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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric
That is a great thought. Would BitDefender do the trick?

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, re:

FWIW, the connections from Rel, myself and others seem to point to Sept 22nd as a key date. In some circles 22 and 11 are interchangeable.

"Could be something, could be nothing!" but...

I'd note that, building on my VIKINGS link to K, V and W, K = 11, V = 22 letters of alphabet.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Thanks for the great info on Blinken, troy!

It's like uncovering who was on the Business Case and Strategy team on a project, as the project is about to go LIVE.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: Caled
She was born in November of 1974, and is just shy of 47 years old. Nobody is a nobody.

She is still a nobody, compared to the title she granted herself.

Also, just proves my point even better, she would have been 22 when the pic in question was taken.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, my understanding, from earlier in the thread/storyline, is that goog started releasing more results through their algorithm, precisely because DuckDuckGo was returning a more truthful data set and were getting a better reputation than google, causing an exodus of public away from goog to DDG.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, re:

It is a group effort here. No one person has all the solutions. It is cumulative knowledge.

I'd compare the team to electronic parts on a PCB Motherboard... in the thread, we've got:

Power supply
Passive Filters

all contributing to the smooth working of the whole.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel did you catch the loop post Plane ticket E5 row 22A 8:30 A.m. Shows a picture of a thrid shot with 40mg/.4 ml and a purple vaccine passport with a check.
Then 17h Status Immune.

And this one> Marvel Studios The Falcon. I suppose that refers to the new Falcon and the Winter Soldier?

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Maybe that's why daskakik has re-joined the conversation?

Actually I just had to comment because I couldn't believe you actually thought those two ladies looked anything alike.

You brought up the 3D-5D thing afterwards.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Yes T1, saw the plane ticket one... but just realised that it reinforces cranky's point about 11th/22nd because:

Plane ticket E5 row 22A 8:30

E5 = 5x5
22 = V = 22nd
22A = 22+1 = 23 = W
8:30 = 8+3= 11 = K = 11th

Since we've been talking 5D densities/dimensions, we should consider that PLANE can also be a dimension.
From Merriam Webster:

a level of existence, consciousness, or development on the intellectual plane

edit on 1-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: MagesticEsoteric

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Thanks Rel. I will try and see if that works. My research today revealed another problem with Goog search and might be relevant to others here. Goog is shortening the list to what it thinks is most relevant. I did a refresh and there was the very article I was looking for. It really should not be this difficult to find information. Quite frustrating. Do you think Duck Duck Go would work better?

Just poking my nose in to offer something I heard today in regards to search engines. Could be nothing and I haven’t tried it yet.

It was suggested to use a vpn and use search engines from other countries. I was unaware that countries had their own search engines 🤷‍♀️ I’m just a dumb American lol

I have used Yandex on occasion. Comparable function to Goog.

Based in Russia. Most returns are in English. Not that it's super awesome or anything. It's a solid option. I don't expect pure unfiltered information, but their priorities are different, and not run by US politics.

Their image search has a nice feature of offering similar or related images, and it's easy to visit their source website for further info.

edit on 9/1/2021 by cimmerius because: clarity

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 06:13 PM
FYI, Il Donaldo Trumpo twitter FOLLOWING count has jumped to 4783 from yesterday's 4748!

So now 170 to go until it hits the last post number of #4953

A bit of detail... it went from:
4748 > 4749 > 4750 > 4751 > 4750 > 4781 > 4783

#4783 = Comey connections to Clinton Foundation
#4781 = Kamala's hubby leaving DLA Piper
#4750 = Which foreigners control the Democrat Party

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 06:18 PM
The Central Banks Intend to Lay Claim to Bodies and Minds

Technocracy on steroids.

We are reaching a point where it is no longer sustainable in our present trajectory, in terms of consumption of material goods. This “Great Reset” that is being framed as stakeholder capitalism, like the newer kinder version of capitalism, will essentially mean conditioning people to “live” within smaller physical footprints & virtualized spaces in digital environments. We are being pushed into the virtual world. That is where the new economic model of capitalist growth is happening.

The infrastructure has already been set up to create both Augmented Reality physical world spaces, the spatial web, and then there is this parallel world that is linked to the exterior world that is a virtualized world of gaming. The idea that we will live in these games & that you will have an avatar that is coming out of Epic Games in the Research Triangle Park & their Unreal Engine.

It’s all military R&D. The research comes out of a military space. We will exist as characters in their mind. This is how they imagine it. Those in power imagine that we will be virtualized as almost like characters in the game of our lives and pushed into virtual spaces to consume digital items. Even when we are allowed to go out into the actual real world, we will be trackable & traceable through wearable technologies & this sort of global bio-security state that is rolling out with these pass systems. Digital identity systems will track our real body as that character in real physical space & also in virtual space.

When James Bullard, the CEO of the St. Louis Federal Reserve, called for testing every person every day this Spring, you have to wonder if he was thinking about Graphene biosensors that transmit health data in real time to smart sensing environments. In this brave new world of pandemic preparedness, health security finance, vaccine bonds, and Goldman Sachs’ lockdown indices, the central banks intend to lay claim to bodies and minds.

Graphene-Based Sensors for Human Health Monitoring

Crypto Currency is the trojan horse to lure people onto the Blockchain tech. They are tokenizing EVERYTHING, don’t just think currency. Social impact bonds and pay for success deals, are designed to be data-driven. It is the “impact metrics” that enable the world’s richest to profit off misery.

“Before taking that mRNA “software of life” jab consider the broader implications of joining WEF’s Internet of Bodies. This RAND report on risks and opportunities of IoB was funded by Jacques DuBois, former chair Swiss Reinsurance Ltd.” – Alison McDowell, A Wrench in the Gears

The Central Banks Intend to Lay Claim to Bodies and Minds - one helluva read!!

Swiss Reinsurance Company aka "Swiss Re" headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland is the World's largest reinsurer..."Insurance policy" on an insurance policy.

Swiss Re was the lead insurer of the World Trade Center at the time of 9/11.

Swiss Re is connected to Clinton/CGI and of course they are a WEF partner.

President Clinton, Secretary Clinton Announce 29 New Projects for Resiliency and Disaster Recovery at Clinton Foundation Meeting in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

The Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative are grateful to Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Secunda Family Foundation for their collaboration in convening this meeting. Our work would not be possible without the generous year-round support of IBM, Swiss Re,...


Transhumanism, Bodyhacking, Biohacking, and More

The IoB is related to several movements outside of formal health care focused on integrating human bodies with technology. Next, we summarize some of these concepts, though there is much overlap and inter-changeability among them. Transhumanism is a worldview and political movement advocating for the transcendence of humanity beyond current human capabilities.

The Internet of Bodies - RAND Corp, 37-page PDF.

IOB examples from the RAND report:

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 06:33 PM
Last time we got an update on SEALED indictments, it was at around the 210k level I think.

Using this website the figure seems to have gone to:

276,959 SEALED Indictments made since start
30,851 have been UNSEALED
246,108 SEALED remaining

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 07:24 PM
Biden, Democrats Respond After Supreme Court Does Not Step in to Stop Texas Abortion Law

They are obsessed with killing kids and have been for ever. Oddly, they claim the right to kill the baby is "constitutionally protected" which is just a flat out lie.

“Among many other warnings, survivors warned that sexual assault is about abuse of power,& a judge credibly accused of such shouldn’t be trusted w the rights of the vulnerable. Now Roe is upended. But we’re not going anywhere. This is a fight for our lives,” New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said.

She says unironically.

Also unironically Roe was in Texas, this is in Texas.

Also unironically Joe is a child molester and an alleged "catholic" of some ilk is said to be upset.

Also unironically Warren, who weighed in, gleefully celebrated her birthday at unplanned parenthood.

Also unironically unplanned parenthood, founded by a racist eugenicist to deal with the "negro problem," did a study last summer and determined that unplanned parenthood was a very racist organization to work at.

edit on 1-9-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 07:33 PM
Over the Counter Drugs including Vitamins. We should place them in the same category as the generic drug alert. Once again we have the active ingredients coming from China and India. Those active ingredients are sent to the pharmaceutical company to combine together to make the final product. We know that the solvent issue has contaminated many generics and we only know a few and since this patent technology was copied by other pharmaceutical companies we simply do not know how pervasive the problem is.
China and India provide the majority of active ingredients and the problem that we have is that U.S. Customs does not require sources of the drug's ingredients be disclosed on the bottle or packaging. The only labeling requirement is to show the country where the drug ingredients are all combined. Which means how do we know which ones are safe. We are really in the dark here.

Hunting around enemy territory I found Import Alert 66-66. They really hid that one. Hmmm what do we have here. U.S. Customs alert but it is not binding on our friends at the FDA. Why bother even issuing an alert if no one is doing anything about it or even required to take action.
This is dated August 8, 2021. Activating Pharmaceutical ingredients are misbranded. They do not meet the requirements for the labeling exemptions.
Seems that there is a large volume of bulk activating chemicals that may be misbranded. Someone on this side of the pond have found that by "supplying the NDA or IND # they can obtain entry of these drugs at the point of entry."
Why is this bad?
1. NDA/IND # does not cover the Source of the particular API [activating pharmaceutical ingredient].
2. The people importing the API have no authorization to refer to that specific NDA/IND#
Seems a big problem when the API's were not destined for use in the application referenced.

I looked around the red alert list and China has had some real eye openers such as having designer drugs attempting to enter through skin care products and sunscreen and some incidents of declaring it is from one manufacturer when it is from another.

Remember this is not binding on the FDA to do anything.

Just criminal behavior. Look at Heparin the blood thinner. People died and many suffered adverse reactions due to a contaminate introduced from a pharmaceutical company in China.
1. The chemical company in Chyna did not have a drug license!
2. The FDA did not inspect them and since they did not have a drug license Chyna did not send inspectors either.
3. The FDA confused the name of the company with another pharmaceutical company and gave the other pharmaceutical company a license
4. Due to worries about supply shortages the FDA still gave approval for the drug to be used with caution.

This is how they operate. Does this generate any confidence?

We have NO, as in No FDA.
Only thing I can suggest is do your research, try and buy natural vitamins and supplements made in the U.S.A.
For laughs my references and to think they are all taking home a salary and why should they get pensions???>articles>PMC 2249657>cms>importalert_ search August 8, 2021>2008_Chinese_heparin_a>article>heparin-S...>health>health-care>U-S-O... < Retired Brig. General John Adams "They can sell us medicines without any medicines in it." and Chyna has even banned inspections and if a company was found in violation the FDA would only send a warning letter and they would just file it where the sun doesn't shine.
Just shameful.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Yeah, Katie framed things nicely a day or two before it went down.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 07:46 PM

White card standalone. Also in the Youtube and shows person in a black coffin with red interior. It went off label in 2019 so lots of generics are out there and counterfeit products are over the moon. Check your source. If purchased on line it may not be safe.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Yes. I try not to post too many random videos, but it covered some interesting ground. It might even foreshadow another excuse for election fraud. I had a hard time framing my post exactly that way, so I settled on the proper name pun to carry the joke.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:22 PM
Analyzing BIPA’s newest class action trend: Targeting the use of voice-powered technologies

For the better part of 2020, class action lawsuits filed under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”) focused on the use of fingerprint biometrics for employer time and attendance purposes. As many anticipated, in 2021 a much broader range of biometric technologies have been targeted for BIPA class actions as compared to the prior year.

Now, companies are in the midst of a second wave of new BIPA filings, this time focused on the use of voice-powered technology. This newest trend in BIPA litigation provides several important takeaways for entities that collect and use voice data in their operations and that are now for the first time finding themselves in the crosshairs of biometric privacy class actions.

BIPA regulates the collection, use, and storage of “biometric identifiers,” which includes—among other things—“voiceprints.” However, the term “voiceprint” is not defined in Illinois’ biometric privacy statute.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:43 PM
DDG is corrupted try qwant
Some stuff from TG should put in the Really thread. t&c of course.
a reply to: Thoughtful1

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