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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
At this point, it is almost impossible to parody the left-wing extremism of Disney. But this excellent video proves it can still be done:

There’s more to the creepy 2 min video than may immediately meet the eye. Joel Abbott breaks it down nicely.

That is 2020-21 in a nutshell. That's it, we need nothing else to define the madness. Very well done indeed.

BTW, that soundtrack, parody or not, actually induces suicidal tendencies in me.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
I can't find the Rusty Shackleford YouTube channel, it looks like it may have been taken down

Looks to be terminated. Here's the Rusty channel link I had saved from a few weeks ago.

Someone in the pinned comment said it was deleted.

I'm replying to you but this is for everybody.

Account was deleted a few days ago. I saw a screen grab of the message they got and it had some really strange TOS type violations listed, including spam. I suspect they didn't have any real grounds and had to throw some open ended TOS crap at them to make it look good. Overall I'm still just monitoring the whole McAfee circus. I'm waiting for McAfee telegram to mess up, the only real total screw up was at the very start they posted a fake tweet. The rest has been sufficiently nebulous to be unverifiable one way or another. Similar language to McAfee, but he's a pretty unique guy that's well documented. I don't think it would take very much talent to do a passable McAfee via texts, so I'll watch. It's easy to mimic him, but if they're faking it they'll screw up eventually.

Have a meme. I'm working on generating more. Nothing overt, trying to see what I might be able to get away with evading deletion. I think this is worded in a way that even with manual review a censor would have trouble deciding if I was a troll or just a really REALLY dumb Dr. Levine fan. There's a really thin line on getting things through.

I think a problem with modern memes is that they're no longer made to evade mainstream detection, they're too obvious in their criticism. Sometimes that's funny, but it's just a comic at that point and can be immediately dismissed by those who have adopted an adversarial view. I think they have more impact when they can spread, under the radar, but it still will trigger a tickle in the readers mind.

I could just be overthinking it, but memes used to be a tool. They're entertainment, but that's not their real power. Their power is in subverting the readers mind without them knowing, they can't reject this subversion because they don't recognize it or it confuses them. Culture jamming is an interesting topic if anybody is interested in this genre of activism.

I have come to terms with the fact that I am, as of the past few weeks, an activist. Everybody that cares about the current situation needs to reclaim the notion of activism from the filth that hijacked it. Activism isn't a leftist tool, it's a tool against power.

If you have suggestions for topics or particularly good images please let me know. I'm just going to try incubating ideas and see what happens. Anybody using social media I'd be curious to see if this evades detection. I may start rolling out a series of social media accounts, but still working on details. If anybody already works with bot farms or carpet bombing socials drop me a PM if you're interested, it's outside my wheelhouse.

Thanks to ETMN for typo corrections fast enough for me to correct the post with updated meme. Odd thing, the typo in the first meme was in my auto-correct library. I could have saved it to the library accidentally, but it's odd.
edit on 8/11/21 by Ksihkehe because: Fixed image added details

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 07:40 PM
More TRIGGER comms - "It's Time to Wake Up" - Nate Burruano telegram post shows POTUS45 statement today:


New statement from DJT.

β€œIt’s time to wake up!”

Post MAP references to Wake Up - many encode tomorrow, Aug 12th... which is 30 days before 9/11 = Done in 30!!!:

#812 = Aug 12th; tomorrow

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 0c9770 No.466308 πŸ“
Feb 22 2018 21:26:30 (EST)
They want you DIVIDED.
How can some be so blind?
Help them wake up.
Estimated 20mm reached.
Question everything.
Keep talking.
Stand up.
Fight fight fight.
How do they control children?
What prevents a child revealing the truth?

#1248 - again encodes Aug 12th!

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3b9a43 No.1159198 πŸ“
Apr 23 2018 14:56:35 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3b9a43 No.1159032 πŸ“
Apr 23 2018 14:47:11 (EST)
Happy hunting!πŸ“

Wake up!

URL is concerns about Red Cross... mentioned in Law of War!!!


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c2ded6 No.1184271 πŸ“
Apr 25 2018 15:33:17 (EST)
Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?


Timestamp encodes Aug 12th.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4442ef No.4198897 πŸ“
Dec 7 2018 12:47:50 (EST)
Scott Free = WWG1WGA
Q 0 = Q+
At what point do they WAKE UP?


Timestamp encodes mirrored Aug 12th.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a61e11 No.5594813 πŸ“
Mar 9 2019 18:12:57 (EST)
Nellie Ohr > C_A?
There are others within the FBI/DOJ linked to the C_A. t=on&utm_term=.df98c57998ebπŸ“
What access does a House member have?
What access does a House Committee member have?
Think [Brennan] spy campaign > US SENATE
What happens when the C_A targets [spy insertion] the Executive, House, Senate, DOJ, FBI, State, etc branches of the UNITED STATES GOV?
How many so-called 'former' C_A agents ran for House elections in 2018?
What party?
What happens when the C_A targets [spy + tech insertion] of GOOG, FB [LifeLog], Twitter, etc etc?πŸ“
What happens when people wake up to the fact that FB is a cover for LifeLog [DARPA]?
What happens when people discover all RT data [inputs + listening/camera/GPS meta] is being harvested and made accessible to Langley?
Charter of the NSA? DOMESTIC + FOREIGN?
Why is the C_A conducting an active umbrella collection campaign [stringer tangents to 9] against all US citizens through LifeLog [FB] absorb/tan targeting?
Bypass data encryption on phone/tablet etc?
Primary focus on elected officials?
Primary focus on elected officials in key sub committees?
Can activation occur of 'recording' local on device pre SCIF entry?
No logs.
No keys.
Ghost in-Ghost out.
People only engage security (+ escape vehicles) when they have something very serious to FEAR.
What is that FEAR for MZ?

Timestamp encodes Aug 12th


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58ea93 No.5629177 πŸ“
Mar 11 2019 17:30:49 (EST)πŸ“
4-6% [brainwashed] will never wake up even when presented w/ FACTS.πŸ“

Timestamp encodes Aug 12th


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef52a4 No.7978436 πŸ“
Jan 31 2020 12:22:57 (EST)πŸ“
What happens when people learn the TRUTH?
What happens when people WAKE UP?
They will not be able to walk down the street.


Timestamp encodes Aug 12th

#3839 - 839 encodes Aug 12th

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 04936c No.8057691 πŸ“
Feb 7 2020 00:19:03 (EST)πŸ“
It's time to wake up.

Chan post number also encodes Aug 12th.

#3957 - 857 encodes Aug 12th

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4b313a No.8113417 πŸ“
Feb 12 2020 11:56:44 (EST)
Highly sophisticated 'State-level' attacks [v 8kun] followed by FAKE NEWS attacks [v Q] the next day?
Ask yourself a simple question —– why?
It's time to wake up.

Timestamp encodes Aug 12th


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ca6538 No.9013220 πŸ“
May 3 2020 14:02:53 (EST)
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
It's time to wake up.


#4542 partial excerpt from Archbishop Vigano letter

The American people are mature and have now understood how much the mainstream media does not want to spread the truth but seeks to silence and distort it, spreading the lie that is useful for the purposes of their masters. However, it is important that the good – who are the majority – wake up from their sluggishness and do not accept being deceived by a minority of dishonest people with unavowable purposes. It is necessary that the good, the children of light, come together and make their voices heard. What more effective way is there to do this, Mr. President, than by prayer, asking the Lord to protect you, the United States, and all of humanity from this enormous attack of the Enemy? Before the power of prayer, the deceptions of the children of darkness will collapse, their plots will be revealed, their betrayal will be shown, their frightening power will end in nothing, brought to light and exposed for what it is: an infernal deception....

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 07:44 PM
Add to Rel's ^^^ Re: 911

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 07:57 PM
Team Joe is a mess, and it is only going to get worse as they are stupid, ham-fisted and stubborn.

edit on 11-8-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 08:03 PM

Context for the cue card if you missed yesterday's @Vid clip.

90 sec selfie vid clip

Evil bastards never rest...

Depending on how the jabba beta testing goes, there could be a fortune made in treating autoimmune disorders, assuming a mass dying does not occur first.πŸ™„

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
A lott converging ...
As miserable as it can be at times, I've met some great minds and learned along with others , wouldn't trade this timeline for the world ...It's a Wonderful Life !

Have FAITH in Humanity

edit on 8112021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

"It's a Wonderful Life"?

... are we all Clarence's - trying to earn our angel wings?

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I see what you did there in the wordsmithing. I like it. I noted you misspelled 'Undeniable' - fixed version...

Just a meme, but formal writing prefers 'cannot' vice can't.
You're right, Memetic warfare is real.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I see what you did there in the wordsmithing. I like it. I noted you misspelled 'Undeniable' - fixed version...

Just a meme, but formal writing prefers 'cannot' vice can't.
You're right, Memetic warfare is real.

I like it with cannot.

Thanks for the the typo note, I would have burned all my online identities and turned off my internet if I posted that outside here. I think I have time to edit the post and correct it.

ETA: Fixed, thanks ETMN. That word showed up again in my auto-correct. I have to manually remove it, but first I need to probably do 3 hours of intense boolean searches to figure out wtf setting that involves.
edit on 8/11/21 by Ksihkehe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Joe is blaming OPEC and also domestic gasoline station gougers, for the huge increase in gas prices.

Biden vows to find and stop the Gas crooks:

All the idiot has to do is look in the mirror if he wants to find the imbecile who's responsible for gas being 45% higher today than it was at this time last year.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I see what you did there in the wordsmithing. I like it. I noted you misspelled 'Undeniable' - fixed version...

Just a meme, but formal writing prefers 'cannot' vice can't.
You're right, Memetic warfare is real.

I like it with cannot.

Thanks for the the typo note, I would have burned all my online identities and turned off my internet if I posted that outside here. I think I have time to edit the post and correct it.

Meme's are a strange thing, the humorous serve a purpose too... Pressure relief. Questions work. Informers work.

It really is an effort to break up patterns within the consciousness of those who are open, those patterns which are in themselves, memes. You'd be surprised at the one sentence programs you find within folks - near infinite. Nearly ALL programming is meme sized.

At this point, most have decided what's what. So their presence help folks feel as though the are not alone because at least one other thought of X and others agreed enough and sent it out. Fact is, left can't meme so meme's are by definition a higher level expression.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

Joe is blaming OPEC and also domestic gasoline station gougers, for the huge increase in gas prices.

Biden vows to find and stop the Gas crooks:

All the idiot has to do is look in the mirror if he wants to find the imbecile who's responsible for gas being 45% higher today than it was at this time last year.

Funny how after 150 years in government he doesn't seem to know how anything works.

Note to MBS: tell Joe to pound sand.

Oddly, dumbass Team Joe doesn't realize that the higher oil prices are keeping inflation at a horrifying level instead of a nuclear level. Idiots.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
"Yeah, Russians punked me for my laptop and uploaded everything remotely using my own password..."
Put hunter in the octagon with Putin and let em go at each other in exhibition match, pay per view...talking crap should come with it's perks. Yeah?

Always Russia this Russia that with these characters of beguiling deceit!

edit on (8/11/2121 by loveguy because: Did ya see it?

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 09:20 PM
GOOD NEWS for those of us who want to see THE EVIDENCE, or LACK OF EVIDENCE, that Dominion Voting Systems were RIGGED to CHEAT for JOE BIDEN. (What was it Q said about introducing evidence legally?)

Dominion Voting Systems can move forward with its defamation lawsuits against Rudy Giuliani, attorney Sidney Powell and MyPillow and its CEO Mike Lindell, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday.
Continued at:

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 09:24 PM
"The bizarre offer of curing COVID-19 by shining light up the arse."

β€œSo supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light. […] And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way.”
― Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Trump was right again about "inserting UV light."

It's called the Healight.
β€” Mark Dice (@MarkDice) April 25, 2020

Article is from April 2020 that I missed. It's been retweeted by Scott Adams because of wacky Psaki's comment today.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Even though higher gas prices hurt my bottom-line, I'm willing to endure the pain of $5, $8, or even $10 dollar a gallon gas prices...and the massive inflation they will bring to everything that's transported by truck, plane, or train.

Whatever makes Joe Biden's administration look bad, and Democrats feel pain, I'm 100% in favor of...regardless of the personal cost.

We have to guarantee that no level of Democratic cheating in November 2022 will be enough to overcome what can be a massive rejection of Democrats all over the all levels of government.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Sometimes, reality is even stranger than meems.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Is that girly-man really in the administration at a high level? Any press briefings?

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 09:52 PM
In Feb. 2021 "the woke" with the help Justin Bieber decided to cancel Morgan Wallen's career over a supposed racial slur. I say supposed because the young country music star was A. Drunk B. Talking to and about his white friend C. was in his own parking lot. The definition of the word used is lazy or a thief. I can't of course find that online but looked it up as a teenager in an Merriam Webster that I found in the library.

In video obtained by TMZ and published Tuesday, a rowdy Wallen and his friends pull up in cars to his Tennessee home. As Wallen heads inside, he shouts to a friend, "Hey, take care of this "p---- ass motherf-----. ... Take care of tMorgan Wallen Hurls N-Word Outside Home After Rowdy Night Out ( p---- ass n-----."

This was last week in Nashville at a Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean, and Tyler Hubbard(the Ga. half of Florida Georgia Line for those who don't know) Notice what Wallen says when he first speaks to the crowd about "being true to himself.

This is just a better shot of the crowd size but is a different song. If you want to forward to 2.30 mark you might skip some repetitive parts from the last video that was edited. You might like to read the comments on this one.

I'm editing this to say, that I am honestly not a racists, but one skin color does not get to "own" a damn word! I was not raised to use that word. My dad farmed and employeed more blacks( when there were no jobs available here for blacks) than whites. Everyone got paid the same regardless of skin color and he fired a white man once for demanding more pay. I attended 1st through 6th grade in a 30/70 mixture and those kids I went to school with those years, are still friends. I was however taught to that there were cultural differences and not to behave the same way that some blacks acted all those years ago. After, I got old enough to drive we hung out in town a lot, but not many blacks did. My boyfriends dad opened a video arcade/pool hall that some started coming to and I was there a lot, which is where I learned to play spades and was taught by 3 black boys who were always very nice and respectful to me and everyone else that I knew of. On weekends, after hours we pulled the blinds locked the doors and whites and blacks both played poker together. Have I said the word this guy said, yes to other white people! And damn, has anyone heard or what they say about or to whites.....just sayin to be clear. from 7th to 12th Catholic high school where the white boys called each other wetback, kraut and WAP nobody cried everyone laughed then tried to best each other. Why can't everyone just stay in their own freakin lane!

edit on R20212021kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago8 by RookQueen because: Add paragraph

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