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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: carewemust

The f***ers shouldn't be able to walk the street! Sorry I just watched the stuff McAfee released and it got to me. We have got to have some reform when this mess is over about how they spend our money. I know laws already exist, but it's not working. They spend our money to terrorize us then spend more of our money to ensure the protected they need because they terrorized us......

I bet there will be more coming out. This time with Huma Weiner and Hillary Clinton being seen doing what they do to get their jollies at the expense of innocent young children.

edit on 28-8-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: Starcrossd

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

Dr. Fauci's wife's secret plan to put psych drugs in drinking water??

Prof. Parker (Quackcine) Crutchfield’s study at Michigan University, secret psych drugs in public drinking water..."Compulsory moral bioenhancement should be covert."

Watch the Water.

Wow.. it just gets better and better with these people..

Thank God I've been on distilled water for over 20 years!

Check out this gem of an abstract (bolding mine)

Some theorists argue that moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory. I take this argument one step further, arguing that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then its administration ought to be covert rather than overt. This is to say that it is morally preferable for compulsory moral bioenhancement to be administered without the recipients knowing that they are receiving the enhancement. My argument for this is that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then its administration is a matter of public health, and for this reason should be governed by public health ethics. I argue that the covert administration of a compulsory moral bioenhancement program better conforms to public health ethics than does an overt compulsory program.In particular, a covert compulsory program promotes values such as liberty, utility, equality, and autonomy better than an overt program does. Thus, a covert compulsory moral bioenhancement program is morally preferable to an overt moral bioenhancement program.

When I was in college I took a course by the most respected medical ethics person in the country at the time. No idea how I got in.

Anywho. At the end of the semester he said "That is all there is in the world of medical ethics, you now know as much as I do." I can say this, the state of medical ethics in MY mind given the course was more remarkably incomplete, I was rather shocked at the lack of spiritual inclusion. He was great btw, brilliant, but the notion of spiritual involvement was nil. By contrast, the state of "ethics" then was stellar, as forced jabs would have been rejected outright within seconds.

We have devolved in the spiritual realm by the Fabian/Frankfurt/Dr. Fraud design almost to perfection. It is very hard to interact with those who are so spiritually dead they see the State as the arbiter of life.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, yes SEC meaning Securities and Exchange Commission!

What gets me though is that Mr Pool spent 3 months lining up that connection to #803, using 7 tweets/telegrams.

To me it infers that Mr Pool is either part of the M.I. team or a dialled in "Operator", else why make it such a complex set over such a period - rather than just 7 pictures on the same day; like many of his other clues?

I've pondered this too. My guess, there are several folks who post, regarding several topics and those who know know.

Here's what I surmise.

Loop/Pool point heavily toward the reset/gold etc. aspect of the war giving updates.

The United State's chief export is DOLLARS. Yes. So "crashing" the dollar for good as the doomies want is beyond foolish, it would be worse then nuclear war and take longer to fix. Literally hell on earth.

If there is a negative reset it happens under Team Joe, but will be temporary as Team Joe will take the fall but suffering will be immense.

If there is a positive reset it cannot happen under Team Joe, as he cannot be seen as a savior at this point - or ever. More importantly Team Joe isn't capable of positive no matter what, so it cannot come from that side, THOUGH, the tools can be put in place by them under Klaus Blowfeld's version of reset. The positive version will happen overnight or "thginrevo" likely a Sat/Sun.

Pool posted UBI last night. Universal Basic Income. The only reason for this would be to assist those who would be impacted but are not the target. Any White Hat effort would remove all the slush, the Cayman Islands for example would go broke, those rich on paper will be bust etc.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 01:12 PM

"countdown" = AZ? Durham? Both?

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 01:24 PM

The Matrix film is actually based upon ideas in this book.

The Matrix III

Valdamar Valerian (John Grace) has researched alien phenomena and interaction with human beings since 1969. He spent 18 months in Southeast Asia from 1970-71 as a combat photographer, where he saw much UFO activity.

After spending four years in England from 1980 to 1984 he gathered all the top research at his disposal and released what became known as ’The Krll Papers,’ forerunner of the 381-page book, ’The Matrix’, published in 1987. He began networking with researchers worldwide and started an organization known as Nevada Aerial Research Group (NAR).

Matrix Books by Valdamar Valerian

PDF downloads of Matrix - I thru IV.

4th Dimensional Shift to NEW EARTH – Val (Valdamar) Valerian interviewed by Laura Lee on October 3, 1992.

Orion Technology and other secret projects - A collection of Material from the book "Matrix III."

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 01:51 PM
Twit trending.

Will these be washed daily?

For those who have not responsibly taken their children out of school already.

I see clips of folks doing the speaking at the School Board events entirely wrong. The have not learned.

All the folks are attempting to use logic, reason, health etc. to PLEAD with their masters to change the CRT and Mask mandates. They go together btw. The system KNEW folks would fight back, at least a few, and put the very talking point and tactics in them pre CRT Mask changes.

Folks are foolish. Anyone speaking at a board meeting needs to do this. Turn your back on those hiding behind the masks and speak to the crowd. Then take back the power within. Simply tell all who will listen to remove the PRODUCT from the shelves and walk out. 100 pack the room. One says "that's it, we all remove our children today" and all 100 then leave. The argument is exactly what the system wants, it wants to DEFEAT the problematic ones in public.

Folks just don't get it. The State wants, craves, needs the kids. Removing the kids from the equation collapses the system in seconds. All the parents have ALL the power they need, yet they beg and plead as if they do not. It is right there within.

Remove the kids from school NOW. Crash the system NOW. It is soooooooooooo easy. So easy. Like, so easy.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I looked for the info on graphene in Pellegrino but did not find anything. Maybe it will roll back around later on.
You and WW have a great time......I need to get a wingman! lol

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

That's funny! I wish I knew more about hockey. From things I've seen on tv and movies I've always felt like hockey fans were a lot like high school and college football fans in the south........

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Well there should be carbon in the water since it's sparkling, but how do they know it's Graphene Oxide and not just carbon dioxide? I wonder if some people are trying to make panic, or just trying to get ahead of the ball with incomplete facts? In times like this one, both seem to occur.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 02:39 PM
World Economic Forum Continues to Celebrate Covid

When career traitor and Biden’s Climate Czar John Kerry promises to impose the Great Reset, at blitzkrieg intensity while keeping us distracted with silly circuses, he is talking about the dystopian totalitarian agenda developed by fellow globalists like those at the WEF/Davos club.

You will own nothing and be happy about it, growl WEF social engineers. They want us to eat larvae and fake meat. Not just bugs but to eat weeds. They want to read our heart signatures with lasers so that they can track our every move akin to a PKD novel even if we are all forced to wear Waffen Schutzstaffel unhealthy obedience masks & IoT (implant) devices forever...linkedIn to a Palantir database.

The Great Reset that the Biden Administration has promised to impose [BBB & B3W] was apparently inspired by dystopian sci-fi movies like Minority Report: (4min)

An earlier WEF video (that received mass outrage and WEF deleted the tweet) praised the pointless Covid lockdowns that crushed economies, freedom, and souls, because locking people in their homes reduces CO2, which is unclean according to leftist doctrine. In the video below, Oberwelt führer Bloschwab et al continue to boast that Covid hysteria is remaking the world more to their liking:

Take a peak at the future

There is a lot of "could" and "would" in that promo vid. But be leary of what they are trying to push on us. After the past 18 months, I'm way too cynical now to believe anything coming from the globalists.

We will be atomized and alienated from each other. We will rarely leave our homes. When we do leave, we will be tracked.

Although home schooling is a great idea, but not everyone is capable of doing it mostly because of job/status quo thing and many are still under false belief that their lives will return to the former long gone 'normal', and remote learning has been a total failure, costing kids a year of education. WEF wants more of it anyway, presumably because it can be centrally controlled.

The individual liberty that makes life meaningful has no place in liberal conceptions of utopia, where every aspect of existence will be determined for us in advance.

Nothing is ever hopeless, but the current situation is dire and bleak. Social trends tend to move like a pendulum, and while what is going on is not organic but Marxist social engineering, it will swing back with an eventual backlash, albeit only a minority of the brave and sane. Just don't count on space nazis to save you, it is up to us to work out our own salvation. I feel sorry for anyone in High School or college, you have it much worse than I did. This current civilization and culture is literally mentally ill and insane...And you rarely ever hear the msm jackals talk about it.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

"A deep inside look at the RFK Assassination on the announcement of Sirhan's parole. The true assassin (some claim) of RFK was Defense Contractor Lockheed Martin assassin Thane Eugene Cesar. With interview commentary from RFK Jr."

Thane Eugene Cesar, 77, the security guard falsely accused of killing RFK in June 1968, has just died. Attached is an excerpt of my 12th interview with him. BTW: I am the only person in the world who has interviewed both Cesar and Sirhan Sirhan, who did it and did it alone.
He died on Sept 11, 2019.

Dan Moldea

Hillary Clinton Makes RFK Assassination Remark.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 05:25 PM
Jack Posobiec Reveals Information About Jill Biden’s Input Into Afghanistan Decision

Worth noting: This tweet came after Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy criticized the First Lady over the weekend, saying she bears part of the blame for the situation in Afghanistan for allowing her “mentally frail” husband to run for office. rtmt&utm_medium=rtmt&utm_campaign=rtmt

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 05:26 PM
Is anyone else noticing, in their personal lives, an obvious concerted effort to fill your time and literally your mind with garbage? I'm going from one ridiculous distraction to the next. People won't even leave me to my thoughts for a minute to even enjoy my own distractions.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Is anyone else noticing, in their personal lives, an obvious concerted effort to fill your time and literally your mind with garbage? I'm going from one ridiculous distraction to the next. People won't even leave me to my thoughts for a minute to even enjoy my own distractions.

I have begun reading more, mostly books I read long in the past. I bring them with me when I go out to eat, get a beer at the pub, helps.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

You mean like, paper?

Wow. You must be old.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Vasa Croe

You mean like, paper?

Wow. You must be old.

Ha....old enough to have a fairly extensive book collection. Haven't read Bukowski since high school and started re-reading his stuff lately. Still just as enjoyable.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 06:29 PM
Find me images of a typical staff meeting at the Washington Post or New York Times.

Define corporate media and its consumers with a single image.

Ya gotta go back some 45 years in comics where Jack Kirby predicted servitude-lovers, fake AI people and the ongoing ruling class war against freedom freaks.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 06:59 PM

MAJOR FLARE WARNING: Sunspot AR2860 is big, angry, and it's directly facing Earth. The active region just unleashed a significant M4.7-class solar flare (Aug. 28 @ 0611 UT), probably hurling a CME toward Earth: movie. If current trends continue, a major X-flare could be in the offing, so stay tuned. 


edit on 8282021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

When was the last time a flare of this magnitude came directly at earth, and what were the results, if it was in the last 50 years?

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: MetalThunder

When was the last time a flare of this magnitude came directly at earth, and what were the results, if it was in the last 50 years?

The early 00's were filled with giant CME's directed here, including a few X class. Nothing much happened, at least not in the range of folks who scream "CME everyone duck" do now. Strange, when folks discover things the tend to go overboard and can't keep things in perspective.

Big I wish I could find the sound recording of a huge one that was really cool, I want to say Nov 2002 or 2003 ish, but I could be wrong. The sound was awesome.

I should add, that does not mean energy we see arriving from the Sun does not impact us, especially at a soul level, but the fear mongering related is annoying to me having watched this for 25 years. Fun fact, used to be when heaving solar energy was arriving, the sky turned to chemical soup like clockwork.
edit on 28-8-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

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