing home warehousing, experimental treatments, abortions, insurance etc. They are monsters hiding under the banner, "we're doing our best to save lives."

So, right now those INVOLVED in this system are getting their Red Pill.

Yes, we all have to witness those trapped in the Medical Mafia Matrix get their Red Pill Suppository. I've mentioned this before but a documentary I saw some time ago is so revealing on this topic of Red Pill Awareness. The Texas Executioner killed over 100 people before he realized what he was doing - the "I'm only doing my job" spell broke ONLY after killing 100 people!

Consider the "ventilator" death sentence has been going on 1.5 years, and only now are nurses seeing it clearly, and seemingly a few doctors, likely very few up the food chain of pharma systems are.

Well meaning as many in the Medical Mafia Matrix are, they are trapped in the control system and they are being confronted head on about their support of the system that controls/kills as its Prime Directive. The breaking point for them is soon, when that point is hit, the feces is going to fly as it appears to be the last forced Red Pill other then "Non Terrestrial" forms.

Every sector has been given a Red Pill to this point that I can think of.

World Leaders.
Consumables, food, energy, supply chain stuff.

Humans As Currency.

Once those trapped in the major Red Pill categories have been given their chance, and have chosen, we are set to move on. Depending on POV it will look like hell reset on earth or liberation.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Guy, it could also mean the church has control of the merchant class!

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
So Chairwoman Pelosi would serve the Pope?

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Why are you still on this thread?

I'm wasting my time on here, just like everybody else.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 03:07 PM
McAfee's tgram. There is a video shot with a drone of different things on an estate that I am guessing is McAfees but not positive.


TIME 2 GET [K][R](A)[K][E][N]


posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Phoenix
That reason is worn out.

How do you introduce evidence? Obviously not like this.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 03:08 PM

(worth noting, the varying mask positions in the clip)

Not one of the 81m people who voted for Joe could name even one point of the BBB-NWO-RESET agenda that HE is responsible for. Who is Joe Biden? Who is Joe Biden really?

Comments are pathetic.
edit on 3-10-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

If the Pope and Pelosi are related, then that would also mean that the church has control of the US House of Representatives. That's a frightening thought given the people involved are into Soul Cooking. I guess the real question should be; "How far gone in the Vatican?"

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 03:14 PM
More from McAfee

First and Foremost I want to thank each and every Patriot for the Support - After receiving so much positive feedback, We are happy to Announce that we are joining Forces with Hearts of Hope who will be running 3 Feeding Centers for us and helping out preparing Food and delivering it by the pallet to all 3 centers 11/26-11/27 in Caracas. We have received tons of messages asking for more ways to give back and We are setting up a Drop Location courtesy of AirTM in Miami that you will be able to send care packages to as they run shipping containers twice a week to Venezuela. Things they are asking for are Toys: Crayons, Markers, Paper, Paints also Toys can be New, Used or Old it doesn’t matter. Any clothes for Ages 12 and Under, New or Used, doesn’t matter. Any hygiene like soap, shampoo, toilet paper etc. . They do ask that if it is a liquid that it be sealed. If this is something you are interested in please send a DM here and someone from my Team will pass you the address to ship to. If the Toy Run goes successfully we will run it until Christmas.

Many of you have asked why Venezuela. . .?
Children are hunting pigeons, with slingshots, to survive.
While Americans are getting ready to enjoy Thanksgiving dinners, children in Venezuela are eating rats with wings. Two pigeons can feed one child, but on a good day, they only catch one that is split between their whole family.
How can a family survive off one small bird?
Fuel prices are so high, it is impossible for people to drive to stores. Even if they could, they wouldn’t be able to afford the food because the Venezuelan currency is dead. There’s nothing in the fridge or cupboards.

First off they don’t “celebrate” Thanksgiving in VE but Turkey Day Cachapa which is why a large group of American Ex Military (my team included) have been bringing it to them every year like Clockwork even before they took out the US Embassy there and moved it to Bogota. Venezuela has been hit with a humanitarian crisis like no #ing other and We The People need to take a hard look at Venezuela and Wake The # up because We The People are next if we don’t step it up and DO SOMETHING NOW! It all started with the machines that originated there, you know the same machines We The People use to vote on, the same machines used to cheat almost every political race known, the same machines that have been running McAfee Antivirus since Day One. . . Tik Tock

Right now We are using these last few hours of prayer to thank God for giving us the Free Will to think for ourselves and giving back to those in need First. Once this is over we will continue the Hunt including Alice and you will know when she is sent by my channel, Expect It.

Mantén la cabeza en alto Venezuela, la ayuda está en camino, ten fe, nunca te rindas y recuerda siempre Promesa hecha Promesa cumplida

Thank You for Your Support


John McAfee.

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