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Vaccines Save Estimated 279,000 Lives in USA

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posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Steam, stream, what's an r between old friends eh?

I'm on a phone so I'm surprised I got as close as I did.

I'll take those pebbles from your hand if you're not careful with them Master Po.

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: nonspecific
Slate stream asked if there was a load of newcomers here today.

I assume he was referring to those of us not knee deep in anti Vax conspiracy.

I was pointing out that none of us were new and green and knew our ways around an ATS discussion.

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: nonspecific

A quick glance at the left shows that just about everyone involved at present has been around for a good few years.

Old carpet seems newish at around 15 months but given the 2 at the end we could guess that he's been here longer and made a new account at some point.

originally posted by: slatesteam

Is is just me, or are there an influx of “newcomers” lately?


I was Oldcarpy but changed jobs and had no access to my old email so had to open a new account.

Problem with that?
Slate stream? I dunno that guy. Must be new here.

Riddle me this: if you’re so adept and deft at the lingo around here, how did you get any inference at all at my jab? Sounds like words in that dudes mouth…

You assume much young grasshopper. “Deny ignorance”

Perhaps you need to learn the "quotes" that you replying to should be above your reply....

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Bugman82

A new study shows that approximately 279,000 lives have been saved so far by the vaccines in the USA. Overall death rates have also plummeted compared to last year since the vaccine rollout. I'm confused as to why people are still buying into vaccine fear narratives when they are clearly working so well.

Praise God, Donald Trump, and operation Warp speed!

Orange man good?

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

It could be. Or a lot less.
Up or down? I don't know any "victims". So I'm not sure how to react, to other people placing their fears on me. But I definitely have a problem with that.

I'm honestly? Not all that bent, about a "1,000,000" less idiots, that I don't have to worry about "voting" wrong. "I'm comfortably numb" with this/that reallity.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

You really are one of my favourite posters here at ATS.

Your integrity is top notch.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

Yes. Orange Man was good!

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Bugman82

A new study shows that approximately 279,000 lives have been saved so far by the vaccines in the USA. Overall death rates have also plummeted compared to last year since the vaccine rollout. I'm confused as to why people are still buying into vaccine fear narratives when they are clearly working so well.

Praise God, Donald Trump, and operation Warp speed!

Orange man good?

I started a thread way back in 2017 demonstrating how orange man was just like Moses.

Yes...Very very good!

edit on 7/8/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Hairy leg man good?

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
Did you know the phrase "deny ignorance" when facing an argument can actually create denial and ignorance in you.

I mean you're either all good or you're not bad.

They mean the same but they don't.

edit on 8-7-2021 by Panartisis because: Adding r's

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: BrujaRebooted

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: Bugman82

Wasn’t the infection rate already dropping before the vaccine, and despite the “Neanderthals” in Texas removing the mask mandate.

I think the vaccine push is to give credit to something that was already occurring.

I depends on where you lived. I took my first vax at a mass event at Magic Mtn. Ca. WHILE TRUMP WAS IN OFFICE. thousands of cars …. we stayed in our vehicles. COVID was raging in LA. only open to people 65 and over. Cases were INCREASING alarmingly in So. CA. Jan. 2021

Areas under strict lockdowns had covid raging?

yes Los Angeles, along with the rest of ca, was in lockdown, but in dense immigrant working poor neighborhoods it was raging. There was an unused hospital ship same as New York, and Ca Gov. Gruesome used nursing homes same as New York. It wasnt as bas as NY, but wasnt mentioned as much either. There were BLM riots and kids out of school running the ‘hoods.

In addition to the mass vaxing sites like the Coliseum and Magic Mtn. they were driving mobile vax vans around the ‘hoods. This was Jan. It peaked in Feb and was declining rapidily by Apr. Ca opened in June.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 08:27 PM
To what end...

Ms. Jane has documented experience with numerous patients and their maladies post jab. Other ATS members have shared the deteriorating health of those close to them post jab...and while others have said, "no problemo," we do know this:

As of May 31, 372 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis had been reported in VAERS after the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Another 201 cases of heart inflammation issues had been reported after the second dose of Moderna's vaccine. Nearly 80% of these reported cases occurred in men, with a median age of 24.

372 and 201 are big numbers and those are only the ones the MSM are reporting.

And this, July 5: 13-year-old Michigan boy dies after getting COVID-19 vaccine; CDC investigating

And this, July 6: Mom details 12-year-old daughter's extreme reactions to COVID vaccine, says she’s now in wheelchair

So, yeah, not buying the apple pie and everything is great - NCSWIC

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: Bugman82

A new study shows that approximately 279,000 lives have been saved so far by the vaccines in the USA. Overall death rates have also plummeted compared to last year since the vaccine rollout. I'm confused as to why people are still buying into vaccine fear narratives when they are clearly working so well.

And I really don't understand why drooling #tards can't get it through their thick skulls that "No thanks, end of discussion, please" is an actual expectation called "manners". If you're not willing to respect someone else's personal choices, yours don't matter at all, either. So chew on that for a while, and maybe connect a few dots.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: Bugman82

How can you know how many lives have been saved? I guess you are claiming you knew who was going to die, in advance.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 09:23 PM
Last year this time, there were way less people with the virus vs in the winter times. It is a seasonal virus that works in conjunction with other viruses to overload the system. I suppose when Fall gets here they will see a jump in vaccinated people with viruses and claim it is because they need a booster, the booster will be finished in February and again again when the number of people who get the viruses together declines in the spring they will take credit for stopping the new versions.

Evidence can be twisted to fit whatever narrative they want it to portray by those who control the rules.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: Bugman82

How can you know how many lives have been saved? I guess you are claiming you knew who was going to die, in advance.

They dialed back the repetitions on the test, now people are just dying of old age and other diseases. They can make up figures to show what they want.....don't worry, they know how to take care of us by making us believe in what they want us to believe in. Consensus of the time governs this reality, not truth.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Bugman82
Nature knows what she's doing when taking human lives.

If we interfere too much, the world will overpopulate.

We will be dooming our existence, unless we spread out to other planets.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: Bugman82

So effective that you need a booster shot less than 6 months later.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 11:04 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Steam, stream, what's an r between old friends eh?

I'm on a phone so I'm surprised I got as close as I did.

I'll take those pebbles from your hand if you're not careful with them Master Po.

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: nonspecific
Slate stream asked if there was a load of newcomers here today.

I assume he was referring to those of us not knee deep in anti Vax conspiracy.

I was pointing out that none of us were new and green and knew our ways around an ATS discussion.

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: nonspecific

A quick glance at the left shows that just about everyone involved at present has been around for a good few years.

Old carpet seems newish at around 15 months but given the 2 at the end we could guess that he's been here longer and made a new account at some point.

originally posted by: slatesteam

Is is just me, or are there an influx of “newcomers” lately?


I was Oldcarpy but changed jobs and had no access to my old email so had to open a new account.

Problem with that?
Slate stream? I dunno that guy. Must be new here.

Riddle me this: if you’re so adept and deft at the lingo around here, how did you get any inference at all at my jab? Sounds like words in that dudes mouth…

You assume much young grasshopper. “Deny ignorance”
You’ll do no such thing. Answer the question or frankly I really don’t care what you have to say.

I’ll hand ya this though, y’all been swinging for the fences tonight!

I ain’t getting the jab. Don’t assume, “because you know, the thing” (that’s me impersonating Biden).

Have a good one.

edit on 8-7-2021 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-7-2021 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: Ksihkehe

You really are one of my favourite posters here at ATS.

Your integrity is top notch.

posted on Jul, 9 2021 @ 04:06 AM
Eh sheep, bleet. I like to consider myself semi grounded. But for a conspiracy site, there seems to be quite a few folks, the both of you included that act like, make threads/comments that put you well into the camp of goverment/tptb cheerleaders.
I mean no offense at that statement. It takes all types to actually gave a debate on a given topic. So I like to assume you have some sort of conspiratorial mind.
Could I ask you, what brought you here, was it aliens, sasquatch, a lil JFK action? Or was it some sweet troll money offered by a dude in a suit?

a reply to: Oldcarpy2

posted on Jul, 9 2021 @ 04:13 AM
I'm not entirely sure what the question was.

Ask me again and I'll do my utmost to answer it.

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: nonspecific
Steam, stream, what's an r between old friends eh?

I'm on a phone so I'm surprised I got as close as I did.

I'll take those pebbles from your hand if you're not careful with them Master Po.

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: nonspecific
Slate stream asked if there was a load of newcomers here today.

I assume he was referring to those of us not knee deep in anti Vax conspiracy.

I was pointing out that none of us were new and green and knew our ways around an ATS discussion.

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: nonspecific

A quick glance at the left shows that just about everyone involved at present has been around for a good few years.

Old carpet seems newish at around 15 months but given the 2 at the end we could guess that he's been here longer and made a new account at some point.

originally posted by: slatesteam

Is is just me, or are there an influx of “newcomers” lately?


I was Oldcarpy but changed jobs and had no access to my old email so had to open a new account.

Problem with that?
Slate stream? I dunno that guy. Must be new here.

Riddle me this: if you’re so adept and deft at the lingo around here, how did you get any inference at all at my jab? Sounds like words in that dudes mouth…

You assume much young grasshopper. “Deny ignorance”
You’ll do no such thing. Answer the question or frankly I really don’t care what you have to say.

I’ll hand ya this though, y’all been swinging for the fences tonight!

I ain’t getting the jab. Don’t assume, “because you know, the thing” (that’s me impersonating Biden).

Have a good one.

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