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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

The funny thing about this PLAN demic is the ones screaming to get vaccinated are making the rich richer ...their arch enemy lol S imply
Follow the Money Pfizer Top Investors

edit on 1022021 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Phoenix

I wasn't referring to the laws that never get enforced. I meant the real facts of what communism and socialism actually mean not the fairytale version that has been taught in our schools. But yes your right laws have to be enforced.

A quarter to half a billion dead. No telling talent lost to the world, Other nations that didn't have massacre's became totally impoverished, a freaking nightmare and fully understand Pablum taught in schools last 40ish years.

If our laws were upheld early on rather than dismissed as they were then the entrenchment of communist/socialist progressive thinking would not have occurred within our institutions to the extent it has.

By themselves they were not hugely threatening however the deep state uses them very effectively to achieve control which makes that cause extremely damaging.

Wait till we see CCP system implode soon - that'll be epic.

edit on 2-10-2021 by Phoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Hysterical. Did you notice the comments on Snowdens Twit? My favorite was one guy from a red state asking all the people from the blue states what they were going to eat after the

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

The old game still being played upon the dumb sheeple. From your link...Well, what a surprise, the top two! Actually that whole nefarious bankster list!

Side story: My dad is friends with Peter Ostrum, the former child actor who played Charlie in Willy Wonka. That was his first and last Hollywood film and later became a veterinarian, specializing in horses and cows. Around 10 years ago he did a promotional tv Ad for horses and the whole production was funded by Pfizer. Recall back last year or maybe it was 2019 when all those race horses suddenly died. Sure makes you wonder.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: cimmerius
Thanks for the clarification. I do find it odd why the 9 was omitted on one type of watch. Why just one number of such significance?

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Phoenix

I know it's sad! If we come through this we can never let history repeat itself. I don't have as much of a problem with public servants, serving throughout their career but no financial conflicts of interest for them or family members while in office. I'm sure there are laws regarding that I just don't recall them.

edit on R20212021kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago10 by RookQueen because: spelling change

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Phoenix

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Phoenix

I wasn't referring to the laws that never get enforced. I meant the real facts of what communism and socialism actually mean not the fairytale version that has been taught in our schools. But yes your right laws have to be enforced.

A quarter to half a billion dead. No telling talent lost to the world, Other nations that didn't have massacre's became totally impoverished, a freaking nightmare and fully understand Pablum taught in schools last 40ish years.

If our laws were upheld early on rather than dismissed as they were then the entrenchment of communist/socialist progressive thinking would not have occurred within our institutions to the extent it has.

By themselves they were not hugely threatening however the deep state uses them very effectively to achieve control which makes that cause extremely damaging.

Wait till we see CCP system implode soon - that'll be epic.

Underrated comment ^^^.

The CCP were hoodwinked by the old guard, now they are pissed, the problem is they are not skilled enough to navigate their way out of this. Rule #1, all reptiles lie, all reptiles lie to each other. Chinese Dragons got taken.

Good to see you PX, hope everything is going well.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 03:03 PM
China's silent war on the US - Fentanyl Flow to the United States...

DEA Intel Report [PDF]

U.S.-China Economic AND Security Review Commission

The issue brief examines the evolution of China’s role in global illicit fentanyl trade. China placed all forms of fentanyl and its analogues on a regulatory schedule in 2019, but the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) assesses China remains the primary country of origin for illicit fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked in the United States. While Mexican drug cartels have always been a critical node for smuggling illicit fentanyl into the United States, this brief finds that the links between Chinese and Mexican actors in the fentanyl trade has grown in complexity, including the development of sophisticated money laundering operations.

Since China’s government scheduled fentanyl, the amount of finished fentanyl shipped directly from China to the United States has declined, while the amount shipped from Mexico has increased.

DEA agents confiscate nearly 2 million fake pills in nationwide drug raids, including in Cleveland

There were 93,000 fatal drug overdoses in the U.S. in 2020 and about 75% of them were from fake fentanyl-laced pills.
“More than 9.5 million counterfeit pills were seized so far this year. That’s more than the last two years combined… The number of fake pills with fentanyl has jumped nearly 430% since 2019,” said Deputy U.S. Attorney General Lisa Monaco during an afternoon news conference in Washington.

September 27, 2021 - PSA: Sharp Increase in Fake Prescription Pills Containing Fentanyl and Methamphetamine...DEA Warns that International and Domestic Criminal Drug Networks are Flooding the United States with Lethal Counterfeit Pills. One Pill Can Kill [PDF]

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

What they've done, we've allowed.

Fentanyl is one among a huge number of "death by a thousand cuts" instance's. Its almost as if CCP has a formal program devoted to finding myriad ways to damage western society using it's own systems, laws, customs, greed, corruption, vice and general laziness as levers to topple it.

As crankyoldman said it appears by doing so the Chinese themselves have fallen victim to the very tools employed.

Quite often I see China news where Xi or some organ of CCP is trying to rein in the excesses after the horse left the barn.


posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 03:28 PM
#40 continues to be something important.
What happened 40 years ago? First reported cases of HIV/AIDS!
Fauci of course was very involved. One kuestion immediately popped up...Why after 40 years there has not been any vaccine produced to combat this. Medical treatments, yes, but no effective vaccines.

But Covid 19 crops up, with many claiming that there is an HIV genetic link, and presto we have vaccines galore and Fauci and gang claim they are effective.
Since there is a problem developing an HIV vaccine this means the vaccines currently being administered may be ineffective as well, especially important if the HIV/AIDS link is confirmed.

I looked for some supporting evidence to this logic and I did find something and if it is true that there is an HIV genetic manipulation in the bioweapon we have a big problem.

The Conversation:

In 40 years there have been 5 large scale Phase 3 vaccine efficacy trials and all of them have FAILED.

There was no increased protection against the disease, no reduction in the viral loads but much more troubling was that individuals who were vaccinated had a statistically significant increase in infection!

So this supports what we suspect that those who are currently being vaccinated are showing more signs of infection and that is why there are more vaccinated being hospitalized and dying.

But what is so unique with HIV/AIDS that makes it so difficult to develop effective vaccines?

The HIV/AIDS virus has continuous replication features and has evolved an ability to generate many mutations, strains of the virus, and it varies not only for each individual but also within the individual. There is no common virus so it is not possible to develop a vaccine because it needs to be person specific and even then ""variability of HIV within an individual exceeds the entire worldwide sequence variability in the influenza virus during an entire season.

The HIV virus also has developed the ability to hide itself from antibodies because the envelope is the most heavily sugared of viruses [1/2 of the weight is sugar] and it uses the sugars to shield itself from the antibodies.
Problem is that the antibodies are weak and strain specific so basically useless. These viruses are constantly evolving.

Moderna is ramping up trials for an mRNA vaccine for AIDS but the same issues make this problematic because how can it treat all of the stains and mutations.

Fauci has had 40 years to become one of the most informed HIV/AIDS expert and has been personally involved with the funding and development of the bioweapon development at the Wuhan lab. He would know about the implications of inserting an HIV genetic segment into the manipulated virus making it basically untreatable with vaccines.

So what are they hiding???...

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

So what are they hiding???...

It's a top secret agenda that has a deadline looming.

I'm not even sure the government leaders know the full scope of it. They're doing what they're told...or else.

It could be that they are actually insane, being artificially directed, or "pharmacologically" coerced. Some of these crazy people imposing draconian rules right now may be addicts of some sort and are doing what they're told in order to keep receiving whatever it is they're addicted to.

Their actions and demands are just too bizarre, especially in a country that is the epitome of "home of the brave and land of the free".

I hope those of us that still have our sanity will recognize the enormity of what "they" are doing and find a way to stop it before it's too late.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 03:58 PM
The Conversation continued...

Scientists researching HIV/AIDS have identified some very, very rare individuals who have been able to produce antibodies "with potent neutralizing abilities against a broad range of" strains/mutations. These antibodies are rare and considering the nature of the disease very unusual but miraculous. This means that these antibodies can be deployed into the infected population and provide an effective treatment and even more important - this provides a pathway through a single innoculation providing protective antibodies for LIFE!

The fact that scientists have injected mice and have been following them for 6.5 years and have confirmation that this is in effect true WHY HAVE THEY NOT STARTED TREATING HIV/AIDS INFECTED PEOPLE? They have these antibodies and they can be replicated!

Since they have confirmation of this then it could be deployed to the world wide population and stop the endless cycle of vaccines that are not helping but rather harming more people. Especially relevant as Angel S has brought up several times now her concern about the HIV connection.

But why has this not come forward? I took a peek and bingo - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation link for funding! Along with the NIH!
By funding they, along with many other foundations, have control of the treatment and information.

Sadly when I look at all of the universities, research facilities and foundations and of course NIH one would expect that this treatment would be going through serious clinical trials by now. Exactly what are they waiting for???

Anyway the main principal of making this effective for life is injecting the antibodies into the muscle and then the muscle cells become an going factory producing a continuous stream of antibodies.

Fauci has been involved for 40 years with this disease and has hidden this information from many who could have benefitted from treatment but like what we have seen it is all about big pharma and the $ and Fauci/Gates/WHO depopulation agenda.

Complements to Professor of Pathology Dr. Ronald C. Desrosiers.
Vice Chair for Research
University of Miami at the Miller School of Medicine.>hiv-aids-vaccine-why-do...

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: queenofswords
I agree that something has possessed them because non of this is rational behavior. I just keep digging through and the number 40 is cropping up everywhere. I'm sure there are probably other important links that we will find going forward.

Ronald Regan was president 40 years ago and replaced Carter who opened the doors to Chyna and maybe this whole agenda started then. All of this took time and lots of planning.

We were supposed to have alien disclosure so maybe this is a last stand against us?

I am going forward with hopium that we are disrupting as much as possible their artificial timeline because it is not carved in stone. We do have free will and self determination and maybe it is time we add President Trump to Mount Rushmore.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 04:30 PM
40 years ago 1981.
The first personal computer was introduced by IBM and Time Magazine made the personal computer "MAN OF THE YEAR"!

Also in the early 80"s the computers became increasingly important in classroom instruction. Decreased interpersonal interaction and increased reliance on technology. Most important was which computer technology became dominate. In early grades it was the Apple and high school it was the DOS systems [Microsoft].

Those that control the narrative control the past and the future and as we have seen they easily rewrite history.>blog>education>evolutio...

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 04:42 PM

Divided And Conquer, strangely it is a thing, like, out in the open not hidden sort of thing.

Divided by:

Political Affiliation
Sports Team Affiliation

Now Medical Status

The system just simply keeps relentlessly splitting polarity points in two with literally no end to it, to infinity and beyond.

My Q-uestion is: does it need to get even more divided for folks to see? My god, folks divide themselves by music preference, favorite teeeveee show, even shoe preference, choice of food, hilariously weather preference, and all because the machine was left running on "divide the polarity points..." and for no other reason at all.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 05:57 PM
Farm to Fork: How the EU and the Davos Cabal Plan to Control Agriculture

Whenever we hear the word “sustainable” we would be well-advised to take a critical look behind the nice sounding words. In the case of the globalist Agenda 2030 with its 17 sustainable goals by 2030, the one for creating a “sustainable agriculture”, when looked at closely, will destroy a huge part of EU agriculture production and drive already rising global prices for food far higher. The EU Commission calls their Green Deal for food the cute title, “Farm to Fork.” It is being backed by Klaus Schwab’s omnipresent World Economic Forum and their Great Reset.

In April this year, the EU Commission released that study on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs). NGTs are producing gene-edited plants and even animals. The report claims that NGTs, “techniques to alter the genome of an organism, have the potential to contribute to a more sustainable food system as part of the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy.” The report calls for a “public debate” to change the strict EU laws on approval of GMO crops that require extensive testing and labelling of GMO crops.

If the EU agriculture sector is brought into the gene-edited GMO regime and its production radically reduced as a consequence, it will drive ever greater food shortages around the world. This is the Davos plan along with their COVID-19 eugenics Great Reset agenda. Calling it Farm to Fork makes it sound harmless. It clearly is not.

A handful of corporations control our food from farm to fork. Their unbridled power grants them increasing political influence over the laws that govern our food system and allows them to manipulate the marketplace as they see fit.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 06:44 PM
To mock it. Voted for Mickey Mouse when Bill was reelected.
For cover, ie 2016 voted for Jill Stein 2020 Voted for Joe Jorgenson no one can say I did not support women representation just not one that was rumored to be part of a cover or something.
To bring more parties/people to the table.
Our votes have not counted in my lifetime and unless a miracle happens I am not expecting anything different.
I will continue to participate in my protest vote against both branches of the war/corporate party.
Jesse V somehow won in MN if more "longshots" get in the better off we will be.
a reply to: gmx0010110

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 07:17 PM
Laws are for the little people. Federal employees in a position where there could be a conflict of interest have to complete an OGE-450. Self reporting of legally received money. It doesn’t cover the illegal money or unethical and illegal relationships.

Regarding splitting the country, that’s a fool’s solution. It can never succeed. This is a global war. We have to win. Fully. No war is won from a defensive position.

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Phoenix

I know it's sad! If we come through this we can never let history repeat itself. I don't have as much of a problem with public servants, serving throughout their career but no financial conflicts of interest for them or family members while in office. I'm sure there are laws regarding that I just don't recall them.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 08:10 PM
This is a nice deptiction of how Inversion needs to be used to break the spell. Milley is a White Hat, he exposed more to the world than any whistleblower could ever hope to.

"Speaking out" is factored into the equation, but Inversion of Inversion is not. Seems insane, but this is not a sane world and never was.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 08:12 PM

Check out Ezra's response. Still trust him? Inversion can be a B sometimes.

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