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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

The thumb in the hole used to mean "anal sex" when I was about their age, which one kid is presenting and the other kid with the index finger in the hole was "straight sex". The two kids were saying we're getting it both ways.

I like the crocks, like they're meaning, IMHO, "we're here with a 'crock of shizz' ".

The President Trump hats and shirt were an added touch...

Luvin' It!
edit on 9/13/2021 by NightFlight because: Democrats are now communists, cut them no slack and give the NO comfort!

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 12:00 PM
Donald Trump is railing against George Bush online. I'm not sure where the comments are coming from though as I didn't see a link. Anyways, he is basically saying that Bush needs to shut up. Bush recently told America that "terrorists" on the right are a big threat right now. Trump took him to task and said if they're a bigger threat than terrorists from foreign countries who are currently pouring across our border, then why did he get us into the quagmire in the middle east? He spent trillions of dollars and killed perhaps millions of people. He tiptoed around blaming Bush for 9-11 by saying that the towers came down under his watch and as such he shouldn't be lecturing anyone about anything because his entire presidency was a failure.

Ouch. šŸ˜‚

I see this as a pretty big deal, actually. The reason why is because there has been this sort of unwritten code in place with ex Presidents. They typically (we're going to exclude Obama here because he's an obvious usurper) don't get in the middle of partisanship or openly criticize fellow POTUS'. I believe it was Kennedy who once said that he will never criticize a former POTUS because it isn't appropriate to do so. Unless someone has actually sat at that desk and been faced with those decisions, they cannot possibly understand the pressure the POTUS is under.

And for the most part George Bush has stayed out of the lime light after leaving office. He plays things down the middle and doesn't get involved in the political stuff. Until now apparently. This is a pretty dramatic shift in his behavior. I'm thinking he must be feeling pressure. Perhaps nervous about the 9-11 releases?
edit on 13-9-2021 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
I have no words. I do have a question tho: Real Biden or fake Biden?

Just a thought regarding the fake Bidens.

I don't have a very good eye for faces, but I do have a pretty good ear. Biden has a distinctive voice, with a tone and pace like he's trying to sound patient and reasonable. The different Bidens do sound alike. How do they do that?

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 12:33 PM
On November 20, 2019, a "war game" was held at the Harvard Kennedy Schoolā€™s JFK Jr. Forum which was played out as China announces a Central Bank Digital Currency that will challenge the US dollar and S.W.I.F.T. system of planetary exchange. The critical date forecast was November, 2021.

As Covid was spinning around Wuhan a ā€œDigital Currency Wars: A National Security Crisis Simulationā€ was taking place:

Harvard Kennedy Schoolā€™s JFK Jr. Forum was transformed into the White House Situation Room Tuesday with Harvard and MIT faculty and former government officials portraying National Security Council members and other officials charged with developing ā€“ in an hourā€™s time ā€“ options for the president to respond to a national security crisis.

The date of the simulated crisis: Nov. 19, 2021 ā€“ The situation: North Korea successfully launched a warhead-tipped missile into the Philippine Sea near Guam ā€“ openly defying financial sanctions by using Chinaā€™s new and extremely popular digital currency (digital yuan) to hide payments for arms, raw nuclear materials, rocket fuel, and other sanctioned products. Since these transactions operate on Chinese-owned infrastructure, North Koreaā€™s economic activity is hidden from U.S. authorities.

The above 7min clip is from this full crisis simulation:

Trials of the digital yuan began in May 2020 in four cities ā€“ Shenzhen, Suzhou, Chengdu and the Xiongan zone near Beijing.
How is the US planning to combat the rise of the digital yuan?

The Pyongyang parade was marching several nights ago in their gasmasks and bright red bunnysuits. Chem/bio masks sure, but orange/red suits?? Just a show or are they planning for the next big event? Makes ya wonder...

Lehman-Like Debt Default Crisis Threatens Global Markets
In today's show, you will learn why a debt default by China's Evergrande could threaten to crash global markets, why a former Fed official is warning of an imminent financial crisis the Fed is unprepared to stop, why large-cap stocks continue higher, why Morgan Stanley is cutting their GDP forecasts, and a look at the credit markets.

Remember, remember, the 5th of November. Will November be crash month?

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 01:15 PM
They are rioting in France over the vaccine passport thing.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 01:19 PM
I don't think this idiot means to normalize, I actually think his staff thinks this is a selling point. What is odd is the bizarre juxtaposition. "Come to Alaska to GET the jab" instead of "get the jab to come to Alaska."

There is no unified voice or front, the war is being raged without a central authority. This matters, there is no one at the top anymore, only stooges and they have never taken charge, the cannot lead, as they were chosen because they are not leaders.

I can see it, I hope others can, as this is the sign the war has hit its stride, but it is also a sign those at the top are the very very few and taking out some big known names will hurt them in ways like never before. After all, The Queen Not Queen "let" her son be served in a lawsuit centered around rape. Powerless.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
On November 20, 2019, a "war game" was held at the Harvard Kennedy Schoolā€™s JFK Jr. Forum which was played out as China announces a Central Bank Digital Currency that will challenge the US dollar and S.W.I.F.T. system of planetary exchange. The critical date forecast was November, 2021.

As Covid was spinning around Wuhan a ā€œDigital Currency Wars: A National Security Crisis Simulationā€ was taking place:

Harvard Kennedy Schoolā€™s JFK Jr. Forum was transformed into the White House Situation Room Tuesday with Harvard and MIT faculty and former government officials portraying National Security Council members and other officials charged with developing ā€“ in an hourā€™s time ā€“ options for the president to respond to a national security crisis.


"...our COERCIVE power through SWIFT." Hmm. Really, so the settlement system isn't about settlement at all, but about control?

What is ISO 20022?

This is funny on so many levels. The pretending as if the banking people are just behind the times, working to catch up in the new age of digital this and that is hilarious. As if a 6000 year old death/debt cult suddenly lost the plot because a mysterious guy name Satoshi showed up is beyond comical, let alone that the NK boogey man exists because something something digital.

The only questions is the POV when the old system is wiped. All debt based control systems are planned at least 100 years in advance (and out of time/space), they are all dead men walking from the day they are created = immutable fact.

edit on Mon Sep 13 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed Trim Those Quotes

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 01:51 PM
If there was ever a picture that had comms behind it, this one is a strong contender. Also does anyone know if there's ever been a picture of 46 and that letter together? To me, it screams "you are watching a movie/enjoy the show".

edit on 13-9-2021 by TheBeginningisNear because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 01:52 PM
Never mind, I'm confused.
edit on 9/13/2021 by cimmerius because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Remember, remember, the 5th of November. Will November be crash month?

ETMN I had that saying stuck in my head last night and I didn't post about it. Then to see you echo my thoughts today is kind of liberating. I think there is something to it or at least my gut does
SO in honor of that I will share the thought I had upon waking up today. What if, to combat the vax mandates, we started pushing the "forbidden acts" to the extreme? What I mean is why don't we start pushing the mandates to the extreme? Add to the list of things people should not do "in the name of public health". Eliminate extra curricular sports at schools for example, that would get more people mad as that is a cash cow for both the public school systems and college's. BY using the for "public health" and hitting certain groups in the purse we could get the message out on how ridiculous these mandates are. Just some food for thought.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: CAPT PROTON

Yes, but apparently Trump was actually at that fight last night. On the 20th anniversary of 9-11 no less. I feel pretty confident that that event last night was a marker of some sort. For what is anyone's guess at this point, but as soon as I saw Trump would be at a fight on the anniversary of 9-11 with a fight poster with the words "No Holds Barred" (very strange wording to put on a fight poster for a boxing match as literally all holds are barred) I knew that was a not so subtle message to anons.

I wish I could have watched the fight to hear what Trump had to say, but my Razorbacks were playing Texas last night and that Trumps a couple has been fighters in my world.

Arkansas beat the damn brakes off the Longhorns too, for what it's worth. WPS!!

Woooooo Pig SUEY Razobacks.

The only bad thing to come out of Arkansas were the Clintons that I ever saw. Good people in Ar kansas.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 02:45 PM
Looking a bit more. Finding a few more anomalies. Can't tell what the number is on the kid's shirt "427?"

Note, the girl being held up makes 9 kids, two red pillars = 911

IIRC, is the Asian SS agent not the one outed on DJT's team at some point?

There is a "Q" on the cabinet.
An "S" highlighted on the cabinet door.
"SA" in her shirt.
"Armor" (of god) on her shorts.

Was it @Dan that posted a pic of Melania holding the "I'll be back t-shirt?"

Joe surrounded by Kids is NEVER a good thing, NEVER.

Let's go deeper.

Gematria Shanksville 132 792 93

Flight 93

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

It's ISO 20022 compliant and the ink dries in 4 seconds!

They been pushing it for awhile @SwiftCommunity and Payment Infrastructure News

"A CBDC's goal is ultimately to preserve the best elements of our current systems while still allowing a safe space for tomorrow's innovation. To do so, central banks have to act while the current system is still in place ā€“ and to act now." @BIS_org's @BCoeure at the Eurofi.

And in the follow the science mantra as long as it fits the agenda.
To boost, or not to boost...

COVID-19 vaccine boosters not widely needed, top FDA and WHO scientists say

The scientists said more evidence was needed to justify boosters. That view disagrees with U.S. government plans to begin offering another round of shots to many fully vaccinated Americans as soon as next week, contingent on approval from health regulators.

Immortal Kissinger meets with Chinese Amb. The war is over. USA is out of Eurasia and The Middle East. China wants US tech. Covid can go away now. (just a thought)

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 03:29 PM
I hate to be that guy butā€¦.yā€™all really think ā€œQā€ utilized half a dozen kids under 13 to make certain hand gestures and various poses as a signal or coms?
Can we take a step back for a minute. Can we be honest about where we are headed and the corruption that exists while also being rational? Itā€™s just not logical to wage a war on pedophelia and then turn around and USE minors for a message.
Itā€™s things like this that I feel does a disservice. Like 80s movie titles and being comms.
edit on 13-9-2021 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: Cameoii

Cheers for the value add on the "chain link" voting connection... am not aware of that sign over in the UK.

To save space... and apologies if mentioned already but we have been told to record resignations:

The Department of Homeland Security Chief of Staff has resigned unexpectedly! Storm Rider telegram post:

Homeland Security Chief unexpectedly RESIGNS from crisis-hit agency

Karen Olick, chief of staff to embattled DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas ā€œhas decided to resign her position and pursue new opportunitiesā€ it's been announced.

Jennifer Higgins, director of Refugee, Asylum and International Operations at US Citizenship and Immigration Services will step into the role temporarily.

In a farewell note, Olick said: ā€œThough too often underappreciated by our fellow citizens, I am continually struck by how many millions of Americans sleep in safety every night because so many at DHS do not sleep.ā€

Don't let the bed BUGS listen, or... bite.

edit on 13-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Cameoii

In a farewell note, Olick said: ā€œThough too often underappreciated by our fellow citizens, I am continually struck by how many millions of Americans sleep in safety every night because so many at DHS do not sleep.ā€

Those who know donā€™t sleep.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
I hate to be that guy butā€¦.yā€™all really think ā€œQā€ utilized half a dozen kids under 13 to make certain hand gestures and various poses as a signal or coms?
Can we take a step back for a minute. Can we be honest about where we are headed and the corruption that exists while also being rational? Itā€™s just not logical to wage a war on pedophelia and then turn around and USE minors for a message.
Itā€™s things like this that I feel does a disservice. Like 80s movie titles and being comms.

Q = "did" or Symbolism exists are two different things.

The symbolism is there, there is no denying it. Factual. Who did it? That is to be determined by POV. Was it done by Team Joe? The SS? Q team? Or did the event never happen and that picture was manufactured by either Black or White Hats and released for imagery.

We follow the symbols. There are too many to be ignored. One maybe, two maybe. Either way, that is what this thread is about, not a reduction to what some may feel is "Q" or not. The entire movement and energy has changed from day one, from last week even, clinging to the "no outside comms" aspect wasn't relevant then or now. Q never said anything about ignoring symbols as blatant as this. Q did say to look to the "news" which, if I am not mistaken, is a news image.

This is symbolism.

In all of these events there are "wranglers" and they are tasked with setting up the photo ops, as pre-determined by those coordinating the event - nothing is random in these events. This is SOP. So someone, next to Joe, got kids who are clearly MAGA symbols to surround Joe. So did they do this as an FU to DJT and MAGA Folks? Did they do this to signal Joe's time is up? Or...

It is entirely possible this might signal a release of Joe's indiscretions.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 04:05 PM
The Q box part sureā€¦anything else is no different than the old saying ā€œsix degrees of separationā€ I mean if my kids were going to a photo op that joe was around Iā€™d put a patriotic shirt on them too.
A statistician can make numbers look a way that ANYONE wants. Thatā€™s my issue with gematra, inverse numbers, decodes, etc.
I mean this as no slight. And I donā€™t want to come off as abrasive.
I see the overwhelming majority that contribute in here have a similar desire/goal. Rid the deep state corruption, return the fundamentals of our constitutional republic.

But itā€™s been mentioned by others before, that sometimes making connections out of anything isnā€™t something. At least in my opinion.
And if the goal is to awaken the masses. I donā€™t know that suggesting kids standing with their fingers a certain way was intentional and for reasons we donā€™t know.
At some point one begs the question. Which ā€œdeep stateā€ and which ā€œopā€ really is the ā€œwhite hatā€ we are at the point where W people say the deep state is going to have a global reset. Then they say oh but nesara. To me that reads the exact same thing but different operators
Now we are told that behind the scene actors are playing a game that us plebs canā€™t understand and they may be white hats or they may not. Again that shows me two groups doing the same thing. If anything it begins to raise more doubts than answers. It drives one to the point of absolutely nothing is real or believable so Iā€™ll just see yā€™all in the woods someday while we are trying to survive the apocalypse

For this movement to have credence and a standing I believe that we should be able to have these conversations and questions of eachother. I donā€™t mean to cast doubt on an entire movement, simply that we should always proceed with forethought
And maybe Iā€™m just jaded or simply donā€™t have the capacity to yet understand.
I am only here for the same reason as u all. But sometimes I get puzzled and felt I should speak vs sit in silence
edit on 13-9-2021 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 04:16 PM
What do you think about multiple agencies at work, Jan 6? Many were caught in the crossfire.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
This link to WXYZ-TV Channel 7's Facebook page was sent to me, they are asking ....

After the vaccines were available to everyone, did you lose an unvaccinated loved one to COVID-19? If you're willing to share your family's story, please DM us your contact information. We may reach out for a story we're working on.

You should look at the comments. The anger is palpable. The stories of people who have died AFTER the jab or been badly affected by them.
58k comments and 60k shares!

Wendy Wolfe
WXYZ-TV Channel 7 , enough already. You are turning into a FOX News. I have been loyal channel 7 watcher for most of my 60 years, but you are pushing me away with all your B.S. about people needing to be vaccinated. Enough with it already!

Katelyn Sfakianakis
No I lost a vaccinated one and another has GBS from the vaccine

Kim Hough-Franks
My mother passed away 3 weeks ago from covidā€¦ she was fully vaxxed back in January

...and all similar tales, thousands of them. Worth a look to get some perspective on the enormity of what's going on.
Maybe one if the reasons GP's are still keeping a low profile and referring so many minor ailments to A&E?
Link to post

Heart breaking.
Very, very sad Rainbows

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