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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:09 AM

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Guyfriday
Guy, I keep hearing from credible peeps on tgram that China is broke and their army is dwindled down to very little.
Anyway I hope Biden is forced to resign!

They do seem to be broke, but their military isn't dwindling down. It wasn't as big as they have said it was for years. The fact that they had to run away from India after trying to set up an airstrip inside their boarder is very telling about how poor their military really is. China has a population issue that it lies about, they don't have the numbers they claim, and this can be seen in the true size of their military.

I'm not saying that they have a small military, but compared to what they say they have, well it's fractional at best.

I have to imagine that, if China really had the military power they claim to have, Taiwan would have been conquered decades ago.

Are there any estimates as to what China's real population is?

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:10 AM

Elon Musk unveils Tesla Bot, a humanoid robot that uses vehicle AI

"It's intended to be friendly," the carmaker's CEO joked......

edit on 8202021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
Activating the Oregon National Guard

Just leaving this here.

SALEM, Oregon — A coalition of bipartisan legislators and Gov. Kate Brown said they welcome Afghan refugees in Oregon as the Taliban takes control of much of Afghanistan, including the capital of Kabul.

The legislators, led by Sen. Kayse Jama and Rep. Khanh Pham, sent letters to Brown and Oregon's Congressional Delegation on Aug. 17. They called on President Biden to lift the refugee admission cap and take other emergency humanitarian actions.

"We are calling for the safe passage for people from Afghanistan who are facing immediate threats to their lives and the lives of their families," the letter said. "What we are facing now is a humanitarian crisis, we must meet this moment with the urgency it demands."

They can't even solve their homeless issue, but "hey, let's bring in more people from out of town". What's up in Oregon these days?

Oh and to be fair I bet that only three cities out of the 241 cities there will agree to take in these refugees.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

My guess is they have plenty of military power, but are unsure of their ability to project it over open water under wartime conditions.

What we are seeing now is a psychological softening-up campaign designed to make the Taiwanese believe that resistance will be futile and costly.


posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

That used to be the state in which drivers would honk their horns at cars with out of state license plates; a way of saying, "keep on going and don't stop here".


posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Cloward-Piven system overload warning. They HAVE a plan 🚨🚨

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Sadly there isn't any real number known. China inflates just about everything having to do with the number of people there. One thing to think about is that many of the cities that are counted as being full cities are known GHOST Cities with no one there other than a very limited staff to turn the lights on and off. Even with that I bet many of those cities are just automated.


So between purposely built GHOST cities, and the mass number of dead from the Plague, I would estimate that China has a lot of explaining to do. Currently the only reason anyone gives a damn what China says is because of their claim of having the most people in the world, I bet the tides will turn in India's favor when the truth comes out.

Something else to think about every country has to allow for their census to be audited by the UN, with the only exception being China. I think we will be needing something like the 3G dam to break in order to wash away the lies we are being told about the true population of China.
edit on 20-8-2021 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I wonder if anyone will make it to booster #8? (RIP)

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Guyfriday

That used to be the state in which drivers would honk their horns at cars with out of state license plates; a way of saying, "keep on going and don't stop here".


Now they do that to say; "Please take me with you".

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I wonder if anyone will make it to booster #8? (RIP)

Nah. It will be, "I saw the River Styx when they gave me number six"


posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:40 AM

We’re working to provide financial security to more and more people around the globe. Earth globe europe-africa Watch to learn how we’re helping to manage the retirement plans of millions of teachers and educational staff in the U.S:

China’s goal of doubling GDP by 2035 may seem ambitious considering its aging population. What can be done? The BlackRock Investment Institute sees the focus on quality of growth as key, not the quantity...
China’s needed productivity revolution

In an interview with China's state CGTN television, Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen said China would be able to contribute to Afghanistan’s development after the Taliban takeover, Thomas Reuters Foundation News reported.

China has signaled to the Taliban that it is ready to work with their new government, despite other countries’ hesitancy towards the group.

Any bets that's why BlackRock is investing in China, per advice from Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute Tom Donilon, President Obama’s former National Security Advisor (before Rice), and key advisor to Joe Biden throughout his career in politics.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I have heard much of the same thing and have watched reports that state China has lost millions pf people from Covid and the aftermath of Covid and teh flooding, all of which is being hidden. The thing I find interesting is many reports I have seen such as the border towns and cities is many of the people I have heard being killed or removed are the farmers and producers which helps to partially explain China's market for importing huge amounts of food. Now with the floods they have less and less ground available to farm and with the removal of the farmers and producers they are in trouble.

While I have never been to the ghost cities I have seen reports from people that have been there that some are already falling apart and not really built to last (which would be consistent with what China puts out). If that is the case any supplies housed in those cities may be potentially compromised just from the elements or rodent infestations.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Not what they wanted to find

And a hearty "no sh**, Sherlocks" to the ideologues at the FBI.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.


Pelosi and MSM will pay for 5 years of damaging our country. (Domestic terrorists)

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:47 AM
Did anyone see this on Telegram? Supposedly, this plane shouldn't be in operation.

Message to Cabal?
edit on 20-8-2021 by Alchemst7 because: added pic

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

Yep, like that flooded highway tunnel a few weeks back. China says less than a hundred people died in it. The truck driver that was transporting the bodies out said that his truck was full of people that died. The last reports I heard about had the number around 100K, but nothing more was spoken about this.

Then a few years ago there was that city in the mountains that got cut off by an earthquake. China stated that everyone had been evacuated from the city, but nobody was allowed to go in and see the damage. When survivors finally reached the media they claimed that the city was flooded due to a hill collapse and most of the people didn't make it out alive.

Imagine if a country like the United States lost 100 thousand people due to poor drainage and flooding. It would be all over the globe, but when it happens in China did it ever really happen?

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I had to come out of lurker mode just to say that it's Catalan or Valencian, two dialects spoken in Spain. Just FYI

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:57 AM
You guys might find this interesting... I've been following Romana Didulo's posts on telegram. She claims to the the sovereign queen of canada/commander in chief over the current corporate government and her following has been growing fast. Many online claim she is a larp or psyop. I have no knowledge one way or another but am amazed at the real life solutions she has been rolling out.

-Cease and desist orders. These are downloadable printed orders to be served in one's community to medical, military, stores, governments, politicians, school boards, religious leaders etc that demand an end to all covid vax/mask mandates.
Every canadian province has a page to report to whom/where orders have already been served. This expanded out to all other countries having a separate page. Canada 2.0 being used as the template for change in countries world wide.

-sign up for canada 2.0 military to do humanitarian work.
-sign up for med bed workers.

And today it's provincial pages for employers to post jobs that don't require vax or masks. Larp or not, I think that is a brilliant idea and am enjoying a little hopium of knowing that others out there are feeling the same way.

Personally, I think her credibility/background is less important than the outcome as this is empowering people to be creative and step out of their comfort zone. It gives a sense of power in numbers when dealing with covid mandates. It seems more about envisioning a peaceful transition to a better world along quantum lines.

She had set up a go fund me for people who lost their homes in the recent BC fires. Others called her a grifter but she asked for a team of volunteers to set up the bank accounts and screen fire victim applicants before any money was to be allocated and had until october to accept it from go fund me. The money was to go directly to approved builders not the applicant. I believe the go fund me account got pulled down because it wasn't tied to any bank account so the money couldn't go anywhere. As I understand it anyhow. It seemed like a good idea and people had donated to it.

That's it in a nutshell as I am lurking her profile landing page and can't for the life of me get on telegram to see replies or other people's comments.

Editing to add... all those cease and desist orders have the added benefit of potentially emotionally triggering any officials who were on the fence about their actions. If enough get out it could have huge influence as most people who are in positions of power and blindly support the regime will not have had much personal run ins with those in opposition. These could drive a wedge into the conscience of enough lower level players to make their support crumble.

edit on 20-8-2021 by igloo because: added thought

edit on 20-8-2021 by igloo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 11:59 AM

Funny how LEGO is a WEF partner

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: igloo

@Romana Didulo - not one tweet.🤔💥

Romana Didulo, president & CEO of Global Solutions Canada 2005-06 - Wealth Preservation Strategists.

Filipina orphan immigrant to Canada. Claims to be sort of "royalish" decent privilege? Set up Canada1st party last year, but has apparently got fed up waiting for the next general Election. Her reason for entering politics on her website is currently a Latin space filler.🤪

Anagram for Romana Didulo = Drama Duo Lion

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