Mole Rats in Space...Space Escape.
It's Back to Africa time. Every day isn't it? Lol.
I have wondered, and wondered why so, so much effort at exterminating the African people. I thought minerals, resources, water, tropical fruit just
what exactly. I do believe it must be about control of the land because whoever controls the African land has control of the Rat Moles! They only live
in Africa.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They may be ugly on the outside but it is what is on the inside that makes them special and really beautiful.
These Rat Moles live very long, in fact over 30 years. Consider most labs use mice and rats because of their short life span and rapid reproduction.
Inversion time alert.
1. Long Life.
2. Tumor resistant.
3. Cancer free.
4. Very healthy.
5. Ability to surpress pain, in fact they do not react even when exposed to acid burns.
6. They are able to repair mitochondrial damage in cells. This means whatever they have in them can treat everything from Alzhiemers to heart failure.
I am sure when the WHO and their big Pharma buddies discovered this... horrors of horrors...Our Profits! They knew and let people around the world die
from preventable diseases.
7. Erectile dysfunction no longer an issue.
8. Menopause no longer an issue.
This would destroy big pharma. We would not need any of their meds, maybe in a few orphan diseases and we could just shut them down. Just thinking out
loud maybe they feared we would discover this and there are researchers who have been studying them for years, but with the wrong focus, examining
their unique social hierarchy [like bees] instead of the insides. But these researches have now discovered this "something special".
Big pharma and the WHO,FDA,CDC and all of the other no goodknicks were in a dilema. What to do? Light bulb moment. We will create new diseases that
the Mole Rat can not treat, something genetically manipulated.
If the link is messed up just look up the Guardian and mole rats. Must, must read.