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FDA fully approves the "Vax"

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posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: Zitterbewegung
a reply to: DreadKnock

Yes the world was the phase 3 trial.

It still is for everything except how they gave it a name that is oddly close to commie and comrade....brilliant!

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: norhoc

No , they DID NOT . FAKE NEWS ..........

This is an Extension of the Emergency Approval . Media Pushing LIES Again .
edit on 23-8-2021 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:07 PM
VGS: Vaccine Guilt Syndrome.
The vaccinated are afraid and feel better if we were all vaccinated. So we can all suffer the same.
The vaccinated did it for selfish reasons but made it seem like they were doing it for mankind.
Kind of bit them in the ass when they can still catch and spread the virus.
Now they are angry and are looking for someone to blame besides themselves.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah

I still do not need the vaccine, thank you.

100% your decision, your

I truly try not to debate a personal decision, but people tend to role personal choice in with the debate whether the vaccine is OK or not. I like debating the vaccine, but really do not want to get into the choice side as I also don't think everyone needs to get it. If you are in the .0001% club you really do not need it. If you are 70 I would really think about it.

Its not if, but when we all get COVID, so we roll that dice either way.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: Zitterbewegung
VGS: Vaccine Guilt Syndrome.
The vaccinated are afraid and feel better if we were all vaccinated. So we can all suffer the same.
The vaccinated did it for selfish reasons but made it seem like they were doing it for mankind.
Kind of bit them in the ass when they can still catch and spread the virus.
Now they are angry and are looking for someone to blame besides themselves.

Similar to voting for Biden and Harris....Voter Guilt Syndrome....wait....I am sensing a pattern

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Nyiah

I still do not need the vaccine, thank you.

100% your decision, your

I truly try not to debate a personal decision, but people tend to role personal choice in with the debate whether the vaccine is OK or not. I like debating the vaccine, but really do not want to get into the choice side as I also don't think everyone needs to get it. If you are in the .0001% club you really do not need it. If you are 70 I would really think about it.

Its not if, but when we all get COVID, so we roll that dice either way.

With the rate at which it is claimed to have spread, I would guess we HAVE all had Covid. If not, then how do we explain that? Delta apparently can spread way more easily than the OG.

This is the start of a new class of people....Covirgins....those that are saving themselves for the final variant of covid.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

This is the start of a new class of people....Covirgins....those that are saving themselves for the final variant of covid.

In the end I don't really care about the virus or vaccine. I see the vaccine as pretty good and the virus as not so bad, so I'm happy.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: GravitySucks

"Without having read any comments in this thread yet, the prediction is that this won't change many, if any minds."

You are correct. I don't take vaccines at all. I will not allow my genes to be mutated. I will not be intellectual property, and covid has never been isolated or proven to be infectious. There is literally nothing they can do to convince me. Especially, an unelected Nazi government.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: GravitySucks

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: GravitySucks
a reply to: Vasa Croe
Just called him. My bad. They just last night overflowed into a fourth floor,. They are over 100% capacity, and as of last night, there were by his estimates approx 58 (out of approx 160 total beds) hospitalized covid cases with another 21 in ICU (28 total ICU beds). All but one ICI unvaccinated. The 7-day average is 280 cases (out of 1301 ED visitors) confirmed in the ED, leaning heavily to with ED wait times exceeding 9 hours.

I'm not making stats say anything. Almost all of their cases are in unvaccinated people.

How are they over 100% capacity with only 58 people in 160 beds? As far as the rest, that is no worse than a weekend in Chicago.

Please read a bit more carefully. the 58 was covid alone. I'm not talking about Chicago.

You said they overflowed to 4 floors with covid patients. You said they had 160 beds and only 58 are being used. Are they mixing covid with non-covid then? Because 58/160 is far from 98 percent if that's the case.

Either way, there is no way your numbers match your previous statements....even if you add the 20+ other patients not on one of the 4 floors....

I corrected the number of floors after I called him: Last night they had just started on a fourth floor,. They clear the entire floor of non-covid patients.

So four floors for approx 58 patients. Non-covid patients are now contained on two floors, with some of the beds in hallways, or being held in the ED's 24-hour, short term rooms (that's another 12 beds, not counting the ED exam rooms), all full.

Maternity is a separate wing with 28 beds. ICU is two floors, with 28 beds, and is full. (Not sure if they count NICU as beds.)

This leaves about 34 beds for non-covid patients, but seeing as they're in hallways and in the ED 24-hour rooms and the hospitals status is officially over capacity, there are obviously more patients than this being displaced.

By the way, four weeks ago they were at two covid floors. And in any case, to the original point, 98% of their covid patients are not vaccinated.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Can't say due to the nature of SO's employment. But try the hospitals in the Atlanta metro area, many of which are on diversion.

Link 1

Avoid the government sites. They're 9-80 days behind on their reporting. And with good reason it seems.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: norhoc
a reply to: Xtrozero

Look, what it all boils down to is those of us that don't want the jab are just asking to be left alone. Do not tell us how to live our lives (ie masks, banning us from places, or forcing the jab) The reason we feel the need to defend our position is there are those out there on the other side of this that are not content with leaving it at that and want to either force the jab or make life so unbearable you have to get it just to function day to day. And I am not saying you are one of them. If the vax works and you believe in it, fine, go get it, we are not trying to stop you from doing that. But don't force us through mandates or intimidation of losing our livelihoods and ability to enjoy life .

Well said. i liken this to the gay/transexual agenda. "we just want to get married!"

five years later and they are teaching kids that cutting off their johnsons is a sane thing to do.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: GravitySucks
a reply to: putnam6

Can't say due to the nature of SO's employment. But try the hospitals in the Atlanta metro area, many of which are on diversion.

Link 1

Avoid the government sites. They're 9-80 days behind on their reporting. And with good reason it seems.

Why would you give a link to hospitals in Atlanta that has absolutely no info on what the patients are there for?

Your buddy is in a hospital in Oregon, correct?

I live in Atlanta and am at Northside Hospital on a bi-weekly basis and have family/friends that are doctors. Neither myself nor they have seen whatever your buddy in Oregon is saying.

This is starting to sound like a bunch of BS to me.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Well I will keep you all up to date. I went to a soldout Braves game tonight, crammed around 30-40,00 people and we were all mostly unmasked. If I don't get it after tonight I don't think I ever will.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: GravitySucks
a reply to: putnam6

Can't say due to the nature of SO's employment. But try the hospitals in the Atlanta metro area, many of which are on diversion.

Link 1

Avoid the government sites. They're 9-80 days behind on their reporting. And with good reason it seems.

Why would you give a link to hospitals in Atlanta that has absolutely no info on what the patients are there for?

Your buddy is in a hospital in Oregon, correct?

I live in Atlanta and am at Northside Hospital on a bi-weekly basis and have family/friends that are doctors. Neither myself nor they have seen whatever your buddy in Oregon is saying.

This is starting to sound like a bunch of BS to me.

Oregon? My buddy? I'm beginning to think you have a bit of an issue with reading?

The link is for someone who asked. He knows, I'm sure, how to find the info he needs.

Seeing as you're in Atlanta, here are a couple of more links for you to not read/watch.

Met ro Atlanta hospitals give 'urgent' update on state of COVID

Metro Atlanta hospitals report packed emergency rooms as COVID-19 cases surge

The 7-day average of cases climbed 700% over the past month statewide.

Almost 83% of all hospitals are full across GA.

The red is closing in and spreading from AL and from FL.

a reply to: putnam6

Here's a site with covid numbers, but it's a couple of weeks behind.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 02:03 AM
The thing that will kill off this Covid hype is when deaths and hospitalizations decline.

This weekly updated CDC graphic indicates that we're already turning the corner on hospitalizations.

Covid-19 Hospitalizations in the U.S.:

Note how the few hospitalizations there are right now, compared to this past Winter. But our domestic terrorist U.S. media want you to think the hospitals are bursting at the seams with Covid patients.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 05:35 AM
Trump is referring to himself as the "father of the vaccine."
Trump Father of Vaccine

He says that he's "very proud of the vaccine", and that it should have taken years to develop, but his awesomeness got it done in less than one. A bold claim considering that patents existed for the stuff before 2020, and that "warp speed" was planned years in advance.
Personally, I wouldn't be proud of a vaccine for which zero adequate safety studies were performed, and that's killing or permanently damaging recipients at rates never seen before.
Trump also claims that vaccine hesitancy didn't exist when he was president. Bulls$#t! He claims that people don't want it because of Biden.
Also note, he loves talking to Bartiromo, who is/was a member of the CFR. Have to stay where the script is safe.
For the record, I am not a leftist and I voted for Trump. He wasn't trying to take away our guns.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: norhoc
a reply to: Xtrozero

Look, what it all boils down to is those of us that don't want the jab are just asking to be left alone. Do not tell us how to live our lives (ie masks, banning us from places, or forcing the jab) The reason we feel the need to defend our position is there are those out there on the other side of this that are not content with leaving it at that and want to either force the jab or make life so unbearable you have to get it just to function day to day. And I am not saying you are one of them. If the vax works and you believe in it, fine, go get it, we are not trying to stop you from doing that. But don't force us through mandates or intimidation of losing our livelihoods and ability to enjoy life .

That's exactly right, but I swear most of the people who have been jabbed have become as aggressive as bLM if they weren't already that aggressive before, and they show it in full force towards those who don't get one certain vaccine. It's almost like there's something in it. One guy in particular used to be exactly like us and now shows the same left wing aggression simply because we didn't make the same choice he did. Crazy, eh?

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: xuenchen

The shot does not stop infection or transmission.

At this rate the vaccinated will be passing all the variants amongst themselves. Given enough time people will see the unvaccinated wont be the sick ones.

Rest assured, they will continue to blame us and say we're carrying the virus and it's unfair that were passing it to the ones who got vaccinated. Too ignorant or too proud to admit they were wrong.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: network dude

I'm shocked at the dimness of people. Folks don't seem to understand this is simple risk management. Old folks should get the shot. Sucks to be old, but then, be glad you made it that far, some didn't. Younger folks (under 65) aren't at a high risk for this, and a good few of them already had it, and don't want the shot. In a sane, not clown world, that's where the conversation would end.

Hope you got your big red nose while they were on sale.

But you and I know they can't... I kind of feel they are trying to convince themselves their decision not to get it is the right one more than anything else.

By all means, do explain what you mean here...

Those of us who chose not to run out and get an untested and unproven vaccine are not the ones showing aggression to the people who did get the vaccine. We're the ones trying to explain to brick walls why we didn't and shouldn't have to. If not for being shoved in our faces, we wouldn't even be talking about the vaccine, so how are we the ones that are trying to convince ourselves about our decision? Now I'm even more convinced that this vaccine alters your mind.

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