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Those who laughed about the magnets

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posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: sciencelol

Say you had a block of steel and grinded it down to powder then ran a magnet over that powder what do you think would happen?

Do you think the powder would still stick to the magnet?

Thank you! That's the nail in the coffin on the magnetic arms thing!

Yes, some of the metal shavings would stick to the magnet... but the magnet would not stick to the shavings! The magnet is many thousands of times more massive than the shavings, so it would experience a force on the order of a fraction of a thousandth the force on the shavings!

That's why the confusion about actual magnetic mechanisms that are used to direct substances using an external field. It takes substantial magnetic fields to do this even on the medications that are designed to react. And here's the kicker: the medications being directed do not noticeably affect the external fields!

If someone were to somehow place nano-scale ferromagnetic particles in a person's body, of sufficient mass to be detectable using a small neo magnet, not only would that person immediately go into some sort of shock from the sheer amount of contamination, but any magnet brought near them would literally stretch their arteries and veins, probably to the point of causing aneurysms! Anyone in the room with a running MRI machine would be literally shredded at the microscopic level... they would simply "melt" into a pile of organic soup!

That is how preposterous this idea of magnetic arms is.


posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: sciencelol

Say you had a block of steel and grinded it down to powder then ran a magnet over that powder what do you think would happen?

Do you think the powder would still stick to the magnet?

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 02:20 PM
edit on 27-8-2021 by OOOOOO because: Someone deleted what I say

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: GravitySucks

I used to have one of those!

I was playing with it one day, absentmindedly chewing on the "pencil," when the magnet came off and I swallowed it! I told Mom and she went into a panic. She called the doctor and was screaming that I had swallowed a magnet. Then she suddenly got quiet and answered him with "no, it's not expensive..."

This was before MRI, so it wasn't anything to worry about.


posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 02:26 PM
RFID the activator mechanism

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: Serdgiam
Simply presenting the vaccine as a completed product, along with some governmental acknowledgement of efficacy, would have gone a long way toward convincing me to take it. I cannot say if I would have, but under the present climate there is no way I will. Perhaps in a few years, when (hopefully) all of the hype wears off and things return to some semblance of normal, I might reconsider. Until then, my mind is made up: I will NOT be getting the vaccine.

Before the vaccines were officially a "thing," it was all pretty clear that they werent going to prevent infection or transmission. Though, it did appear to reduce the severity of symptoms in some cases. In a vacuum, this isnt the worst thing in the world and I saw it as simply another tool to add to our approach. Though, the numbers themselves werent particularly impressive even there, and personally, I probably wouldnt have rolled it out at all (much less start talking about mandates).

Somewhere along the line, things started to get wildly muddled. Numbers and statistics started to be released that didnt appear to actually be backed by data. Some of it was even sourced directly in the media itself, with vague appeals to authorities like the CDC.

Utterly bizarre stuff.. But people bought it all, likely because they were looking for an "out" to all of this mess and that is exactly what the vaccines were being marketed as (similar to the masks before them). And now that this is all coming to light, its being blamed on everyone who didnt buy into the marketing itself.

My parents are deeply, deeply concerned about all this. Long before vaccines were officially being rolled out, I tried to tell them that they looked ok.. but if they just jumped right back into "normal" life (or as it turned out, tried to make up for lost time with vacations, etc) that the jabs simply didnt look like they worked that way and that everyone doing that would likely lead to a huge jump in cases. They became very, very angry and havent talked with me about any of it since then.

I thought the jabs looked "ok," and definitely used some cool technology, but that they werent what they were being sold as (some panacea).

And that has absolutely nothing to do with 5G, magnetism, photo-luminescense, or any of that nonsense. It's simply a reaction to anything that is new and untested in the general population. I am the same way with computer advances, automobile automation, other medical procedures, nutrition... I do not like being the guinea pig. Let others try the new things, and if they prove effective I'll join in.

I think my problem is that I simply like to talk about the "crazier" stuff. I do understand that that isnt really acceptable anymore, but I still enjoy it. Both "sides" dont want me anyway, so its probably fine
I also feel I have very reasonable criticisms about approaches like vaccines to seasonal illness in general, but that type of talk is borderline heresy nowadays.


Perhaps my biggest concern in all of this is that a problem will arise, like this one in Japan, and it will simply be swept under the rug with the "righteous" motive of not wanting to increase so-called vaccine hesitancy. If the people involved in the process somewhere feel its more important that people get the jab than safety protocols, fixing defects, etc. I could easily see them just ignoring it. "Its not that bad, and we dont want people to have doubt about the vaccines."

There is no legal liability anyway, and some of the contracts between governments and these corporations are.. pretty wild. Its hard to verify the leaks though, since they are all technically confidential.

Complemented by highlighting the most extreme examples of "anti-vaxxers" as indicative of the whole, motivated by the misguided drive to "get everyone vaccinated," with massive, massive amounts of resources poured into it, talks of mandates with no actual medical exemptions, and total legal immunity from any adverse health issues... Well, lets just say I dont like that situation at all.
edit on 27-8-2021 by Serdgiam because: squirrel bracket

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: GravitySucks

I used to have one of those!

I was playing with it one day, absentmindedly chewing on the "pencil," when the magnet came off and I swallowed it! I told Mom and she went into a panic. She called the doctor and was screaming that I had swallowed a magnet. Then she suddenly got quiet and answered him with "no, it's not expensive..."

This was before MRI, so it wasn't anything to worry about.


Haha well it all worked out in the end!

These toys were great! Now I'm wondering if they've been banned or if we can still get them.

ETA: They do still sell them! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
edit on 27-8-2021 by GravitySucks because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Funny, you look bald in your profile picture. In any case you'll be ecstatic to hear it's not the vaccine.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Somewhere along the line, things started to get wildly muddled. Numbers and statistics started to be released that didnt appear to actually be backed by data. Some of it was even sourced directly in the media itself, with vague appeals to authorities like the CDC.

Things were "muddled" from the start of this whole virus thing. I could understand the initial concern... a new virus with no known treatment, no known cure, and we weren't even sure what the exact prognosis would be. In a word, it was "novel." Thus, it was appropriate to take extreme precautions, like actually quarantining returning citizens from Wuhan, and we did so.

But then it got loose here. That's on China for not locking down Wuhan initially, but I also noticed our quarantine procedures weren't exactly what I always understood quarantine to be. Quarantine is supposed to be a last-ditch total isolation of those who have, or have likely been exposed to, a deadly disease. The quarantines were far from total isolation... it was more limiting contact than a quarantine.

Then the damn thing got loose in Washington and killed a bunch of people in a nursing home. OK, it's deadly... how do we stop it? Turns out it was only highly fatal to a select group, the elderly and immuno-compromised. Turns out it is 99.8-99.9% survivable... definitely not something that suggests a quarantine procedure. Then we learn that the ventilators themselves were a problem because the normal settings were too aggressive. Then a few doctors started treating it with readily-available medicines with reported success. Suddenly the virus didn't look so scary any more. We had treatments for a potentially serious but survivable disease. A mean flu in terms of symptoms.

And then everything fell apart. Hydrocloroquine was demonized like I have never seen anything demonized before. Some fool kills himself by taking a similar substance without medical supervision, and suddenly a drug that has been proven safe for decades is a killer. Next thing I know, the FDA and CDC are warning doctors against treating patients with it, with jail time for those who refused to comply.

In the meantime, death rates are obviously being exaggerated. Doctors are recording deaths from motorcycle accidents as due to this virus. That narrative starts getting picked up and a ton of crazy theories surface about how the death rate is somehow being suppressed... although I don't see how one could say that when some states were counting virus deaths twice.

To be honest, I have yet to imagine a better way to create a global pandemic: demonize any treatment, demand use of devices that increase person infection, force everyone to shop in only the largest stores so they are all forced together, decrease the store capacity to force everyone together while they wait hours to spend 15 minutes inside, deny other medical treatments in case the disease overruns hospitals (which it has not done in the US yet), and increase depression by refusing to let people socialize.

People keep claiming masks work... if they do, why haven't we knocked this thing out yet? Why the need for social distancing? If social distancing works, why do we need a rushed vaccine and mandatory vaccinations? No, nothing that has been tried has succeeded in anything like acceptable levels, and this vaccine is apparently just another failure.

Trump started Operation Warp Drive to get a vaccine quickly... and was lambasted for it. The talking heads said it was too risky... the exact same talking heads that now are casually suggesting mandates for the very thing they called "too risky" before, and without any explanation of why they changed their mind.

Now we are told the vaccine does not prevent the disease... meaning it is not technically a vaccine at all... but only makes the symptoms less. OK, that's a preventative treatment, not a vaccine. But instead of marketing it like that, honestly, it is still touted as a vaccine.

Long story short: This has nothing to do with a virus or the medical industry at all. This is about politics.

That's why i don't trust it... not because it interacts with 5G, not because I'm scared of my arm turning into metal, not because I don't want to glow in the dark... the process appears sound, and looks promising. My only real concern is the protein that is being replicated, and that is probably an unfounded concern. But the same people who have made it clear they want nothing more than to hurt me and mine, to take away our peace of mind, our liberty, and our very ability to survive, want me to take this thing desperately!

If a scammer calls me up and asks me to give him my personal info, I don't do that either.


posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: nonspecific

The interior diameter of the needle is just under .2mm so anything used would need to be smaller than this.

a reply to: TerryDon79

For injections, the diameter of the needles can be anywhere from half a MM to 1/10th a MM. Typical is 28 gauge which is 0.362 of a millimeter. So the contaminants wouldn't make it through the needle and the reason they noticed it is because you don't see things floating in any medication you inject. There was obviously a problem with the manufacture or someone contaminated the batches on purpose. The company in Spain Laboratorios Farmaceuticos ROVI SAROVI.MC is investigating how they were contaminated. I have a theory but I can't be sure I suspect they had a needle that was broken meaning someone who was preparing shots didn't know what they were doing.

If it was contamination from the factory Rovi will be out of business because there is just no excuse for a lab to contaminate viles.

A broken needle would be made of stainless steel which won't react magnetically or chemically and Japan is saying the floaties are reacting to metal.
edit on 27-8-2021 by igloo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: SeaWorthy

I'll take your word for it however the only eyes i trust are my own.

Ask your self what she asked why? Why would anyone ever keep this going?


posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
An electromagnet needs a power source though?

How would these particles that are electromagnetic be powered?

a reply to: Justoneman

Human biology can be the power source of nano particles. I get a daily email from the site , and there are lots of research into microscopic machines that can be can activated in your body. That site is woke. I won't quote from them too much but they do have great articles on nanobots and Graphene.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Do you remember the Diamond Princess cruise ship?

Man.. what a fortuitous opportunity to know pretty much exactly what we were dealing with. Pretty early (beginning of Feb 2020), closed system with the population that is generally the most vulnerable to any pathogen. Super rare opportunity that Im not sure will ever be seen again. It should have been touted as this amazing thing, but.. here we are, eh?

It seems like we have made the wrong decision at every single step along the way. At a certain point, it looks intentional to me. Im pretty open about my views, but I also recognize it introduces bias. So, I always try to keep that in mind, but it becomes very difficult to attribute everything to incompetence when it has all the appearances of very adeptly choosing the wrong thing every time. I believe we are seeing the same thing with Afghanistan. In both situations, I believe we are seeing things be screwed up with a great level of skill or at least intent.

And, many in the general public just eat it up. All of it, without question or hesitation. Things can change literally from one day to the next, and we will see people say "the science changed." It didnt.. but thats an easy way to just keep swallowing obvious BS.

Hydroxychloroquine was a huge eye opener for me. Im preaching to the choir on this, but Ive never seen that level of open corruption and literal garbage masquerading as "science." Plenty of that stuff has since been retracted by what used to be considered prestigious publications, but the damage is done and public perception has been shaped. I still believe that zinc ionophores (maybe not even HCQ specifically) hold absolutely immense promise when dealing with ssRNA viruses. I believe it is the future and would love to see more research.

But.. in all of these circumstances, we see some stances being taken that seem specifically designed to discredit any questions. Same thing with the magnets. Its one thing to simply have a discussion about it, but having the degree of unflinching certainty that some have about some of this isnt a stance I really understand.

All that said!! I think it is absolutely imperative to remember, and always keep in mind, that there are so many people doing so much amazing work out there. Because of the nature of centralized information channels, its relatively easy to saturate them with two opposing narratives (or "flood the zone" as they called it during Event 201). But.. there is still phenomenal work happening out there.

I think the key is in building, adopting, and utilizing systems that are completely independent from these mainstream structures. I dont believe beneficial change can happen from within them, and we can do better anyway. Its actually feasible with modern technology and we at least see themes of decentralization emerging in higher profile places. Im doing my part to start making presentations of the more advanced aspects of my own technology, and Im hoping others will do the same. Plenty of people from every walk of life, from police officers to doctors to engineers to scientists to artists, have been ostracized and excommunicated. Because of modern tech, and self-sufficient tech for power, food, manufacturing, etc. we have the opportunity to build something completely different with relative ease and rapidity. Then we can simply share it with others with a couple clicks!

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 08:59 PM
The needles are stainless steel, non magnetic a reply to: andy06shake

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
I don't think you got what I am saying. Basically we don't know what they did there but we DO see contamination and the anecdotes from people who had just taken the jab.

That doesn't answer the question you originally said you could answer, does it?

I did, next.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
Here is what they said....So how did the OP go from this to

Takeda did not detail the nature of the contamination, but said it had not so far received any reports of health concerns arising from affected doses. Contaminants were seen inside vials from one of the three batches

I know right. We just went down that rabbit hole and probably not the real story. We don't have a lot we can believe from traditional sources these days. Those are in the tank, forever lost to us.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 09:09 PM
The create a problem, solve a problem, and then get rich is still a huge possibility here. I am not saying we should be agreeing with magnetism either, I see your point clearly. There are things going on though that would lead normal logic to say it could be a lot of things nefarious happening in those vaccines and our "trusted sources" of yesteryear are scum bags.

We as a society have gotten so dependent on the Pharmaceutical companies when they have everything to gain by not curing us but rather temporarily easing our suffering. Many have been so dumbed down by the system and Orwellian liars are pounding lies as truth as we type.

originally posted by: nonspecific
This is a contaminated batch though.

It's highly plausable that the contamination is metallic and I'm not disputing that.

I'm saying that I don't believe that millions of other doses were shipped out without anyone realising they were contaminated and even if they were I don't believe anyone can show me how metal contamination in a 2ml dose with a maximum size of .2mm to fit through a needle could cause magnets to stick to people.

I'm disputing the magmatism not the contamination.

a reply to: sciencelol

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
I did, next.

By saying this?

Basically we don't know...

You also didn't explain how people were sticking metal things, not magnets, to their arms with your original attempt.

The particles are attracted like metal to a magnet. Mystery solved.

edit on 27-8-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 10:41 PM
Just realized I'm totally confused at this point due to information/speculation overload.

Are the magnets in the vaccine?

Or do magnets stick to you after you get the vaccine (meaning you've been injected with a substance that stick to magnets?

Also U.S quarters don't stick to magnets. Just saying. Neither do many spoons. Only iron, cobalt, and nickel stick, no?

Iron, cobalt and nickel, gadolinium, neodymium, magnetite, and samarium are strongly attracted to magnets.

Platinum, tungsten, aluminum, and magnesium are weakly attracted to magnets.

Silver and copper are repelled by magnets.

So what are we thinking is in the vaccine?

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: GravitySucks

Yeah. Keys are mostly made of brass. Also not attracted to magnets.

Wait. I know. Gravity. That's it. The vaccines are full of tiny black holes. Tiny black holes produced with the CERN supercollider.

edit on 8/27/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

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